Star faculty Anne Firor Scott and several other University professors were honored on separate occasions THE CHRONICLE ail over the globe. See page 3. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1990 DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15.000 VOL. 86. NO. 68 ASDU election van wore Gantt fliers Forum reveals flaws in By JONATHAN BLUM said "it seemed obvious" that she What was supposed to be a could coordinate the van's opera­ the new alcohol policy non-partisan van sponsored by tion while she was at the office. ASDU to bring voters to the polls Her other Election Day ac­ By PEGGY KRENDL people actually dispense the on Election Day became a mov­ tivities kept Pearcy unaware of A forum on the new alcohol alcohol. ing Democratic advertisement the posting of the flyers on the policy revealed flaws in the The policy states that when campaign flyers supporting van, she said. "I was very busy." policy's provisions for carders, "event monitors may not con­ Harvey Gantt were posted on the Pearcy was unaware of who petitions to hold parties dur­ sume alcohol at any time dur­ vehicle. was driving the van at any given ing the week, and distribution ing the day on which the event time, she said. Pearcy said she Efforts made by members of of cups. is held." However, the stu­ could not guarantee that all driv­ ASDU to inform the student body The Alcoholic Beverages Reg­ dents noted that the policy ers were somehow affiliated with about the incident may have ulations Review Committee does not make clear whether the University, even though the been dampened by University . will clarify these sections the carders or the servers can agreement with Transportation administrators. before the policy takes effect drink the day of the party. Services had that stipulation. ASDU President Connie on Jan. 7, 1991, said commit­ The committee said they had Pearcy said she suggested to Ex­ She was notified ofthe flyers' tee chair Maureen Cullins, as­ not considered that question, ternal Affairs Committee Chair presence by the secretary at the GEORGE IVEY/THE CHRONICLE sistant to the vice-president of but Dean for Student Life Richard Moore on the Friday ASDU office, who called her at student affairs. Suzanne Wasiolek noted that before the election that a van be the Democratic Party office after Connie Pearcy The forum, held yesterday, state law prevents people secured for transporting stu­ receiving phone calls from both to Pearcy to sign. She refused, was comprised of living group from drinking while they are dents and employees between the Office of Student Life and claiming that the University ad­ and fraternity presidents and serving alcohol. the polling sites and their homes. Transportation Services request­ ministration had told her they members asking questions According to the new policy, Moore, a Trinity sophomore, ing the flyers' removal. would deal with the situation, about the new policy to the parties at which alcohol is dis­ did obtain the use of a University "When I did find out [about the Moore said. committee. The students tributed can only be held be­ donated van. "[Pearcy] took it Gantt signs on the van], they Pearcy said she was "very pointed out some ambiguities tween 5 p.m. Thrusday and 5 from there," he said. came off," Pearcy said. hurt, very disappointed" that the in the policy. a.m. Sunday, but does have a The van was donated to ASDU "It was me, not ASDU," Pearcy Legislative Council had not provision which allows living by Transportation Services with said in accepting blame for the waited to talk to her before writ­ groups to petition for parties the understanding that it was to The new policy creates a incident. She called her actions ing the letter. to be held on other days of the be a "totally non-partisan system whereby groups must "irresponsible." The members of the council de­ week. The petition must be venture," said Mark Nielson, provide two monitors. One Moore said he found out about cided not to send the letter to The watches for underage presented to ASDU, the Inter­ manager of transportation ser­ the incident the next morning. Chronicle. drinkers at the source of dis­ fraternity Council, and the vices. Nielson said Transporta­ He suggested to the members of A few days later, Moore pursued tribution while the second Upperclass Housing Associa­ tion Services has loaned out vans the ASDU Legislative Council the matter with Pearcy again. watches for violations of the tion and it is then passed to for similar use in the past. that they write a letter to The "When I asked her later, she said policy throughout the rest of the Alcohol Beverages Regual- Pearcy, a Trinity senior, was Chronicle informing the student it had been taken care of," he the party. There must also be tions Review Committee for responsible for the van's opera­ body about the incident. "I felt said. a carder at the door who approval. tion throughout Election Day, students should know about it," Pearcy said she offered to write checks IDs and uses a rubber Because the policy states which she spent working at the Moore said. letters to The Chronicle and /or stamp to identify students Democratic Party office in Dur­ that petitions must be pres- The Legislative Council the Durham Morning Herald ex- who are 21 or older. Separate ham for the Gantt campaign. She drafted a letter which was given See PEARCY on page 5 • See ALCOHOL on page 6 • ASDU votes down appeal Cheney says to Congress to avoid war U.S. should fight Iraq By DAN BRADY writing the resolution was to ex­ ASDU legislators narrowly press students' desire to give eco­ By MICHEAL GORDON defeated a resolution that would nomic sanctions on Iraq more N.Y. Times News Service have called on Congress to con­ time to take effect, said co-spon­ WASHINGTON — Defense vene and discuss a peaceful sor David Richardson, a Trinity Secretary Dick Cheney told Con­ answer to the Middle East con­ senior. gress on Monday that military flict. "It is easy to sit down in our action rather than economic Opponents ofthe resolution ar­ chairs and let this thing slide sanctions is the only sure way of gued that the bill's content did by," said Trinity junior Sean forcing Iraqi troops to leave Ku­ not reflect the opinions of the Welton, who also sponsored the wait. student body and, even if it did, bill. "But we need to express our Cheney, rebutting suggestions the representatives needed time opinions." from key Democrats and many to consult their constituents In response to critics who said former military leaders that the before voting on such an issue. the representatives did not have United States wait a year or The resolution which was time to gauge the attitudes of more to see if economic sanctions defeated, 34-28 stated, in part, their constituents, Trinity sopho­ work, told the Senate Armed Ser­ "ASDU appeals to Congress to more Barry Starrfield said repre­ vices Committee that delaying prohibit the intiation of war by sentatives should already know military action for that period the United States against Iraq the opinions of their constitu­ would further damage the world until economic sanctions are ents. economy, allow Iraq to stiffen its given time to work . and that "If your dorm isn't talking defenses and risk the erosion of no decision ... is to substitute for about this [the Mideast crisis] the international effort to compel Congressional control of our then you might as well be going President Saddam Hussein of country's use of military force to UNC-Chapel Hill," he" said. Iraq to remove his forces from abroad." "This bill is just asking for the Kuwait. The resolution was conceived Constitution to be enforced. Con­ "There is no guarantee that shortly after Friday's Peacefest gress has the power to declare sanctions will force him out of anti-war demonstration and was war, not the President." Kuwait," Cheney said, adding submitted from the floor of Trinity sophomore Richard that the United States does not ASDU Monday night. Sponsors Moore said he feared this state­ GEORGE IVEY/THE CHRONICLE have "an indefinite period of time wrote it in response to the United ment did not reflect the attitudes Decking the dormitory to wait for sanctions to produce of a majority of students. Nations authorization of force to Trinity juniors Jessica Farnham and Leigh Culpepper engage the desired result." 'This resolution will get to the expel Iraq from Kuwait if it does in the very dangerous art of decorating the tree in an attempt "Given the nature of the not withdraw by Jan. 15,1991. press ... it will be the opinion of to enlighten the exam season. Nice try. regime, given Saddam Hussein's One of the sponsors' goals in See ASDU on page 6 • See SENATE on page 12 • PAGE 2 THE CHRONICLE TUESDAY/DECEMBER 4, 1990 World and National Newsfile Associated Press Rebelling Argentinian army factions surrender Racial violence in Miami: By SHIRLEY CHRISTIAN to retake the 15-story army headquarters. ing toward the city from the northern N.Y. Times News Service Miami youths set fires and threw rocks Late Monday morning, the army com­ province of Entre Rios, from which a rebel and bottles at police Monday night af­ BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Several mand announced the first of the recap­ column was reported trying to advance in ter six police officers were acquitted of hundred army dissidents rebelled early tures, saying it had retaken a battalion armored vehicles.
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