Ration CalenCiar is Slightly Cooler .1\00£,1£0 "(pOPS .tamp. N .•• a •• Q •• ,1,. A. ••• 'I MIAT .I.mp U ••,1 ... A.,. ali ••OCIS8EP 1'0001 .I.... p. _, 8 .na T npl.. 8.pl. lit; GASOLINE A IOWA; Lleht Sbowel'll in west ••• ,. ••••• plr. 11.,1. ~ I i PUIlL OIL p.r. 5 ••• , •••• 'fI- U, •• ,Ire 8e,&. SU; 8UO" ••,_ ._,. III .D. 18, ..... porUon today. SI~hUy eooler ••••1 ... .upl •• 0.1. I I: 8HAIIS lla.. , .1 ..,1 ... 0.1. In extreme liOutbe~ II; 'VaL OIL ,.r. 1 •• U ~ ••', '".''', •• plr. I ••• f,. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper In -FlVECENTS TBI A180ClATID ••1111 IOWA CITY. IOW~~lDAY. AUGUST 6. 1943 TBI AJlSOCIATID P.III VOLUME XlJll NUMBER 267 I Windl~ Ih OfU, Great Allied Victories Around the World ch fotrs IraYell~ ulliver, to send a 1.eh\, ~rn her armed lately:' Ing O.k. I nick, un 're du, IUS(! it e add, d Mrs and ~ lat the Il1pl at Soviets Take C'rel, Be . lg()r~d; Catania Falls 'n M.rs. letter -------------------------------- .--------------~----------~~~-- \Vas of CRACKS APPEAR IMMINENT IN 'FESTUNG EUROPE' In the latters ~Iali~ , ' s 'roops. Allies Surging ' Peace Not. Menti~ned Hall 01 Munda Airdrome Take"; Ie sun: lrward . ' • As,~adogho Cabinet E" : G" which mOUnt. NATtOHI ..HOtI ..._ .. ,. .T~wa,d ,Vital Holds Long.Meeting nllre Jap arrlson Trapped Jcore Greatest IMM"'Nf ~o.... COUA,.. ica tion spiclon Of nALY 41 NATtOHI ANt 'H"'OO' .""" ATJI,JEO ITEADQ ARTER,'] Tnl~ 01 TJJWE,"P PA­ ~vestl_ AUG _.Y .. '"10 tY I'OeCI Report Conference 01 UNITt. HAfiOtd' O'UNfIVH IFI , Friday (A P ) -l~alf of tlte Mundn ail'(lrome is in con· Russian Win Messina ,Pori Dealt With Measures trol ged to of Ameriean infantl'ym n, fighting with tank !;UPPOl't, and arning For Continuing War the entire Japanes gll.l'l'ison ther "is now compll't Iy en ircl J ims o( ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN and is being slowly d troy d," cn. D011g1as MacArthlll' an- Entire Nelli Line NOltTH AFRICA (AP)-Conquer­ By the J\nOclated Press nounced today. In Central Soviet I A In, Britlsb leiiona smashed Into Pri!Tle Minister Marshal Pietro Latcst report ft'om the N w Georgia fighting front in the on Begins to Totter Catania yesterday and fanned out 'Bado'glio's new Italian govern­ central . olomon,q itat d til. .Jllpan se su tained b ovy easua lties ,etition in twin sweeps that .shoved back tht'oughout daylong figllting Thut·. day a..'\ Americans. l'iz .d con­ G e r man rearguards from the ment held a .four-and-a-half hour livorce meeting Wednesday but Rome trol of th castetn sl~pcs of Kokengolo hi 11. Thot is b tw en the : cruel LONDON (AP)- Powel'ful southern and eastern slopes of Mt. Etna and brought nearer the final radio, in long summaries of action airstrip and th l'eYctm nt 81' os wh r planes 81'(' kept. They Red armies captuI' d .the Ger· taken, made no mention of any as in victory of the. Sicilian campaign 'rhe.'e forces s nt a . trong combat plttrol .. Iiring tht'ough tho man stronghold8 of Orel and at Messina. peace discussion. jU'l1g"le to the se8coa. t northwest, of thl' airdrome while Olll 'r Belgorod yesterday in the great­ Beain Mop-Vp The tenor of the many actions forces advanc c1 along" th south sid of the coveted I\irstrip. adopted, h,owever, indicated that est twin triumph (lver scored by AIl veteran : Brit.ish infantry' A spokesmllll /01' en l'aI MacAlthur said it apprared thllt all mo!)ped up machinegun nests and the government was concerned Russian troops in tbree sum­ .,rimarilY "with wiping out Fas­ possible Japane8f line.' of r treat to th north al' l'OV I'ed ' by 'snipers inside Sicily's )Ieading east our forcl's. Enemy holding. now have b en whittl d down to mers of war. coast port, armored scouts crushed cist vestiges in Italy jlnd poister­ 10 miles northwest along the vital ing 'up machinery lor continuing roughly 8 triangulal' area of ] ,500 Y/lJ'(ls Oil each . iell'. The double v i c1 0 t· y, an· road tirc)ing Mt. Etna and occu­ the ' 'war. In one action which Th princip!ll tank snppolt was g-iy n 10 thos(, which bRttl d nounced by Ma'-lihal Joseph Sta­ IPAIJj , pie!! Misterbianco and Paterno. .. might be Significant, the cOllncil theil' way on to th . slop <, . of Kok ogolo hill whi ch is Ii contimlll.­ lin in a special order of the day, .. Another Eighth arl)1y column ado'p~e~ rules gC!verring the press tion of Ribolo hill, ]lOW occupied by the Aml'ricuns, ab ut a mile threatened to roUapl>e the en· , headed due north along the coast "in relation to the state . of war." northeast of the fi Id . tire German defenscs in south­ toward Messh'l.a· :soine 55 mlIel All Journalists were required to Kok ngolo hill iii situated roughly half WilY ulonA' th eRllt-wpst central Russia and force the distant, with Aoireale nine miles have an . authorization from the Rxi. of 1\1\II1<1n with the dis­ .. from Catania the .immedlate prIze. ministry of popular culture to be Germans to fall back to tbe I revoked ' if the newspaper acted pel. al bays J'ilug'rd about the Dnieper river 270 miles to the The Germans aiready have bill's 110rt h Rst(,['/l basco begun withdrawiilg ' noJl-e~ential "contrary to national interests." Swedish Army Alert west. The measure, said Rome radiO, Tbi. n ar climalC action in "The legend of the Germans persOnnel [rom Sicily-as they had attempted in Tunisia. recordeq by the Associated Press, th oloOlons was keyed with that , Soviet troops lire allegedly "is of a transitory and exceptional For Nazi Retaliation continued fighting 0"; the ap­ unable to wage a successful of­ • • • Offtelal reports' said relations character and will be in force prOllches to Salamaua on north­ fensive in the summertime has 'until tbIi!e months ifier the cessa­ • been dispelled," Stalin told his between Germau .Dd U.llalls Government Announces eastern Ncw Guinea in which were woraenlnc. &lid one llallan tion 6f the state ot war while com­ troops which tonight were pursu­ petent organiutions revise the Enemy Use of Swedish Japanese counterattacks were de­ il1J! the Gprml\nI w08twud {Tom "ken a' CaJanla IBid tbat dur­ cisively repulsed. .... -., .... p ., ..... elb "I: preIS lor it6 i1'a~ual return to the Orel toward l3ryarrsk, and from fundamental prInciples of con­ Railways to Be Halted .. Belgoroct Into the Ukraine. kUled more Oe~ than I I LIKht American surface craft killed Enell.h." He Will' • laP­ stItutional liberties," STOCKHOLM' (AP)-With and the 13th alr/oroe maIntaIned • • • pe', foreed Inki the intantn. The council also allocated "mill­ The supreme eom~ander-In­ 400,000 Swedish tr60ps alert for pres ure on the Japanese In the ~ . ions of lire" to reconstruct smail . Solomons. Naval vessels-prob­ cblef of tJae ILllIIIlanarmie or­ The rocky, rugged eastern facQ houses for families left homeless any German retaliation, the Swe- dered the Motcow rarrlson io by the recent bombing of Rome. ably PT-boats-sank two enemy of -Mt. Etna was militarily a lost dish government announced iast barges northwest of Munda the lire JZ volleys from 120 runs LARGE PORTIONS OF EVROPE 500n may be spill rrom axis Europe, according to Indicallons rollow­ cause to the Hermann Goering di­ The council eliminated civil lui 'nighl to Alute one of the InC tbe collapSe of Italy's Fascist rovernment. Aa shown on tbe .bove mapJ' lOme occupied eountrles '.1- and penal laws "not correspond­ night that the transportation of night of Aug, S and In ahe early vision and survivors of hal! a morning ot Aug. 4. Last nlrht. most slpUicanl vlc&orles of the lied with the united nations soon may find freedom' ....1-" wIiU~, at tbe same time. Inerelllinr 111'1\11 of dozen parachute battalions com ~ ing to splritual and legal tradi­ German soldiers to and Irom Nor­ war. defection In r.nks of axis satellites indicate tba' lome may drop from Hitler'. lineup, pelled to flee Catania. Their next tions o[ the nation" and took many way over Swedish railways would a coastal ship, possibly 100 leet long, wa sunk ill the Blackett • • • --- -----:---. determined stand, however,. might steps to place all Fascist organi­ be halted Aug. 20. "Eternal glory to the heroes zatioos and activities under con­ strait between New Georgia be made at Taormina, already re·· The movement of Gem'an W81' who fell in the struggle for free­ peatedly plowed up by shells from trol of the new government. and Kolombangara. materials through this neutral dom of our mo\hetland," Stalin's British warships and bombs ftom • • • Mitchell medium bombers with message conciud~ . "Death to lhe ICkes Says Midwest iPetro/eum allied air lleets, . country to Norway, IikE'wise a German invaders!" Taormina is midway from Ca­ Hint Berlin Now Due three-year-old practice, is to cease a fighter escort on Thursday R u s s ian troop$ already hlld lania to Messina. Aug. IS, the com munique said. strafed barges and shore positlons I For Aenal Drubbing Kolombangara. as well as in (ought their way Wed n e s day Vital Etba Road Sweden's action is a physical night into the streets of Oral Reduction· . Required ·by Wor Practically aU ' of the oircular at Gizo Island whleh is west of LONDON, (AP)- An RAF and psychological blow to Ger- Webster cove on Kolombangara's w~e desperate German rear­ road aboUt Mt.
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