Nucleic Acids Research Advance Access published September 26, 2016 Nucleic Acids Research, 2016 1 doi: 10.1093/nar/gkw862 A short splicing isoform of HBS1L links the cytoplasmic exosome and SKI complexes in humans Katarzyna Kalisiak1,2, Tomasz M. Kulinski´ 1,2,Rafa-l Tomecki1,2, Dominik Cysewski1,2, Zbigniew Pietras1,2,3, Aleksander Chlebowski1,2, Katarzyna Kowalska1,2 and Andrzej Dziembowski1,2,* 1Laboratory of RNA Biology and Functional Genomics, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Pawinskiego 5a, 02-106 Warsaw, Poland, 2Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Pawinskiego 5a, 02-106 Warsaw, Poland and 3International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw, Ks. Trojdena 4, 02-109 Warsaw, Poland Received April 18, 2016; Revised August 25, 2016; Accepted September 20, 2016 Downloaded from ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION The exosome complex is a major eukaryotic exori- Messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules exist largely to pro- duce proteins. Since steady-state mRNA levels are deter- bonuclease that requires the SKI complex for its http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/ activity in the cytoplasm. In yeast, the Ski7 protein mined by the rates of synthesis and decay, cytoplasmic links both complexes, whereas a functional equiva- degradation of mRNA plays a fundamental role in the reg- lent of the Ski7 has remained unknown in the human ulation of gene expression. Multiple enzymes, particularly nucleases, participate in genome. eukaryotic mRNA decay. Nucleases involved in 3 -5 cyto- Proteomic analysis revealed that a previously plasmic mRNA degradation pathways can act individually uncharacterized short splicing isoform of HBS1L (e.g. the DIS3L2 protein) (1,2), or be constituents of mul- (HBS1LV3) is the long-sought factor linking the tisubunit complexes. The exosome is a major multisubunit exosome and SKI complexes in humans. In con- nuclease that catalyzes the 3 -5 degradation of RNA in both at ABE Marketing on January 9, 2017 trast, the canonical HBS1L variant, HBS1LV1, which the nucleus and the cytoplasm (3,4). acts as a ribosome dissociation factor, does not The exosome comprises a nine-subunit, ring-shaped, cat- associate with the exosome and instead interacts alytically inactive core that associates with one (EXOSC10 [RRP6] or DIS3 or DIS3L) or two (EXOSC10 and DIS3) with the mRNA surveillance factor PELOTA. Inter- estingly, both HBS1LV1 and HBS1LV3 interact with 3 -5 exoribonucleases (5,6). Several functional isoforms of the SKI complex and HBS1LV1 seems to antagonize the exosome are found in human cells (7) – each has distinct catalytic subunits and occupies a different intracellular lo- SKI/exosome supercomplex formation. HBS1LV3 cation. The 10-subunit isoform encompassing the ring and contains a unique C-terminal region of unknown only one nuclease – the EXOSC10 protein – is localized in structure, with a conserved RxxxFxxxL motif respon- the nucleoli. Meanwhile, the 11-subunit exosome complex sible for exosome binding and may interact with the has a nucleoplasmic localization and consists of the ring, exosome core subunit RRP43 in a way that resembles EXOSC10 and an additional nuclease, DIS3. However, a the association between Rrp6 RNase and Rrp43 in small fraction of complexes associated with DIS3 and EX- yeast. HBS1LV3 or the SKI complex helicase (SKI2W) OSC10 proteins can also be found in the cytoplasm. The main cytoplasmic isoform containing a DIS3 paralogue, depletion similarly affected the transcriptome, dereg- ulating multiple genes. Furthermore, half-lives of the DIS3-like protein (DIS3L), participates in 3 -5 mRNA representative upregulated mRNAs were increased, degradation in the cytoplasmic compartment (1,5). supporting the involvement of HBS1LV3 and SKI2W The substrates of exosome complexes containing DIS3L or DIS3 pass through the central channel of the exo- in the same mRNA degradation pathway, essential some ring to reach the exoribonuclease active site (8–12). for transcriptome homeostasis in the cytoplasm. Although the exosome complex efficiently degrades both single-stranded and partially double-stranded RNA sub- strates in vitro, studies in yeast showed that cooperation between the exosome and the SKI complex is indispens- *To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +48 22 5922033; Fax: +48 22 6584176; Email: [email protected] C The Author(s) 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact [email protected] 2 Nucleic Acids Research, 2016 able for efficient cytoplasmic mRNA decay in vivo (13–15). Generation of stable cell lines The yeast SKI complex was initially identified as being es- Stable inducible cell lines producing proteins of interest sential for degradation of virus-like particles (16) and was were obtained using the Flp-In T-REx system (Invitrogen) since characterized as a hetero-tetramer composed of Ski2, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Ski3 and two copies of the Ski8 protein. Through its heli- case activity, Ski2 is the catalytic subunit of the SKI com- plex and forms part of the structure that contains the cen- siRNA transfection tral channel. Ski3 and Ski8 are RNA-binding proteins that have regulatory functions (17). RNA substrates are deliv- siRNA-mediated knockdowns were performed using ered through the SKI complex structure directly to the cen- siRNA (Eurogentec) and Lipofectamine RNAiMAX tral channel of the exosome ring (17). Reagent (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer’s Our current knowledge about the SKI complex in hu- instructions. Test and negative control siRNA molecules mans is very limited. The human orthologues of yeast SKI2, were used at a final concentration of 25 nM. To induce SKI3 and SKI8 genes are SKIV2L, TTC37 and WDR61, production of exogenous protein variants, cells were grown respectively (18). Mutations in TTC37 and SKIV2L cause in the presence of doxycycline for an additional 48 h before the extremely rare congenital bowel disorder known as tri- harvesting. chohepatoenteric syndrome (19,20). Moreover, the product The siRNA sequences that specifically target endoge- of the SKIV2L gene (the SKI2W protein) is an important nous HBS1L, HBS1LV3 and SKIV2L mRNA are listed be- Downloaded from contributor to the regulation of the innate immune response low. siRNA oligonucleotide sequences against HBS1LV1, that detects foreign nucleic acids (21). Despite the associ- SKIV2L and scrambled siRNA were described previously ation between the SKI complex and genetic diseases, the (29,30). siRNA oligonucleotides against HBS1LV3 were exosome/SKI-dependent RNA decay pathways and RNA designed by Eurogentec. substrates that are targeted by this supercomplex have not siRNAs: http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/ been extensively studied in human cells. In particular, little HBS1LV1 siRNA 5-r(CCAGUAGAUUCCCAGACAU)d(TT)-3 is known about the mechanism that ensures the physical in- #1 SKIV2L siRNA 5-r(GGAGAUAGACUUUGAGAAA)d(TT)-3 teraction between the human SKI and exosome complexes. #2 SKIV2L siRNA 5-r(GCCUUAGCUGUAUGUUGGA)d(TT)-3 #1 HBS1LV3 siRNA 5-r(CCUGUCACAAUUAGCAAAU)d(TT)-3 The yeast SKI complex interacts with the exosome via #2 HBS1LV3 siRNA 5-r(GUCAUUGGCAUUUCAUAAA)d(TT)-3 the auxiliary Ski7 protein, which is an integral component #3 HBS1LV3 siRNA 5-r(GGCAUUUCAUAAAGCUUCU)d(TT)-3 of the cytoplasmic exosome isoform (14,22,23). The phe- scrambled siRNA 5 -r(UUCUUCGAACGUGUCACGU)d(TT)-3 notype of SKI7 deletion mutants is indistinguishable from that resulting from deletion of genes encoding SKI complex We established HBS1LV1 siRNA, #2 SKIV2L siRNA subunits, and leads to inactivation of cytoplasmic exosome- and #3 HBS1LV3 siRNA as the most effective, and we used at ABE Marketing on January 9, 2017 dependent mRNA turnover and quality control pathways them in all consecutive experiments shown in this study. as well as to elevated copy numbers of yeast virus-like par- ticles (13,16,24,25). Yeast Ski7 contains domains that share Transient transfection with plasmid vectors, cross-linking and homology with the Hbs1, a GTPase that interacts with co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) assay Dom34 (PELOTA in humans). This two-subunit complex, structurally similar to eRF3-eRF1, is responsible for disso- For transient transfection, HEK293 Flp-In T-REx cell lines ciation of stalled ribosomes (26). Hbs1 is also a ribosomal were cultured as previously described and transfected us- surveillance factor, involved in no-go and non-stop mRNA ing TransIT-2020 reagent (Mirus) according to the manu- decay (26,27). Due to structural differences between the N- facturer’s instructions. Cross-linking was performed using terminal regions of yeast Ski7 and Hbs1 proteins, only Ski7 dithiobis[succinimidyl propionate] (DSP; final conc. 2 mM) interacts with the exosome core (14), whereas Hbs1 partic- (Pierce) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Immuno- ipates in translation-dependent RNA quality control path- precipitation was based on a previously described method ways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (28). (31) with modifications: Since it was thought that no apparent orthologue of Expression of exogenous genes was induced simultane- the yeast Ski7 protein is encoded in the human genome, ously with transient transfection by the addition of tetra- the mechanism of cooperation between the SKI and exo- cycline at a final concentration of 0.1 g/ml. Following some complexes in human cells remained unclear. Here, we a 48 h incubation, cells were scraped off the plates and show that a protein encoded by a short splicing isoform of pelleted at 400 × g for 3 min. Pellets were resuspended HBS1L that contains a specific new region links the SKI in 0.7 ml lysis buffer (100 mM NaCl; 20 mM HEPES- complex with the exosome, thus functioning as a Ski7 ana- KOH pH = 7.1; 3 mM MgCl2; 1 mM PMSF; 20 nM pep- logue in humans.
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