![Arxiv:1111.7042V2 [Astro-Ph.GA] 28 Feb 2012 Rp Rudteglx Tlatoc,Ie Edn and Over Leading Covering Seen Dwarf I.E](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Draft version July 6, 2018 A Preprint typeset using LTEX style emulateapj v. 5/2/11 THE SAGITTARIUS STREAMS IN THE SOUTHERN GALACTIC HEMISPHERE Sergey E. Koposov1,2, V. Belokurov1, N.W. Evans1, G. Gilmore1, M. Gieles1, M.J. Irwin1, G.F. Lewis1,3, M. Niederste-Ostholt1, J. Penarrubia˜ 1, M.C. Smith4, D. Bizyaev5,2, E. Malanushenko5, V. Malanushenko5, D.P. Schneider6, R.F.G. Wyse7 Draft version July 6, 2018 ABSTRACT The structure of the Sagittarius stream in the Southern Galactic hemisphere is analysed with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 8. Parallel to the Sagittarius tidal track, but ∼ 10◦ away, there is another fainter and more metal-poor stream. We provide evidence that the two streams follow similar distance gradients but have distinct morphological properties and stellar populations. The brighter stream is broader, contains more metal-rich stars and has a richer colour-magnitude diagram with multiple turn-offs and a prominent red clump as compared to the fainter stream. Based on the structural properties and the stellar population mix, the stream configuration is similar to the Northern “bifurcation”. In the region of the South Galactic Cap, there is overlapping tidal debris from the Cetus Stream, which crosses the Sagittarius stream. Using both photometric and spectroscopic data, we show that the blue straggler population belongs mainly to Sagittarius and the blue horizontal branch stars belong mainly to the Cetus stream in this confused location in the halo. Subject headings: galaxies: dwarf – galaxies: individual (Sagittarius) – Local Group 1. INTRODUCTION the sky (Majewski et al. 2003; Belokurov et al. 2006). The Milky Way has clearly not finished assembling, as Hundreds of stars in the Sgr tails have their radial veloc- the two Magellanic Clouds are coalescing into the Galaxy. ities measured and some of these also have reliable chem- As stochastic satellite infall continues in the Galactic ical abundances (Majewski et al. 2004; Chou et al. 2007; halo, it gives us a chance to bootstrap our cosmological Monaco et al. 2007; Yanny et al. 2009; Chou et al. 2010). theories of structure formation to the local observables. A number of star clusters are believed to have originated By measuring the signatures of accretion of galactic frag- in Sgr and are now left free-floating in the Milky Way ments – manifested in streams of stripped gas and stars halo after having been torn from the disrupting galaxy – onto the Milky Way, we can study the Galaxy’s under- (e.g. Law & Majewski 2010b). lying matter distribution. Unfortunately, the unbound stars (and star clusters) Of the Galactic satellites surviving to date, the Sagit- are not simply tagged according to their past Sgr mem- tarius (Sgr) dwarf galaxy is one of the most massive, bership. Instead, objects are typically classified as such third after the LMC and SMC (e.g. Niederste-Ostholt et based on their proximity to the Sgr orbital plane, their al. 2010). It is however, not going to survive for much heliocentric distances and radial velocities. Models have longer. After its discovery by Ibata et al. (1994), it was had some considerable success explaining this data (e.g. quickly realized that the Sgr dwarf was losing its stars Law & Majewski 2010a), but difficulties remain. In par- to the Galactic tides at a high rate (e.g. Johnston et ticular, the Virgo Over-density (Juri´cet al. 2008) and the al. 1995; Lynden-Bell & Lynden-Bell 1995; Mateo et al. “bifurcation” of the leading tail (Belokurov et al. 2006) 1996). It was only when most of the sky was imaged by are both examples of substructures that lie close to the the 2MASS and the SDSS surveys that the amount of Sgr plane whose origins remain obscure. Although there damage done to Sgr became really apparent (e.g. New- were attempts to include these in the picture of Sgr dis- berg et al. 2002; Majewski et al. 2003). Currently, it is ruption (e.g Fellhauer et al. 2006; Mart´ınez-Delgado et arXiv:1111.7042v2 [astro-ph.GA] 28 Feb 2012 established that the stellar debris torn from the dwarf al. 2007; Pe˜narrubia et al. 2010), it now seems that little wraps around the Galaxy at least once, i.e. leading and progress has been made. trailing tails can be each seen covering over π radians on Finally, another stream (the Cetus stream) on a polar orbit has recently been announced to overlap with Sgr 1 debris in the Southern Galactic hemisphere by Newberg Institute of Astronomy, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 et al. (2009). Although this has a different kinematical 0HA, UK 2 Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University, signature to Sgr, it coincides in space and metallicity. Universitetskiy pr. 13, Moscow 119991, Russia Untangling the debris in the South is crucial to an un- 3 Sydney Institute for Astronomy, School of Physics, A28, The derstanding of the Cetus stream, as well as the Sgr. University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia 4 This is the first of two observational papers in which we Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking Uni- versity, Beijing 100871, China; National Astronomical Observa- report new insights into the formation of the Sgr stream toires, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100012, China and its neighbouring stellar halo substructures. In a com- 5 Apache Point Observatory, Sunspot, NM, 88349, USA panion paper, we use the multi-epoch observations of Sgr 6 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, The Pennsyl- vania State University, 525 Davey Laboratory, University Park, stars in Stripe 82 to measure the proper motion of the PA 16802, USA stream (cf. Carlin et al. 2012). Here, we revisit the pho- 7 Department of Physics & Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins tometric data previously available from the Sloan Digi- University, 3900 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA tal Sky Survey (SDSS) (Fukugita et al. 1996; Gunn et 2 Fig. 1.— Density of MSTO stars with 0 <g−i< 0.7 and 19.5 <i< 22 from the SDSS DR8 on the sky in different coordinate systems. The top panel shows the map in right ascension and declination, the middle panel in Galactic coordinates, while the bottom in a coordinate system (Λ,B) aligned with the orbit of Sagittarius, as defined in Majewski et al. (2003). Several stellar streams are clearly visible, the most prominent of which is the one originating from the Sgr dSph. The Sgr stream dominating the area around North Galactic Cap has been seen in the previous SDSS data releases. While some pieces of the southern stream have been revealed before, the new data gives a much more complete picture. Similarly to the tail in the North, the tail in the South appears to have a fainter extension at one side (at higher B). The present location of Sgr dwarf is marked by a red star. The dashed red line is the projection of the Sgr orbital plane, as defined in Majewski et al. (2003), and the blue dotted line shows the outline of the comparison field as discussed in the text. al. 1998, 2006; York et al. 2000) archives as well as new the streams cross Stripe 82, we can take advantage of the measurements made public as part of the new Data Re- coadded photometry (Annis et al. 2011), which reaches lease 8 (DR8)(Aihara et al. 2011; Eisenstein et al. 2011). ∼ 2 magnitudes deeper than the single epoch SDSS mea- Crucially, this dataset now includes significant coverage surements. We use photometric metallicities to demon- of the southern Galactic hemisphere not available to Be- strate that the two streams have different chemical prop- lokurov et al. (2006). erties. Untangling the substructure is considerably com- The paper is arranged as follows. We extend the ‘Field plicated by the existence of a further stream, already of Streams’ plot (Belokurov et al. 2006) to the south in noticed by Newberg et al. (2009) and dubbed the Cetus Section 2. This shows immediately that the Sgr stream – stream. This is studied in Section 4 using blue straggler in the somewhat misleading nomenclature of our earlier (BS) and blue horizontal branch (BHBs) stars. paper – is bifurcated. Everywhere we look, in both the 2. south and the north, there is evidence for what appears THE STELLAR HALO IN THE SOUTH to be two streams. In Section 3, we use starcounts and To study substructure in the Galactic stellar halo, we Hess diagrams (Hess 1924) to characterise the density select old and moderately metal-poor stars with the sim- profiles and stellar populations of the streams. Where ple color and magnitude cuts 0 < g − i < 0.7 and The Sgr Streams in the South 3 5000 MSTO 70<Λ<80 12000 M giants 80<Λ<90 4000 90<Λ<100 10000 100<Λ<110 110<Λ<120 3000 8000 N 6000 N 2000 4000 1000 2000 0 0 − − − 0 10 20 − − − 0 10 20 B [deg] B [deg] Fig. 2.— Left: Density of MSTO stars (with the same color-magnitude selection as for Figure 1) across the Sgr stream in the south (90◦ < Λ < 120◦) (solid line) and the density of 2MASS M giants in the same region (dotted line). A constant background (around 7000 stars per bin) has been subtracted from the histograms. Right panel: The density of MSTO stars in different slices across the stream from 70◦ < Λ < 80◦ to 110◦ < Λ < 120◦. Although the secondary stream seems to have the same offset from the main stream at different Λ, this is not actually the case as shown in Figure 3. 15 TABLE 1 Locations and widths of the streams 10 Λ Bcen,bright Bcen,faint Wbright Wfaint deg deg deg deg deg 75 -1.3 9.5 4.6 2.7 5 85 -2.5 10.3 5.3 4.1 95 -1.3 10.3 5.8 2.8 105 -0.9 10.7 5.6 2.9 115 -1.4 11.8 5.3 3.1 0 Sgr B [deg] TABLE 2 − Distances to the bright stream Λ m − M σ(m − M) − deg mag mag 92.5 16.69 0.06 97.5 16.72 0.06 102.5 16.86 0.04 − 107.5 17.01 0.07 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 − 112.5 17.17 0.09 Λ [deg] 117.5 17.31 0.06 122.5 17.27 0.05 127.5 17.28 0.10 Fig.
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