n,m ihdffendmttDaOy f SH 1-0010 VOL. 83, NO. 140 JJ'«J ?*$». RED BANK> N- J- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1961 7c PER COPY ft»5uT*fEK PAGE ONE Opposition To Mitchell Held ^Desperation Move' Meeting Barge Beached Senators' Is Called Action Is By GOP Assailed WASHINGTON (AP) — TRENTON (AP) — Re- Supporters of Secretary of publican leaders have called Labor James P. Mitchell's IT WILL STILL SUCCEED —That was the prediction by Shrewsbury Township offi- a meeting for next Tuesday bid for the Republican cials after last night's public auction, failed to produce a bidder,for the proposed in hopes of blocking an all- nomination for governor of $1.4 million dollar Crawford St. redevelopment project. Looking over preliminary out war for the Republican Vew Jersey said today project drawings with Mayor Joseph Memzopane, seated center, are, left to right, nomination for governor. opposition to his candidacy by Mr». Anne C. Switek, municipal clerk; Harry Evans, township attorney; Joseph J. Republican State Chairman eight GOP state senators repre- Carl Erdman said yesterday he sents "a desperation move." Seaman, Jr., township auditor, and Committeeman Vernon E. Field and Wilfred s trying to set up an "explora- Rafferxeder. tory" gathering of 21 county The Mitchell camp, which in- chairmen and the 15-member cludes Sen. Clifford P. Case and state Executive Committee. former Sen. H. Alexander Smith, believes it has the support nec- He told newsmen, however, essary, or soon will, to win the that it looks like the GOP field April primary. Private Negotiations for the April 18 primary election HIGH AND DRY — Keansburg residents view a scrap iron barge owned by (he Burnit Although Mitchell himself de- ill remain af th** fnnr an- s Cs.Cs i Msv.- YsrL-, -.vhish ran sg.-curd i;:r!y Mer.diy msrri-g *! *hs f;;t 5? Bs!! nounced candidates or possibly iineu tuiiuiient on tne statement Next Step for Township Garden Apartment Plan be expanded to five. view Ave. The barge was carrying scrap metal and lumber to be burned in Raritan made public by the eight New Erdman said it was not likely Bay, when it broke loose from a tug and was washed ashore. The firm will attempt Jersey senators, some of his SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP - private negotiations on the gar several interested builders ex- backers viewed it with little con- that next week's meeting would again today to free the barge. Silence greeted the request for den apartment plan. pressed distaste for competitive lead to endorsement of a single cern. bids at last night's public auc- "In our hearts," said Mayor auctions. candidate, but expressed a hope "It was a desperation move," tion of the $1.4 million dollar Joseph Menzzopane, Jr., "we The "project" involves the re- that it could lay down ground one source said. "The Republican Crawford St. development still believe this project will sue placement of barracks-type build- rules to avoid giving the Demo- senators feel they're losing their project. ceed." ings along Crawford St. with cratic candidate campaign am Seek Top-Level Strike Talks grip. It seems now the Republi- But the absence of public bids He said thf> committee, while 152-unit garden apartments, a munition. can caucus must approve all gu- did not discourage the Township definitely disappointed, had faced municipal building, and a store. The announced candidates are Monmoutli Commuters Get to Work bernatorial candidates as well as Committee which will now begin the possibility of no bids after Package Deal U.S. Labor Secretary James P. bills on which the Senate votes." The committee offered the proj Mitchell of Little Silver, and NEW YORK (AP)-The city's Mayor Robert F. Wagner and buses between New York City The eight senators said Mon- ect as a package deal, complete Sens. Walter Jones of Norwood, labor commissioner took emer- representatives of the Nationa and Albany because of the day night they could not support Mitchell for the Republican nom- with specifications and prelimin- Charles W. Sandman of Cape gency action today to settle the Mediation Board. stoppage of Central trains into May, and Wayne Dumont, Jr. of ination because he has no ex- ary drawings by the Union archi- harbor craft strike that has and out of Grand Centra! Termi- Delay Selection Phillipsburg. Picketing by striking railroad perience in state government. tectural firm of Benoist and caused a vast railroad commuter harbor craft crewmen led to can nal here. Goldberg. Sen. Richard R. Stout of Mon- tieup and halted service on the Meanwhile; New Jersey com- This reasoning, Mitchell's sup- mouth has received endorsement cellation of service for the New porters said today, would have Of Attorney in Keansburg Case The architects, who agreed to New York Central's main line York Central's 40,000 commuters muters, first to be affected by from the GOP steering committee the strike, were able to get to prevented Woodrow Wilson from "gamble" with no retainer or in his and Mitchell's home coun- between here and Albany. in the metropolitan area yester- becoming governor of New Jer- KEANSBURG-Borough Coun 45 cents per gallon for gasoline. financial commitment by the day. work today as.railroad workers eil last night delayed the ap- 3. Manzo Contracting Co., Mat- ty, but has not formally.entered Commissioner Harold A. Felix here ignored mariners' picket sey and President of the United township, stand to lose a year's the race. sought to set up a top-level meet Thousands of long-distance States. pointment of a substitute attor awan, 500 tons of cold patch at work if the successful bidder in lines. n<>y to represent the borough in $8,45 per ton (See MEETING, Pg. 2) ing" of both sides in the strike, passengers were forced to use It would also preclude Vice the negotiations requests an A spokesman for New Jersey President Richard M. Nixon seek- its court case against Edward J. 4. Collins Brn«., Kransburg, other firm. railroads reported no delays in Davis, heating inspector. ing (he California governorship fuel oil at 12.1 cents per gallon. The original agreement, which morning commuter train service. The law firm of Howard W. next year and would have pre- The bid of M.J. Stavola. Mid- is no longer binding, called for New Jersey's major commuter vented Gov. Nelson Rockefeller Roberts, borough attorney, has the successful bidder to follow Zoning Code Amendment railroads maintained the same dletown, on cold patch was re- of New York from seeking that agreed to withdraw from the the Benoist and Goldberg plans special schedule that has been case. jected, even though the price office, a source who declined to was 40 cents per ton less than and pay the firm $72,430. in effect since the strike started be identified said. Introduced by Shrewsbury Governing Body wo weeks ago. Davis Ruckus the Manzo figure, because the However, the committee reaf- The statement was signed by Stavola firm failed to include a firmed last night its determina- John M. Pillsbury, a law part- SHREWSBURY — An amend- these types of buildings first Mrs. Hugh Boyd, Beechwood Freight Hampered Sens. Walter H. Jones of Ber- ner, said the firm's decision to check for 10 per cent of the total tion to include the Union ar- gen, Wayne Dumont of Warren chitects in the projects future. ment to the zoning code was-in- would have to Receive approval Dr., and Mrs. Robert Luehman, This schedule enables the Gar- withdraw was based on the wish bid as required. 55 Sickles PI., were appointed to and Charles W. Sandman of Cape "The firm will participate in troduced last night by the Bor- from the Zoning Board of Adjust- den State's 30,000 commuters, es of the council and was not Councilman Martin C. Lohsen the Library Board. They replace May, all announced candidates the negotiations," said Commit- ough Council. ment. who are cut off from ferry serv- to be construed as an act of abstained in the voting on the two original members who re- for the GOP nomination. teeman Wilfred Rafferzeder, who The chief provision of the The ordinance was recommend- ice into Manhattan, to reach disqualification. gasoline contract. signed. They are Mrs. Howell K. Others who signed it ire Sens. said he would not rest until "the measure is that schools and ed by the Planning Board late work by Pennsylvania or Hud- Councilman Louis Collichio has Walton, 52 Silvcrbrook Rd., and Walter H. Jones of Bergen, Mr. Lohsen reported the state Crawford St. situation is cleared churches are eliminated from the last year. Board members felt son & Manhattan trains or by long sought to have the firm drop Mrs. Richard L. Kraybill, 901 Wayne Dumont of Warren and had rejected an application by up." uses permitted in residential and the move would give greater con- Public Service buses. out of the case. the Viking House to convert the trol over the location of schools Broad St. Charles W. Sandman of Cape One possible explanation for commercial zones. Pickets of the Seafarers In- The borough has filed charges former hotel into a nursing home and churches in future building. Rollins Re-elected May, all announced candidates the need of negotiations is the Zoning Board Hearing lernational Union were renorted •gainst Mr. Davis, charging him Public hearing on the measure The Board of Health reported for the GOP nomination. (Sec ROBERTS Page 2) (See BIDS, Pg. 2) This means construction of today at the New York and Loi.g with violations of the heating will be Feb.
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