Global Opportunities Cyfleoedd Byd-eang GUIDE FOR INCOMING EXCHANGE STUDENTS 20-2021 YOUR ARRIVAL CHECKLIST www.cardiff.ac.uk/new-students 01 YOUR ARRIVAL HELLO AND CHECKLIST WELCOME We are delighted that you have BEFORE YOU ARRIVE decided to study at Cardiff University Apply for University residences and look forward to you joining us (if you are eligible) ........................ 02 soon. Book transport to Cardiff .............. 10 We know that you will have many things to arrange before Sign your residences contract ......... 04 you come to Cardiff and it is sometimes difficult to know (if you are eligible) where to start. We hope that this Guide will help you in your preparations and give you an idea of what to expect when Enrol online ................................. 22 you arrive. Please note that information regarding visas has been sent separately. Plan your budget ......................... 16 This Guide also contains contact details of many people Pack your suitcase and who will be able to offer you help and support throughout hand luggage ............................... 08 your studies. Please feel free to contact any of them now or Prepare for your studies .............. 22 drop in and see them once you are in Cardiff - they are there to help you. We look forward to meeting you! WHEN YOU ARRIVE Tell your family you have arrived .. 19 NEED HELP? Complete enrolment .................... 22 Get your student ID card* ........... 23 If you are uncertain about what to do, have any worries in the first few weeks of term or want advice before you Register with the police ............... 13 come to Cardiff, we will be very happy to help you. (if applicable) Open your bank account .............. 18 GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES Register with a doctor ................. 36 ERASMUS+ Access the internet ...................... 19 Email: [email protected] Attend international Tel: + induction events* .................... ... 14 STUDY ABROAD & INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE Attend any induction events Email: [email protected] in your academic school* ............. 15 Tel: Induction tasks* ......................... 14 Exchange students completing one semester only to obtain Council Tax Letter from home University ........ 07 BEFORE YOU ARRIVE WEBSITE *The health and safety of our students is of the utmost importance. Therefore, the way in which some events are run this year may For full updated information you should regularly visit change due to the COVID-19 outbreak. the website: www.cardiff.ac.uk/new- students/before-you-arrive www.cardiff.ac.uk/new-students CONTENTS Accommodation 02 What to bring 08 Travelling to Cardiff 10 The Induction programme 14 Living Expenses 16 Communications 19 Studying at Cardiff University 22 Help and advice 27 Living in Cardiff 28 Working in the UK 33 Staying safe and healthy 35 Useful contacts 37 Map 38 The pulp used in the production of this paper is obtained from sustainably managed Scandinavian tree farms and utilises an elementary chlorine-free bleaching process. Edited by: .LPEHUOH\&ROH and Heledd George VISAS & IMMIGRATION // FOR STUDENTS FROM OUTSIDE THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA (EEA) OR SWITZERLAND www.cardiff.ac.uk/new-students 02 HOW DO I APPLY FOR UNIVERSITY RESIDENCES? You should have received an email telling you how to apply online for University Residences. If you have not yet received information please contact Global Opportunities as soon as possible: Tel: +44 (0) 29 22 518 888 or email [email protected] ACCOMMODATION <RXFDQFRQWDFWWKH5HVLGHQFHV2IILFH )8//<($5 21(6(0(67(5 SULRUWR\RXUDUULYDOLQ&DUGLIIWRFKHFN (;&+$1*( 21/<(;&+$1*( DYDLODELOLW\E\HPDLOLQJ UHVLGHQFHV#FDUGLIIDFXNRUFDOOLQJ 678'(176 678'(176 (September – June) (Either autumn or springsemester only) The ResidencesOffice only guaranteesan offer of a single occupancy place in 8QIRUWXQDWHO\WKH5HVLGHQFHV2IILFH University residencesto those visiting FDQQRWJXDUDQWHHH[FKDQJHVWXGHQWV exchange students who are studying at VWXG\LQJDW&DUGLII8QLYHUVLW\IRURQO\RQH Cardiff University for the full academicyear. VHPHVWHUDSODFHLQ8QLYHUVLW\UHVLGHQFHV ,I\RXDUHXQDEOHWRZDLWWRKHDUDERXWWKH There are a number of Halls ofResidence ,I\RXZRXOGOLNHWRVWD\RQFDPSXVIRU\RXU SRVVLELOLW\RIDURRPLQ8QLYHUVLW\ and Student Houses tochoose from, VHPHVWHUDW&DUGLII8QLYHUVLW\ZHZRXOG UHVLGHQFHVZHVWURQJO\UHFRPPHQGWKDW offering catered, part-catered and self HQFRXUDJH\RXWRDSSO\DVVRRQDV \RXORRNIRUSULYDWHDFFRPPRGDWLRQRQ catered residences.Around 70% of SRVVLEOH DUULYDOLQ&DUGLII,WLVYHU\GLIILFXOWWRILQG residencesare ensuite,which means that DKRXVHLI\RXDUHQRWLQ&DUGLIIDQGZH each study bedroomhas its own bathroom. GRQRWDGYLVHWKDW\RXDUUDQJHORQJWHUP Some residenceshave shared bathroom 678'(176$55,9,1*,1 DFFRPPRGDWLRQIURPRYHUVHDV,WLVEHVW facilities, whichare shared between 4 and 6(37(0%(5 WRDUULYHLQ&DUGLIIGXULQJWKHLQGXFWLRQ 8 people. Allresidenceshave communal SHULRGDQGUHVHUYHDURRPLQDKRVWHO kitchen areasin which to prepare food. ,I\RXDUHDQ(UDVPXVVWXGHQWDQGZLOO ORFDOJXHVWKRXVHRUKRWHOZKLOH\RXORRN VWXG\ZLWKXVIRUWKHDXWXPQVHPHVWHURQO\ IRUDVXLWDEOHSULYDWHDFFRPPRGDWLRQ The ResidencesGuide will give you full LWLVXQOLNHO\WKDW8QLYHUVLW\5HVLGHQFHVZLOO 7KLVFDQEHH[SHQVLYHVR\RXZLOOQHHGWR details of the different types of residence EHDEOHWRRIIHU\RXDSODFHLQ8QLYHUVLW\ HQVXUH\RXKDYHHQRXJKIXQGVWRVXSSRUW available to students at Cardiff University: UHVLGHQFHV7KLVLVGXHWRWKHKLJKQXPEHU \RXDWWKHVWDUWRI\RXUSODFHPHQW https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/study/ RIVWXGHQWVDUULYLQJLQ&DUGLIIDWWKLVWLPH /RRNLQJIRUSULYDWHDFFRPPRGDWLRQFDQ accommodation ,WLVSUREDEOHWKDW8QLYHUVLW\5HVLGHQFHV ZLOORQO\EHDEOHWROHW\RXNQRZLIWKH\DUH EHDVWUHVVIXOWLPHEXWZHZLOOGRRXU DEOHWRDOORFDWH\RXDSODFHLQODWH EHVWWRKHOS\RX 6HSWHPEHU ACCOMMODATION // www.cardiff.ac.uk/new-students 03 678'(176$55,9,1*,1 -$18$5< If you are arriving in January and will study with us for the spring semester only, it is more likely that a number of vacancies will become available in University residences which can be offered to exchange students in Cardiff for the semester only. We cannot guarantee this accommodation, but if you would like to apply online, you willbe contacted by the ResidencesOffice in December regarding availability. ,$0$)8//<($5 (;&+$1*(678'(17 ,681,9(56,7< $&&2002'$7,21 *8$5$17(('" Yes, however you must: 6XEPLW\RXURQOLQHDSSOLFDWLRQE\ 7KXUVGD\6$XJXVW20 :+(1:,//,%( +2:'2,,1)250 5HFHLYHDFFHSWDQXQFRQGLWLRQDORIIHU $//2&$7(' 5(6,'(1&(622)$1< WRVWXG\E\Monday $XJXVW20 81,9(56,7<5(6,'(1&(6" 63(&,$/5(48,5(0(176" $FFHSW\RXURQOLQH2IIHURI5HVLGHQFH Before residences are allocated, you If you have any special accommodation ZLWKLQGD\VRI\RXUURRPEHLQJ must have firmly accepted your requirements, such as a disabilityor DOORFDWHG unconditional offer to study at Cardiff medical condition which you would like $UULYHDQGFROOHFW\RXUURRPNH\ZLWKLQ University. Your residencesapplication is taken into account in the allocation of WKHGDWHVWLPHVVSHFLILHGLQWKH$UULYDO then processed in date order according your accommodation, or of which your ,QIRUPDWLRQ to two dates. The first is the date the ResidencesManager should be made For more information see: ResidencesOffice receives confirmation aware, please note this on your online of your unconditional offer to study; the https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/new-students/ application. The ResidencesOffice willtry second is the date the Residences Office to meet your needs when allocating your when-you-arrive/moving-in/arriving receives your online residences accommodation. You should tellthem application. about your special requirementseven if they would not apply if you wereallocated ◗ +2:08&+:,// 8QGHUJUDGXDWHV (Autumn/Full a room in the accommodationyou have 81,9(56,7<5(6,'(1&(6 Year)8QLYHUVLW\ chosen. Only informationprovided at the &267" UHVLGHQFHVZLOOEHDOORFDWHGLQ-XO\ time of the application,along with written WKURXJKWR6HSWHPEHU confirmation from adoctor, will be taken Your residences fees will vary depending ◗ Undergraduates (Spring): University into account by theResidencesOffice in on the type of accommodation and residences will be allocated on a first the allocationprocess. All disability/ facilities you choose. For information come first served basis. medical informationprovided will be regarding the costs of University treated confidentially and only used in ◗ 3RVWJUDGXDWHVDOORFDWLRQZLOOEHLQ residences, please download the allocating you accommodation. -XO\WKURXJKWR6HSWHPEHU<RXPXVW Residences fees document from the below web page: KDYHSDLG\RXU SUHSD\PHQWWR WKH5HVLGHQFHV2IILFHE\ 7KXUVGD\6$XJXVW20 Your allocation will be sent by email, so it The cost of your accommodation will be is important you have access to your included in your offer of residence. emails in the summer. ACCOMMODATION // www.cardiff.ac.uk/new-students 04 :+(1'2,1(('723$< )250<81,9(56,7< 5(6,'(1&(6" All feesfor residences, as well as most of the associated charges such as the Parking Permit, are payable by either: ◗ &UHGLWGHELWFDUGLQIXOOLQDGYDQFHRU RQDUULYDO ◗ 'LUHFWGHELWIURPD8.EDQNDFFRXQW SD\DEOHLQWKUHHLQVWDOPHQWVDIWHU\RX DUULYH )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXW RSHQLQJD8.EDQNDFFRXQWVHHSDJH 18)XUWKHUGHWDLOVRIORFDOEDQNVcan be foundRQWKH website. )RUGHWDLOVRQWKHSD\PHQW dates for UHVLGHQFHVIHHVE\GLUHFW debit for /21SOHDVHVHH: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/new-students/ before-you-arrive/accommodation-and- :,//,+$9(0<2:1 :,//,+$9($7(/(3+21( moving-here/paying-for-your-residence 5220" ,10<5220" It is important to pay your residences No, most students have mobile phonesor Yes, you will have your own study feeson time. Late payment will mean use Skype. See page 20 for more
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