John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 9-26-1980 The aC rroll News- Vol. 64, No. 2 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 64, No. 2" (1980). The Carroll News. 638. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/638 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. &4, No.! Sept. It, ltM The Carroll Nevvs John Carroll University University Heights, Ohio 44118 New Donn II? New dormitory planned by Lydia Rtdalio Halls will be the sight of the the dorm has not occurred. and Maryanna Donaldson new three story dorm. It is ex­ yet, because the building plan Presently, there are 1275 pected to house between 200 must be presented to and ap­ students residing on the John and 230 students. The Housing proved by the University Carroll University campus. Office has not decided if the Height's City Council and by Some may not be aware of the dorm will house men or wom­ the University Heleht's Plan­ fact that there are 190 people en but they will reach a deci­ ning Commission. After their on the waiting list for dorm sion sometime next June, de­ approval the biddlne for the rooms. The basic population pending on the need. It will contractors will occur. As a of John Carroll is in a transi­ have the capabilities to hold result of this the eround­ tion from commuter to resi­ either sex. 1be rooms will be break:ine date has not been dential As a result of this sud­ doubles, similar to those in set. John Reali. the Director den influx of. resident the New Dorm. The proposed of Physical Plant and Jack students, a new dorm has cost of the building is $3 mil· Collins, the Housing Director, been approved by the Univer­ lion. The cost includes the hope to have the ceremony sity's Board of Trustees. They contracting, the construction, before the first of the year, The Comptld Car Lot it loeated behind Pacellt Hall. With and the furnishing of the any luck. tbll space will be oecupled by New Dorm II be- want to maintain the Univer­ which would mean the dorm dorm. would be complete by Sept­ fore next fall. Photo a,. Ct..ryJ SU•r sity's population at about 2600. As a result. to accommo­ The actual construction of ember, 1981. date those on the waiting list Assistant Dean of a dorm had to be built. "I think we have to tilt Pacelli gets new furniture somewhat to the hiaher pro­ portion of the students who by Amy Nub Business natned are living in the residence Acc~rding to J aclc Collins, Director of Housing, the "substan­ years She is currently Chair­ halls. doesn't mean that by Laun Funadlt nus dard living conditions" in Pacelli Hall prompted a total renova­ man of the Finance Commit­ we are giv!ni up on Cleveland During summer break, tion. Three weeks after the Sprine Semester ended. Pacelli was while most of us were enjoy­ tee of the Lay Advisory Board or commuter students, just completely stripped, cleaned, and repaired. This project took ing the sun. the School of for Beaumont School for that we have to play the per­ twelve weeks to complete. Business was in the process of Girls. centages," stated John Carroll Univer-;lty President Father The r easons for the renovation seemed obvious. People need­ .,... &ffectlve Jui,J 1. wu . er . the mother of ed more space. and much of the lnside was in disrepair tbe app6fntnwat Of "lin. EI­ lilt tllle&-111fiiiMIS •••• 1': ..." P. tJ.:Manu leen Miller, M.A. Accounting, ed. Nevertheless, she finds Plans for the construction of A.fflliW ttie ~ iDd cJeanbqr was complete, tbe new furniture was moved ln. The coat of tbe IW'n1lblap was to the position of Assistant the time to be an active mem­ the new dorm are under way. ber of professional and com­ The present compact parking ~ppro~te}y $750 per person. 'Ibis was financed by the t300 Dean of the Business School. mcrease m room and board this year. As Assistant Dean of the munity Of'ian.izations. lot behind Bernet and Pacelli Mrs. Miller for the last five The new furniture is much heavier than the old and is uni­ Business School, she will form, _creating a brand new look. Jim Rose, the bead RA. of spend her time counseling, years has served as an Assis­ tant Professor in the Account­ Pacelh, feels this new look has helped to create a new atmos­ working with students in the phere. "'Ibe cleanliness has improved tremendously, there is Business School and handlinj ing Department of the School Cleveland of Business. She taught less vandalism and destruction, tbe rooms are neater and more administrative duties. "I there is an overall in attitude. A greater sense of pride saw this position as an oppor­ courses in Accounting at the cb&n~e Undergraduate level and in on Stage is present that was not prior to the renovation. More students tunity to learn aeain, and to are interested in dorm eovemment and dorm heartne board, experience." courses in Financial Manage­ ment and Accounting for Man­ opens new and the iUY5 of Pacelli seem to respect the property, each oth­ Miller is a member of the er, and themselves in a better way." American Accounting Associ­ agers to professionals. She ation, American• Institute of served as Faculty Advisor to season Certified Public Accountants, the Account.lni Association. and Beta Gamma Sterna (Hon­ and was Academic Counselor Cleveland on Staee, John orary Business Fraternity). In to Freshman and Sophomore Carroll University's perform­ the past she was president of students intending to major in ing arts series will open Fri· the Advisory Board at a reha­ Business. day, October 3 with Comedy bilitation and Educational She served on many faculty of Errors, performed by the center for Children in past committees. and participated Great Lakes Shakespeare Fes­ in the planning of the Cooper­ tiva1 in their sixth annual east ative Education Proeram here side appearance. at Carroll She was also active This classic comedy of mis­ in the planning and the imple­ taken identity will be per­ mentation of INROAD, and formed in Kulas Auditorium prebusiness program. at 8 :30 pm. Ticket prices She was the Director of the range from $4 to t7.50 and Cleveland Chapter, Ohio Soci­ special subscription prices are ety of Certified Public Ac· available through Oct. 2nd. countants and became State Vincent Dowling will give Director of the same Society the pre-concert lecture at 7:30 servine from 1977 to 1979. in Room 226 of the same bldi. Mrs. Miller is vezy enthusi­ There is no charee for the astic about her new position lecture. as Assistant Dean of the Busi­ A second matinee perform­ ness School. "I am very im­ ance of the Comedy of Erron pressed with the calibre of has been scheduled for Fri­ the School of Business and the day, Oct. 3 at 10 a.m. The Oc· students. And, the feedback tober 2n<l matinee is sold out. from the community has been Matinee discount prices with tremendous reearding what general admission ranee from we do in the School of Busi­ $3.-$6. Student group tickets 1be Great Lakes Sbakeipeare Festival wW make Ita aa­ ness.. .It makes me proud and are $2. For reservations and nu.al appear-.ce at JCU's Cleveland oo Stale with ttl pro­ happy to be a member of the further information call 491- duedon of Slaakespean's "Comedy of Erron". Perfor­ Mn. Eileen MWer Faculty." 4428. m-.ces start oo Odober 3rd. P-ate! The Carroll Newa, Sept. 26, 1980 FRANKLY SPEAKING . by phil frank LETTERS TO THE EDITOR YOU'RE GEmNG DROWS'f .. Vf:R.<r' ~sy. WHEN I COUNT TO 3 Funding Quettioned na of the first class of the Col­ park it elsewhere " Well this lege of Arts and Sciences roO WILL Go TO SLE.tf,>,.AND To the Editor is fine and dandy but if you which admitted women, al­ have ever walked the perim­ 5L'EEP In the September 19 issue though I understand from the eter of John Carroll you'll no­ IHRDOGH E-CON of The Carrol News, you car­ current dean that no one in tice that parking is not the To~RDVJ MORNING ... 1 ... 2 ... ried a story by J Mahoney '84 his office knows what year most abundant thing around. about I'Teshman Orientation. that was - with the result In fact there are probably Mahoney indicated that one that there is some question more places you can't park sophomore he had met about the validity of her around here than there are throuah the Harry Gauzman diploma. those you can I believe that a Lounge was named after the W. D. Bookwalter '60 visitor to any place should at wealthy alumnus who contrib­ Vice President for least be treated with social ~~@~I uted funds for its Development kindness and should be able construction. to park his vehicle in reason­ I feel constrained to set the ably close proximity to the record straight on this matter Parking problem pre&&ed place he is visiting. It seems Funds for the lounge were that John Carroll doesn't not given by Harry Gauzman, To the Editor: think so.
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