Your "MAGIC MOMENTS" will live forever, captured with special care, when you engage the 'Wedding Specialists' to photogr.aph YOUR wedding. FITZROY STUDIOS The Arcade, Fitzroy, New Plymouth. Phone 85-893. HIGH First Call, New Plymouth TIDES 1':x('('pLionally high tides "'C'\'(' funning along the Taranaki coast a few WI'('I,s ago, When the 1 IIII' was al its highest, at 1I,IlO o'I'\oC'k at night, \\1' t ouk our camera and 11:I':iI unit 1.0 the beach to I'ilplllrl' till' action, , THE ARCADE, '1'111n' iJ.{htwas quite - 1'!c'III"v,ot the sea was.verv FITZROY. illl~l:y.al1d pounded P.O. BOX 427, dl',:)iIlSI.the shore .and NEW PLYMOUTH. 11I'1'.:diwClter.The water 11'11'1was around ten feet Icighl'r I.han a normal high PHONE 80-101 DAY OR NIGHT 111\1', The first port of call for the newly acquired first ship of the EDITOR- New Zealand Line, 'NZ Waitangi', was New Plymouth, after sailing 00;>,', Un Annabel. from Auckland. The 'Waitangi' called here to take on butter and fill meat for the European run and while at Port Taranaki it attracted m:l PHOTOGRAPHER - a lot of interest and visitors. (113 Diane Hartley. I Published every fourth Wednesday Registered at the G.P.O. Wellington as a newspaper. Ir,m Prepaid subscription by post- tgj $5.40 'per year. (13 issues). tgj Pubttsnedby-« :1 ANNABEL PUBLICA TlONS. PRINTED BY LOGAN PUBLISHING ~. , COMPANY LTD, GISBORNE. Somewhat dwarfed by these draught horses is Karen Hampson of New Ply- mouth. Karen, who turns 16 this month, lists her interests as tramping, modelling and dancing. Look inside this magazine for a story on the horses pictured here. ffil NEXT ISSUE: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17,1974. The distinctive markings of the ship will, in time to COIII/', tn- a familiar sight r" at ports both in New Zealand and England 3 fm MISS TARANAKI CONTEST The Westown Hotel was the venue for a fashion parade called 'Living with Leather', combined with the Miss Junior Taranaki Contest. Entrants in the senior Miss Taranaki Con- test were also present, and they were introduced to the audience and took part in a parade. VV"III.IJaI'nn model, M,II'"'' ""lillt'lI/oI0 also entered the senior shows how fur and leather can Johnny Chico looks quite /'/111',." ,11111 WoI.\· sponsored by the Taranaki Carol, last veer's Miss Taranaki, A delightful suede COlli IS be combined for a dramatic dashing ill this half-length ~"Ii'/I/lI\ ltau« W,1S a model this year modelled by Gay effect leather jacket 4 5 PEDDLERS' CYCLING CONCERT CHAMPIONSHIPS On their fifth New Zea- The Taranaki provincial cycling land tour recently were the championships were held in' adverse The Peddlers. They gave weather conditions at Rugby Park, one concert in New Ply- New Plymouth, a few weeks ago. mouth, during the tour, The lack of interest in this sport which was well received was evidenced by the pitifully small and attracted a reasonably crowd which witnessed the events - ~ood crowd at the Opera most disappointing. Ilouse. - ~ - ...~-..---'l' Since their last visit it W,IS II(J(f·rJ (1,,,( 1/11' '111111/1 1I,lIi changed one momtu» III" 1/11111111/"1 Trevor Moriss had beon ronturi-rt IW l'd,,1 .Inll/l.\/Ol/ from Christchurch (11'1/1 ...;. A tough finish in the B grade race 7 tOO YEARS OI~D !~STOCK CAR MEETING, ~ "Phol II Ni-w-,•• 11111'11(1\'(1 I.wo stock car meetings in ~ Stratford III 1111' PII~'1. month. This, the first meeting, ~J saw plr-ul y or 1II'IIIIIl, thrills and spills and, at one ~ stage, 1.111'1'1' Wit', /,II 1l1l1('h action our photographer 'it didn't k uow wluch wily to point the camera. 1,'.~ ~~ / 'V ~ .~f, Mrs E. WooHams .. /1-\1 of Hawera cele- brated the attain- ~~ Y1i ment of her lOOth ~ birthday recently. 'i! She is seen at right cutting her cele- ~ bration cake. \i I':.:J ~i; 1 A, ~! ,.J ~ .._-. (; ~~ (A ~I J. O'Dea has mechanical trouble and looks like he is about to lose a wheel ... ... but he loses control and rolls his car instead ,~_~ ~ ~~..... • • ~ •.. --; I':J.: t 1 IT'S'NEAll') Y t~ lCABARET ~"/~j';1~'-;()N,I ~ 11' AND FOR PHOTOCI{APIIS ()Jo' vouu f ~ CABARET OR SOCIAL I,'UN( TION ! i I YOU- SHOULD CONTA( "I' ! ~ .~ I 'PhJto 11CWJ I~..~" ! HERE'S WilY . ~ I;••••. --- • WE HAVE NO ATTI':NI>AN( I' ,..",. ~ --~~~~ j ,. ~ • WE WILL PLACE PI("J'lJRI'S 01' :y I YOUR CABAR ET IN'J'O "PIIO'I 0 ~ l ~~~~"WITHOUT ('IIAIH:I' TO ~. • OUR PRINT PRICES AIH, REASONABLE. t • YOU CAN VIEW TI1E PRO()I' S t\ I !~ ( ~~ FITZROY, OR AT CAMI'RA HOUSE, IN THE CITY. !t,I !\A Call U" T()(/lIY ! {j ! IA I . G. Johnson (2) tries hard to chase G. Walker (88) but it tooks j ON ,'10- rot Oil '" tu U/""'/' .111'"'' like he had a little water trouble friends ""1 .•.• - _ • ! L..._~_"_ ~_'_" __ II 9 The k';()('orul Meeting Tile Sl't'()I\(1 ~1.'H'kcur mocung we attended last month did lIoi prl's('IlL anywhere near the amount of action and ")«"il.('1I11'111. ns the previous one. However, from the ('olllp('i it()rs' view point it was a good, well run meeti Ill~, ENGAGEMENTS Above Left: JULIAN-NOLLY. Christine Anne, daughter of Mr and Mrs F. L. Nolly of Stratford, to Mark Anthony, son of Mr and Mrs D. G. Julian of New Plymouth. (Fitzroy Studios), Above: MIST··-HILL. Helen, daughter of Mr and Mrs L. G. Hill of New Plymouth, to Kevin, son of Mr and Mrs W. J. Mist, also of New Plymouth. (Fitzroy Studios). Left: SHAW-SANDERSON. Glyn Mary, daughter of Mr and Mrs J. Sanderson of New Plymouth, to Donald Carey, son of Mr arid Mrs B. Shaw, also of New Plymouth. (Fitzroy Studios). Below: VAN DER VLIET-QUAYLE. Susan Anne, daughter of Mr and Mrs J. F. Quayle of New Plymouth, to Christopher Adrianus, son of Mr and Mrs C. Van Der Vliet of Upper Hutt. (Fitzroy Studios). YOUR WEDDING PHOTO FOR "PHOTO NEWS" IF YOU LIVE IN SOUTH TARANAKI and YOII would like your wedding photo to appear in "Photo News", tlll'll here is an you have to do ... Purchase a 6" x 4" size glossy print, of the group picture you prefer. lrom the photographer who covered your wedding. Allnrh:J note giving the following details - bride's christian and maiden 1I:lIl1e; . groom's christian and surname; the home town of the illitll' and groom; christian and surnames of attendants and their hunu- towns; the church in which the wedding took place; and the lO\\ II In which the newly married couple intends to live. Send the picuuv, together with details, to: Social Editor, Photo News, P.O. Box 42 I, New Ply- At this meeting it seemed to be ttu) ill 1//1/1/1111 1111/1 ,I/"/I/lt! mouth. and go back the way you came 1.) 11 ROYAL' VISIT Princess Ann and her hus- band, Captain Mark Phillips, called at New Plymouth for a very quick 'Visit,not long ago. The visit entailed a motorcade through the city streets, a short concert at the. Bowl of llrooklands, and finally, the meeting of disabled children who have learned to ride - horses, Thelatter event'.took 1>111('1' ili the Showgrounds. The Princess and her husband went onto the stage at the Bowl to meet those who gave the concert ' '. Stopping to talk to children certainly made the Princess popular, For most of these children this was the first time they had ever seen Rovalt~ I Soon it was a/l over and the Roval visitors departed /11,' wav they had I - • '. I arrived, , , . , , , by Friendship aircra~ And then a short coucurt all II", /luwl 13 12 PARIHAKA GALA DAY Originally planned as a two- day event, the gala was restricted to one day only, because of the fuel restrictions, and then the clouds gathered. and rain soaked the whole show, causing much discomfort and .. alrnot ruining the event. Never- (,l1cI0:;5 the gala continued.in' the best of traditions and those r who braved the weather wore ItIlPPY smiles: If it wasn't the rain then it was the vand, IIIIU 1111.1 murio the erection of tents OXIIII/ll.•..nIV thl luult ~ Pipers L. W"I.,iI .\ / loIII'V ,1/111 G. Gilligan discuss the march Heather Creagh's daughter Fiona WI>ll 111/' /1.,11, Show thev are ebous III 1/1,//·,· And then the Pipe Band got themselves toqether 111/1/ Even though it rained, tho Kif/till' WIIIIIII vttt] (/11/ IIII'HI And then Co/II/" III" 1111111 11/1111V wore waiting proceeded with their parade as planned business of the hangl.1 1'1 15 Opening Ecology The Adventures Introducing - Of Captain earn paign "Captain Clean" Clean Nationwide at this time, an ecology campaign is be- "Captain (;1(11111" believes we should look after our "Captain Clean" and his ing promoted by the N.Z,B.C. Most pcopl will already environment. 11.', like many .thousands of New Zea- faithful "Clean Sack" are a landers, ('ur(,!'lllh()1( 1,1.1)[, planet on which we live and be familiar with the symbol "I Care." III New Ply- dreaded duo. In his efforts to mouth the campaign was officially opened by the he, unlike mnuy New Zealanders, is doing something fight pollution and the spoil- Mayor, Mr D.
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