General Development Guidance Developer’s Guide Part 4 Interim Document November 2008 General Development Guidance Developer’s Guide Part 4 Interim Document Slough Borough Council Transport and Planning Division Planning Services Slough Borough Council Town Hall Bath Road SLOUGH SL1 3UQ Tel: 01753 477340 Planning Applications 01753 477341 or 875855 Policy/Section 106 Email: Planning Applications [email protected] Planning Policy/Section 106 [email protected] Web: www.slough.gov.uk November 2008 General Development Guidance Developer’s Guide Part 4 Contents 1 Preface..............................................................................................3 2 Introduction ....................................................................................4 3 Sustainable Development..............................................................5 4 Potentially Contaminated Land ....................................................7 5 Air Quality ........................................................................................11 6 Flood Risk and Surface Water Drainage ......................................14 7 Crime Prevention ............................................................................18 8 Refuse and Recycling for New Dwellings....................................19 9 Archaeology ....................................................................................22 10 Building Control ..............................................................................23 Appendix 1: List of Supplementary Planning Guidance................24 2 www.slough.gov.uk General Development Guidance Developer’s Guide Part 4 1 Preface This series of developer guide documents is It is being published as an Interim document. intended to assist developers who are It is envisaged that in due course more proposing to submit planning applications for comprehensive advice will be produced in the residential and commercial schemes in Slough. form of a Supplementary Planning Document, Part 1 Planning Application Procedure and following consultation and statutory Decision Making procedures. Part 2 Developer Contributions and This interim guide may be revised prior to the affordable Housing (Section 106) comprehensive document referred to above but no change will be made to developer Part 3 Transport and Highway Guidance contributions before the 28th February 2009. Part 4 General Development Guidance Any changes will be put on the Council web site. It should enable applicants to appreciate what they will be required to do and what to expect It does not set out to include all information from the Planning Service at various stages. that a potential applicant may need but aims to provide links to other existing Its production is part of an Action Plan geared sources/documents as appropriate. to improve our performance in determining major planning applications and ensuring that It is being submitted to the Council’s Planning recent improvements are sustained in the Committee for Members’ endorsement and so coming years. they are aware of the basis on which applications before them have been prepared. The key emphasis is on shifting all the work required on negotiating schemes to the “pre- It is hoped that developers find the guide application” stage so that once an application helpful and comments and suggestions would is submitted we can concentrate on the be welcomed. processing elements to meet the Government’s Gerry Wyld “13 week” target. Head of Planning and Strategic Policy www.slough.gov.uk 3 General Development Guidance Developer’s Guide Part 4 2 Introduction This is not a comprehensive guide to all requirements or matters to consider when developing sites. It identifies some items that are common to many developments and items that are best considered at an early stage in the design and development process. Transport and Highway matters are covered in an associated document - Developers Guide Part 3. Updates will be placed on the Council’s website. 4 www.slough.gov.uk General Development Guidance Developer’s Guide Part 4 3 Sustainable Development In line with Government policy and the systems. In liaison with the Environment emerging South East Plan the Council will now Agency and the Council most surface be putting a much greater emphasis on water will need to be returned to the sustainable development. The emerging Local ground and not directed to sewers or Development Framework will contain policies watercourses. To limit local flood risk on this topic. The Core Strategy (Nov 07) , Local storage of surface water on site may be Plan and Structure Plan already contain some needed. See the section on Flood Risk policies and broad aims that promote more (below) also and Core Strategy (Nov 07) environmentally friendly development such as: Policy 8.. • Locating most new development near to • Meeting the Building for Life Standard employment; shops, key public facilities (www.buildingforlife.org) for residential and public transport (a broad aim of the development to create more sustainable Local Plan and Core Strategy). communities in the widest sense. This • Requiring enhancement to non car modes standard focuses on good design of travel; safe and convenient pedestrian including consideration of quality of life and cycle routes, ‘walk to school routes’, and crime reduction through bus services/infrastructure etc., travel appropriately designed developments. plans (these are referred to in the Proposals will need to show how the Transport & Highway Guidance document) Building for Life objectives have been addressed. • Limiting space for car parking in very accessible locations particularly for The Council is now expecting Sustainable employment uses. (Local Plan policy T2 Design and Construction in terms of detail and Core Strategy (Nov 07) Policy 7) design of layouts and buildings to help reduce carbon emissions. The Council will • Minimising the loss of green field and be expecting developers to incorporate open space land. where feasible features such as: • Encouraging wildlife through use of • Incorporating sources of renewable or low appropriate new landscaping and carbon technology energy generation protection of important existing wildlife such as installation of solar panels to heat habitat. Local Plan policy EN 3 water; photovoltaic panels to generate Landscaping; EN 22, 23, 24 Nature power from day light; biomass boilers Conservation; Core Strategy (Nov 07) (such as wood burning boilers); micro Policy 8 &9). wind generation and low carbon • Incorporating public recycling facilities combined heat and power systems for into housing development of 150 homes larger buildings or complexes. Advice can or more or large retail and leisure be sought from Thames Valley Energy at development (Berkshire Structure Plan Greenham Common (web site policy W4 and Minerals and Waste Plan tvenergy.org) and Government Planning WLP 9) Policy Statement 22 Planning for Renewable Energy and its companion • Minimising or controlling surface water guide; Planning Policy Statement 1 Climate run off to reduce flood risk and protect the Change companion guide. water environment through the use of SUDS - sustainable urban drainage www.slough.gov.uk 5 General Development Guidance Developer’s Guide Part 4 • The Developer Contributions guide states Code for Sustainable Homes & BREEAM that major developments must include Most major developments will need to achieve renewable or low carbon energy a rating of at least level 3 of the Code for equivalent to 10% of the developments Sustainable Homes [www.communities.gov.uk] carbon emissions. or for commercial developments a BREEAM • Water conservation measures such as rating of at least Very Good [www.bre.co.uk]. storing of rain water for reuse These schemes measure a variety of (garden/planting areas, car washing, toilet sustainable development features and are a flushing), ‘grey water’ systems i.e. re use of flexible way for developers to achieve certain waste water for toilet flushing etc. standards above the norm. However they All houses will be required to store include minimum requirements for energy rainwater in some way. efficiency and water use. A more energy • Greater care of trees on site by avoiding efficient building reduces the amount of and tree loss; keeping development clear of cost of installing renewable energy equipment tree routes or if absolutely necessary to satisfy emerging policy requirements. making use of special construction techniques to minimise damage to trees. • ‘Green Roof’ or ‘Brown Roof’ construction; vegetation on roofs to act as insulation, help wildlife, reduce surface water run off, improve water quality. • Building design and layout to make use of or control solar gain. • Use of building materials from renewable sources or that have low embodied energy ( ie: they are not energy intensive to produce) eg. timber. • Recycling of building materials; site waste management. The Building Regulations now require developments to be more energy efficient. However it is still beneficial to achieve greater than the minimum standards in terms of energy efficiency; insulation; heating and ventilation systems. The following standards are relevant. 6 www.slough.gov.uk General Development Guidance Developer’s Guide Part 4 4 Potentially Contaminated Land The Berkshire Guide to Developing established. Some Local Authorities may Potentially Contaminated Land. request this information prior to an application This leaflet is issued to assist developers, being decided. agents
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