crf -"rce HOOdAatirtt,i 51 '.11Vieiaing,t011 rir 11.1.1111111180411 57 4031 VOL. VI, No. !7 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, T. H. Friday, April 26, 1957 New Gear Arrives Twenty-one K-Bay Non -Corns For K-Bay Cinemas' Two new De Vry motion picture Named by HQMC for Boost projectors, two amplifiers, and speakers arrived Monday for in- s:allation in the Station theater. a Special Services spokesman has re- To SgtMajor, lst Sergeant vealed. Headed by the top noncommissioned officers of both the Marine Two more projectors. amplifiers, Coros Air Station and the 1st Marine Brigade, 21 K-Bay first sergeants and speakers. for use in Regi- the and master sergeants mental theater. are on order and this week received notice of their selection by should arrive within the next 10 Marine Coros Headouarters for promotion to the coveted ranks of days. The existing equipment will sergeant maior and first sergeant. MSgt. Arthur 0. Hurd. who fills the be cannibalized and used to pro- Brigade sergeant major billet, and vide projection and sound units for MSgt. Donald E- Waldron, who is tion chief of the squadron; Charles the Station Outdoor theater, it was in the same capacity for Station, E. McCuine, Marine Supply; and a reported. were both selected for sergeast ma- Charley H. Scott, Station S-3 chief. all jor. The two formerly held that In 3d Bn., 12th Marines: MSgt. Also on order and at present en- rank before it was discontinued on V route from the East Coast are three Charles H. Camp, 1st sergeant of customer turnstiles and four Dec. 1, 1946. H&S Battery. MSgt. George H. Rose, who is Io changemakers. The installation of In Service Bn.: MSgt. Saweren this equipment will do away with regimental sergeant major for the J. Dennis, battalion S-3 chief, and 4th Marines, was also selected for the necessity of employing ticket , MSgt. R. E. Ingraham, 1st sergeant sales people and doormen. the star enlisted rank. of "C" Co., 7th Engineer Bn. A shutdown period of seven to Elsewhere on the station. two In Brigade Hqs Co.: MSgt. Eu- :0 days is expected for installation artillerymen and an amphibian gene S. Lyne Jr., brigade communi- of the new equipment. During the tractor man were notified of cations section. their selection for sergeant major. ::hsrseover. Station Public Works six Kaneohe NCOs selected They are: 1st Sgt. 011ie J. Toney, The der Ir.:. install completely new elec- major were among sergeant major of the Brigade for sergeant es rrsal circuits in both theaters. the Msrine artillery, 3d Bn.. 12th Marines; 153 chosen throughoes Corps: the 15 first sergeant selee- a MSgt. V. L. Cullman. operations tees were from amony 400 throufh- chief for the same battalion. and out the Explorer Scouts 1st Sgt. Julian IL Myrick, first come. sergeant of "A" Co., 1st Amtracs. Selections were made by a board Hold K-Bay Camp The fifteen six stripers "picked convened at Marine Corps Head- up" for first serceant are ' quarters on Feb. 18. There were iernbers of K-Bay's Al- Explorer In the 4th Marines: MSgt. J. H. more than 1100 applicants. At the Scsadron =5. BSA. held an encamp- Searcy Jr., 3d Bn. sergeant major; present time, before appointments made, the rat :nen*. here George W. Pyles, "0" Co., 3d Ba., in the new selections are Monday and Tuesday. ma- The scoets were conducted on a 1st sergeant; John P. Welch. lit Marine Corps has 82 sergeants to r of Kansas toner and received Bn. sergeant major and Samuel E. jor and 149 first sergeants. :raining "I'M EXTREMELY PROUD' Gen. Avery R. Kier, commanding Estes, "F" Co.. 2d Bn., 1st sergeant. Present seiectees must pass a of in the link trainer during -Brie. their star here. genera' 1st Marine Brigade, accepts the decorated bathe color of In Marine Aircraft Group 13: physical examination before re- 8 ceiving their appointments. They Air Explorer Squadron 225 was or- the ist Marine Brigade at a ceremonial parade and review Saturday MSgts. Robert M. Dodge, sergeant d- will then receive certificates of :anized in December of 1955 and is morning. Gen. Kier, who assumed command of the Brigade formally major of VMF- 232: H.. D. Caldwell, 7Junsored by the Windward Oahu VMF -214 sergeant major: H. D. appointment signed by the Com- at the ceremonies said. "You are all members of a great outfit . - Fleet Reserve Association Branch Nichol. Jr. , spereant ma ,or of Has- mandant of the Marine Corps. I am extremely proud to be a member with you of the 1st Marine i 11'5. which is located here at MCAS MS sergeant major and T. E. It is the intention of Mai irie Kaneohe. The squadron is named Brigade. Fleet Marine Force, Pacific." Col. Elmer T. Dorsey, CO, McClintock. NCO in charge of the Corps Headquarters to establish a ..J. J. Foss" after Joe Foss, a former MAG- 13, who commanded the Brigade pending the general's arrival, MACS 2 material section. lineal list for both sergeants major Marine pilot and present governor looks on as Capt. C. J. Schneeman, parade adjutant, presents the In hq and Hq Sq.. MCAS: MSgt. and first sergeants similar to the of South Dakota. color to Gen. Kier. Dan F. Houghtailing. administra- See NON-COMS Page 3 p SCOUTS TO SEABEES NGF TEAMS PLAN TRAINING HOSTS MANY VISITORS THIS WEEK AT KAHOOLAWE NEXT MONTH .K-BAY are This has been a busy week at The "Citizens" conference meet- quested visits to the base and is The 4th Marines Shore Fire Control Party will train at the Navy's the base, "tourist" wise. Visitors ings are being held at the Station vitally interested in Marine activi- d discussion g r o u p s gunnery practice Island of Kahoolawe during the month of May, it from all over the islands, from Boy theater, with ties. e meeting at Dewey Square. the Sta- was announced this week. Scouts to Marine Reservists have outer e tion training building and theater. Marine Reservists from the Gun team commanded Bi tl come to get a first-hand look at Following their meetings and dis- islands arived at K-Bay Wednesday Cobb, USN, the 4th Marines Naval Gun Fire officer. They will the Marine Corps' "only complete- cussion groups, the scouts have uti-; to tour the base. It was part of Harbor °thonenfrb°b1the , - s- -ark at Pearl - -- ly coordinated air-ground team." lized the base recreation facilities aboard their enlistment trip to Oahu. which USS i is made up of two units. One is a Approximately 250 Explorer Ma- PHILLIP t DDE-4981. They are Tuesday afternoon twenty-two was arranged by the Honolulu ' spottine team which is composed Scouts from all over the Territory high school rine Corps Recruiting Station to stheduled to debark about noon of of eight enlisted men and a Ma- arrived aboard yesterday for a students from Kailua 7he Kahoolawe. and Kaneohe's Castle high school give the enlistees a glimpse of the same day off rineuwill officer. The other is a liaison three-day conference, known as the n i l base. where they got a Corps in action before they return ,oerney to the .ihrebiec "Citizens Now" conference with the toured the team hii aiusot eight home islands. 'oats. and commence firing prac- men in- theme of citizens "In the Home" view of both ground and air weap- to their also. but is commanded by a visit was :ice the same afternoon. A total Naval officer. and In the Community." ons and equipment. The Tomorrow morning a group of of 375 rounds of 5-inch-38 caliber An Air Force C-47 from Hickam arranged through the efforts of Seabee reservists from Reserve In an amphibious assault these class president! arr.:munition will be fired during the teams land with AFB flew the scouts from neigh- Phil Stroud. senior CB Division 14-1 is scheduled to their battalion's Castle high school. pr.:Clem which is to secure at noon. assault waves. but once inland the bor islands to MCAS Kaneohe for of tour the station as part of their May 23. liaison team takes up a position .n the three-day conference. Another group 01 students. un- training program. Plans are to One of the most important phases direct contact with the battalion During their stay at K-Bay, the der the auspices of the Oahu show them some of the equip- of this training will be a night il- command post. The function of the scouts are billetted in barracks 269 Youth Council. was scheduled to ment that they may need to be lumination problem which will in-iliaison unit is to monitor and relay and 261, and are getting a taste observe the Brigade and Station familiar with. Joinine them on Yolve the employment of Marine ail calls for Naval gun fire support of Marine Corps food through the facilities. however the trip was their tour will be 150 of the visit- air support. The purpose is to from the spotting team which has facilities of Mess Hall I. cancelled. Many teeners have re- ing Explorer Scouts. achieve maximum coordination be- continued with the advance. teen .round spotting teams. air The 2nd Battalion exereess will be SUPport. and the Naval guns. commanded by Lt. (jg) J. P. Doyle The Shore Fire Control Party T'SN. Lt. Doyle and his 16-man unit w return to Pearl Harbor May will return to Pearl Harbor the eve - 23 at approximately 6:30 pm.
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