AIKIDO YOSHINKAN INTERNATIONAL Vol. 2 No. 4 March 1992 PubLshs: GOZO SHIODA O Dgl AnsDo YosrtrNKAN Enib: HIToSHI NAKANO 2'28'8, Kmiochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 161, Japm sl,ff: HOWARD D. BRANDT Tet 03-3368-5556 Fd: 03-3368-5578 SAKIKO KOCA All rights resewed ROBERT MUSTARD Cmeponde s: MARKBAKER JACQUES PAYEI ROLAND THOMPSON Spsial Thmks .o MR. AKIRA YAGYU MR, SI,IIGERU SAKAMOTO Ai ki clo Yo sh i n kan I n ter nati onal SUBSCRIPTION Makc ch.ques payable to Intertational Yoshi[kai Aikido Federation, c/o Tsuneo Ando 2-28-8, KamiochiaL Shiniuku-kq Tokyo 161, Iapan A one-year subsdiption (four issues) is Y2,000, including postage and handling Name Rene@l U City Postal Code Country Phonir Number CIub Please Print in BlockLette$ we at the Honbu Dojo are aheady preparing for SOKE SHIODA GOZO the Second Intemational lnstructors Cource. The second Sroup of lrainecs wjll begin lheir nine- I am greatly indebtcd to fellow members of month's of uaining-initially alontside 10 po- Yoshinkan Aikido throughout thc world for their Iiccmcn from the Tokyo Metropolitan Riot Po- unconditional help and support during the past lice April 1, 1992. To date, 12 participants from year. Thanks to you, the lntemational Yoshinkai different nations havebeen accepted to the course. Aikido Federation (IYAF) has already entered its third year and we are seeinS a sleady increase in I take heart from the increasing interaction with the number of groups becoming affiliated with it. people around the world that Yoshinkan Aikido And I am dclighted to see IYAF registered in- is making inroads worldwide. t again ask for the structors play a conspicuous Imrt in promoting continued support of all insbucto$ engagcd in Yoshinlan Aikido in their geogaphical areas. spreadinS Yoshinkan Aikido and its spirit. And I stress the importance of maintaining dose con Honbu Dojo instructors gave clinics and demon- td(t wiLh the Yoshinkdn Honbu Doio dnd hopt, strations in Canada, Eastem Europe, and the thateachofyou will tryyour best to improve your Uni ted States in 1991 . And beginning with a tour technique, your mind, and your heart for the to Australia in Februar, wc anticipa te even more bctterment of Aikido- overseas trips by the sensei in '1992. This issue of AYI will be the last of Volume 2. We The Interna tional Inshuctors Course is an integral would like to make Volume 3 more infomative part of the IYAPS program. As the First Intcma- and useful. We ask for your mntributions and tional Instructors Course enters its final stages, hope Ior an increase in AYI'S subscribers. Aikido YoshinkLn lflternational - The course organizers would like to express their NEWS utmost appreciation to the Japan Agricultural Cooperative for its support and understandinB. lSponsorship Received for Instructors Training Camps lMori Sensei Takes Minitour to The Intemational Imtructom Cou6e is the or y the United States course of its kind available. One of the main themes within the ryAF is the development of In continuinB itsefforts to standardize technique technical standards intemationa\. To achieve within the growint international Yoshinkan this, highly skilled instructors must be trained, famil, the IYAI was very pleased to sponsor a available, and accessible. Not aII trainees will go minitour by Mori Sensei of the Yoshinkan Honbu .n , to begin theirown doios,but theexperienceof Dojo to Califomia in November 1991 (sce related \.Ae course will hopefully seIve positively in their article on pate 5, thjs issue). Michiharu Mori is personal fu ture development. onc of theyoungergeneration oI instructorc at the Honbu Dojo. Although only 25 yea6 ol4 he has The benefits of the course are rcrognized by most hained for rnanyyears asan rcliidesftiat theHonbu people in the martial a s world, but the course Dojo and holds a fourth da, in Yoshinlan Aikido. organizers were surprised when they were ap proached by the Japan Agricultural Cooperative It hasb('en traditional for Aikjdo organizations in and offered sponsorship for training camps trvice Japan to send only their most senior insttuctors a year. on tour. The ryAF believes that this often cau*s problems when overseas practitioners feel alien- The Japan Agricultural Cooperative is a part pri- ated toward a visiting instructor bccause of his vate, part govemment organization concemed rank, age, and, often, inability to communicate in specifically with agricultural affairs nationwide. the lantuage of the host counfy. So why should itoffer support to the International Instructorc Cours€? The coopemtive's manaSers To solve these problems, the IYAF has desitned recognize the impoftance ofbringing people from and will continue to sponsor low-budget all over the world to Japan to have them study a minitours. These touls will take one younger particula y Japanese art with the aim of spread- instructor from the Honbu Doio to a designated jnter- |' rg $al arl and an understdnding of Japan area where he will become familiar on a more Vationally. They sought thisopportunity to brinB personal level with the practitioners. Hosts are the trainees to the agricultural regions of Japan to rcquested to avoid hith costs and if possible to offer thema look at the atfirianbase thatunderlies provide homesta)s mther than expensive,budget- ]apanese culture. The people in these rctions will draining hotel accommodation. Scheduling also bcnefit from meeting the people to whose should generauy be rclaxed, with ample hme for countries their prcducts are exported. instructoG and students to mix and talk. The tours will not only provide hosts with a better With this sponsorship, trainees in the First Inter- look at the Japanese world of Aikido but will also national Instructors Course were able to attend a allow theinstructortobetter understand the needs three-day baining camp in Chichibu National of the host country- Park (see AYI VoL 2 No. 3). The IYAI is also emphasizing tours by non- Futwe camps will take place in springand autunm. Japanese Honbu Doir instructorc. This avoids Traineeswilltraveltoallr ionsofJapanandwill any cornmunication problems that differing lin- expe ence an aspect of the country that very few Suistic and cultural backgrounds can cause and foreigners could ever hopc to expenence. allows people in the host country to understand the accessibility of Aikido in Japan. Moreover, it Aikid o Yoshinkqn lnteanational drives homc the rcalization that Aikido is not just Tminees will take their final test on February for one race orculture but an art that can be shared Those trainees deemed capable will graduate ^/as and fully unde$tood by all people everywhere. qualified insEuctors. And trainees that present a high standard of capability will be eligible for The IYAF would like lo thank its Californidn turther promotion in dal, grade. hosts for thcir quick understanding of and re- freshing apFoach to this new concept in inshuc- Congratulations to those tminees who passed the s,todan gading for their effots and achievement throughout the course. alnternational Instructors Trainees Undergo Dan Gradings lSen sel Tour Australia In December 1991, thc trainees in the Intema- From February 13 to 25, three Yoshinkan in- rional Instru.tors Coursc tested for srodafl (first structors toured alonS the eastern coast of Austra- dar)- The following members were Braded to lia, demonstrating Yoshinkan Aikido from shodan leecl: Melboume to Townsville. This tour was jointly ' SiSal Drori Israel hostcd by thc AiLido Yoshinkai Foundation ar lohn Mcc-abe Canada the lapa; Foundation. See the IYAF section ftl Cutis Seeg€r Canada full detailson this first IYAF tour to Austmlia. Philip Soffe Canada Eva Stauffer Swiizerland The following trainees received ikly, (first kyr): Kobi Barilan IsraeI Schmuel Ganah Ismel Adi Govari Israel Yuval Coylach Israel Reinaido Lopezy Other trainees already holdinS dal, levels did not test. v. Harmonizing the Mind and Body through Aikido nl,N n nil rlr 1, UrnnGozo inrooa ulrltlllrlu rallrtut .- -- ".-"* Essential informarion for every 5rudent ol thi\ popular manial art- includes complere descriprions oF basi( Iechniquei ahd valuable insights into their applications. 160 pp; 148 mmx210 mm; $1r.9s KODANSHA INTERNATIONAL [-{ HEAD OFFICE 1?r4, Olowa l.chome, BunkyGku Tokyo, 112 Japan o 0339446492 Available ii the U.SA.lhouqh KODANSHA INTEBNATIONAL USA D212-7226460 l,lairorder Dept r sm.6313571 lh6 canada lhrcuoh FTTZIIENBY & wNlTEs DE LTD r4164720030 Aikido Y oshhkan I ntern\tional u.s.A. TOUR 1991 Each yat, the IYAE oryanizes seoerul tips b'! Hofibu Dojo instructots to oaious countries. The pwrye of lhese tips is lo maintain conta.t bekDeeh the Honbu Doio dnd bnnch dojos a;erseas for the purpose of twintainirlg lechnical sta a safide lanoingpub' lic relntio/ts. Blanch dojos are eaPosed to Honbu tech' niquesafidWrso%Iititx,s d the Hoflb1t Dojo is nade awarc of the specilL neeils of a geographical area. Undet this ptogrum, t'outth danrunked Moi Serceiol Also in Los Angeles,I was opportunities to ,'r.eHanbu Dojo rccentl! spent a total of 10 days in tuo $ven Anaheim Doio, Sensei Sam \4 Califotnia'snajaftitizs gioihg clinics and socinlizing train at thc whqc at the Shuyokan Doio uith Aikiio practitionerc there. He obited San Flah' Combes is in charge, and of Sensei David Dye. Both doFs are in the same cisco for 3 days ani lns Angeles fot T days. vicinity, so we conducted a joint clinic. The char San Francisco actcristics of these dojos were such that while on the one hand they Place importance on in In San Francisco, I was very imfessed with the Yoshjnkan's basics, on lhe other hand, being necessary to practice fact that I couldn't see any difference in the tech- America, they also find it niques performed there and at thc Honbu Doir. It some selkelense tcchniques to cope with the was obvious that Yoshinkan technique is prac_ more dangerous and violent environment com- ticed faithfully in this part of America.
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