My cell phone let loose the mortal coil the other ing to change my world while maintaining the day so I broke down and got a BlackBerry. I would status-quo. Impossible, I know. So I’m screwed. have preferred to try out an iPhone, but we have But I fight forward anyway. The trick is to sur- like ten phones on the company package and I round yourself with the people who are not afraid would have to switch providers to do that and at to stick their head through door #2 and see what that point the migraine set in. So I stayed put and happens. I know door #1 works quite well, thank went with the flow. you. But when they show me that door #2 works even better, I start using it. I want “Limelight” by The first reaction I got from most people was dis- Rush as my ringtone on my new BlackBerry but I belief. Not that i didn’t go with the iPhone (when don’t really want to spend the time trying to figure it comes to Apple-related products, I kind of drink out how to do it. I want things fixed but never the Kool-Aid). The disbelief was that I didn’t al- want to try to figure out how to fix it myself. Must ready have one, or even two. I guess my friends be the Democrat in me. (And now the other half who are less technologically savvy than me think of you are equally offended.) I’m one of those cutting-edge tech guys who al- ways has the latest and greatest tools. Sorry, not Even as I write this, I have just discovered the is- even close. That’s Ron Tigges. I’m the other guy. sue. Time! It’s not true that I don’t like to tinker If there’s a leading edge of techno-savvy, then I’m with stuff. It’s what I do best. But when I’m on on the rusty, dragging rear edge at the back of the a deadline or knee-deep in a project, I want to trend. I am on the trend. I have to be, in this busi- focus on the project. I don’t want to have to worry ness. But I’m far from the maverick. (Is maverick a about sharpening the saw I’m using, so to speak, I bad word now?) I pretty much get dragged kicking just want the saw to work. When the stress is off, I and screaming into each evolutionary technology actually love nothing better than trying to make a jump. I hate having to figure out new stuff. It’s better mousetrap. But the problem when you own probably why I use Macs. Even when they’re new, your own business is that there is never a time they just work: No drivers to install and crazy net- when the stress is off. So when do you tinker? I working acrobatics to employ to make it go. It guess that’s why companies grow and add staff just goes. Perfect! When something technological to focus on the tinkering. Can I add staff to worry hurts my brain, I turn to Tim. When it hurts Tim’s about the stress parts and let me do the tinkering? brain, we turn to our programmer Oliver. I think But we have Patty to cook the books, so that stress he eats technological evolution for breakfast. It’s is off, but yet it’s not. So I think I ‘ll never escape really quite disgusting. He’s not right in the head. that. I just need to evolve. And I think I am. So am I a luddite? Do I just hate technology but If nothing else, I am doing one thing right. I’m have to use it as part of the profession I find my- not stopping the crew from taking the road less self in? No, I actually quite love it. I just love the traveled by. We’re building things at 365 using stuff I have. Why do I need new stuff? And thus I technologies that completely confound me. We step back and grudgingly realize and admit that have a need and these guys (that includes the this pretty much describes my life. I’ve driven the non-guys) come back with solutions ten times same beater of an SUV for over a decade. I’ve better than what I hoped to get. What it means never let go of a guitar I’ve purchased, about 10 for me is that I have to trust that even if I don’t now. In fact, I didn’t even buy the last two. My know how to do it myself, it’s still the right thing wife did. She likely realizes I’d just keep playing to do. I’m doing my best to wrap my head around the ones I have even though she knows there are it, but I’m not making it wait for me. We can’t all others out there I’d like to have. When I find a be masters of everything, though for quite some shirt I like, I buy five. Done shopping for another time around here I have been just that. But we’re year! It’s not a matter of laziness. It’s a matter of getting kind of diverse these days. Ben is doing liking what I like. I think I try new things all the digital animation that I thought could only come time. But at the same time, there are some things out of Skywalker Ranch. Oliver writes code for that I just don’t change because I like them as platforms that the platform’s original developers they are. say goes beyond what they thought their platform could do. And even if I can’t make these things For example, dining out. When I go to some of dance like I used to, I know I still have a keen my favorite restaurants, I never need a menu. I eye for what works and what does not. I can usually get the same thing. Occasionally I branch juggle the need, the politics, the timeline, the out and try something new, but invariably, I find budget and the solution. You can’t get that from that, while satiating, it was not as good as my old a technology upgrade. So I think I’m still needed standby. So when I find the carnitas at Los Aztecas around here. That and I can still make pretty pic- or the phoenix roll at TAIKO, I stick with it. I do tures. I’m still trying to figure out Flash. I think I’ll enjoy a spicy tuna roll and smoked eel, but not as just go get another Flash guy. Problem solved. But much as I like the phoenix roll. So why not get it then we need a bigger office. (And that, I promise, every time? Have you had the Fajitas Rancheras at will be the subject of an Inkubator next month.) Fiesta Cancun? Hello! Yes, I know there are great Then I can focus on beefing up my core skills: reasons why not to always get the same thing, but Meat smoking! I choose to ignore them. Sometimes I prefer to just be perfectly content rather than opening my mind And thanks, Tim, for making my “Limelight” my and have my horizons broadened. It must be the ringtone. Sushi, anyone? The 365ink crew... faces you already know! Republican in me. (Okay, so half you just stopped reading ... well 45% anyway). It’s like I’m fight- Tim Mike Kristina Jeff Kelli Ralph Oliver Matt Lisa Chris Pam Jon Ben Ron Bob Roy Brad Bryce Issue #89 _____________________The Inkwell Publisher: Bryce Parks ([email protected]) AUGUST 20 - SEPTEMBER 3 Editor: Tim Brechlin ([email protected]) Advertising: Kelli Kerrigan In this Issue: ([email protected]) 563-451-9365 Irish Hooley Writers & Content: Mike Ironside Year 5 4 ([email protected]) Tim Brechlin, Bryce Parks, L.A. Hammer, Chris Wand, Mayor Roy Community Shorts 5 Buol, Matt Booth, Bob Gelms, Lizards on the Loose Pam Kress-Dunn, Jeff Stiles, Me- River Lights Book Signing gan Dalsing and Pat Fisher. Schoolhouse Rock Designers: Full Monty Auditions Kristina Nesteby Thaddeus Rex ([email protected]) Bryce, Tim & Mike Monk’s Art Exhibit Photography: 365 Pop Quiz 6 Mike Ironside, Ron Tigges, Area Briefs 6 Bryce Parks Entertainment Briefs 7 Layout: Tim Brechlin, Bryce Parks Summer’s Last Blast 8 Director of Operations: All That Jazz 9 Patricia Reisen-Ottavi, J.D. Loras Art Exhibit 10 Community, Incorporated Brad Parks, C.E.O. Pam Kress-Dunn 11 Ralph Kluseman Wando’s Movies 12 Special thank you to: Brad Parks, Bob & Fran Parks, Christy Albrecht Acres 13 Monk, Katy Brechlin, Kay Kluseman, Todd Locher, Everett Buckardt, Julie Mindframe Movies 13 Steffen, Sheila Castaneda, Ron & Jen- nifer Tigges, bacon, the crew of Ra- Short Film Brigade 14 dio Dubuque and all the 365 friends and advertisers for all your support. New Diggs Music Fest 15 You are all 365. Budweiser Nightlife 16-17 Dubuque365 / 365ink 210 West 1st Street, Pirate Party 18 Dubuque, IA, 52001 Printmaking Exhibit 19 dubuque365.com (563) 588-4365 Bob’s Book Reviews 22 All contents (c) 2008, Community, Incor- Mattitude 23 porated. All rights reserved. LifeStiles 24 Like our stuff? We can make yours too! Eating Healthy w/ Hy-Vee 25 Silver Dollar Music 26 Crosswords & Puzzles 27 365 • Web Site Development • Trixie Kitsch 28 • Graphic Design • • Photography • Dr.
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