
THE WEATHER Fereeaet of C. S. Weather B uimq AVERAGE DAILT CSRCCLATION Hartford . for the Moatb of July, 198$ Partly cloady,^aUghtl7 oeoler, pre- ceded by afeowen tonight; Friday 6,039 fair. Membar of the Audit Bm«M of ClfwUsUooa MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 18,1938 v 6 l .LV1L,N6.272 Find Bones of New Cleveland Torso Victim WITNESS TESTIFIES AMERICANS SEEKING OF DEATH THREATS MONOPOLY OF RIVER; BY SCHULTZ GANG 55 WILL D EFill) CANADA SECTTRITY BOARD EM PLOYES ^ D R I V E H O T B A R G A I N Negro TeDs Story In Racket whey POrNB USEFUL ‘ WaiBhlngton, Aug. 18.— (A P )— People Of United States Will IN MAKING CANDY Rooseveit MakeT Conspiracy Trial Of Hines, Social Security Board employes have driven a hot bargain with Washington, Aug. 18.- (AP) Plea For Waterway Treaty loard members. Not Stand Idly By If Dorn* — You may be eating whey Tammany Leader — Fate When the temperature reaches candy soon—and liking It. 94 degrees the employes auto- The Bureau of Dairy Industry inatically may leave, for the re- ination Of Canadian SoO And Says Unless Go?enh Of Partner Not Revealed. mainder of the day. A conrmit- said today ita chemists had found tee from the Union of Govern- that whey, a by-product left aft- ments^Joip Hands Private ment Employes made the deal er making cheese, coul,<. be pow- Is Threatened By Any dered and used In candy, thereby hCJLLETIN! with the boanl. Most other government depart- increasing Its nutriment value. Interests WHl Seise Oih ew York, Aug. 1$— (A P I— ments release employes when the Other Empire, Roosevelt ___ name of a new York City temperatures soar into the upper maclatrate, now dead, who was 90,'a. portonity To Develop Val- listed by Dtotrict " Attorney Assures His Aodiem^ Tbomao E. Dewey as having been *inUnildatod, Influenced or DENY ley Of SL Lawrence. bribed” In connection with the At Queens University. muIti-mUIIon dollar Harlem llcy racket, was Injected _to- CHINESE flO lD PLANS TO QUIT Thousand Islands Bridge, Cana. ey into the conspiracy trial of Kingston. Ont., Aug. 18.— (A P )— SS dlan-U. S. Border, Aug. 18.— (AFV James J. (Jimmy) Hines, Tam- President Roosevelt asserted em- many poUtlcal diieftain. —President Itoosevelt made a vig- LINES DESPITE phatically today the people of the BRITISH POST Six-yenr-old records of a orous plea for toe long-debated SL hearing before the ma^trate, United States “wilt not stand Idly Lawrence waterway treaty today Francis Erwin, were Introduced .by if domination of Canadian aoil la and said that unless toa United to show that Erwin peremptor- JAPWARSHIFS threatened by any other empire.” Reports Qrculated Foreign States and Canada take Joint goT^ ily discharged a group of 43 A Cflmlsnd detective (at left) :ea In a receptacle the bones o f the city’s twelfth “ torso killing" The Chief Ebcecutlve, speaking at {Hrtsoners captured In a raid on victim, found not far from the Erie lake front where the Great Lakes exposition held last yMr. <^r- emmental action a “ group o f Amaiw a-Harlem policy “ bank” eon- omer Samuel R. Gerber (center; in white gown) said he believed the victim had been slain by the city# Queens University, expressed sin- Secretary To Resign Be- lean interests” may gain a monopo. Reinforc^ments Landed 120 dneted by ” Joe Joe” Ison and mad "torso killer” who dismembers his victims’ bodies. cere friendship for C:anada as a ly In developing the river. bis brother, Masjo or ‘X lttle Mr. Roosevelt spoke at dedicatlqa member Intilthe fellowship o f the Joe.” Americas." He added: cause Of Differences Over ceremonies for toe winding bridge Miles Downriver In Nip- “We In the Americas are no long- Mroes toe St. Lawrence connecting New York, Aug. 18.-^(AP) — A Ivy Lea, Ontario, and ColUntilUnt Land. er a far away continent, to which Dealing With Dictators. drsmatle story of “death • ride” ponese Effort To Drive To- the eddies o f controversies besrond Ing, N. ’Y., a few houra oftar ht ■ POUCE SEEKING MRS. s c o n CONFESSES had assured a Kingston, Ontarif. threats by members of the Dutch the seas could bring no Interest or audience to'at citizens .of toa United no harm. Schifltz mob. In taking over control ward Provisional Capital London. Aug. 18— (A P )—BriUsh States would “not atend idly by tf Propaganda Tmrgvt domination of Canadian son la of the mult|l-mUllon dollar policy TORSO SLAYER government spokesmen today Issued KILUNG HER HUSBAND "Instead, we In to,. Americas threatened by any othar emplrt.” - racket, waa told In Supreme (Jourt have becom a consideration to every sharp official denlala of reporU that The President, In hla prepared ad* today by Wilfred Bnmder, 43, a BULLETIN! 5- propaganda office and to every g ^ - Viscount Halifax, foreign eecrttary, dress here, outUned toe potential!, Wast Indies Negro. Hongkong, Ang. IS.— (A P )— AMONG HOBOES eral staff beyond the seaa. ties of-navigation and power devel^ might resign because of differences Testifying In the racket conspira- Japan’s persistent air bonoblng Admission To Detectives "TTie dominion of Canada la part with Prime Minister Chamberlain opment in toe Boundai^-UiM rtvar cy trial of James J. (Jimmy) Hines, campaign against the Cahton- LOYAL TROOPS and then added: > ; of the sisterhood of too British Em- over deallnga with Europe’s dicta- Tammany district leader, Bnmder Hankow railway today appear- pire. I give to you assurance that Major Problem of OovomnanS . told how his partner In a Harlem tors. “The development of natural zn. ed for the flrst time to- have put 59 Vagrants Whisked To Follows Week Of Stead- the people of the Uillted States will One official aald such reports, policy “bwik,” Fred McLaughlin, sources, and the proper handling oC , that vital line of supply for REPa AHACK not stand Idly by If domination of were “ preposterous and rather mis- was threatened with death _by a car- China’s armies oat ot commis- their fruita, la a major problam ot load o f Schultz henchmen when he Jafl To Await Qnestionihg; fast Denial By Young Canadlah soil la threatened by any chievous at toe present time.” govemmenL Natuntoy, no solution sion, at least temporarily. There other empire.’* Reports current In diplomatic and refused to turn oyer his policy busi- has been no paasenger aervlce would be acceptable to eltoer couBr- ., ness to the mob. — IN MOUNTAINS The President, speaking only two other circles yesterday said, > that try . which did not leave Its govaza*' between" Canton, China’s apnth- " I waa quitting the racket,” Brun- Ten Found To Have Been -Woman She Fired Shot d a ^ after Secretsiry ^Hull's call fot- Lord HalUax had Vbered to toe be- ment entirely m uter bi ite oWK em metropolis, and Hankow, lief of bis predecasaor, Anthony der said, "and I told the mob that a Mven-polnt program to bring houfie. the pravisional eapltal, for the about world peace, spoke to vigor- Eden, that toe Ume had coma to what waa left belonged to Fred Mc- past ten dayih and now, as far . Listed - - A s Criminalsv “ To put it bluntly, a g ro i9 eff Waterbury, Aug. 18.— (A P ) — Machine Guns Stop Insor- ous terms about “ wanton brutality" deal sternly with toe dictators. LaughUn. as can be learned, no mUltary American Interests la hare gradual, Refers To Oaagstera Mrs. Thursa Scott, 25, confessed to- and “ undemocratic regimentation” Eden resigned Feb. 20 because he ly putting Itself Into a poaiUoa tralna are getting through. differed with Chamberlain's "realis- "W e are coming out of a shop day, Chief inspector Joseph Stev- gents In Gandesa Sector; by a government. where, unless caution la exemlaed. when a car roll# up with Abe Lam- aeveland. Aug. 18— (A P) — Po- He did not, however, name any tic” policy of seeking understanding they may in time be able to deter* Shanghai, Aug. 18— (A P )—Japa- ens said, that she shot and killed dau, Louis Sehneck and Little Able,” lice routed 59 unkempt vagrants foreign nation. with toe rulers of Italy and Ger- mine the economic fate o f a larga he asld, referring to Schultz gang- nese warships and warplanes bom- from makeshift shacks in three her husband, Howard Scott, 83, at many. area, both In Canada and toe Unit* (jiunter - Attack Regains Through .vfr. Roosevelt’s address sters. barded Btubbomlyrheld Chineee poel- their Sheffield avenue home last ran the theme that civilization and Concerning yesterday’s ed States.’’ He aald Abe Landau, also known ‘shanty towns” within a mile of The President said he looked fo r- tlona on the south bank of the Thursday. education transcend international aa “ Abe the Killer,” asked him to downtown Cleveland today In their (Ooatlnoad On Page Two) ward to toe day “ when a Cariadlhn Positions Lost To Rebels. borders, and that the Americas now "step aside a few feet"—away from .^angtze river today in redoubled hunt for the phantom “ torso slay- The confession followed a week of prime minister and an American McLaughlin—and that Landau then efforts to break through to Hankow. steadfast denial by the young wom- are largely responsible for main- president can meet to dedicate—n o t. ’’ of a dozen persons. an that she did not lire the fatal taining the tradition of a free Jn- told McLaughlin: Chineee reported Ntrong Japanese a bridge across this 'water—but toa The men, some apparently in ahoL She had maintained that a Hendaye, France (A t the Spanish tercliange of Ideas between nations.
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