
VOL. LIU. MASON. MICH. THURSDAY. JUNE 8. 1911. NO. 23 fiVAVn IN HUIKP. Mrs. P. L. Stroud is moving in­ Cook-Whitmore. Farmers, Take Notice. to R. C. Dart's house on D street. We will pay 21 l-2c this week for LIVING, SPEAKING Matinee races at Mason June 16. The Daily Tcxarkanian of Texar- Children's day exercises at M. E. butter fat delivered at the cream­ G. L, Peck, collections and insur­ church next Sunday evening at kana, Ark,, gives the following ac­ ery in good condition. lEWREnS ance. Office over Farmers 'bank. ! 7:30. count ot the wedding of Russell C. Mason Creamery Co. MiiHMi^^ Cash Grocery A son was born to Mr. and Mrs, The beneficiaries of Laura A. Wliitmore and Miss Grace Cook: Mrs. H. O. Cllne. PORTRAITS 1 doz. LarRC Oranges, Navals liOc Wm. Wasper of the second ward Godfrey have received §750 from In tlie pretty marriage service at June 1. the L. 0. T. M. M, half after eight o'clock Thursday ev­ News was received here Mon­ Art MMtarpleoM ol 1 K'al. Canned Appels Jtoc day morning of the death of Mrs. 7 bars Lenox Soap 2ac Remember the last meeting ot The I, 0. 0. P. will cross bats ening one ot Texarkana's sweetest Harvey p. Cline. wife of ex-Sher- PHOTOGRAPHY 7 biirsSwifts' Pride Sac the board of review next Monday, with the strong K. P. team next young ladies, gifted in a literary and itt Cline, which occurred at Dr. Onion sets per quart 05c June 12. Friday afternoon. Game called at Peterson's hospital at Ann Arbor EnKllsh Multipliers sets qt 10c 3:30. musical way, plighted her troth to The real value of a photo­ Keguair convocation of Injrham one of the most liighly respected young Sunday at midnight. Death rnsuU- graphic likeness depends upon ] lb Smoking Tobacco- 10c Chapter No. .51, R. A. M., Friday Mason and Leslie high school ed from an operation tor cancer. Dried readies, per lb 12c evening, June 9. liase ball teams will play at South men of Flint, Mich, About ten days ago a |)relimi- its truthful interpretation of Dried Apricots per lb 18c street park next Saturday after­ This refers to tlie marriage of Miss nary operation was performed, individuality. Skill, experi­ Graliam per sack 14c Wm. Eclcert ha.s purclia.sed the Grace Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. which was considered very suc­ Toilet Soap per bar 02c residence of Mrs. Mary Stroiul on noon. ence and artistic training com­ W. G. Cook, to Mr. Russell Ceylon cessful, but she was unable to bined with modean methods ] Kill Gasoline 1^^ east Ash street. The Baptist Sunday school will withstand the shock from the Cocoa per can lOo observe Children's day next Sun­ Wliitmore. From tlie retiring per­ and accessories) place the work J. C. Quirlv and family now oc­ sonality of tlie bonny bride one would principal operation which was per­ Chocolates per lb 20, 25, 40, & (iOc cupy one of F. P. Millbury's resi­ day, and give a concert in the formed last Saturday afternoon. of the Tamlyn studio in the Washini; I'owdersi-Nine o'clock Tea, dences on Mill street. evening. expect just wliat came, a ceremony After Mr. Cline's term of of­ first rank. Snow l?oy. Rub No More, & Tearline simple, yet with the acme of taste. fice as sheriff expired they pur­ All 5 cents per packajje. Dr. A. B. Chaffee of Kalamazoo Workmen have been busy the At half past eight o'clock on Tiiurs- occui)ied the pulpit at the Bap­ past week placing new sections in chased a home and moved to 1211 G. W. TAMLYN It will surely pay you to call me up the boilers ot the heating plant at day evening tlieCongregational church east Michigan avenue, Lansing. or talk with me on Butter & RffRS as tist church last Sunday. was a blaze of liglit and lllled with During their I'esidenco here they Photographer Mason, Mioh. my price will suit you. the court house. friends. The entire chancel was deck­ Geo. James has purchased the made many warm friends, who Phona lor an AppolntmanI 20-acre plat on west Columljia Cordio Bashford and family have ed a bridal bower, the palm and ferns sincerely regret the sad occur­ GEO. H. LEVERETT. street of C. L. Bashford. moved from their Columbia street prevailing as a background for the rence, Dotli Phones, farm to the Dean house, corner of play of snowy carnations, perfect in Mrs. Cline was 50 years of age, J. \V. Lane last weelc received Ash and A streets. beauty and placing as one could fancy." and besides the husband is sur­ 25,000 rainbow trout, wliich have Before the arrival of bridal party vived by her mother, a sister, a >?i been planted in Willow creek. The Farmers' club will meet at |uj|ham(!l0uutg the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Messrs. Walter Johnson, J. B. Phelps, brother and three sons. She was a G. Sa THORBURN'S ®' Miss Irene Henderson gave an Russell June 17 instead of the Geo. Payne and Dr. Kelly Spearman member of the l^ebekahs, the Roy­ were kept busy seating friends eager al Neighbors, and the Mason L. MTV. over-night house party to twelve 10th as given in the year book. Entcnid lit. llie Post Ofllco, Mason, to pay tribute to sweet Grace, as she 0. T. M. M. Maple Street Grocery ill».sucoiiil-cliis s miittor. of her young lady friends Friday night. During the month of May the bade adieu to girlhood days. A most The body was taken to Scotts, Pulillsliert Every Tluirsdiiy by records in the Mason postoffice exquisite organ recital was given in Kalamazoo county, tor burial, 25 lbs H. & E. Gran. Sugar.$1.45 The new directories of the Cit­ show that there were 31,870 pieces tliat talented way which Mrs. Cozie where funeral services will be hold 3 cans Peas, Corn or Tomatoes. 25c izens Telephone Co, have been of outgoing mail, and 95,001 iiieees Ilynson ever plays, at the appointed today at the home ot her mother. issued and are now ready for ilis- received. hour. Red Alaska Salmon, per can—18c TERmS tributioii. Miss Delphine Saymes, in sweetest Best Flour 60c Ono V«ar, $1.00; (iii monthi 60 canti; Ihrit Mrs. Joseph E. Warner died at Water Consumers. The Fourth Ward club of Lan­ her home in Lansing Monday, On voice, feelingly enunciated "Song ot Thoman's Moss Rose Flour 70c monthi 35 centt. sing will meet with Mrs. J. A. the Heart." ' As the last note was The hours tor sprinkling are Snow Flake Flour 60c Tuesday .of last week .s:he was lost. Rev. F. E. Maddox in his Indi­ from 6 to 8 o'clock both morning ADVERTISING RATES. Parsons in Mason this, Thursday, stricken with paralysis, and grad­ and night. For violation 6't this 10-lb sack Graham Flour 25c Our 11(1 vorllsliiK rules miule known atolllco, afternoon. vidual way took place and awaited Huslness curds 1111 line per yeiir. ually failed to the end. the arrival of tiic fair bride and gruoin, rule water wHl be turned off and 10-lb sack Corn Meal 22c lluslnessloaiUs live cents per line ouch und The famous stallion Cli'cat Heart There was an interesting game to consummate this dream of youtli- $1,00 charged for turning on again. Gasoline, per gallon— 13c every Insertion' died at the Moore stock farm at By order of Water Board. MarrluKo, birth and doutli notices free, of ball at Leslie last Saturday be­ ful love. Together the happy pair- Perfection Oil, per gallon 8c KesLiUuloiis of respect curd of thiinks, Coldwater last week, at the age tween the Mason and Leslie high liled down the long white aisle and m:\vs IN iiHii:!', etc., live cents a line of 23 years, schools. The score was 1 to 0 in soon the olUciant performed the sa­ Pt bot Welch's Grape Juice —25c Lewis Bartlett, living west of favor of the-home team. cred ceremony, the impressive vows, Probate Register Clinton suf­ Shredded Wheat Biscuit, pkg.l2c Business Cards. town, was taken to Jackson hos­ You are invited to attend the the donning of the ring and the ten­ fered the loss of a corn crib dur­ 9 lbs Rolled Oats 25c pital last Thursday for an oper­ Senior class day exercises at the der benediction mingling with soft ing the storm of Sunday night, Qt bot Household Ammonia 8c ATTOIINKV. ation for appendicitis. high school building, Wednesday sweet strains of heavenly music. At upon his farm in Bunkerhill. 3 cans Dutch Cleanser 25c tlie last words Mendelssohn's old but Mrs. Harvey Acker leaves to­ 11. MCAUTlIUIl, Atlornoy at I-aw, Mu- A. A. Bergman and Capt. Staley afternoon, June 14. An admission ever loved bridal music concluded and 100 lbs Crushed Oyster Shells. 65c L. san.Mlcli. started alst Saturday morning for of lOe will be charged. Don't tail alone as entering this just made man morrow for Syracuse, N. Y., to Plymouth Rock Scratch Feed their annual trout fishing trip to lo come. and wife made tlie church exit. be with her daughter, Mrs. May ENSMOltE, E, A„ iitlornoy ut law, Mu- the Ansable river. They will he Co\oll, to undergo treatment for Per 100 pounds $1.75 son, Mich. The storm of Sunday night put The bride made a pretty picture, in cancer upon her lip.
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