GENERATION TOGENERATION Portland, OR | Summer 2014 | דור לדור THE SCHNITZERS LEAD THE WAY WE HEAR YOU p. 4 FAMILY DONATES MAJOR ART COLLECTION p.9 TRANSITIONING FOR THE FUTURE p. 16 2 | SUMMER 2014 | GENERATION TO GENERATION GENERATION TOGENERATION SUMMER 2014 9 CONTENTS 4 MESSAGE FROM THE CEO 6 MESSAGE FROM THE IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT 8 LEADINGAGE WRITING CONTEST 9 SCHNITZER FAMILY ART DONATION 10 THE LEGACY OF RON TONKIN 11 EMPLOYEES OF THE QUARTER/ MOTHER’S DAY TRIBUTES 14 12 WELCOME NEW CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER 14 JEWTOPIA: LIVE! WRAP UP 16 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT 18 OUR FAMILY PHOTO ALBUM 23 TRIBUTES 31 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 32 CEDAR SINAI PARK ONLINE On the cover: Harold* and Arlene Schnitzer point the way on Capital Campaign giving 18 with their generous lead gift. *of blessed memory 3 | דור לדור WE HEAR YOU BY DAVID FUKS, CEDAR SINAI PARK CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER When my wife and I first had in your own home possible…ranging We hear your desire for a home-like children, it seemed that every social from helping with shopping, meal environment. gathering was focused on the chal- preparation and housekeeping to lenge of learning how to raise kids. companionship, medication manage- We are committed to building a new As our children grew up, and our ment and memory care support. care center, the Harold Schnitzer parents grew older, the conversa- Health and Rehabilitation Care tion changed to understanding the We hear your need for additional Center, with four households of 12 responsibility we had to both the short-term rehabilitation services. bedrooms each. Each household will younger and the older generation. have private rooms (with individual After surgery or a hospital stay, com- showers and bathrooms) and will As CEO of Cedar Sinai Park, it has munity members desire the highest- feel and operate much like any home been my privilege to participate in quality transitional rehabilitation does. Residents will share the kitch- ongoing conversations within our services in preparation for returning en and dining area, a well-appointed community focused on developing safely to their own home. Nursing living room, and have access to a the best approach to responding to homes are now viewed as a resource well-stocked library and comforting the needs of elders, adults with spe- for health, rather than just a destina- spa. The household model has been cial needs, and all our families as tion. For individuals who have had shown to improve both quality of we face the difficult issues involved a stroke or are facing the late stages life and healthcare outcomes. in aging. of diseases (such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s), we continue to provide We hear your need for greater Our message to the community loving care and a long-term stay. flexibility. is a simple one. We hear your desire for private Our “person centered care” rooms with individual showers approach means that wherever we WE HEAR YOU and bathrooms. can, we want the institution to be flexible regarding individual choices The Robison building will be sig- and preferences, rather than asking We hear your desire to age at home nificantly renovated with all private residents to bend to the institution’s for as long as you can. rooms (most with individual showers needs. and bathrooms). A new roof and We recognize that the world around heating/cooling system will assure We are committed to making your us is changing. That’s why we offer the building will last for generations dreams a reality! More than $12 an array of services to make staying to come. million has been raised so far. 4 | SUMMER 2014 | GENERATION TO GENERATION The lead gift from philanthropist Arlene Schnitzer, with the support of her son Jordan Schnitzer, from the Harold and Arlene Schnitzer Family Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation (OJCF), and major gifts from Ron Tonkin* and family, the Goodman family, the Holz- man family, the Miller family, and the Jay and Diane Zidell Charitable Foundation have made a significant difference to the beginning of our Capital Campaign. We are well on our way, with $12.9 million committed… but the work ahead remains significant. In the coming months, we will be calling on all our friends in the com- munity to help us raise the additional funds we need to move this important project forward. We look forward to our ongoing conversations with you. As ever, we are grateful for your continued commitment to the well-being of our community’s elders, and adults with special needs. Together, we will do something of great significance for the generations to come. *of blessed memory 5 | דור לדור THE SCHNITZER CHALLENGE GRANT LEADS THE WAY BY PAUL FRISCH, IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT, CEDAR SINAI PARK BOARD OF DIRECTORS Now that my third term as Board process of fundraising with a zeal of friendship, and their vision for the President has come to an end, I think which Sara would have been proud. future of Cedar Sinai Park is an it’s time to reflect on the remarkable honor for us to carry forward. leadership we have seen from so Although our campaign was delayed many others in our community as we by several circumstances (to support During the campaign's early stages, move our Capital Campaign forward. the Mittleman Jewish Community Renée and Irwin Holzman made A number of individuals have Center during difficult times, and a million dollar contribution to stepped forward to provide resources, a very deep recession), we’ve been insure a remarkable quality of life time and passion to the development very fortunate that our community for our community's most fragile of a new model of nursing care – leaders have stepped forward during members. We are so grateful for the planned new construction of this elongated quiet phase. Let me their support. four 12-bedroom households on mention just a few: our campus (with private rooms/ Ralph and Sandi Miller’s million showers/bathrooms), plus the We must first acknowledge the dollar donation honors Ralph’s overdue renovation of the Robison admirable lead gift made by sister, Gaby Barde. Ralph and building (to respond to increasing philanthropist Arlene Schnitzer, Sandi have been longtime demand for private rooms and short- with the support of her son Jordan supporters of our organization, and term rehabilitation). Let me take a Schnitzer, in loving memory of her wanted to recognize Gaby’s strong few minutes of your time to identify husband, Harold. This gift, made commitment to Cedar Sinai Park some of these stellar leaders. through the Harold and Arlene and our Sisterhood. Schnitzer Family Fund of the Oregon We must begin by acknowledging Jewish Community Foundation, The Goodman family - Doug, Sara Cogan, of blessed memory. Sara brings $5 million to our campaign. Lila, Mark, Christi, Greg and was Board President in 2007 when Because this is a matching gift, our Susan - came together to provide we were first beginning our Capital community’s contributions will join a $500,000 contribution to our Campaign. Although we lost her with the Schnitzer family’s generosity Capital Campaign. We are deeply tragically, what we gained from her to make a significant difference. It is grateful for their generosity. was the passion for building a new our great pleasure to acknowledge nursing home, and the desire to the entire Schnitzer family for their Michael and Chris Feves generously move the campaign forward. Her great generosity over so many years. gave $250,000 to our campaign to family, led by her husband Nathan help us get started. A contribution Cogan and brother Bob Glasgow, Ron Tonkin, of blessed memory, of $250,000 from the Lois T. helped to raise $200,000 in her and the Tonkin family have Schnitzer Fund of the OJCF is memory in order to initiate our opened their hearts and pledged greatly appreciated. And Ruben campaign. We have continued the $1.8 million. Their long-standing and Elizabeth Menashe made a Continued on page 30 6 | SUMMER 2014 | GENERATION TO GENERATION 7 | דור לדור CONGRATULATIONS! RESIDENT WINNERS IN LEADINGAGE CREATIVE WRITING CONTEST The annual Creative Writing Program of LeadingAge Oregon (formerly the Oregon Alliance of Senior & Health Services, or OASHS) has been go- ing strong since 1993. Talented residents of The winners (from left to right): Murray Robison Jewish Health Kaufman, Marion Gans, Sam Berry Center and Rose (Diane Budner – not pictured) Schnitzer Manor have been participating in the program for many years. Cedar Sinai Park is proud to announce the following residents were selected as winners in this year’s contest: • "Assisted Living" by Marion Gans • "You Can’t Run with a Piano" by Diane Budner • "A Conversation with Tu Fu" by Murray Kaufman • "The General’s Son" by Sam Berry Congrats to Marion, Diane, Murray and Sam! Kudos to all of you and your amazing writing! Lance Steinberg, President 1 SW Columbia, Ste. 1650 Portland, OR 97258 503-488-2020 or 888-829-6299 Fax: 503-488-2007 www.steinberginvestmentgroup.com Investment products and services are offered through Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LLC (WFAFN), Member SIPC. Steinberg Investment Group is a separate entity from WFAFN. 8 | SUMMER 2014 | GENERATION TO GENERATION WHAT’S NEW AT CEDAR SINAI PARK SCHNITZER FAMILY DONATES MAJOR ART COLLECTION TO CSP A very significant donation of 37 works of art has been made in the name of the late Manuel, Morris, Gilbert and Leonard Schnitzer, their families and MMGL Corp., announced David Fuks, Chief Ex- ecutive Officer of Cedar Sinai Park. The collection includes a variety of artists and styles, all connected to the Pacific Northwest, including pieces by Louis Bunce, Michael Dailey, Joan Mitchell, Henk Pander and Michele Russo.
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