7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PER COPY VOLUME LXXIII, NO. 39. KED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1951 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. Rumson Provides Thomas V. Jardine . Council Favors 'Youth Good Government Council' Strauss Stores Joins New Law Firm Opens Here Today Thomas V. Jardine, son of MM. Welfare Bill For Cost of Thomas Jardine, 19 Alston ct., hasOrdinance to Pleas (or Playgrounds, Seawall Strauss Stores opens tho newest announced his association with SEA BRIGHT—The real borough Ralph W. Lawrence, Kenneth An- of more than 150 shops today at Robert Carey, Jr., and Henry F. council, storekeepers and parents derson and Harry Lovgren—found 1:30 p. m. in the Sego Trading Plant Operation Schenk for the general practice of list Criminals company's building at 15 White St. law. The firm to be known as* Car- all came in for their share of drub- that youngsters can be most criti- Report of Sewer bing when the 'teen-agers took over cal. They and Borough Clerk Sol T. "Sonny" Pfeffer of 25 River- Gets Support ey, Schenk li Jardine has offices in Denise Says Move the reins of local government last Clarence Stevens answered some side ave. is its manager. he Raymond Commerce building, Thursday. of the complaints as they came up. Noted for its variety of mer- Commissioners Newark. Is Outcome of Elected for Youth Good Govern- Sure, it was to be expected. chandise, Strauss Stores is regard- Slated for Tonight Kefauver Hearings ment day by their Long Branch These 'teen-agers, most of whom ed as one of tho largest auto ac- Montgomery Says Proposed Law high schoolmates, the junior offic- had shared in similar Youth Good RUMSON-^An ordinance provid- FAIR HAVEN-On the recom- ials spent the day combing through Government Day proceedings in at. ing $5,000 a year for the mainten- mendation of Mayor Edgar V. De-local affairs. At night they met least one previous year, didn't take Would Bring Local Savings ance and operation of the new sew- nise the borough council Monday at borough hall to tell of the many into consideration the big price age disposal system in the West night passed a motion to Instruct things they wanted. These were that would have to be paid it all Park section of the borough was the borough attorney to draw up among them: their demands were to be met. But John L. Montgomery, director of passed last Thursday night by the all thought at least some of their an ordinance requiring nil known Many Recommendations Made Ideas warranted grown-up atten- the county's old age assistance bu« mayor and council. The cost of criminals who become residents of reau, this week declared himself to operation will be raised, as pro- Mo«t emphatically, a first-class tion. JCP&L Installs the borough to register with the year-'round playground program, be "fully In favor" of Assembly 4)111 vided by the ordinance, by levies local police within 24 hours. The 17, the highly controversial pro- against the lands in the district. supported by budgeted children's The 'Youth Government' mayor said he advocated passage welfare appropriations. posed welfare law. Tile cost will be in proportion to of ordinance—a step already taken In "the chair," for Thursday's Guards at Plants Last week, three municipal offi- the assessed valuation of property, South Beach seawall protection, meeting was "Mayor" Sherman by a number of county municipali- river bulkheads and a general ASBURY PARK—Plant security cials attacked the bill, claiming it A report of sewer commissioners ses—In view of disclosures brought Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Am- on the cost of the new sewage clean-up beautincation program to berse Nelson. "Councilmen" around measures have recently been put tends to destroy home rule and out at the Kefauver committee help keep the resort on the map. nto effect by Jersey Central Power would be an unwarranted financial plant, scheduled to be given last hearings. the table, and committees of which week was not submitted because Borough government without so each was a chairman, were: & Light company fpr tho protection burden on small communities. The; A-committee to assist the Y.M. much politics for the good of the of Its vital gas and electric faclU- officials, George L. Crosson, Brad- figures were not available at that C.A. supervise the activities at the Donald Lacey, police and town time. Therefore, the meeting was entire community, hall, tho son of Mr. and Mrs. John iea, according to E, H., Werner ley Beach borough clerk; Mayor recessed until tonight when the re- new memorial playground was More participation in civic af- president of tho local.utility. Solomon Lautman, Deal, and May- named by the mayor. Chairman is Lacey; Paula Covert, fire and port will, be presented. fairs by their parents. water, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. "It's part, of our everyday prac- or George Ambrose, Neptune City, Mrs. Arthur B. Sickles, supervising More general lire protection in Icc," Mr. Werner said, "to bo pre- charged that a provision to hire Albert A. Kerr, Jr., borough principal of the Pair Haven schools; Paul Covert; Betty Lovgren,streets business places including a regular and lights, daughter of Councilman pared for emergencies. We're tak- Ivil service welfare directors in clerk, read a letter from Elmer Councilman Tony Hunting, George checkup of alk fire extinguishers. ng special precaution now to seecommunities would be costly. May- Pearsall, building Inspector, re- Curchin, president of the fire com- and Mis. Harry Lovgren; Elaine A greater use of concrete in West, finance, daughter of Mr. and hat our customers continue to beor Ambrose termed the bill "bu- garding the new parking lot at the pany; Mrs. Charles Cupples, presi- place of short-lasting "sticky tar" served and our employees protect- reaucratic." The criticisms came at. rear of the Rumson supermarket dent of the Parent-Teacher associa- Mrs. Arthur West; Joan Pearson, ed no matter what happens. a meeting of the Monmouth County. operated by John, Ernest and Wil- for street repairs. sanitation and playgrounds, daugh- Thomas V. Jardine tion; Mrs. Joseph F. Hunter and More regular health board in- "Guards have been posted on League of Municipalities. liam Gardella. At the last meeting William. L. Bally, president of the ter of former Councilman and Mrs. Sol T. Pfeffcr round-the-clock operations at the Following a meeting with legis- of the mayor and council a letter spections to Improve sanitary reg- Daniel Pearson; and Shirley Dll- Mr. Jardine is a graduate of Red Fair Haven Lions club. ulations. entrances and exits of the com-lators and county welfare directors was read from John Deisler Inquir- Ringworm Oases ione, beachfront licenses and leases, cessoiy chains In the East. Among pany's installations at Rarltan Monday in Trenton, Mr. Montgom- ing if the parking lot and an ad-Bank High school and Dartmouth A complete modernization of bor- daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Charles college, After serving four and a Calling attention to an Item of ough sidewalks, however financed the many other items of merchan- •Ivor, Whlppany, South Amboyand ery said opposition to the bill in dition to the rear of the .store did Dilione. Peggy Lovgren, daughter dise will be radio parts, tires, seat not constitute a violation of the half years in the Navy in World three cases of ringworm In theto eliminate dangerous holes and of Mr. and Mrs. Einar Lovgren, Long Branch to enforco the aecur- based on misconceptions. He said War II, he attended law school at monthly report of the Public Health other hazards. covers, batteries, oil, paints, bicy- ty rules. Malcolm Dlckenson, safe- that though the bill Is "mandatory," coning ordinance. Mr. Pearsall, In was the borough clerk. All wore cles, wagons and fishing: tackle. his letter, stated he had issued a the University of Michigan, and Nursing association of Rumson, Construction of a new police sta- their "Easter best." ly director, has been named secur- there are three alternatives which building permit Feb. 17, 1950, for passed the New Jersey bar exam- Sea Bright and Fair Haven, Mayor tion and local jail. The Strauss firm organized 22 ty director to co-ordinate and put can be accepted. The first calls for inations in 1919. Denise said all the cases were con Spruced up in a uniform of just years ago, It has undergone rapid :he plan into action," Mr. Werner full participation in the state plan. four stores which would be 60 feet More attention paid to recom- the right size and all the right in- deep and. set back 20 feet from the fined to children of one family. This mendations by young people who and wide expansion the past few said. Relief would be administered by curb on River rd. The letter went family, he said, lived in a garage seek to improve their home town signia was Paul Tharln, Jr., theyears. Mr. Pfeffer, who is married 'No persons will be admitted to branch offices of the county wel- on to say that on Jan. 24, 1951, he with a dirt floor, among conditions and make it a better place. acting chief of police. Donald and has two children, became ac- company property without proper fare board, relieving municipalities! had issued another permit for a Food Prices Hit which he termed "deplorable." He It was a big day the junior offic- Payne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-quainted with this area during his Identification. Regularly stationed of the cost of a welfare office.
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