Rhode Island Directory of Radio Shaw Pittman. Format: News/talk/sports. News staff: 2: News: 17.5 Capstar TX L.P. Group owner Clear Channel Communications Inc. & powerful adults. Jim Corwin, gen mgr; Mark Colley, sls dir & pub hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 c. Spec prog: Jazz 7 hrs wkly: gardening 1 Population served: 250,000 Format: AOR. Target aud: 18 -34; adults. affrs dir; Michelle Maker. mktg dir; Steve Lariviere, chief of engrg. hr; Real Estate 1 hr; Law 1 hr: Pet Care 2 hrs; Irish Music 2hrs. Scott Laudani, progmg dir. Robert Metti. gen mgr: Lisa Lancaster. progmg dir & traf mgr: Maurice Polayes. chief of engrg. WWLI(FM)- July 11, 1948: 105.1 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 500 8 TL: N41 48 WLKW(AM) -(West Warwick, Aug 12, 1986: 1450 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: 22 W71 28 12. Stereo. Hrs open: 1502 Wampanoag Tr., East N41 41 38 W71 31 26. Hrs open: 24 75 Oxford SI.. 02905. Phone: Providence, 02915. Phone: (401) 433 -4200. Fax: (401) 433 -5967. (401) 467-4366. Fax: (401) 941 -2795. E -mail: mail @wckw.com Licensee: Web Site: www.lite105.com. Licensee: Citadel Broadcasting Co. Pawtucket Hall Communications Inc. Group owner: Hall Communications Inc. acq Group owner: Citadel Broadcasting Corp. Population served: 220,000 6 -4 -01; $410,000). Population served: 30,000 Natl. Rep: D & R Radio. Format: Light rock. Target aud: 25 -54; mid to upper income professionals, Fletcher, Heald and Hildreth. Format: Adult Standards. News staff: general appeal format. Barbara Haynes. gen mgr. WDDZ(AM)- Feb 12, 1950: 550 khz: 1 kw -D, 500 w -N, DA -N. TL: one. Target aud: 35-64. Spec prog: Pol 2 hrs wkly. Bonnie N41 54 20 W71 23 56. Stereo. Hrs open: 24 hrs 203 Concord SL, Rowbotham. Arthur Rowbotham, pres: Tom Wall, gen mgr; Suite 453, 02860. Phone: (401) 722 -0839. Fax: (401) 722.1459. CEO; mgr. Licensee: Radio Disney Group LLC. Group owner: ABC Inc. (acq Steve Giuttad. opus 5 -29 -2001; $2.05 million). Population served: 30,000 Natl. Network: Smithfield Radio Disney. Format: Children. Target aud: Children & Teens 3 -14, WNBH(AM)-(New Bedford. MA) May 21, 1921: 1340 khz: 1 kw -U. Parents 25 -54. esp. moms. Michael Kellogg. gen mgr; JaCcalen mhz; 225 w. 130 ft TL: N41 13 TL: N41 37 21 W70 55 07. Hrs open: 24 'WJMF(FM)- Aug 1. 1974: 88.7 55 Grillo, prom mgr. Simulcast with WLKW(AM) West Warwick. RI. W71 32 26. Stereo. Hrs open: 7 AM -2 AM Box 6, Bryant College, 1150 888 Purchase St.. New Bedford, MA, 02740. Phone: (508) 979 -8003. Douglas Pike. 02917. Phone: (401) 232-6044. Phone: (401) 232 -6160. Pline: (401) 467-4366. Fax: (508) 979-8009. E-mail: (wall @halkadio.com Fax: (401) 232-6748. Web Site: www.wjmf887.com. Licensee: Bryant Portsmouth Web Site: wnbhradio.com. Licensee: Hall Communications Inc. Group College of Business Administration. Population served: 10,000 Format: Urban, alternative. News staff: one: News: 12 hrs wkly. Target aud: owner: Hall Communications Inc. (acq 10- 1 -66). Population served: 101,777 Natl. Network: ABC. Natl. Rep: D & R Radio. Fletcher, Heald 16 -30: from teenagers to young executives. Spec prog: Folk 4 hrs, 'WJHD(FM)-Apr 3, 1972: 90.7 mhz; 360 w. 80 ft TL: N41 3606 W71 mgr. & Hildreth. Format: Bill mus. News: 3 his wkly. Target aud: 35-64. gospel 2 hrs. relg 2 hrs wkly. Bryan Adams, gen 16 20. Hrs open: Portsmouth Abbey School, Cory's Ln., 02871. Spec prog: Pol 2 hrs wkly. *Bennie H. Rowbotham, chmn; Arthur J. Phone: (401) 683 -2000. Fax: (401) 683 -5888. Licensee: The Order of Rowbotham, pres: Tom Wall. VP & gen mgr. St. Benedict. Population served: 12,000 Format: Div. *Edmund Adams. gen mgr. Wakefield -Peacedale WPMZ(AM)- Apr 15, 1947: 1110 khz; 5 kw -D. TL: N41 49 40 W71 22 09. Hrs open: 1270 Mineral Spring Ave.. North Providence, 02904. WEAN -FM- June 1995: 99.7 mhz, 2.3 kw. Ant 535 ft TL: N41 25 31 Phone: (401) 726 -8413. Fax: (401) 726-8649. E -mail: wpmz @aol.com Providence W71 34 59. Hrs open: 24 Web Site: www.poder1110.com. Licensee: Videomundo Broadcasting Simulcast with WPRO(AM) Providence 100%. Co. L.L.C. (acq 1- 27 -98; $900.000). Population served: 1,200,000 1502 Wampanoag Trail, East Providence, 02915. Phone: (401) WALE(AM)- (Greenville. 1948: Stn currently dark. 990 khz; 50 kw -D. Format: Sp. Target aud: General. Dilson Mendez, pres: Tony 433-4200. Fax: (401) 437 -3297. Web Site: www.630wpro.com. Licensee: 5 kw -N, DA-2. TL: N41 57 18 W71 35 39. Hrs open: 6 AM- midnight Mendez, gen mgr; Johanna Petrarca, sis dir: Zoilo Garcia, progmg dir. Citadel Broadcasting Co. Group owner: Citadel Broadcasting Corp. 1185 N. Main St., Greenville. 02904. Phone: (401) 521 -0990. Fax: (acq 8 -6-97; $8.5 million with WKKB(FM) Middletown). Population (401) 521 -5077. Licensee: Cumbre Communications Corp., debtor in served: 1,100,000 Wiley. Rein & Fielding. Fomlat: News/talk. Barbara possession (acq 8 -10- 2004). Population served: 2.500.000 Format: WPRO(AM)- Oct 16. 1931: 630 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. TL: N41 46 28 Haynes. gen mgr; Duffy Egan, chief of engrg. Sp. Target aud:. Manolo Pazos. gen mgr. W71 19 23. Hm open: Simulcast with WEAN -FM Wakefield -Peacedale 100 %. 1502 Wampanoag Tr., East Providence, 02915. Phone: (401) 433 -4200. WBRU(FM)- Feb 21, 1966: 95.5 mhz; 20 kw. 440 K TL: N41 49 40 Fax: (401) 433 -5967. Web Site: www.630wpro.com. Licensee: Citadel W71 22 09. (CP: 50 kw, ant 492 ft. TL: N41 48 28 W71 28 12). Stereo. Broadcasting Co. Group owner: Citadel Broadcasting Corp. (acq Warwick Hm open: 24 88 Benevolent St., 02906. Phone: (401) 272 -9550. Fax: 5- 29-97: grpsl). Population served: 179.213 Natl. Rep: McGavren (401) 272-9278. E -mail: promotknsOwbm.com Web Site: www.wbm.com. Format: News/talk. sports. Barbara Haynes, gen mgr; Andrea Guild. WARV(AM)- Aug 12, 1959: 1590 khz: 5 kw -U. DA -2. IL: N41 43 40 Licensee: Brown Broadcasting Service Inc. Population served: 180.000 Scott. gen sls mgr. W71 27 46. Hrs open: 24 19 Luther Ave., 02886. Phone: (401) Format: Alternative Urban contemn. News: 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: 737-0700. Fax: (401) 737 -1604. E -mail: wary @aol.com Web Site: 18-34; highly educated professionals. Spec prog: Black 20 hrs, jazz 18 www.warv.net. Licensee: Blount Communications Inc. Group owner: hrs wkly. Jon Zucker. gen mgr & prom dir; Marianna Faircloth, stn WPRO -FM- April 1949: 92.3 mhz; 39 kw. 550 It TL: N41 48 18 W71 Blount Communications Group (acq 7- 7-78). Population served: mgr; Mark Stackowski, gen sls mgr; Olivia Hoffman, prom dir: Chris 28 24. (CP: 45.4 kw, ant 489 8.). Stereo. Hrs open: 1502 Wampanoag 1,500,000 Natl. Network: Salem Radio Network. Format: Relg. Target Novella, progmg dir; Kaitlyn Laabs, news dir. Tr., East Providence, 02915. Phone: (401) 433 -4200. Fax: (401) aud: 25-54: Adults. Spec prog: Black 2 hrs wkly. Deborah C. Blount, 433 -5967. Web Site: www.92wpro.com. Licensee: Citadel Broadcasting exec VP: David 0. Young, VP; William A. Blount, pres & gen mgr; Co. Population served: 346,100 Format: CHR. Steve Maully, rgnl sis Kevin Linegan, opns mgr. WCTK(FM) -(New Bedford, MA) Dec 9. 1946: 98.1 mhz: 47.3 kw. 508 mgr: Tony Brisco. progmg dir. ft TL: N41 37 21 W70 55 07. Stereo. Hrs open: 24 75 Oxford St.. 02905. Plane: (401) 467-4366. Fax (401) 941-2795. E -mail: mail ®wcrk.com Web Site: www.wctk.com. Licensee: Hall Communications Inc. Group WPRV(AM)- June 2, 1922: 790 khz; 5 kw -U. DA -N. TL: N41 50 03 West Warwick owner Hall Communications Inc. Population served: 1,594,300 Natl. W71 21 56. Stereo. Hrs open: 1502 Wampanoag Tr., East Providence, Rep: D & R Radio. Fletcher. Heald & Hildreth. Format: Country. Target 02915. Phone: (401) 433 -4200. Fax (401) 433 -5967. Web Site: aud: 25 -54. www.790thescore.com. Licensee: Citadel Broadcasting Co. Group WLKW(AM) -Licensed to West Warwick. See Providence owner: Citadel Broadcasting Corp. lacq 5- 29 -97; grpsl). Population served: 1,792.130 Natl. Rep: McGavren Guild. Format: Oldies. Target 'WDOM(FM)- Mar 15, 1966: 91.3 mhz: 125 w. 130 K TL: N41 50 39 aud: 25-64: upper class, affluent. college educated. Ron St. Pierre, W71 2614. Stereo. Hm open: 18 Providence College, 02918. Phone: VP; Chris Gardiner, gen mgr: Steve Maully, rgnl sis mgr & prom mgr, Westerly (401) 865-2460. Fax (401) 865 -2822. E -mail: Kristen Chudy. prom mgr: Tony Brisco. progmg dir. wdom @studentweb.providence.edu Web Site: www.listen.to/wdom. WEEFFM- Oct 17, 1967: 103.7 mhz; 37 kw. 570 ft TL: N41 34 22 Licensee: Providence College. Population served: 179,213 Format: W71 37 55. Stereo. Hm open: 24 150 Chestnut St.. Providence. College alternative. News: one hr wkly. Target aud: General; college WRNI(AM)- April 1948: 1290 khz; 5 kw -U. DA -2. TL: N41 51 21 W71 02903. Phone: (401) 751-9334. Fax: (401) 351 -8109. E -mail: [email protected] students & professionals. Spec prog: Urban contemp 16 hrs, metal 6 26 41. Hrs open: 24 One Union Station, 02903. Phone: (401) Web Site: www.fnxradio.com. Licensee: Entercom Providence License hrs, country 2 his, classic rock 3 hrs. sports 2 hrs wkly. Scott 351 -2800. Fax: (401) 351 -0246. E -mail: in(o @wmi.org Web Site: LLC. Group owner: Entercom Communications Corp.
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