United Nations ICCD/COP(10)/CST/INF.4 Convention to Combat Distr.: General 12 September 2011 Desertification English/French/Spanish only Conference of the Parties Committee on Science and Technology Tenth session Changwon, Republic of Korea, 11–13 October 2011 Item 7 of the provisional agenda Science and technology correspondents List of science and technology correspondents* Note by the secretariat 1. By its decision 15/COP.7 on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the Committee on Science and Technology (CST), the Conference of the Parties encouraged country Parties to select a science and technology correspondent to the CST under the coordination of the national focal point. 2. Pursuant to the above decision, national focal points reviewed and revised the list of science and technology correspondents appointed by their countries and communicated this information to the secretariat. The revised list is contained in this document, updated as at 25 August 2011. * The information herein is not published as received but following the United Nations editorial rules. GE.11-63461 ICCD/COP(10)/CST/INF.4 List of science and technology correspondents Afghanistan Argentina Mr. Nasrullah Bakhtani Sra. Maria Laura Corso Director Coordinación Área CST Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoreo y Evaluación de la Desertification Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Livestock Sustentable Jamal Mina Dirección de Conservación del Suelo y Lucha Kabul contra la Desertificatión e-mail: [email protected] Tucuman 1220, Castellar (1712) Pcia. Buenos Aires Albania Phone: +54 46270674 / 1564416616 / 1143488572 Mr. Ermal Halimi e-mail: [email protected] Head Fauna, Flora and Soil Sector Armenia Directory of Biodiversity Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Dr. Samvel Baloyan Administration Deputy Director Dervish Hima Str. Nr.4 Environmental Protection Unit State Agency Tirana Ministry of Nature Protection of PA Phone: +355 42233855 Nor Aresh Str.42, Bld.1, Apt.30375075 Fax: +355 42270627 Yerevan e-mail: [email protected] Phone: +374 1580633 Fax: +374 1 583933 / 5469 / 527952 Algeria e-mail: [email protected] Dr. Foued Chehat Azerbaijan Directeur général Institut national de la recherche agronomique Mr. Rashad Allahverdiyev d’Algerie Advisor 02 rue des freres Ouadek Hocine Badi International Cooperation El Harrach Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Algiers B.Aghayev Str. 100A Az 1073 Phone: +213 21528 33 / 36 Baku Fax: +213 21521283 Phone: +994 503896272 / 702896272 e-mail: [email protected] Fax: +994 124925907 e-mail: [email protected] Angola Bangladesh Mr. Lourenço Antonio Sousa Barao da Costa Cabinete de Intercambio Internacional Mr. Sohrab Ali Intercambio Internacional Deputy Director Ministerio do Ambiente Department of Environment Building Mutamba Ministry of Environment and Forest 92 Frederich Engels Sreet 8th Floor E-16, Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar Mobile : +244 9145434454 Dhaka – 1207 e-mail: [email protected] Phone: +880 29111947 Mob: +880 201712125880 Fax: +880 29118682 e-mail: [email protected] 2 ICCD/COP(10)/CST/INF.4 Barbados Dirección General de Cuencas y Recursos Hidricos Mr. Steve Devonish Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua Director Av. Argentina No 2022 Natural Heritage Department Phone: +591 22246293 Ministry of Environment, Water Resources and Fax: +591 22117391 Drainage e-mail: [email protected] 1 Sturges St. Thomas Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone: +1 2464386671 Fax: +1 2464387767 Mr. Hamid Custovic e-mail: [email protected] Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science Institute of Soil Science Belarus University of Sarajevo Zmaja od Bosne 8 Dr. Valentin Yatsukhna 71000 Sarajevo Head Phone: +387 33225727 Landscape Ecology Laboratory Fax: +387 667429 Department of Geography e-mail: [email protected] Belarusian State University F. Skoryna Av. 4, Belarusian State University Botswana Minsk Phone: +375 1720954 89 Mr. Mokganedi Ntana Fax: +375 172095015 Natural Resources Officer e-mail: [email protected] Department of Environmental Affairs Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism Benin P.O. Box 26460 Gabarone Prof. Bernadette G. Dossou Phone: +267 3902050 / 71784445 Université du Bénin Fax: +267 3902051 04-B.P. Cadjehoun 1530 e-mail: [email protected] Cotonou Phone: +229 90026728 / 970011662 Brazil Fax: +229 21350632 e-mail: [email protected] Prof. Valdemar Rodrigues Professor and Researcher Bhutan Universidade Federal do Piaui Campus da Ininga, Teresina Piaui Mr. Tshering Dorji Teresina Chief Officer Phone: +55 8632336491 Soil Survey and Land Evaluation e-mail: [email protected] Department of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture Brunei Darussalam P.O. Box 322228,331316 Thimphu Dr. Hajah Dulima Bintijali Phone: +975 2322085 / 2331317 Senior Lecturer Fax: +975 2323562 Department of Geography e-mail: [email protected] Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences University Brunei Darussalam Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Jalan Tunku Link Gadon BE 1410 Negara Negara Ing. Cesar Altamirano Bustillos Phone: +673 2463001 Dirección General, Viceministerio Fax: +673 2249528 3 ICCD/COP(10)/CST/INF.4 Bulgaria Cameroon Prof. Maria Sokolovska M. Valetin Wagnoun Head Ing. des eaux forets et chasses Soil Science Specialiste en eco developpement Forest Research Institute, S/C B.P. 909 Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Yaoundé 132 St. Kliment Ohridski Blvd Phone: +237 7866958 1756 Sofia Fax: +237 22236051 Phone: +359 29620442 e-mail: valiwa1@ yahoo.fr / Fax: +359 29620447 [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Canada Burkina Faso Dr. Lawrence Townley-Smith Dr. Michel Papaoba Sedogo Senior Agricultural Ecologist Directeur de recherche Analytical Division Agro-Eco-Pedologie, INERA/CNRST Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Ministère des enseignements secondaire 404-1800 Hamilton Street Regina Supérieur et de la recherche scientifique SK Canada S4P 4L2 03 B.P. 7192 Regina-Saskatchewan Ouagadougou 03 Phone: +1 3067808095 Phone: +226 50347112 Fax: +1 3067808229 Fax: +226 50340271 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Cape Verde Burundi Mr. João Moreno Spencer Semedo Mme. Daphrose Niyokwizera Environmental Department of Sciences Coneillère à la 2ème vice-présidence Institut national de mètèorologie et Agriculture et environnement gèopphysique Ministere de l’eau, de l’environnement C C.P 476-Praia-Santiago de l’amenagement du territoire et de Phone: +238 2617891 l’urbanisme Fax: +238 2617891 B.P. 631 e-mail: [email protected] Bujumbura Phone: +257 77763420 / 22404227 Central African Republic Fax: +257 22228902 e-mail: [email protected] M. Ambroise Zanga Directeur général l’environnement Cambodia Ministere de l’environnement et de l’ecologie Direction de Cabinet République Centrafricaine Dr. Chheng Kimsun Phone: +236 75509752 Deputy Director e-mail: [email protected] Forestry Administration Ministry of Agriculture, Forest and Fisheries Chile 40 Norodon Blvd Phnom Penh Dr. Milka Slavia Castro Lucic Phone: +855 12671222 Directora e-mail: [email protected] Facultad de Derecho Departamento Ciencias del Derecho Universidad de Chile Pio Nono N°1 Santiago 4 ICCD/COP(10)/CST/INF.4 Chile (continued) Cook Islands Phone: +56 22219729 Ms. Heimata Louisa Karika Fax: +56 29785353 Senior Research Officer e-mail: [email protected] SLM Project, Island Futures Division National Environment Service China P.O. Box 371 CINES Rarotonga Ms. Xiaoxia Jia Phone: +682 21256 Deputy Division Director Fax: +682 22256 National Bureau to Combat Desertification e-mail: [email protected] State Forestry Administration No.18 Hepingli Dongjie Dongcheng District Costa Rica Beijing 100714 Phone: +86 108423881 Mr. Renato Jiménez Zuñiga Fax: +86 10 84 238848 Sub-Director e-mail: [email protected] Instituto de Transferencia e Innovación Tecnológica Colombia San José Phone: +506 88552955 Sr. Reinaldo Sanchez Lopez e-mail: [email protected] Profesional Universitario Instituto de Hidrologia Côte d'Ivoire Metaorología y Estudios Ambientales Calle 151C No. 117-45 Apto. 102 Dr. Tra Tie-Bi Bogota, D.C. Responsable Phone: +57 13527160 Laboratoire d’analyses sols et végétaux Fax: +57 13814747 Institut national polytechnique Felix Houphouet e-mail: [email protected] Boigny 01 B.P. 428 Comoros Abidjan Phone: +225 30645499 / 22443855 M. Abdallah Ahmed e-mail: [email protected] Point focal biodiversité Conseiller technique du ministre Cuba Ministere de l’agriculture, de la peche et de l’environnement Dr. María Nery Urquiza Ex-Cefader M' de B.P. 41 Centro de Información, y Gestión Ambiental Moroni Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Phone: +269 320248 Ambiente Fax: +269 750003 Havana e-mail: [email protected] Phone: +53 72090600 Fax: +53 72049031 Congo e-mail: [email protected] Mme. Jacqueline Moukoko Milebe Czech Republic Direction générale l’environnement Ministère du développement durable, de Mr. Lubomír Šálek l’économie forestière et de l;evironnement Professor / Instructor B.P. 958 Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Forest Brazzaville Management and Conservation, Forest Phone: +242 069607242 Ecology, Agroforestry, Biodiversity e-mail: [email protected] Conservation Czech University of Life Science, Prague 5 ICCD/COP(10)/CST/INF.4 Czech Republic (continued) P.O. Box 11753 Cairo Fax: +20 26357858 Za Oskolí 589 e-mail: [email protected] 76701 Kromeriz Phone: +420 495860252 Equatorial Guinea Fax: +420 495262391 e-mail: [email protected] Sr. Ikaka Nzamio Funcionario Democratic Republic of the Congo S/P Don Antonio Micha
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