COMBINING The Summit Herald, Sun mit OFFICIAL Record,-Summit Press an Summit News-Guide Official Newspaper of City and '- it'.; Published Thursday A. M. Subscription $2.00 a Year >y jLiie Summit Publishing Co.. .22 Bank Street. Entered at the Post Telephone Summit 6-6300 Office, Summit, N. J., as Second MaUcd in conformity with F. Class Matter.. .-• Order No. *19687. 55th YEAR. No. 26 FRED L..PALMER, Editor & Publisher THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1943 J. EDWIN CARTER, Business Mgr. & Publisher 5 CENTS ATTENTION! CHILDREN LEARN INDEPENDENCE AND MUSCULAR CONTROL $200 Salary Boost Owing to the fact that all the Hear Pros and Cons on Proposal printing: forms of the Armed Asked By Police Service Edition had been broken up it was practically impossible And Firemen to make corrections in this issue. To Sell Edison Jr. High School Difficulty in locating pictures ' An estimated 400 people attended the joint meeting; Monday night Common Council received a i and engravings that had been quest at its Tuesday night meeting in the High School auditorium of Iho Central Junior High School and from the members of the Poli|:e stored away proved to be loo bip Senior High School. P.-T. A.'s to discuss the pros and COILS of the proposal Department and regular mombei'.s ii handicap. Corrections on hand of the Board of Education to soil Edison Junior High School to "a bidder of the Fire Department requestii to be made and others that may who has offered S.'!50,000." The .•.-chool cost, the city approximately a $200 annual increase in salaijy be called to our attention will be The extra drivers for the Fire De- $530,000 in addition to WPA expenditures of nearly $ir>0.OCUK partment requested "an increase published next week. — - —.»* Former Councilman Theodore salary." •Kenyon, who was RIKO U member of The-extra drivers, Michael Your OPEN WINDOWS the Planning Board, .said in his R. A. Brydon and William Sawyi r. judgment it would bo n mistake to stated they were on duty 120 hou "Problems Here" The Mamp window ami par- sell the .school, Ho added," "I Mm a- week compared to 96 hours ed post window of the Summit deeply .stirred by this plan to .sell weefc, for the regulars; that thtir I'ost Office will remain open the finest school building-in Sum- dutieS and responsibilities were-tie Subject of Address till !) o'clock on Friday ami mit. By selling' it, llic.-M acres same as the regulars; that the rs| around the srhoVil would be ine- Saturday, December 10 ami II. •ulars received pension riglj vocably lost juid we would never Whereas they did not, and that last To P.-T. A. Groups Other windows will close at have the opportunity"'again' for its 1 year the regulars rcceivsd a bon is Problems Here" or ''Problems of the re™ul:ir times on (hose days. 1 like. Edison is an inspiring insti- and raise in salary, while :the extrb Space and. Special Room Needs" in received no recognition. tution with its magnificent ath- the Centra^ High School plant in letic field. Summit cannot afford In their request for a salary i Morris avenue, was the subject of to lose: assets like that -otherwise crease the policemen said "The cc-st a presentation Monday night to the Civic Group Head j we become n factory lowf^l'"" of living had increased 27 per cert; joint meeting of Central Junior that their present salaries are nj)t j Air. Kenyon advocated putting two High School and Senioi* High School classes from all over the city--- commensurate with present d|;- P.-T. A's by A. J. Bartholomew, di- mantis; as a result, police office Questions Proposal 7th and 8th grades in Edison rector of the city's secondary ; School and Iniiispo'rting then there, bannot live in a manner becomitg , . • v HcraM Photo—Ir« In schools. While the meeting was | if need be, by bus. II. is his belief their station in life." held primarily to hear viewpoints,on THE KOOSEVELT NURSERY SCHOOL To Sell Edison ' that the schools would then .be giv- The police request also stato.1: |thc proposal to sell Jjjdison Junior 1 The East Summit Association is ing better service Ihcn they arc "The, nature of our worlc prohibits Hi&h SchooIi Director Bartholomew Emphasis is placed on the equipment, such as slides and ladders, to our doing any outside or additional unfavorable to' the proposed sale; getting now and that the children addressed himself wholly to the sit- exercise the larger muscles, and in training the children in habits of, of Edison Junior High School, This i would ho brought directly home in- work to overcome the increase d uation at the central plant and ex- cost of living." neatness and independence. ' ., • was indicated Monday night at a ^e«> of >f eHnjT^fr lbv/n as many pressed no viewpoint on the Edison J of them do now. \ situation. To meet the needs of working mothers with prc-school children, loint meeting of tho P,-T.A.'.s of ,,,. r ' ., by a committee consisting of Dp- He said there is no need for an the Roosevelt School has.recently opened a nursery school which i>: ,,.,,. , . , , 1 he former couiieilnian said he tcctive Nicholas Grasso as chap- Central Junior High School and , was sonv ,hc Bo,m, ()f i.:thu..lticm man, together with Acting Capta additional class room in both the operated six days a Week by a professional staff supplemented by trained Senior High School, in a prepared was "looking at the lvatlcr as a John Gannon and Patrolman W 1- uppei' .and lower schools at, the volunteers. ' / . nddro.'-'S by'President Carl H. Kors- short range educational problem." _ liam Behre. All members of tile central school, stating at the same berg of the East Summit group, j Leonard Best of the Board of W Police Department, including Chi^f time that it is a "sound principle of Following an address" by A. J. Bar- j Education followed Mr. Kenyon a..*, Edward K. Egan, signed the rp- administration for eain teacher to tholomew, director of secondary agreed that the former councilman's have his own room," quest. Irving Berlin's Downes to Discuss education, on "Space and Special proposal was :i "good one" but that The request of the regular firjh- Mr. Bartholomew dec!ared_"More Room Demands in the Central it was expensive. Mr. Best men, signed by Chief Thomas Muf- adequate facilities are deeded for Plant," lli\ Koraberg' referred to j .said Hontcltiir had a p!;tn of bus rny, Lieutenant Charles Wiela hoine economics, a cafeteria and "This Is The Army OUR TOWN U.S. Political Trends the, secondary school leader ns "one •'""transportatio* " n bu' t li:id to abandon -A John Kerrigan, Gordon L. Murn music." In attaining this he ad- of the unsung heroes, who has been it because it was loo expensive. The ™ Robert W. Bloss and Clarence •»' vocated abolishment,of the Bohnell carrying on in the central school school commissioner said ' the mat- Bender, cited the increased cost Hou^e. He said this '-ouso had building despite the.existing innde-.J ter has come to be one of how much living as the reason for the reque served • the school-f or twenty-.years' Starts Dec. 16 Toward World Order The motion picture version of the PREMIERE •-IN-SUMMIT" ' James E. Downes, State Librarian, quate facilities" He thffirexplained Summit: ca"n". afforci "to spend, This year the full-fledged patri and that it had never been planned -that in attempting to illustrate the nr/.in.T at the samn time tho torn- men and regular members of tie or intended as a home economics all-soldier mu'sicale, Irving Berlin's a former resident of Summit, will thinking- of the East Summit" Asso- "This Is the Array," produced by Summit is to have a premiere Thursday night, December be the speaker at the concluding mitments we have made to our Fire Department received basic s room or cafeteria. The secondary ciation on the question of the teachers." He argued that^'|fhc"re> M ary increases of $100 annual school man asserted the Bonnell Warner Bros, for Army Emergency 16th at the Lyric Theater—a premiere with a certain amount Peace Forum of the current series'' possible sale of Edison School, the Relief, will have its premiere in The theme of Mr. Downes' talk is a certain limit beyond which 'we making their annual income $2,5 House is poorly ventilated, lisrd to of style and fun and eclat/ It will be a premiere of Irving Ber- observations which he would make cannot go in the tax rate and at (he In addition each man in th heat arid, jceep clean. He aaid not Summit at the Lyric Theatre on will be the practical politienl possi- was given an annual bon Thursday eyening, December 16. lin's now famous show "This Is the Army" which has raised bilities of the Uniled'Stiites' cooper- included some questions which were same time attract the kind of people more than 75 students could patron- intended primarily to . "provoke ! t0 Summit Ihnl rirc desirable." of ?f25 to meet the increased CO ize the school's cafeteria, necessita- The entire company of 350 sol- millions for Army Emergetey Relief fund and which hasbeen | ation with'U \viorid Organization. He • roivSnictivo-tlihilfing'" oir whether of living. All superior officers diers who appeared in the musical yvill analyze the drift of opinion, hi Mr. Best: eoiniiumded School ting' 350 to 400 studentsi eating at done in technicolor.by Warner Brothers.
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