Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 2-14-1969 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1969). Winona Daily News. 835. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/835 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Snow Spreading Want Ad Over Area Tonight/ Seil-E-Phone Continuing Saturday Number Is 3321! Bombers Fly I0fi00 MARCH ON CAPI TOL Heavy Raids Near Saigon Law Enforcement Ranks SAIGON (AP) _ American B52 bombers laid a carpet of nearly 5,000 bombs along a huge arc northwest to northeast of Saigon in a second day of hea-vy blows at Viet Cong and North Strengthened in Madison Vietnamese bases threatening MADISON, Wis. (AP) - Stu- Guardsmen with bared bayo- the capital, military spokesmen dent demonstrators and law en- nets cleared demonstrators reported today. forcement officers strengthened from crowded intersections in their ranks today after four the heart of the sprawling cam- Anticipating that the commu- days of disorders at the Univer- pus. nist command might try to pull sity of Wisconsin. Later, police and guardsmen off a spectacular attack to coin- Marchers, estimated to be used tear gas to break up pick- cide with ihe Tet celebration of 10,000 strong and led by ets that had blocked a major the lunar new year Monday, the Negroes, walked from the cam- thoroughfare on the Big 10 cam- U.S. Command gave top priority pus Thursday night to the state pus. to the Saigon approaches. Mare capitol where they chanted free- Legislators took swift action than 1,200 tons of bombs were dom songs and sang "Ameri- Thursday to give support and ' ¦ • ¦ ¦ dropped on base camps, tnwp ca." . : : . :. power to school officials. concentrations and supply de- The Statte Assembly passed a pots, spokesmen said. The peaceful two-mile march resolution commending the ended back on the campus with- school administration for action Tha targets ranged from 28 out a confrontation between the "designed to prevent the out- miles northeast of Saigon to 75 demonstrators and police. break of violence." . miles northwest of "the capital. More than 1,000 National The Senate, me a n wh i le, The heaviest concentration of Guard troops were assigned to passed almost unanimously a bombs crashed ,down along the Madison to relieve 900 guards- bill to withhold state aid for two jungled corridors leading from men who had been on duty for years from students convicted the Camb odian frontier. Some more than 24 hours. Also on of using force, disrupting cam- of the strikes were only sax hand were about 600 policemen pus activities or violating re- from Madison and a number of CLEARING THE STREET . , National ihe clashes between students and police and miles from the border. Guardsmen advance as ¦Guardsmen (AP gents' rules by force or vio- southern Wisconsin communi- a unit to clear a was kept to a minimum. lence. In the past 48 hours since ties. street of students on the University of Wis- Photofax) " noon Wednesday, the giant sat- Police arrested six students Until Thursday night's turn- consin campus. The students were active but Thursday,, raising to 12 the num- uration bombers have dropped out, demonstrators had never 2,520 tons of explosives on sus- ber taken into custody since the numbered more than 5,000. give the police hell again." gro students who were ousted officers clasled twice. Leaders disorders began. Changes in- pected base sites from which ¦ WMOWWWW •<¦ - WWWW^mW.VWftTOMWHt _ WUHI td»yi. W,JUOuW^^JK- ^' iF^V.yKM lBWi ^^ There are 5O0 Negroes among The protests began as an at- from Oshkosh State University had urged demonstrators to the Viet Cong and North Viet- cluded disorderly conduct and STUDENTSMARCH ... Traffic is stalled as students the campus' 33,000 students. tempt to force the university ad- after a demonstration last No- avoid clashes with police, many resisting arrest. namese could mount attacks on "We ga\ce the police hell," ministration to accept 13 Negro vember. of them veterans of an October, Saigon or military installations at University of Wisconsin fill a street as they marched Several persons have been Willie Edwards, a Negro leader, demands, including establish- Demonstrators 'were compar- 1967 encounter with antiwar slightly injured, mostly in fights around the capital. through campus. The march ended with a short; rally. (AP said after the march. Photofax) "And we ment of a separate black Studies atively peaceful Thursday until demonstrators that left 70 per- between protesters and a group Although the Viet Cong is will come back tomorrow and center and admission of 90 Ne- protesters and law enforcement sons injured. called the Young Americans. scheduled to begin a week's cease-fire at 7 a.m. Saturday (5 p.m. CST Friday) for Tet, Ra- dio Hanoi today broadcast a battle order for the new year Nixon Neighbors Expect Agnew Duke Rioting calling on Viet Cong troops and guerrillas to "launch new simul- taneous attacks; increase mili- tary pressure on all fronts, bill Love the Quiet Duties Will Brings Call all pacification teams and liqui- KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. l/fl date the criminals and traitors agent, "It's fascinating to — There's been a distinct watch the President come that make up the puppet ie- absence of door-to-door ped- and go. There are no itin- gime." U Expanded For Guardsmen dlers at John Hardy's house erant salesmen and the se- WASHINGTON (AP) -r Pres- The order from the Viet Cong's since President Nixon mov- curity here is great. DURHAM!, N.C. (AP) — A " ident Nixon is expected to issue battalion of 500 riot-trained Na- military command said the war ed in acrc-js the street. Bay Lane is on Key Bis- effort against the United States Since the winter White an executive order very shortly, tional Guardsmen was on stand- and the South Vietnamese gov- House was established on cayne, an island on Bis- detailing the expanded role Vice by here today after 20 student ernment "must be intensified to the coconut palm-shrouded cayne Bay about four miles President Spiro T. Agnew will demonstrators were treated for insure that the new year is the street, Bay Lane has been from downtown Miami. Like play in the administration's do- tear gas hurled by polica and most glorious and most, victo- off Emits lor everybody but many other upper class res- mestic policies. : • state troopers in Thursday's rious in our history." residents and' their "visitors. idential areas, its had its The order is expected to for- Duke University campus disor- Secret Service agents man share of burglaries. But not malize what Mxon has said will ders. Despite the approaching ene- a "blockade at the lead of any more, with the security be the vice president'* signifi- .' The guardsmen were billeted my cease-fire, U.S. and South the road 24 hours a day and men on hand. cant duties in coordinating ac- at an armory two miles from Vietnamese commanders were make certain nobody wan- The President owns four tivities among several federal the university and were under taking no chances. Increased ders in, Residents must homes and leases another agencies and between the ad- orders not to go onto the cam- enemy activities this week show their identification on the Bay Side of the ministration and state and local pus unless needed. heightened speculation that the each time they pass. block-long, dead-end road. governments. \ Four policemen and a trooper Viet Cong might try something were injured by rocks and by "It can be annoying to be His complex is well hidden The executive order, It was spectacular dur&g Tet, al- stopped when you're in a behind a 15-foot high hedge. empty gas canisters which the learned, is likely to include demonstrators t h T e .w back though senior U.S. officers said hurry," says Hardy, "but Nixon's not much of a e earlier in the week that major the advantages far out- yard man, says Hardy. establishment of the offic Thursday. he of intergovernmental relations, TEAR GAS GOES HATING . Duke students had taken over the administration The students, white and Ne- enemy units were not in position weigh the disadvantages." Whenever he's outside, Agnew hopes to to repeat last year's holiday of- "For instance," added usually walks on the beach through which University students go scurrying as police building earlier Thursday. The students had gro, were demonstrating in sup- fensive acainst Saigon. Hardy, a British steamship or wades in the surf. formalize and clarify lines of lob tear gas into a crowd of demonstrators. left the building, however when the melee port of Negro demands which communications between the The confrontation occurred after several started. (AP Photofax) included a black studies pro- federal government and other gram to Ibe controlled by them, levels. and an end to what they called CUPID WEAVES HIS SPELL The creation of the agency, the university's ''racist poli- with its own staff responsible to cies." the vice president, formalizes A two-lhour confrontation be- for Agnew the role divided in 17 Injured by Bomb tween police and students fol- the Johnson administration by lowed a 10-hour occupation of Vice President Hubert H. Hum- the administration building by A Day for the Sentimental phrey, and the Office 61 Emer- 30 to 40 of the university's ap- gency Preparedness.
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