DISTRICT Project Description BE 2018-19 Final Budget Releases Expenditure BANNU BU16D00400-1-No R/Wall & 1-No P/Wall at UC Bharat 875,000 875,000 875,000 875,000 BANNU BU16D00401-Const. of R/Wall & P/Band at UC Kakki-I 875,000 875,000 875,000 875,000 BANNU BU16D00402-Const. of R/Wall & P/Band at UC ShamshiKhel 134,000 134,000 134,000 134,000 BANNU BU16D00403-Const. of R/Wall & P/Band at UC Mandew 875,000 875,000 875,000 875,000 BANNU BU16D00404-Const. of R/Wall & P/Band at UC KhanderKhan khel 875,000 875,000 875,000 875,000 BANNU BU16D00405-Const. of R/Wall & P/Band at UC SlemaSikander Khel 875,000 875,000 875,000 875,000 BANNU BU16D00406-Const. of R/Wall & P/Band at UC Nurar 825,000 825,000 825,000 825,000 BANNU BU16D00407-Const. of R/Wall & P/Band at UC ShamshiKhel 184,000 184,000 184,000 184,000 BANNU BU16D00408-Const. of R/Wall & P/Band at UC JhanduKhel 825,000 825,000 825,000 825,000 BANNU BU16D00409-Const. of R/Wall & P/Band/Pond at UCDomel 865,000 865,000 865,000 865,000 BANNU BU16D00410-Const. of R/Wall & P/Band at UC MamaKhel 875,000 875,000 875,000 875,000 BANNU BU16D00411-Const. of R/Wall & P/Band/Pond at UCAsperka Waziran 875,000 875,000 875,000 875,000 BANNU BU16D00412-Const. of R/Wall & P/Band UC ZerakiPirba Khel 595,000 595,000 595,000 595,000 BANNU BU16D00413-Const. of R/Wall & P/Band At InayatullahBarmi Khel 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 BANNU BU16D00414-Const. of R/Wall & P/Band at BakhtawarSada Khel 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 BANNU BU16D00415-Const. of R/Wall & P/Band (Allah Nawaz)Kotka Zaray Madi Khel 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 BANNU BU16D00416-Imp:/lining of Water Courses atPanakzai. 695,000 695,000 695,000 543,533 BANNU BU16D00417-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at Degan 845,000 845,000 845,000 698,392 BANNU BU16D00418-Const: of Lining at Hinjal Amir Khan &Hinjal Noor Baz. 845,000 845,000 845,000 844,994 BANNU BU16D00419-Const: of Lining at Tarkhoba AsperkaWaziran 217,000 217,000 217,000 169,426 BANNU BU16D00420-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at KamaChashmai 845,000 845,000 845,000 844,993 BANNU BU16D00421-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at MachanKhel 795,000 795,000 795,000 794,996 BANNU BU16D00422-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at Sokari 695,000 695,000 695,000 694,994 BANNU BU16D00423-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at MamatiKhel 775,000 775,000 775,000 774,993 BANNU BU16D00424-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at Pir MulaKhan Khujari 845,000 845,000 845,000 845,000 BANNU BU16D00425-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at SikanderKhel 595,000 595,000 595,000 595,000 BANNU BU16D00426-Imp:/lining of Water Courses atKhawajamad Mandan 795,000 795,000 795,000 794,998 BANNU BU16D00427-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at DeriGhandi 137,000 137,000 137,000 - BANNU BU16D00428-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at EmalKhel 137,000 137,000 137,000 136,996 BANNU BU16D00429-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at EmalKhel 137,000 137,000 137,000 136,990 BANNU BU16D00430-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at SardarzMitha Khel 845,000 845,000 845,000 845,000 BANNU BU16D00431-"Imp:/lining of Water Courses at ZalimBada, Bada Mir Abbas." 845,000 845,000 845,000 - BANNU BU16D00432-"Imp:/lining of Water Courses at KotkaKhattkan, Abad Khel" 845,000 845,000 845,000 800,972 BANNU BU16D00433-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at HindiKhel 795,000 795,000 795,000 795,000 BANNU BU16D00434-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at ShamshiKhel 595,000 595,000 595,000 416,319 BANNU BU16D00435-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at MumatiKhel & Younas Warkha 852,000 852,000 852,000 383,181 BANNU BU16D00436-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at DaudShah 845,000 845,000 845,000 844,991 BANNU BU16D00437-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at Mandan 187,000 187,000 187,000 - BANNU BU16D00438-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at Barkzai. 845,000 845,000 845,000 845,000 BANNU BU16D00439-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at Landidak 845,000 845,000 845,000 845,000 BANNU BU16D00440-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at EmalKhel 160,000 160,000 160,000 - BANNU BU16D00441-"Const of Water Storage Tank at TarkhobaKala, Kama Ghani Khel" 182,000 182,000 182,000 97,964 BANNU BU16D00442-Pipe Water Course Tarkhoba Kala 184,000 184,000 184,000 184,000 BANNU BU16D00443-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at BazarAhmad Khan 795,000 795,000 795,000 236,140 BANNU BU16D00444-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at MohallahSarfaraz 895,000 895,000 895,000 394,255 BANNU BU16D00445-Imp:/lining of Water Courses & Inst. OfSmall Tube Wells at District Bannu 5,733,000 5,733,000 5,733,000 4,554,188 BANNU BU16D00446-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at MewaKhel 912,895 912,895 912,895 681,292 BANNU BU16D00447-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at Kot Adil 845,000 845,000 845,000 821,574 BANNU BU16D00448-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at NasrFateh Khel 229,000 229,000 229,000 229,000 BANNU BU16D00449-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at HassaniDara Shah 179,000 179,000 179,000 - BANNU BU16D00450-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at Kot Beli 179,000 179,000 179,000 179,000 BANNU BU16D00451-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at BazidTughal Khel 199,000 199,000 199,000 175,300 BANNU BU16D00452-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at ShergulKhujari 199,000 199,000 199,000 198,994 BANNU BU16D00453-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at SarwarFateh Khel 199,000 199,000 199,000 198,957 BANNU BU16D00454-Const. of Water Storage Tank at EmalKhel 189,000 189,000 189,000 189,000 BANNU BU16D00455-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at MuchanKhel 179,000 179,000 179,000 55,570 BANNU BU16D00456-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at BijliGhar & Issu Kala Amandi 825,000 825,000 825,000 825,000 BANNU BU16D00457-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at ShahbazAzmat Khel 595,000 595,000 595,000 377,988 BANNU BU16D00458-Land Leveling at Baka Khel 595,000 595,000 595,000 500,000 BANNU BU16D00459-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at KotiSadat 875,000 875,000 875,000 679,391 BANNU BU16D00460-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at KotkaMalik Mir Saudad 875,000 875,000 875,000 875,000 BANNU BU16D00461-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at GhariSher Ahmad 495,000 495,000 495,000 - BANNU BU16D00462-"Imp:/lining of Water Courses at Nar MirAlam, Kotka Faizullah Khan & Nar 495,000 495,000 495,000 78,120 Jaffar Khan" BANNU BU16D00463-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at IrfanUllah Muhammad Khel 675,000 675,000 675,000 501,373 BANNU BU16D00464-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at KotkaZabit Khan 875,000 875,000 875,000 874,997 BANNU BU16D00465-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at MamashKhel 495,000 495,000 495,000 293,560 BANNU BU16D00466-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at KalaKHel Masti khan 875,000 875,000 875,000 746,567 BANNU BU16D00467-"Imp:/lining of Water Courses at PandaWarkha, Vial Miti." 875,000 875,000 875,000 - BANNU BU16D00468-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at LandiVial & Raham Zad & Rahamzad Khujra 845,000 845,000 845,000 220,000 BANNU BU16D00469-Const: of schemes Water Storage Tanksfor Agric: at Umerzai & Bizen Khel 795,000 795,000 795,000 - BANNU BU16D00470-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at SikanderKhel 207,000 207,000 207,000 189,600 BANNU BU16D00471-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at KotkaBazid Khan 207,000 207,000 207,000 - BANNU BU16D00472-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at KotkaAnwar Khan 134,000 134,000 134,000 104,775 BANNU BU16D00473-Imp:/lining of Water Courses 134,000 134,000 134,000 133,999 BANNU BU16D00474-Imp:/lining of Water Courses at FaridHindi Khel 134,000 134,000 134,000 133,999 BANNU BU16D00475-Const. of Culverts & Water Channel KotkaBoland Khon 134,000 134,000 134,000 134,000 BANNU BU16D00476-8” Dia P/Pump Solar System at BHU Nurar 690,000 690,000 345,000 345,000 BANNU BU16D00477-Spl: Repair of Civil Dispensary Mandozai 690,000 690,000 345,000 345,000 BANNU BU16D00478-Const. of Verandah at BHU Muhammad JanNar Jaffar. 690,000 690,000 345,000 345,000 BANNU BU16D00479-Repair of BHU Hinjal Noor Baz (Samad) 690,000 690,000 345,000 345,000 BANNU BU16D00480-Const: of Dug Well and Spl: repair atRHC Domel. 1,540,000 1,540,000 770,000 770,000 BANNU BU16D00481-Inst. Of P/Pump 8” dia at BHU PatoolKhel 690,000 690,000 345,000 345,000 BANNU BU16D00482-Spl: Repair RHC Ghoriwala 840,000 840,000 420,000 420,000 BANNU BU16D00483-Const: of Boundary Wall around Qtrs:and Spl: repair of BHU Khwajamad. 840,000 840,000 420,000 420,000 BANNU BU16D00484-Const. of room and special repair at CD Samand Mitta Khel 690,000 690,000 345,000 345,000 BANNU BU16D00485-Spl: Repair works at BHU Bada Mir Abbas(M. Masood Khan) 690,000 690,000 345,000 345,000 BANNU BU16D00486-Special Repair Works at BHU Nizem DharmaKhel 690,000 690,000 345,000 345,000 BANNU BU16D00487-Const: of Room at CD Waheed Nawaz FatehKhel 690,000 690,000 345,000 345,000 BANNU BU16D00488-Spl: Repair Works at BHU Daud Shah.
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