R . I . J ewish Hi s torical ? Assoc iat i on 11 130 sessions stre e t Provide n ce , RI 0 2906 Support Jewish Read By Agencies More Than 40,000 With Your ·· ISLAND People Membership THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS VOLUME LXVIII, NUMBER 2 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1980 30¢ PER COPY Prov. Man Elected Begin May Resign, Call Early Elections Head Of Schechter Day School After Another Narrow Confidence Vote ,\ ltchael Bohnen. son of Rabbi and Mrs J E R US AL E M ()TA) - Premic· r dectdC'd •t the la>t m1nutr t,, ,h,tatn m .. n and 1t app,•Jrs thJt his da\S are num­ El, Bohn,•n. has been elected President of the Mc nachem Begin wou ld be inclined to resign Eltahu. Ah,·a s chairman, .,.,d toda\ h.­ bc·rrd "' J m,·mht-r of lfrnit Solomon Schecht,,r Day School of Greater Boston and call earl y ei<'ctions if his government is had no e,planat,on for Assad \ b.. hav1nr, al­ uibor Part, edun,t lo Topple Bej(in "nee again reduced lo a slender maiorily of tC'r the three lact,on m mbt-" d=dcd un­ '-lean" h,k tbe uihor PJrt, oppos1t1on 1 three, as happened when ii ba rely su rvived a animou1" to vote a,z;ainsl the j?;OH'ffim(_ nl prq·,.1nnsc lo loppl, Rt·~in 11; ,R:OH·mment no-confidcncf' vole in Kn esset last week J f \ \:e11mJn I\ ou,tc--d from J ft.nil a_\ d Shimon Pn, • the part,, liad,r, said toda1 w,ult of his volc JRJ.m,t the go,emmt'nl_ one This was made clear by a ,ource close to thJt 1t I urizcnt tn hnn~ Israel "b,d, under morl' Knl'\<<·I vote h3\e to I,., c,-,untcd Begin foll owi ng the .S7-.S4 vo te on moti ons of .-,II pro~·r t"'('Onom1c m.inajtcmenl •• no-confidence in t hC' ~OVl'rn ment · s econom ic a1sa1n,t the coal1t11m "hen!"•cr the· chanCf' lk <tatcd that " "c intend to mtmduc-,, J poli cies ariS('s lo force 1h H-<-iRnat,on and tngR:er earl~ planned N.nnom,. ,1.n ("('(mom\- v. ht·re "Or~ I\ The so urce sa id Begin would have cl.-ctiom as pmlttabl,· a ,peculalton " PnM added resigned had the vo le ht-en lied, even though Tht H"'ut S«rf'lanale mt>chniz, 1n Td that, for hrrn" n p;,rt, he" 111 do e,ef) thing in there wou ld have been no slncl necessit y fo r Av,,· toda) dcctdl'd to gi- Wemnan a lirar· hu l)O"er to build on \l'>tcrda, rclatM· him to do so. Si milarl y, he wou ld consider his tng bt>for<• taktng action Ht ",II ap)X'ar u"""' b, harli.\tng th.- llO'<'mment ,.,th position untenable ii a futu re no-confldenCf' before 1t n!',t "eek Sc·nt1ment at the no.ronf1drnC1." mol1on4, ~, e,.<'n opportumt} motion results onct> again in his government mrcttng wa, O\CN hrlm1ngly •)(••mt \\ l'IZ• (Continued on p~gc 11 ) being saved by the tiny breakaway fa ctions, as was the case yesterday. The gove rnment was saved, in effect, by the las t minute decision of two members of the three-member Ah va fa ctio n, a split off Weizman Ousted By Party from the Democrati c Move ment fo r Chan1se, not to vo te against th e government, and a similar move by independ ent Knesseter Because Of No-Confidence Vote Shmuel Flatt o- Sharon. T EL A VIV - Former Delerue 1in1>te r L1kud leaders are hoptn~ to .. ,e the coa l, ­ Among those voling with the opposition Eze r Wemnan wa; ou, tcd from Pnme lton b) rritatning upport from mall groups were fo rmer Foreign Minister Mos he Daya n Minister Menach<m Begi n' ruling pa rh th1> and individuals "ho lrlt the roaltlton for and fo rmer Defen se M iniskr E,cr Weizman week b.-ca u of ht> no-conliJenet> ,ote , a nous rcuom Thon!(h critical <>I the ad­ T he tense vote ca me aft er a ,;;even- hour agamst the go,crnment l.ut " k mmutratton. th.,... m m be!'I would not want MICHAEL BOHNEN debate which was cli maxed by a >peech by Weizman's expul Ion leaves th go, em­ earl y eleehon bttau.,.. th y are not likely to Weizman who urged early electi ons "at thi ment without a parliament ary majorit y be rc-e leet cd Mr Bohn n is a graduate of Harv ard time of emergency." Th,· no-confidence mo­ Once considered Begin' likely successor, Begin ha; a;ked Cabinet members to be Co li c~• and Harvard Law School and is a tio n by the Labor Pa rt y, Rakah and Tehi ya Weizman was expelled by a vo te ol 12 to I, ava,lable fo r vo tes on short noti ce because of pa rt ner in the Boston law firm of Nutter, fo llowed an announcement last week that wi th 2 abstentions, by the party secre tariat the preeanous Si tuati on in Parl ia m nt M lcnnen ond Fish. I le is marri ed and has Israel' s in fl ation had jumped 11 perce nt in The government survived last week's no­ We,zman explained his posit ion to the two daughters, both of whom attend the October lo an annual rate ol I38 percent , the confidence moti on, call ed over Begin's secretaria t fo r on and a hall hour but did school highest in the world. economic poli cies, by a narrow margin, in a not remain to hear di~ussion of his case There were recriminations aft er the vole in 57 to 54 vote. We1zman has antagonized colleagues in coalition ra nks alt er the vote against the T he Likud coalition of religious parties the L,kud coalition by his sharp crit icism of failure of the coalition whips in recent weeks and the Democra tic Movement offi cially ~ppy Begi n in the past, and mos t recently by to woo the Ah va members. Coalition so urces controls only 60 seats now, haJI of the 120 in said today there wo uld be an assiduous effort Parl iament. Included in the coalition is suggest1n g a new pa rt y be form ed with Moshe Dayan as its head ClyaN: lo " talk to" Ah va and make certai n it vo ted Abraham Melamed of the ational Religious 0:H with the government in any future test of Pa rty, who said he would not vote in con­ D•>•n resi1s ned from Begtn s government st rength. fidence tes t because he believes the govern­ beca use of differences over the peace The The Ah va fac tion comprises three distinct ment should be replaced. process He said he was not interested in ~hode personali ti es , insurance millionai re Shlomo Mos he Shahal, the Labor opposition whip, running fo r offi ce at th is time. Island Eliahu, who vo ted against the government; has said he plans to introd uce a bill fo r the Weizman also said fo rmer Prime Minis ter Herald Shawfiq Assad, who at the very last minute earl y dissolut ion of Pa rl iament and holding Yitzhak Rabin might join the new part y, but mys teriously absented himself from the of elections, now scheduled fo r November Rabin sa id he would remain in the La bor Knesset chamber; and Aki va Nol, who 198 1. Party. New Congress Worries Israel Supporters; Senate Allies Lost WAS HINGTON - Supporters of Israel Apprehension About Hatfield are deeply concerned about the changes in Some pro- Israel acti vists are particularly the Senate fo llowing the electi on defeat of concerned about the new chairman of the many seni or Senate allies. Senate Appro priations Committee, Senator Some pro- Israeli activists say there is no Mark 0 . Hatfield, Republican of Oregon, cause fo r alarm because support of Israel has who has previously . attempted to cut fo reign hi s t o r ica ll y bee n b ipartisa n a nd and military aid to Israel. non ideologica l. Finall y, Israel' s supporters are worried about the possible loss from the Senate ranks But ot~er activists are worried that the of Senator Henry M. Jackson, Democrat of changes will adversely affect military and Washington, one of Israel' s staunchest ad: economic support fo r Israel in the Senate, es­ vocates, who is reportedly being considered peciall y because of impending changes on for a possible cabinet post in the Reagan ad­ key Senate committees. The apprehension ministration. fo cuses on two key Senate panels. Long-Term Problems The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Among the long-term problems faced by POSTMASTER GENERAL William F. Bolger visited Senator Claiborne Pell's (D·R.l .) traditionall y a strong supporter of Israel, will the lobbyists is that their efforts have been office In the United States Capitol last week to show him the design of a Touro Syna­ now be headed by Senator Charles H. Percy, concentrated in the past on Democrats, the gogue commemorative stamp to be issued next year. an Illinois Republican seen by many Israel party that controlled both House and Senate Pell, who described his role as an intermediary between the United States Postal supporters as less strongly pro-Israel than the fo r more than 20 years.
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