.-film-*.. -Tfjili— /-o-r'y 1 •:V ' f. 'i! ;,*■ - T . ■ ' • ■ . - , , , ’ 75' r -V , ^ ■ . I ■ ■ ■ ■ •: ■ •• ' •' ■■■■■■■■•.•'.A'...'.. * ‘ •/. V * v ’' ‘ 7 ''; •. ■■ ,V' ^ ‘ ■ V. • '1 - ‘ i." V ■ 1' , “ , ■. f- -f ’• ,v .V * ^A. -i . I *', w *'< . \ 5--4'; f'- -'fff. V-'t« »■' TUESDAY, JUNE i, IteS : Average Dally Not Prcaa Rub *'■. <■ •••' • .• Snntta^ . Far 'pw Badad The WMthor . : Juae's. iS«S , ' Forecast of U.,a. WaatkiW B rip k ^ ' 'i«<i>*ifi'ii«iiii»i' ss#* . .K il Wild had been,oharged wtth oMsto- i n>e June conference of dear and seal te^gh^ Lsiw |a . '1- the Service Bureau for Women’s l2thC iraiit tog iiioBagr or, g o ^ uhdtr. gala* LARRABEE'S 13,595 js.y.4, w S lib W T d w ii OrganlsaUons.wW lintude oonvet- pratiiiaao. The oooO tovolvad a had r ef the AnOt 800. T h a n d ay. onany' 'wM siaosiU b a r b e r s h o p ■ tft' aatton houM - w ith International eh«BI| Paid to gwid daith fOr auto XtotU June 2L ROhwrt M le h a ^ ef OhmalaUeB aHe mUd. High 7I| to 80. ^ Court Cases work oone’cn ms oar. Raatltutkto ,10, M ' 800 caiarter Oak St, for ^mtumm- o* aw jKwnimr vlsiton, exhOdta, open fbrums ispraoNsnuan Manc^$ter-^A CUy of ViUage Charm H i l l . ..... .... .......... .......... ... ............ - f i i » 9 m t n f ■owUarlM«a«, wlU w et and organisation teetmlqtM classes has been or la hatog made. It wSs court .trial to (toarge of larceny — reported, value Oil, ' ' " ’ . Open Tlmroday, WrMay. m u n d ey « t i0 : « ) mjiu « the at Albertus Magnus College, New ' MAKOHBBnai . 8aturday-dnn<T . friendiy Ice Creto to go to Haven, June 12. Reservations A letter ef warning waa ordared U iim June 25.. Mies Minerva VOL. LXKXL NO. e09 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY. JUNE 6. 1969 (Oeasined Adverttotog ea Page t l) Itmcheon. N lelK^ Twtrdy Jr., 22, of » Ohapp^ of 188 Bolllatef \ PRICE FIVE CENTB / BtuitaMCe. M m b.. for- a. must be made iw eaiung the by Judga Taauklewlea to the oaae Service Bureau oCRce, Hartford, Bneklaad AUsy, ysstorday piaadod of F)ta^ Blank,. 28, of 10 Newman plea foTcharge o f mlaeonduct.w lffi The aeaiKta’a fthU meeting^ for by Friday. 4M>t guilty to a.eh ai^ of dtllvory Bt, oedarf a motor vehlde to eonneetton with double fataUty on Beater Sund^ o f CXbbona A M e m ^ . of liquor to a m liw when bs was oourt next Chalks Uidlea of polunriw. will appear, to to Bolton, A <2.800 bond has b ^ . There wlU be a potl'uck iior aU preaeatsd bsfors Jtidge Btaillay be a iKrthKk.' picnic tonight at djiSO adult GUI Scouts of Manchester chaigre of fUhire to obay'a atop poated sriUle owatttog the coronert at the home o f Mm . Loula Hebert, and Bolton tonight at 8:80 at tha Tasuklowics. sign. m poit to the riwa. Alao, John P. DoOamo, 81, dfAndover, fo^plM U Butternut Rd. Members are Buckley School cafeteria. Bveryw 7|1m Judgs set a 001^ trial tor U rey Hudaom 10, Now Britain, reminded to bring silverware. one le reminded -to briiv p l»^ tone I t to Mancheoter, was flnad'flS, ^ which $0 w«a re­ to riuurgee o f failure to drive r i n t Tirardy was artgstod with three vioiaUon of having a limited U- cup and silverware. mitted, on a charge of failure to oenae, and driving a motor vehlda on 8th Ballot; Lijine Ijodge, Knights of Pyth- other boys' on April. 25 and 18 to drive right with defecUvo brakes. Ths case Is laa, w ill .ndeet tomorrow at S pjn. Delta Chapter, RAM, will meet ocmasetiOB with thd purchase of Oh m eoBttoued: In Orange Hall. There w ill be an MCrpackl of .beer and liquor and UntU next M«mday, MiM Cath; t^ d to g DoCtorraO'a discharge from tomorrow at 7:80 pm. at the Ma-^ ahospltai. election of officers. sonic Temple. Moviee wlU be shown distributing the oontents to ertoe Mmrwril .of 14M Garden after a brief buslnees’ meeting, mtoofs, some Juvsnllso botwaen tha Df.,. for plea to charge of failure The DAV auxiliary will meet ages o f 12 and 15 jrears, Ha' le free to obey :a stop a lg ^ tomorrow at 7.80 pjn. at the VBW under a ISOO bond while awaiting ttotU June Bthol R.> U Home. * Mias Claire A. Carlson, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Canton, ' trial, toe three oompealon Brana of Stratford, for oourt trial ROR RENT eeees have been disposed of end to ehargo of driving left at a ro­ ontest Oub Scout Pack No. S3* w ill 68 Woodland St., has been named g and Id mas. Movie Projeetera the youtiuf are cither to JsU or free tary, X- taka regisbatlons tomorrow at to the dean’s list for the second der probaUonery p e r i ^ on ;eua- - oeoaM or oilawt, alee 86: oms. semester' at George Washington UntU June U , Rod^ck T. EUa- slide prejaetars. 7;»0 pm. in the teacher’s lounge pendad eehteneee. aon Jr,, 10, of 22 Franklin St. .X' 0t Waddell School. Parents of University School of Government, l>roaoeuttog attorney F. Jtieeph and lO n Elto R to^t. 141 Cantor Washington, D.C. WELDON DRDG. CO . Hartford Bd^ Maaekariar.-' Loser Threatens ‘Stay-Home^ .boys entering cubs or those re­ Fandleo noUed the case o f Clarence St, rsferrsd to the Pamlly Rela­ 801 Mato 8L~TsL 8 0 1-6821 maining in the pack ritouM reg- A . Mlkolelt, 28, o f GIaatoBburyi< tions Ottleer Thomae Elliott for Alsop Won later. Tha post and present executive Lo^e, Seely-Browii board o f the Junior Century Club Manohester Orange will meet w ill meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Mixon Whips Shell, tomorrow at 8 p.m. In Orange home o f Mm . Allan Schubert, 17 Over Many Hall. There will be a memorial Carmen Rd. program and election o f officers. / ... ' In Senate Test Next MembsM of the Alpina Society fv -ii S t Mary’s Hpiecopal Guild will w ill meet tonight at 7 at the John Gels 70% o f Ballots oes / ■ I »■' I II » moot Ttuirsday at 11 a.m. for Its F. Tierney Fpneral Home, 210'W. By RON AUTRY last meeting of this season. Mem­ Center St., to pay respecU to the By GEORGE BAZAN HARTFORD (A P )— Connecticut Republicans pkked John bers are reminded to bring sand- late John Martina, whose w ife is a By JACK BELL 4 Nixon. expects former President HARTFORD (AP) — John Alsop as their candidate for governor early today after'a 1(L wiiAes. Desserts and beverages member of the society. SAN raANCISCO (AP)— Dwight D. Blaenhowef, who wto- will be served by Mm . Claude Alsop waged his successful hour fight and then met again to pick a nominee for U.S, Richard M. Nixon is batik in teM a t .Palm Springs,'to apeak at Porter, Mrs. Walter Altken and DaughteM ot Liberty No. 125 a fund-raising dinner and to get camilaign for the Republican Senate. Mrs. Ruth Young. will sponsor a rummage sale Fri­ business at a new stand as to some other campaign licks for nomination for governor as a As tliey reconvened apon after noon, they heard a tri-, f — , day at 9 a.m. in Orange Hell. the Bopubiican nominee for him. , self-described "citizen in ac­ umpliant and hoarse Alsop Accept their nomination and call The MothoM Club o f Center Con­ Members desiring pickim for do­ governor of California. One familiar face that seems gregational Church w ill meet to­ nations may call Mm . Edwin JS' tion.” them to unite for the November election ^ ic h “the nation Friends 'Fete Former Residents The former vice president took He proved that this wae no idle morrow at 8 p.m. in the federation eobson, 92 Princeton St., or Miss the first step on the comeback, (Oonttoned on Page. Two) will be watching,” Room. Louise Copping, 882 Vernon St. Mr, and Mm . LSQIs Pardo o f boast at the GOP state convention road by iweeptog to a primary^ early today. For, he said, “Here in Connecticut'the whole concept and Tucson, Arts., and form erly of Rubacha were married May 29, Manchester, were honored at a sur­ victory over conservative Joseph But he was more than a citizen direction of the Kennedy administration be tested.’* prise party Saturday at liberty 1937 at St. John’s Polish NaUonal C ,8heU with .about 70 per. cent in action: He was also a ekilled The 46-year-old insurance company president said Con­ Catholic Church to Manchester. Of 1 ^ party’s vote. Jet Crash Kills politician in action. Hall on Golway St. on the occasion Off^tms showtog Nixon appeared necticut has a chance “to turn the tide” against an "adminis­ of their 25th wedding anniversary. They lived here for 11 years be­ He fought one of the tougheit, strchgly armed to wage what la most dramatic battles for the nom­ tration that has come to believe that the answer to every More then 75 friends and rela­ fore leaving to A pril 1948 to spend regarded aa an uptuU goieral Marine Officer problem is another government program, more federal spend­ four jrears in Florida and Texas. ination to the party’s modem his­ tives from Manchester, East Hart­ alsetton battle agateat Democrat­ tory. ing, more power concentrated in the executive branch of iitA ford, Newington, Hartford, En­ For the pest eight yekrs, they have ic.
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