The ~- • OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BARBERSHOP HARMONY SOCIETY SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER \C\~i') Because when it comes to electrtcity, ON THE FRINGE Is a Revolutionary recording, Wire to wire, It crackles with the high-voltage originality and entertalnment energy that make Four Under Par an unparalleled success on the show circuit, and has placed them as high as tenth In all the colonies! Savvy Ben knew this incandescent , , sparkler to be overloaded with a battery of socket-to-me highlights, Including: ar selections.\ under P II I original Four f ",\lS\\\ -b~'\" 12 unbellevab Y. terludes\\ m\J' '3-cts 0 't'3-\1;\l.f\d-'3- ,. rmb\e ,n \.lnsee un\!' uncom'o • '3 \.lnre\en • 6 •\ Yes, Gentle Ben loved ON THE FRINGE Oust as you will, dear reader). And indeed, it turned out to be a better investment than even thrifty Ben had dared hope. For on that stormy night in Philadelphia, flying ON THE FRINGE. Big Ben finally fulfilled the dream of a lifetime. _ He vaporized the key to his mother-In-law's house. ;;\'$1 ----------------------- ~ If it's good enough for Ben, it's good enough for me. Get me: -ilf;~ ON THE FRINGEJIIII I SPECIAL Enclosed ls a check fOf__copies of "ON THE FRINGE" at 88.00 each. Total: 8 I BONUS plus, if ordering less than ten albums. I 95¢ mailing cost per album for__albums, for a OFFER total mailing cost of $ I Win a pack of monogrammed Four Under Par golf balls! Canadian friends please add $2.00 for postage. I Just complete this sentence: Panamanian friends please add 22 balboas for postage. Polish friends please add 100 zlotys (or 1000 groszys) for postage. I The best reason to buy ON THE FRINGE is: Total enclosed S I Please make all checks payable to CADDYSHACK PRODUCTIONS. (Polish friends certified czechs only.) I I MAIL RECORDS TO: _ I I I I Four Under Par will select the five best answers and send CADDYSHACI{ PRODUCTIONS 89·20 218 Street, Queens Village. N.Y. 11427 I a pack of monogrammed golf balls to each of the five win­ ners, (EnlIies must be p:>stmarked by Nov. 10. 1983. The dlslrlbLltlol1. sale or adL'crllslng oj wlOlflclal recordIngs Is not a represenlatlon I that lire coll/enls ojsudl recordings are appropriatejar contest use. I Decision of Four Under Par is final.) I1Je • ~1C1-la1momzer C/ ~( SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1983 VOL. XLIII No, 5 A BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF SPEBSQSA, INC., IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY. The HARMONIZER (ISSN 0017·7849) is the official publication of the Society for tho Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. (S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A.l. It Is pub­ lished in the months of January, March, May, July, September and November at 6315 - 3rd Avenue, Box 575, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141. Second-class postage paid at Kenosha, Wisconsin. Editorial and Advertising offices are at the International Office. Advertising rates available upon request. Publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts or artwork. Notice of change of address should be submitted to the editorial offices of THE HARMONIZER, 6315 - THIRD AVE., Box 575, KENOSHA, WISCONSIN 53141, at least thirty days before the next publication date. Subscription price to non-members is $6 yearly or $1 an Issue. Foreign subscriptions are $12 yearly or $2 an Issue. Copyright, 1983, by the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. Cover We moved our 1983 international champions, the "Side Street Ramblers" from Dallas (Metrol. Tex.. from the Features formal pose with trophies that usually appears on our Convention Issue cover. 6 TUNE UP FOR HAWAII. A com­ 12· SEATTLE LINES. We hope the 18 Our thanks to them for making plete schedule of tours and all the 31 pages and two colored covers we've that sacrifice so that our readers might activities planned for a fun-filled devoted to our 45th international get a better "feel" for our 45th inter­ week of sunning and singing at the convention tells the complete story, national convention in the picturesque Mid-winter convention. though we're sure it doesn't beat surroundings of beautiful Seattle. being there. From left, are Keith Houts, tenor; 8 WONDER WHERE LOU PERRY Brian Beck, lead; Earl Hagn, bass; Dennis GETS ALL THOSE SONGS? One 32 A "RECRUITING SPREE IN '83" Malone, baritone. of the Society's top arrangers re­ FOR LINCOLN, NEB. A desper­ veals how he discovered an exten­ ate membership committee dug up sive private collection of songs in some old "Auditions for Admis­ Tucson. sions" material and found out that the program still works if you 10 IN - TER·PRE·TAT·ION. Eric Jack· "follow the book." son continues explaining this im­ portant part of good quartet sing­ Contributors ing. This segment deals with tempo. Jim Griffith .. , Hugh Ingraham Eric Jackson ... Jan McFarlane Also in this isslI" Conventions 2 THINKING ALOUD 36 NEW CHAPTERS BARGAIN BASEMENT INTERNATIONAL 4 LETTERS 1984 St, Louis, Mo. July 1-8 38 ST. LOUIS CONVENTION REGIS­ 1985 Minneapolis, Minn. June 30-July 7 7 MID·WINTER TOURS ORDER TRATION 1986 Salt Lake City, Utah June 29-July 6 FORM 1987 Hartford, Conn. June 28-July 5 43 LOGOPEDICS CONTRIBUTIONS 1988 San Antonio, Tex, July 3-10 35 NEWS ABOUT QUARTETS MID-WINTER 1984 Honolulu, Hawaii January 25-28 1985 San Antonio. Tex, Jan. 28-Feb. 2 1986 Tucson, Ariz_ January 22-25 1987 Sarasota, Fla. January 28-31 1988 Washington, D.C. January 27-30 THE HARMONIZER!SEPTEMBER·OCTOBER!1983 International Officers President. Dr. Hank Vomacka. 1881 Rose Street, Sarasota. Florida 33579 Immediate Past President. Merritt F. Auman. P.O. Box 7842. Reading, Pennsylvania 19603 Vice President. Gil Lefholz, 13316 E. 51st Street. Kansas City. MissourI 64133 Vice President. William K. Park, Box 4700. RD 1, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania 19317 Thinking VIce President-Treasurer, John T. Gillespie, 712 Newgate Road. Kalamazoo, MI 49007 Board Members Cardinal. Morris Jennings. 508 Gardner Court• Aloud •• • Marion, Indiana 46952 Central States. Thomas M. (Mike) Hines, 3317 Ravenwood Terrace NW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52405 In wrltmg this column I've tried to Bill FitzGerald has been appointed Dixie, Charles P. McCann, P.O. Box 40969. reflect its title, "Thinking Aloud." Manager of Special Events. Conventions Nashville. Tennessee 37204 Evergreen, Dick Merritt. 4656 Lake Heights Musings, thoughts brought to the fore by are just too big these days to be part of St.• Bellevue. Washington 98006 Far Western, Beryl Caron, 10809 Wellworth remarks of others or observations of another job. Bill has run two very success Ave.. Los Angeles. Callfornia 90024 barbershop events. This time I'm can· ful conventions in Pittsburgh and Seattle. Illinois, Joo Shekreton, 710 E. Waverly Dr.. Arlington Heights. Illinois 60004 sciously breaking the mold. This column, He'll now become involved in the mid­ Johnny Appreseed, Jack Wentworth, 6414 at least for this one issue, is meant to be winters and other specia I events such as Lexlelgh Rd., Reynoldsburg. Ohio 43068 Land 0' Lakes. Thurman Slack. 525 Wedge­ informative rather than reflective. the district presidents' forum_ wood Lane N., Plymouth. Minnesota 55441 There are probably about 95% of you Frank Santarelli is stepping into Mid-Atlantic. Dalo E. Thomas. 324 E. 4th St.• Bloomsburg. Pennsylvania 17815 who couldn't care less what goes on at Dal Lemmen's rather large shoes. He has Northeastern. Wally Mance, 328 . 89th Avenue, Intern~tional Chomedy. Quebec H7W 3H1 CANADA the Office, just as long as an excellent financial background, includ· Ontario. Cliff Watts. 234 Walden Blvd•• Fort you keep getting good music and are ing a C.P.A. designation and a masters Erie, Ontario L2A 1R8 CANADA Pioneer. Doran McTaggart. 890 Buckingham. enjoying barbershopping at your local in business administration. Windsor, Ontario NBS 2C8 CANADA and district level. So be it. That's the Joe Liles, of course, is our new Direct­ Rocky Mountain. Rex Tousles. 1511 - 27th Avenue. Greeley. Colorado 80631 way I felt when I was in your shoes. or of. Music Education and Services. Seneca Land, Robert Culbertson. 438 Buffalo The other five percent, however, may be Fortunately, Joe had a chance to train Street. Franklin, Pennsylvania 16323 Southwestorn, Donald Wagner. 10106 Laing· wondering what the devil's going on at as Bob Johnson's assistant for a couple tree, Dallas, Texas 75243 "Harmony By The Lake"; there've been Sunshine. Bert Warshaw. 9100 SW 16th Street. of years and was ready to step in on Miami, Florida 33165 a lot of changes lately. Hopefully, what Bob's retirement. follows may help answer your questions. The third department head appoint­ And Past International Presidents Your International Office is set up, ment went to Robb Ollett as Director Ernie Hills. Box 66. Medford, Oklahoma 73759 Les Hesketh. Jr.• 7467 Clifton Road, Clifton. based on a report made by a manage­ of Communications. Robb has done an Virginia 22024 ment consultant back in 1968, on a excellent job for the Society, first as Burt Huish. 1531 Julie Lane. Twin Fairs. Idaho 83301 department basis. There are three depart­ Communications Assistant and later as ments: finance and administration, com­ Public Relations Director. International Office munication, and music. The directors The other major change involves my of these departments run their own ship assistant, Shirley Panosian. She is taking HUGH A. INGRAHAM, CAE, Executive Director SHIRLEY PANOSIAN, ExeCl/tive Assistant but are responsible to, and report to, on more and more responsibility in the executive director, who is, of course, office procedures and management.
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