Concentration camps and other comparable prison camps as recognised under the Article 2 Agreement with the Jewish Claims Conference (JCC) For the prison camps listed below, it is necessary to determine on a case-by-case basis whether imprisonment took place on German orders under conditions comparable to those in a concentration camp. The following list includes the concentration camps 1 and comparable prison camps at which a verifiable period of at least six months imprisonment can lead to obtaining assistance under the Article 2 Agreement, provided all the other eligibility requirements are met. This list does not include the ghettos, at which at least 18 months of imprisonment is required. The following list is not exhaustive or legally binding. It is continually updated as a result of current historical research and thus may be subject to changes, in particular the addition of information. The decision to make an application should be taken independently of whether the prison camp is mentioned in this list. Recognition here does not extend to other regulations or programmes. 1. Concentration camps pursuant to the Sixth Implementing Regulation to the Federal Compensation Act Source: Federal Law Gazette 1977, Part I, pp. 1786-1852 and Federal Law Gazette 1982 Part I, pp. 1572-1579 1 Concentration camps within the meaning of the Article 2 Agreement are all concentration camps and prison camps comparable to concentration camps; these do not include in particular ghettos. Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) – Bonn office: Am Propsthof 78a - 53121 Bonn www.bundesfinanzministerium.de As of 20 September 2011 Document: 2011/0793157 - 2 - 2. Recognised camps within the scope of the Article 2 Agreement and the Jewish Claims Conference’s Central and Eastern European Fund. 3. Categories of camps as published by the International Tracing Service in Bad Arolsen Source: ITS: Verzeichnis der Haftstätten unter dem Reichsführer-SS (1933-1945) [Catalogue of prison camps under the Reichsführer-SS], Bad Arolsen, 1979 a) Camps for Hungarian Jews in the Reichsgaue of Lower Danube, Upper Danube, Styria and Vienna b) Forced labour camps for Jews in the Reich territory, incorporated territories and territories annexed for administrative purposes c) Forced labour camps for Jews in the General Government d) Forced labour camps for Jews in Reichskommissariat Ostland (Reich commission for the eastern territory) e) Forced labour camps for Jews in Reichskommissariat Ukraine (Reich commission for Ukraine) 4. Other categories of prison camps for which the location is not specified a) Camps of the Hungarian labour battalions for Jews on the Eastern Front b) Camps for Hungarian Jews around the border between Austria and Hungary (known as Alpenfestung (Alpine redoubt)) c) Camps for Jews in Austria d) Labour battalions for Jews in Romania Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) – Bonn office: Am Propsthof 78a - 53121 Bonn www.bundesfinanzministerium.de As of 20 September 2011 Document: 2011/0793157 - 3 - List of recognised camps in the scope of the follow-up negotiations to the Article 2 Agreement with the Jewish Claims Conference (JCC) No. Prison camp Period recognised2 as referred to in the Article 2 Agreement A 1. Abadla, see Abdala from before August 1941 2. Abaújszántó until November 1944 3. Abdala, see Abadla from before August 1941 4. Abony until November 1944 5. Acâş, see Ákos March 1944 to October 1944 6. Adjud 7. Adoni, see Éradony until October 1944 8. Adorjan, see Nadrljan until October 1944 9. Agard until December 1944 10. Agde (Hérault) 11. Agdt, see Agdz 12. Agdz, see Agdt 13. Ágfalva 1944 to March 1945 2 The period recognised must be verified on a case-by-case basis. Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) – Bonn office: Am Propsthof 78a - 53121 Bonn www.bundesfinanzministerium.de As of 20 September 2011 Document: 2011/0793157 - 4 - No. Prison camp Period recognised2 as referred to in the Article 2 Agreement 14. Aïn al Quraq, see Ain el Ousak until November 1942 15. Ain el Ousak, see Aïn al Quraq until November 1942 16. Ain Guenfounda 17. Aïn-Sefra October 1940 to November 1942 18. Aïn-Zammit from 13 December 1942 19. Aït Amar (near Qued Zem) until November 1942 20. Ajka 1944 to January 1945 21. Aknasugatag, see Ocna Şugatag until October 1944 22. Aknaszlatina until October 1944 23. Ákos, see Acâş March 1944 to October 1944 24. Al-Arisha, see El Arisha 25. Alba Julia 26. Albac 27. Albertfalva March 1944 to December 1944 28. Alcsút 1944 to January 1945 29. Aleşd, see Élesd March 1944 to October 1944 Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) – Bonn office: Am Propsthof 78a - 53121 Bonn www.bundesfinanzministerium.de As of 20 September 2011 Document: 2011/0793157 - 5 - No. Prison camp Period recognised2 as referred to in the Article 2 Agreement 30. Alexandreni 31. Almásfüzilö, see Almásfüzitö 1944 to January 1945 32. Almásfüzitö, see Almásfüzilö 1944 to January 1945 33. Alparét, see Bobâlna until October 1944 34. Alsódabas until December 1944 35. Alsógöd until December 1944 36. Alsóilosva, see Ilişua until October 1944 37. Alsókabol, see Donji Kovilj until October 1944 38. Alsókosály, see Căşeiu until October 1944 39. Alsólendva, see Donja Lendava 1944 to January 1945 40. Alsónémedi until December 1944 41. Alsóság 1944 to February 1945 42. Alsóvisó, see Vişeul de Jos until October 1944 43. Alsózsuk, see Jucu de Jos 1942 to October 1944 44. Angyalföld 1944 to January 1945 45. Apacalda Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) – Bonn office: Am Propsthof 78a - 53121 Bonn www.bundesfinanzministerium.de As of 20 September 2011 Document: 2011/0793157 - 6 - No. Prison camp Period recognised2 as referred to in the Article 2 Agreement 46. Apafa (Debrecen része) March 1944 to October 1944 47. Apanagyfalu, see Nuşeni until October 1944 48. Apsinec March 1944 to October 1944 49. Arad 50. Arbe, see Kampor, Rab July 1942 to September 1943 51. Archia, see Arkia 52. Ardent au Pic, see Sousse 13 December 1942 to 13 April 1943 53. Argéles sur mer (Pyrénées-Orientales) 54. Arkia, see Archia 55. Árpás 1944 to March 1945 56. Arva-Milcovel 57. Aszód until December 1944 58. Atachi, see Otachi 59. Atiya 60. Averesti 61. Azemmour (near Sidi-El-Ayachi) Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) – Bonn office: Am Propsthof 78a - 53121 Bonn www.bundesfinanzministerium.de As of 20 September 2011 Document: 2011/0793157 - 7 - No. Prison camp Period recognised2 as referred to in the Article 2 Agreement B 62. Baba-Chitai 63. Babadag 64. Bábolna 1944 to February 1945 65. Bacau 66. Bacesti 67. Bačić (camp III) sub-camp of Jasenovac 68. Backa Topola, see Topolya until October 1944 69. Bácsalmás March 1944 to October 1944 70. Bácskertes, see Kupusina March 1944 to November 1944 71. Bácsszentiván, see Prigrevica March 1944 to November 1944 72. Badinesti 73. Baia 74. Baia Mare, see Nagybánya March 1944 to October 1944 75. Baile Strunga 76. Bairamcea Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) – Bonn office: Am Propsthof 78a - 53121 Bonn www.bundesfinanzministerium.de As of 20 September 2011 Document: 2011/0793157 - 8 - No. Prison camp Period recognised2 as referred to in the Article 2 Agreement 77. Baisoara 78. Baja until October 1944 79. Baju 80. Bakonyszűcs 1944 to February 1945 81. Baktó (Szeged része) until October 1944 82. Balatonfüred 1944 to January 1945 83. Balatonlelle until December 1944 84. Balatonzamárdi March 1944 to December 1944 85. Balcia 86. Baldoenesti 87. Balogfala, see Behovce March 1944 to December 1944 88. Balti 89. Bana 1944 to January 1945 90. Banasa 91. Bánát until October 1944 92. Bancanesti Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) – Bonn office: Am Propsthof 78a - 53121 Bonn www.bundesfinanzministerium.de As of 20 September 2011 Document: 2011/0793157 - 9 - No. Prison camp Period recognised2 as referred to in the Article 2 Agreement 93. Bandresti 94. Bánfalva until October 1944 95. Bánréve until October 1944 96. Baouârfa, see Bou Arfa, Bour-Afra from before February 1941 to November 1942 97. Bara 98. Baracska until December 1944 99. Barbacs 1944 to March 1945 100. Barbosi 101. Barlad 102. Barnova 103. Barsava 104. Bártfa until November 1944 105. Batak 106. Batinesti 107. Battonya March 1944 to October 1944 108. Bátya until October 1944 Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) – Bonn office: Am Propsthof 78a - 53121 Bonn www.bundesfinanzministerium.de As of 20 September 2011 Document: 2011/0793157 - 10 - No. Prison camp Period recognised2 as referred to in the Article 2 Agreement 109. Bechar, see Colomb-Beachar until November 1942 110. Beciu 111. Beclean 112. Beclean, see Bethlen March 1944 to October 1944 113. Becsked (Karcsa része, Zemplén m.) March 1944 to October 1944 114. Bedeau April 1941 to November 1942 115. Begecs March 1944 to October 1944 116. Behovce, see Balogfala March 1944 to December 1944 117. Bejan 118. Békéscsaba until October 1944 119. Bélbor, see Bilbor until October 1944 120. Belene 121. Beli Isvor 122. Belica, see Belitza 123. Belint 124. Belitza, see Belica Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) – Bonn office: Am Propsthof 78a - 53121 Bonn www.bundesfinanzministerium.de As of 20 September 2011 Document: 2011/0793157 - 11 - No. Prison camp Period recognised2 as referred to in the Article 2 Agreement 125. Belovo, see Malko Belovo 126. Ben-Chicao October 1940 to November 1942 127. Beni Abbes from before April 1941 to November 1942 128. Berceni 129. Bereck, see Breţcu until October 1944 130. Beregszász, see Berehovo until October 1944 131. Berehovo, see Beregszász until October 1944 132. Berettyóújfalu March 1944 to October 1944 133. Berezina 134. Berguent until November 1942 135. Berreoaghia, see Berrouaghia from before April 1941 to November 1942 136. Berrouaghia, see Berreoaghia from before April 1941 to November 1942 137. Besenyszög March 1944 to November 1944 138. Beszterce, see Bistriţa March 1944 to October 1944 139. Beszterce-Naszód March 1944 to October 1944 140. Bethlen, see Beclean March 1944 to October 1944 Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) – Bonn office: Am Propsthof 78a - 53121 Bonn www.bundesfinanzministerium.de As of 20 September 2011 Document: 2011/0793157 - 12 - No.
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