I * 8 NEW YOK.K HERALD, WEDNESDAYf, MAKCH 21, 1877..TRIP!LB SHEET asd wan aant to the Stat# Prison lor two The People ex rel. Ron et ah re. The City I 1 COMMISSIONER*. disposed of upon the requisition, wlilcb, it contained pleaded gullty reversed nod affirmed. PILOT all the ol the act of Congress on the years. Judrment prooeedloge requirements The People ex re), the Tradesmen's National liankBrooklyn..re. AND was held to be was no TOKOEBT. COM sulticient. Tburo Boarf of nSANCIAL THE COURTS. objectionsubieel, TheCommissioners of Taxee, Ac., o* New Tbo regular aiootiag wC Ik* insue in tnal case tlie of tbe court. It i to JurudicCou James H. Jams, a clerk, who received from reversed anil assessment affirmed. «m bald ii ibi ruoma n *119 was assumed. Tbe material facta as adjudged were Elijah lit Vork.Judgme l«ri.t{fiWC***1*rlaaora ___________ K. of No. 030 the sum ot 27 on The Rector, Ac., ol the Church ot the Redemption iDiriM Mmi ol tho mtM IUM if bf tboso in tbe warrant contained, and which related Bangs, Broadway, $18 Grace r«wrerday ri. tho Rector, Ac., of Church.Judgment out)- to the exercise of the powers conferred by tbe an order purporting to be signed by M. Addy, was of Judge of im rival iuwi nul Hrrf t««fo or tbe modified e» as to conform to the opinion rtimMBUiitN act Cougrei*. In this matter respondents, lor trial. He pleaded guilty to lorgcry in thearraigned costs to olther in thta court, aira for art i.i W "> r*' An .Active Stock Suit the Western also to tbe affidavits third and was sentenced to one in the Kolger. without party prr««nt:uf argument* Important Against disclaiming jurisdiction, objected degree year upon notlco. ' wbich were tbe relator. His Judgment to he scltiud by Judge Kolger muval of lie "olab knue pier ak *aplo«oa. v» «k Mi produced by Penitentiary. Tho People vs. Rarber..So much Of the judgment a» tbe Governor declined to give or certify thu > court ku dondod m ti ll rioltiiN of Mi Market. Excellency from affirmed. and « tuuca an bljner Union Telegraph Company. on tbe tbat be acted In Is appealed by plaiutiff ground Judicially affidavitsGENERAL SESSIONS.PART 2. Is from by the defendants reversed ana lawi governing obnro' 'xmr la th. barber. Tho #14 tbelr ©fleet, and was not subject to review by appealed the whole this Court. Tbe relator tben obtained copies of them.determining Betore Judge Glldersleeve. judgment ordered for defendant! lor ferry rompaay oootaodao, through > r»» -reroeitat *». a with costs. thai ike ebnald 01 oar# vrau'd. »"» Me It will he perceived tbat tbls matter assumed form THE BIO DIAMOND ROBBZBY. ah. reversed premises.aa to pier in tho Coal therefore from l.uco vs. Dunham ot Judgment aoru|ioay owuinr 11 aoaod lit* Hoard » ) ac: >a f#r Advance JUDGE BRADY ON EXTRADITION. differing any adjudicated proceeding The trial oi William P. C. who Is indicted on Sarnh l.uco and decree ol Surrogate modified by 10 *0* in ibo Stale, and tbo questions are UcCarty, estate free awbi.o. in rder 10 yi»o ti.rai w.rotime m.iy awarding to her one-fourth of the roaiduary 1 #11 Stocks. if not grave, In cburacter. Tbo the charge of grand larceny, in being Implicated In tho of boiu in lifer iko iDativr. Ibr Cilw oentarne»'r< to important,which from all claim of the widow, coats parties oral i ll tbor j«emn m tO« eaao, h«h in addlt.on to tbo requisition respondents."diamond robbery" on the '-'7 th ol January last, was to be from tho aharo of tho residuary report Toe#day (he affidavits mentioned referred, produced a second this Court paid prum.ee* to oeer lb# "ration of «oh*II romoro an accessory regained yesterday. Tbe complaining witness, Charles estate going to appellant. tbo in aceurdaaco with tho Uioai by with one. charging ihc relator with being vs. Ico pier, power givva A. Wife Charged Bigamy declined who detailed tbe circumstances of tbo case Kemp The Knickerbocker Itlr urciaioa of the Coort of Appealo. ibe (act. His excellency the Governor beforeV. Hand, reversed and new trial costs to abido A 104 A to tbe on which that was issued and granted,Company..Judgment Tbe eaao of Iflniiibaoa. pilot of tho ieai»*r Rooioad, GOLD 104 3-4 5-8 104 3-4. Insane. cermy affidavits tn response to Assistant District Attorney Lyon, was evenis. uii.es- stipulate to reduce tueir Becomes have not been in evidence In any way. 1 plaintiff Or burr oo too Jereey cooal, waa u« w.ea a p. bot they put to a and 10 77, with interest from September 1. 1*70, thought the second requisition was properly submitted lengthy searching recovery Com inlaaloner Ilium Maloa that Cartela Wall roof If Tor to the date of the judgment, and if plalntiflsao due* out botd ih# 1 see no reason now to change my opinion.adtnlssable. by cx-Judge G. M. Curtis, counsel crosi-oxaminationthe accused. as so modified atllrincd without coats to pilot roapooaihlr me Slate Court* have tbo to bonina mo judgment stipulate, 1 bo eaao of *'«»««, pilui of tho la'r |to, wao oat at 2 a 9 1.2 Pep rigbl go witness recited tbo relations which existed in Easy oo the Tbo oitbcr party this Court. rracti. d. Tbo of the ateomvr I a r * 10 bo praw Money THE HERALD AS A COURT RECORD. noiwiibstauutng tbo objections rcquiBillon M. Kilktua vs. Tho captain Bioro tho cflect of which would himself and tbe accused prior to the occurrence George People..Judgment out a boo the <4 raareiorg. Tho e.owMioawacro on CalL ol Jurisdiction, between and remitted 'or a new trial in the pilot aad Cent bo lo open tho door to tho examination on the 27th of January. After a few proceeding reversedliavo received keirrr1! vernloa of Ik# o*;«»ora«, Superior Court ol the city of Hudnlo. aoowiwo them that ho w*e out to ohoryo of tbo papers or Indictment transmitted and on tbe ol the loan of of Clara M. to bo poeiliveiy Stale irotn whence came, then subject Interviews In ihc matter tho petition Pequet of the VO-aol at tho liiae. was mado yesterday to Judge I.awronco tho laws of tho they vacato an assessment, Ac..Motion for reargument Application tbcre should be some menus to compel the production for by Mr. Hand a oo-partnursbipadvertisedwas Charge* bavthg 000a mad# agaiaot * f f btaploa. w*u Strut, i costs. in Court, Chamber*, on behalf of Mra. was The with (10 denied. of * I., lor raltwo inattor iato 20.6 X. Supreme ul the papers on wulcb tbo warrant issued. established between blm and tbe accused as to tbo manor of (he of William C. Staplelut, throwing Tomdat. Mvcb p. J D. for an In'the potliion »uc Ml » . w«...... - » It. by Mr. Adolphus Papo uuder tbo act o( Congress . '>mj K"** Mnrcla O'Reilly Itovcrnur, acting of Mexican mustangs, which were to be executor, to vacate an assessment, Ac *' f fiM m th« autira ahara ltd so lar as 1 have bad tbo to purchase Jr., Rhinelander,cidfd 10 noiiff him tiui turb mwrk m<i«i !« '1«m pUa.wry ijriwn, order directing tbo examination bu.'ore trial of Mr. cannot, opportunityexclusively, recalled and order ol this Court vacated and a Witness further said that up to the time of or the mwr will bo to ib*»r o*4 (ma rc*»iT.l around ib. oo*l atocki u central examine the quostion, be compelled to certify or send exblbtiod. Irom. Iicv< rsod nod Remitiiturtinned oollod i.-o.y vno presiucuv, uuw m . umu, >u» ,. ou which be order* appealed proceedings inmiiui**d. 10 Orion, to the Court t noso affidavits or papers the larceny bo bad evory confidence in McCarty. The lor at cccdioft prei ms. Thrr. «. brat tauagb evolved lore* 1 Union Tho and hence ll were entertained, as rehearing Special Term. remuted dent of the Western Telegraph Company. acted, jurisdiction former admitted that bo find given McCarty a note lor The German American Hank vs. The Wllltama Mower .ro.tb ta i»ric«a. tad t. tr-trm (be bvarg at the aama Mrs. to framo the papers are not before mo and the second Tho in vs. and B ISO. examination is sougnt to enablo O'Kellly not be $20.o00, payable in one year. documents put and Reaper Company el at.. Same The Pulsion Ilia CADI(JAN MAI lime, m «>< demonstrated the alacrity villi wbicb in good upon Its luce, tbo relator could requlstlurn iho counsel were Coal o! ticneral and by her in a suit about to be commenced by bcr 1 have thus stated conclusions. by prisoner's acknowledged evidenceKiinira Company..Orders special «u the more ill* complaint briefly my discbsrged.Mr. wbo also staled that the tinio ibe reversed and roinittcd for n *»4 u«mwfiui>rii The re.eit or not tho Western Union are and the by Hand, terms proceedings A Stabbing affair betw*.»a William Coaght to test the question whether "Tbo questions as suggested Important, were drawn he wns not of much ol with costs ol one to the m Hi.i as u 1 now in session tbe relator sbnll papers up possessed coats, appeal readjustment *ire»ir m 11.» H«hal», ov-r»j t.., "freezing" process, applied Is lor the payment of the value General erin boitig menus.
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