'.!0 Ccn ls Per Copy P UBLUllf.0 BY ff, F, 001!.LL CO~IPAS\ ' $2.00 Pt•r Ycar COl' \ 'RICIIT 19:8-ALL RIGHTS IU.St:ll.\l '.11 ENTER l,D AS UCONO Cl.A ll MAITER JUSE 9, 19()9, AT TUE POSI' OFFICE AT 8051 0S, M ...SS ACII USE1T$, LSI>~~ "'l'l M ' M\ lll'll j, 18:q ·Th, CRESCENDO ' \Vu~LIIZE~Offers this ~'I)) . HOWARD Tenor Banjo Outfit s49complet,Ja Requlars75~~ Value-for Only ?'-~~~q9:..... l v- It ~ "'\.~lo' Here's your oppo rtunity to buy thi s won• powe r w ith a br illiant, resonan t tone. derful \Vurlitz er Howard Tenor Banjo Only \Vurlitzcr, the world's largest mu sic ou tfit at a price that make s it the greatest house, can offer yqu such money saving of all banjo values. Guarante ed 100% valu es. If th ere were a better banj o value by Wurlitzer . Think of it-o nly $49.00 th an chis we wou ld have it . If a lowe r buys chis fine tenor banjo outfit complete price were po ssible, we wo uld make it. with accesso ries, inclu ding '.resonator, fin• \Ve will ship chis outfit to you on tri al est grade Keratol covered, velvet lined for thr ee day s, th ereby giving you an op# ca se, in struction book, extra stri ngs, portuniry to sec what a really wonderfu l tun er, wrench and pick . Nothing else value it is. Write today for complete to buy. A regular $75.00 value. Thi s de sc riptive detai ls and easy pa yment beautiful banjo has unu sual ca rryin g plan, or clip and m ail the coupon . Sr July, 1928 Th, CRESCENDO [,] . o,-_.~~TheNew fl'"'-ROY SMECK {VITA-GUITAR TENOR·GUITAR PILIECTRUMuGUDTAR H a~~~~~· ,:~:;o~~t~~~:11~ck~:,~.r,:c~:;fr 1~~~rs\,i~!.':l~:•~c,l;~s11i1=~~:~!~1 ~ • by originalit y of design and constru ction: Mark ccl by an ca~c of action :rnd unu sual swcctncu of tone quali1y. Fin c~t con• New H armon y struc1ion-h ighl y. figured maho.i::rny wid1 st lcc1cd clo~r• HA 8 •d ,, 5 1 1 1 gr;~bl,~d:,~d~1\ ~~:iJ~;~1~~ r ~~~'i\.' i ~~i-A1r·~~~1lES': j~a~~~:.l'I)~~' ~~ Th e Vi1a Guitar, 6 sirin g (Case $8.oo ) ..... $35.00 Th e T d 1or Guitar , 4 strin,i: ( C.isc $8.oo ) .... )S.oo The Pl tt lrum Guitar , ~ sir ing (Case $8.oo ) .. ]S,OO Th e Vita • Ukc (C ase $5.00) ...... T he Vita -Mand olin (Case $5.00) . 15.00 THE H~ RMONY COMPANY Oril,r f rom your dt al,r or johbr r. If tf u y ( nnn o/ supp ly you, mltlr ru Tl-IE 1/!I RMO N l ' COMP .·l i\T AN ARTISTIC COLLECTION FOR BANJO ENSEMBLES MERZ'S BANJO BAND A BRA N D N EW SERIES OF U P-T O-DATE NU M BERS. T O M EET THE INC RE:\ SJSG DD-1:\'.\!D OF BAN JO BAN DS A N D BAN JO ORC H ESTR AS OTTO MERZ V CONTENTS V C W ANDA (fox trot) LA PRIM AVERA (valsc cspagnola) BEAUTIFUL SPRING (wait:) The most elfe cti,..e MAR CH - THE GUILD Easy to p ! a}. group of hi gh class yet bnl I I a nt mu s ic ev er pu b• , • PLAY IT AGAIN (fox trn1) whe n hea rd m li1hcd in book form . 1 THE WINNER (fox 1rnt) combrn;r, t,ons AUTO PARADE (macch) HARMONY MARCH ECSTACY OF YOUTH (waltz) ' "'- MEDIAT O R MARC H - A WONDERFUL BOOK THAT TREAT S THE BANJO BAND AFTER THE ST YLE OF FULL 1-IILITA R\' BANDS . WITH LEADING PART S FOR THREE DIFFERE NTLY VO ICED BAN JOS. PUBLISHED FOR 1st Tenor B;nj o (solo ) .. ...... H e h t Plectrum B;r,njo ( solo ) ht Ten or Banj o ( solo 1impli6 cd) . 7S'c 2nd Plectrum Banjo (acc .) "' 2nd Ten o r Banj o (oblig ato ) . H e 1st Mand olin Banjo ( solo ) . .. "' 3rd Ten o r Banjo (obligato) '1k 2nd Mand olm BanJo (obh gato ) "' ◄ th T enor Banj o (acc .) . '1k Gu itar Banjo ( accompa n1rnent ) . "' PIANO ACCOMPANIMENT He '" Published by WM. J. SMITH MUSIC CO., Inc. 218 East 34th Street N ew York City . [2] Th, CRESCENDO July , 1928 Jacobs' C_ollections for Banjoists TUNEFUL MELODIES C for TENOR and PLECTRUM BANJOS :, I \ , I ~~f.. ~~3.~ 1~:li~~ti~:J~ ~~:~~:~-~:~~~:::~~e!f:;:;Et::t:~rfi:~~..~'·. a,-&pa,.te book ■ for tenor banjo ■ nd pied.ru m banjo , eac h part with lead an d chord part. · ~,.. on ael)llr&le ata Yl!II. 4.-Plano part. hav11melod.J, on actparate ■ taff for C uxophone, violin, etc. 5.-Looee- lea f c,onoert ■ IU!. &.-Chord, lettel'fll for uku lele In both tenor and 11le.:trum books, 1.-EYCl"J' num ber a leader. Nothina- bette r for conoe rt , bl'Olldcut, danoe or teachi ng, elthu 1010 or enHm ble. VOLUME I VOLUME 2. J u,t Smlle . Sonir Folt•Trot Sunny Smile . Sona: Fo:,:-Trot Flylnir Cloud . • . Mu ch On Dut1 • • • • . • • • • • • • • March S1,arkllng Sr,rllJ' . ...•...... Walt• J une Ro.ea • , • • • • • •.••••••••• Walla Lnnqin,r for You .•...•. Soriir Fo;,;-T.rot When You Retu rn ....... Sonc Fo:.;-T rot M•mm 7'• Klnk7-He.d . • . Lull•b:r Dre•m 1 of To1l•ml • Dance Car,rlcil Jo,ou 1 Houn . • . .......... Walti Vera , ....•....•..• \Valla Prices [ T-1;:,~;.~•t.:.t•.:.:".~~•;1;'.,,, ] 75c each book Piano1,urt( Melodyo n ae:par11te1ta lt) i1,:_/, : JACOBS' ENSEMBLE for TENOR and PLECTRUM BANJOS AD LIB oarl 1 for ALL band and orchnlra ln1tn1menlL Fouraf!11 of the m~t r>011ulu htte Amuka n cot1:rrh1hb In the J acobs u.taloe. Thr ee boob: Tenor Banjo Solo, Plectrum BanJu Solo (the latter with tenor ban.Jo chord pa rt. on leparate 1ta ff), a nd P lano Accom11anlment . Play ab lo aolo or "lHmble. with or wh.hout piano. Banjo part.I alao ma:r be: uffd with complete orchHtra. band or .. xop hone band arranacmenta of the,ie numbc.-.. CONTEN T S .Tunlor Hbrh-M11rch ........ A. J . w,.Jdt J.ud,. - Valae Espana ... Frank R, Onrl:,..m ~!f:!~lnmo~tv~ii~~. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ~'. 1:~::~: Moon Ml1t- RcVf!rlc ....... V. N. Scho l"!! 5 Ro7a l Pu rr, 1 -Polon ■ l !M!! ••.• Cla,-ton Mlll1 Ma~~hH'. ~. ~: ~. S~~1~~ 00.to n HUl"h Sehoo l c■ d~Mueh F. Sordlllo ch Novelly Clarton MIii~ Sahara-A Due rl: Epla.>de ••.. H . J . Cro11by Serenade . R. £.HIidr eth Faded Fl oWf'r- Muurka .. Charin J . Dor;:, .......... Lloyd Loar PR ICES-EAC H BOOK Tenor Banjo Solo .... ........ 60c nct An7 Orch ettra or Band Pl ~etru m Banjo Solo Tl,i1 book ma1 bt uud with .. \5ocne1 l natrum ent .• .. .... ............ 60enet Jarobs' El-,umblt for Ord1t1/ra With Teno r Banjo Chorfl . Plano Part . ..... :n .oo ne t and Band WEIDT 'S JACOBS' Tiinor. Banjo Collection Five-String Banjo Collection 5 VOLUMES 10 VOLUMES •Jn C notatio n-wit h ,iultar •nd pia no accompanim ent. Charaeterl.ttlc banjo mu!Uc tha t •r,p,ea l1 to player1 and ~~~~~-:ff~r(t!~~t~•e~[r:~J~~:~tr.ii:~1 ll.11tener1. Volume ■ I to 8 lndu.lve, ftnaer pla7lnll': COmPCMCn, , all arran•ed with full harmon:, . flll•ln1. COUii• volumes Ii and 10, ple,;,lrum pla1ln1r. tcr•me lody, and profcnlonal rh,thm atro ku. CONTENTS-VOL. 10 5 .. •·• .... E. E. Ba11ley 0 ... Arr. R. E. H Iidreth J1~r\tTlh~~:!~:~1~~y~~II· :: : : : ·eent~~e~ ••• Kate Do lb1 Thi Tippler-Ecce nt ric March • . Cobb C:eorl'e L. Cobb ......•..... H l ndel ..••.. Th oa. S. All en ......•••• McCrath Masnlftcent.-- ar .......• . ......•... H. J . Cro1b7 .....••..•..• Allen Ovtr th e Wa..-e, (Sohre Lu 0 1.. )- Wa lt,. (Roaaa) ··• .•..•.•••. Cobb Arr. WalterJa eob ■ .. All en N11w Arrlv o-Step .. Anthony S. Braall •... •.. , Sm ith Veron ica- ......... .. .. A. J . Weldt ...•...• . .. .• . Allen Wh7 Not? A . 1. Weldt Dance ••••..• . .. Weldt Gob Aahor.- ...•. • ....... Norman Lehth •·• • · · · ·••···· ·· •· Shattuck Kulawlak-A Ion.al Dan ce (Wlenlawakl) Even Rl!verl11 ...•........••.•.•....•.•• Wt' ldt A rr. R. E. Hildreth Darke, •• Drcam-Characterbtlc Barn Danoe ••• La nalnll' Alhambra-Spanlah On~te:p • . .... Ceo11re L. Cobb Good Fe llow- March ..•..•..• . .•••••• . • .. Bertnlm NC-,4- March . .......•... •• ..• • ...... F. E. Blnlow P RI CES-EACH VOLUME Tenor Ban~~~~!~H ~'1zi~lrf!. 11.00 net • Banjo Solo '1k Guitar Accomp . n~ Plano Accomp. Sl.00 Send for Descriptive Circular and Sample Pa rts Walter Jacobs, Inc., 120 Boylston Street, Bost(?ll Publishers of Jacobs' Orchestra Monthly , J acobs' Band Monthly, Melody (for Pianists and Organ ists ) Ju ly, 1928 Th, CRESCEN-DO [ J J The CRESCENDO ~ 1N~ 11. r . o.s.i.1 The old est and forem ost fretted instrument monthly devoted t o the interest of the The DRElscH BANJO- MANDOLIN-GUITAR,:.~.~:::~;;~ Combin,d • Founded T enor-Gu itar with FRETS 1921 A OOLPII P. ]OIIN SON, Afana9in9 Editor" in Publi shed Monthly by H. F. O DELL COMPANY Genuine Entff'l'd H -" r laN m1u n. J,,.,.t . n ot. 11 tbe l 'oal om.,. a1 110110n. )I - .• lllllkt lh• Act ot 11_,t: h J. 1171 Mahogany SUBSCRIPT ION l United Stai n $o.20 $2.oc PRIC ES Can ~d:t .20 2.2s Foreign , .2s 2.so Ad111rtisin9 Rain ' will be sr m on appl ication. F<.rms close on the ut of uch month for the 11tceee1li11g month'• issue, Rt111itta11uslh oulJ be made by Pmt Office or £ ,:pr ess Money Order, Regis tered Lette r or lh nlt Chrc lt or Drah.
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