f��-g-�_!h Series, Vol. XIX, N!_)�)7 Friday, August 8, 1986 Sravana -1 7. J 908 (Saka} LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Sixth Session (Eighth Lok Sabha) ( Yol. XIX eontain.r NoJ. 11 IO 20) LO.K SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Prlr� · R.6, 6.00 No. 17, Friday, August 8. 1986/Sravtlna 17, 1908 (Sakaj Columna Oral Answers to Questions 1-32 ·Starred Questions Nos. 326,327,329 to 331, 335, 339, 340 and 34:2 Written Answers to Questions 32-251 Starred Questions Nos. 328. 332 to 334. 336 to 338, 32-44 34 t and 343 to 345 TJnstarred Questions Nos. 3216 to 3267, 3269 to 3277, 44-251 3279 to 3306, 3308 to 3324, 3326 to 3340, 3342. to 3364, 3366 to 3371, 3373 to 3376. 3378 to 3406, 3408 to 3424, 3426 to 3432, 3434 to 3450, 34S0-A and 34S0-B Papers Laid on the Table 255-277 Messages from Rajya Sabha 277- 278 Statem~nt Re : Chinese Intrusion in Sumdorong Chu valley 278-28J area or Arunachal Pradesh Shri K. R. Narayanan 278. Business of the House 281-288 Business Advisory Committee 289 Twenty Sixth Report Bills Introduced 289-291 Co~titutioD (Fifty-Forth Amendment) Bill, 1986 289 ----------.-----,------.---.--..._~------ *Tbe Sign + marked above the name of a Member iDdic~tes til at the queati9n, wq -aally uked on the Boor of tbe House by tbat Member. CoI __ lamil Nadu Legislative Council (AboUtion) BiU, 1986 290 National Security Guard Bill. 1986 290 Higb Court and Supreme Court Judges (conditions of 291 Service) Amendment BiU, 1986 Discussion of Recent Railway Accidents 291-340 Prof. Madhu Dandavate 291 Prof. Nirmala Kumari Shaktawat 302 Sbri V. Tulsiram 30S Sbri D. P. Yadava 308 Shri Basudeb Ache ria 310 Sbrimati Madhuree Singh 313 Shri Ram Pyare Paoika 314 Shri Narayan Choubey 316 Shri N. Tombi Singh 318 Shri Shiv Prasad Sahu 320 Shri Kali Prasad Pandey 321 Shri Lal Vijay Pratap Singh 323 Shri Ramswa roop Ram 324 Shri Girdhari Lal Vyas 326 Shri Manoj Pandey 327 Shri SOrTlnath Rath 328 Sbri Ata-ur-Rehll1an 330 Sbri Sarf.uaj Ahmad 331 Shri Damo,Jar Pandey 332 Shri C. Janga Reddy . 334 Shrimati ~4ohsioa Kidwai 33' Committee on Private Member·s· Bills and Resolutions 341 .' Twenry .. Second Report (Ht> CoiDlllOa ResolutiOn ~e: Growth of Rura~ Bconomy 341-:-390 Sbtl Barish Rawat 341 Slui B. N. Reddy 346 Shrl Rajmanpl Pande 349 Shri R. S. Khfrbar 353 Sbri Syed Shahabuddin 35' Sbri Balasaheb Vikbe PatH 362 Sbrl D. P. Yadava 363 Sbri A. C. Sbanmugam 367 Shr; V. Krishna Rao 371 Cb. Sunder Singh 373 Sbri C. Sambu 376 Sbri Raj Kumar Rai 379 Sbrl Somnatb Rath 383 Shri Kali Prasad Pandey 386 Shri Mool Chand Daga 388 Half-an-hour Discussion 390-406 Rebabilitation of persons displaced from Pakistan Kumari Mamta Banerjee 390 S. Buta Sinlb 396 Shrl Mool Chand DlSa 399 Sbrf AIUt08h Law --- 400 : I, ,'~ " I"" "", /,,", " " r,. , ' 1 LOK SABHA THE MINISTER OF FINANCE (SHRI VlSJ:lWANATH PRAT AP SINGH) : (8) 'Np, Sir. , ,F,i,tIay. Augu", 8, 1986( SravaIJQ 17, t b) N,o, Sir. 1908 (Saka) --- (c) Does not arise. The Lok Sabha met at 1Tronslalion1 Eleven 0/ the Clock. SHRI RAM BHAGAT PAS WAN : Mr. [MR. SPEAKER In the Chair) Speaker, Sir, my question is very simple but it has not been answered. We daily read iD [ElI6li4hJ the newspapers that all the nlulti-national companies are indulging in a lot of 'man'ipu- MR. SPEAKER: Mr. KoJandaivelu, lations in the matter of fore'jgn exchange. you are here solely and wholly monopolising Some three or four days back tht're was a the whole front Be1"ch. Don't you fall under news item in the newspaper in this regard. tbe anti-monopoly Act-what is that Act ?' I would like to know from the Hon. Minister -the MRTP Act? 8S to what are the ruJes which govern the remittans:e of foreign exchaogCi: by the multi. SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: To- national companies abroad 1 Kindly tell us day, Tamil Nadu has the monopoly! the rules and let us know as to what percen- tage of their total profit can be sent abroad MR.. SPEAKER : Shri Ram Bhagat in the shape of ,foreign exchange ? Paswan. SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH: Sir. so far as the question of remittioa a ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS porting of their profit is concerned, thOle companies whom we have allow<;d tQ s<\,nd {English] profits abroad can remit profits equivalent (0 their share capital. Of C'our~e. we are impos- MIMIse of foreign exchange by multi- ing a restriction that they must restrict their Itatlonal companies share capital to 40 per cent but in the mJtter of core sector and where exports or techno- *326. SHRI RAM BHAGAT PASWAN: logy is concernod~ cKemption has bce,n giver.. WiJ] tbe Minister of FINANCE be pleased to Ordinarily, they should bav" their share upto state : 40 per cent. (a) wbether Government propose to SHRI RAM BI-JAGAT PAS\VAN: Mr. examine tbe use of foreign exchange by multi- Speaker, Sir. should J take it that tbey can national companies and ,their subsidiaries; send upto 40 per cent? Is this the rule of the Govern01ent? Because they get pr'ofit ('b) whother Government propose to from two places- from· he're as well ,a~ from apPQint a Sptcjal Committee for this purpose; abroad. 1 would like 'to ,know as to ,w~al . i. aDd their total profit and whether they are sC;Dd- , ing only uplO 40 rer cent 1 Have you .;:ver .(c) if SQ, ;t~e c;1et4ils th~reof? " .:', "", I ,' .. looked into it " For example" how .lnaD)' , AUGUST 8, 1986 Ol'llI.Aalwl" 4 times enquiries have been made in tb e case money is sent in the form of fareian excbange or fTC since 1980 '1 If tbey are sendinJ or Indian currency ? correetl, then should 1 take it that aU the multl.national companies are bonest and are SHRI VJSHWANATH PltATAP SINGH: working properly and there is no manipula .. In the form of foreign exchange. tion etc.? Kindly tell us if tbey are not sendtoa 40 per cent, win you constitute a special committee to investigate the matter ? Foreign Intelligence agencies activities SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH: alOPg Trlpura-Bangladesh border Sir, tbe Government remains vigilant and if lOme rule ia violated, action is taken. Bata + India's cases ha" come· They had admitted *327. SHRI PURNA CHANDRA tbeir offence. Search was made in the matter MALIK: of Triveni Tissues Company also in November SHRI MANIK SANY AL : 1985. Some over-invoicing had been repor- ted. Inve§tigations are on. In March, 1986. Will the Minister of EXTERNAL searcb was made in tbe case of Jokai India AFFA IRS be pleased to state : Ltd, Investigations are continuing in their case. In addition to that search was made (a) whether the increasing involvement in February in tbe matter of Brook Bond of foreign intelligence agencies in Tripura- also. Tbey bave admitted their offence. Bangladesh border was taken up with the Regarding lTC, wh'Ch is a multi-national Bangladesh President durins his recent visit company, the information is like .hi') : to India; and [Eng/ilh) (b) if so, the outcome thereof? On the E1Ccic;e side the TME cases are THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE pending in various High Courts and the MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS SUf'reme Court. The total amount involved (SHRI K. R. NARAYANA~) : (a) and (b). is Rs. 40.87 crores, Some, of these case~ may No confirmed evidence about involvement of be settled under the Amnesty Scheme now. foreign intelligence agencies along the Tripura .. Bangladesh border is available with the Government. This issue was therefore not In another case the Delhi High Court raised with the Bangladesh President duri~g save a judgment against the ITC and others his recent visit to India. on a matter of determination of sizeable values. The balance amount tu be paid by the ITC by tbe end of August is about Rs. SHRI PURNA CHANDRA MALIK: 1 4.66 crores. would like to know from the Hon. Minister whether the Bangladesh Government has been requested not to give any shelter to oppres- The Director General of Customs and sive elements like the Tripura-National Central Exci.e has decided a case of manipu- Volunteer Force or the MilO National Front" lation of values against ITC and has imposed or the Naga National Council. • penalty of RI. 1 crore which bas been recovered, He has asked the Collectors to work out the dues which may come to over SHRI K. R. NARAYANAN: Yes. We Rs. 100 crores. have made such a request but they have' denied tbat they are giving any such assistance. (Tran.s!at 10"1 SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY :' SHRI MADAN PANDEY: Mr. Speaker, But what Mr. Laldeoga has t<l say about. Sir. the Hon. Minister has told that they bave this? permitted the multi- national companiec; to remit 40 per cent of their profit out of the SHRI PURNA CHANDRA MALIK: I ~un(r)'. J WOUld lUte t9 kJl9W wh~ther tb3t wpuld like to know from tbe" "~~. ~iRister 5 O,al At&rw" SUVAN'A 17. 1908 (9AkA) whether the Governmeut of India pointed (a> tbe total amount of advances liva out to PresideDt Brsbad that ono C.I.A. tc) priority sector by the public sector banta apnt, Jbon Oidne has been operatiq in the durin, 1985"86; border, Banaladclb .. Tripura border region. (b> the amount liven to Scheduled SHRI K.
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