An adapted version of the Concept Development Assessment Game Experiences from the Swedish-Finnish Naval Task Group Table-Top Discussion JENNIE GOZZI AND KARL SKOOG FOI, Swedish Defence Research Agency, is a mainly assignment-funded agency under the Ministry of Defence. The core activities are research, method and technology development, as well as studies conducted in the interests of Swedish defence and the safety and security of society. The organisation employs approximately 1000 personnel of whom about 800 are scientists. This makes FOI Sweden’s largest research institute. FOI gives its customers access to leading-edge expertise in a large number of fi elds such as security policy studies, defence and security related analyses, the assessment of various types of threat, systems for control and management of crises, protection against and management of hazardous substances, IT security and the potential offered by new sensors. FOI Swedish Defence Research Agency Phone: +46 8 555 030 00 www.foi.se FOI-R--4083--SE SE-164 90 Stockholm Fax: +46 8 555 031 00 ISSN 1650-1942 May 2015 Jennie Gozzi and Karl Skoog An adapted version of the Concept Development Assessment Game Experiences from the Swedish-Finnish Naval Task Group Table-Top Discussion Bild/Cover: Försvarsmakten/Swedish Armed Forces FOI-R--4083--SE Titel En anpassad version av Concept Development Assessment Game Title An adapted version of the Concept Development Assessment Game Rapportnr/Report no FOI-R--4083--SE Månad/Month Maj/May Utgivningsår/Year 2015 Antal sidor/Pages 37 p Kund/Customer The Swedish Armed Forces / Försvarsmakten Forskningsområde 6. Metod- och utredningsstöd Projektnr/Project no E14503 (INS OA) E14508 (PROD STAB OA) Godkänd av/Approved by Maria Lignell-Jakobsson Ansvarig avdelning Försvarsanalys Detta verk är skyddat enligt lagen (1960:729) om upphovsrätt till litterära och konstnärliga verk. All form av kopiering, översättning eller bearbetning utan medgivande är förbjuden This work is protected under the Act on Copyright in Literary and Artistic Works (SFS 1960:729). Any form of reproduction, translation or modification without permission is prohibited. FOI-R--4083--SE Sammanfattning I maj 2014 undertecknade Sveriges Regering representerad av Försvarsdepartementet och Finlands Försvarsministerium ett avtal för fördjupat försvarsamarbete. De två försvarsmakterna fick i uppgift att undersöka möjligheterna i ett sådant samarbete. Diskussionerna mellan respektive lands marina vapengrenar ledde till en vision och en tidsplan för etablering av en svensk-finsk marin insatsstyrka (Swedish-Finnish Naval Task Group, SFNTG). Med syfte att undersöka visionen och tidsplanen hölls ett rundabordssamtal i november 2014. Rundabordsamtalet genomfördes som ett Concept Development Assessment Game (CDAG) men metoden anpassades för att passa för målet med rundabordssamtalet. Kortfattat byggde den anpassade metoden på att fånga upp två samarbetande parters perspektiv istället för att som i ett krigsspel använda sig av två motverkande parter. Dessutom anpassades ’confrontation and challenge phase’ så att det blev en mer öppen diskussion samt att dokumentationsfasen förenklades. Rundabordssamtalet undersökte framgångsrikt användbarheten och genomförbarheten av visionen för SFNTG och utmaningar identifierades genom att använda den anpassade versionen av CDAG. Vi visar också att metoden kan användas för att utveckla koncept i tidiga stadier eftersom SFNTG var på idéstadiet innan rundabordssamtalet. Nyckelord: Svensk-finsk marin insatsstyrka, SFNTG, Concept Development Assessment Game, CDAG, rundabordssamtal, operationsanalys, OA-metod, spel 3 FOI-R--4083--SE Summary In May 2014 the Government of Sweden, represented by the Ministry of Defence of Sweden, and the Ministry of Defence of Finland signed an action plan for deepened defence cooperation. The two defence forces were tasked to look at opportunities resulting from the cooperation. The discussions between the navies resulted in a vision and road map for establishing a Swedish-Finnish Naval Task Group (SFNTG) and in order to explore the vision and the road map a table-top discussion (TTD) was held in November 2014. The TTD was set up as a Concept Development Assessment Game (CDAG) although the method was adapted to suit the aims of the TTD. In short the adapted version was set up to give perspectives from two cooperating teams rather than having two opposing teams as in a traditional war game. Furthermore, the confrontation and challenge phase was changed into a more open discussion and the documentation phase was simplified. The TTD did successfully investigate the utility and feasibility of the vision of the SFNTG and identified challenge areas using the adapted version of CDAG as method. As SFNTG was a premature concept before the TTD we show that this method also is suitable for development of concepts in early phases. Keywords: Swedish-Finnish Naval Task Group, SFNTG, Concept Development Assessment Game, CDAG, Table-Top Discussion, Operations Analysis, OA method, game 4 FOI-R--4083--SE List of abbreviations AAR After Action Report AOO Area of Operation AUV Autonomous Underwater Vehicle CDAG Concept Development Assessment Game CIS Communications and Informations System CRO Crisis Response Operation FISE Finland-Sweden FOC Final Operational Capability IOC Initial Operational Capability LEGAD Legal Advisors MCC Maritime Component Command MOC Maritime Operations Centre MSA Maritime Situational Awareness NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization NORDEFCO Nordic Defence Cooperation OPCON Operational Control ORBAT Order of Battle RMP Recognized Maritime Picture ROE Rules of Engagement RTO NATO Research and Technology Organization SFNTG Swedish-Finnish Naval Task Group SUCFIS Surveillance Cooperation Finland-Sweden SWEFIN ATU Swedish-Finnish Amphibious Task Unit TTD Table-top Discussion TTW Territorial Waters UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle 5 FOI-R--4083--SE List of contents 1 Introduction 8 1.1 Aim of this report ............................................................................... 9 2 CDAG method 10 3 Planning and preparing for the table-top discussion 14 3.1 Aim .................................................................................................. 14 3.2 Preparatory works ........................................................................... 14 3.3 Scenario .......................................................................................... 14 3.4 Vignettes ......................................................................................... 15 3.5 Responsibilities of the operations analysts ..................................... 16 4 Implementation of the table-top discussion 17 4.1 An adapted version of CDAG .......................................................... 17 4.2 Participants ..................................................................................... 20 4.3 Working groups ............................................................................... 20 4.4 Facilities .......................................................................................... 21 4.5 Documentation ................................................................................ 22 5 Outcome of the table-top discussions 23 6 Reflections 24 7 Concluding remarks 26 8 References 29 9 Appendices 30 Appendix 1 - Questionnaires 31 Appendix 2 – Form used for a brainstorm 35 6 FOI-R--4083--SE 7 FOI-R--4083--SE 1 Introduction Both Finland and Sweden are non-NATO countries, although both have a deepened cooperation with NATO in the Partnership for Peace. Finland and Sweden are active partners to NATO participating in various NATO-led peacekeeping operations such as in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Afghanistan. Furthermore, both countries participate in NATO-led exercises and capability development.1,2 Besides the NATO partnership both Finland and Sweden are members of the Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO) together with the three NATO- members Denmark, Iceland and Norway. The cooperation focuses on capability development, human resources and education, training and exercises, operations and armaments. The aims with NORDEFCO are to strengthen the national defence of the participating countries, to explore common synergies and to facilitate common solutions.3 The 6th of May 2014 the Government of Sweden, represented by the Ministry of Defence of Sweden, and the Ministry of Defence of Finland signed an action plan for deepened defence cooperation between the two countries on top of the existing NORDEFCO partnership.4 The aim of the defence cooperation between Finland and Sweden is to increase the effect and efficiency through combined use of resources, through increased operability and through closer dialogue on common challenges. The cooperation is limited to activities in peacetime. As a result of the agreed action plan, the Defence Forces of the two countries were tasked in an implementation plan to look at the opportunities resulting from the cooperation both in a short term perspective (2014-2015) and in a long term perspective (from 2016 and beyond).5 The main focus is the long term perspective with the aim to increase the mutual operational effect. Specific tasks set for the Navy were to explore the possibilities of an enhanced cooperation on exercises, education and training, sea surveillance, common use of infrastructure, 1 NATO’s relations with Sweden http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_52535.htm (read 02/02/2015) 2 NATO’s relations with Finland. http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_49594.htm
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