How1 Modern Queen of Sheba (jot Then the J : (L-- r Strange Royal Pair Staged the World's Biggest Banquet, ilk v 7 Lasting Seven Days, with 100,000 L J Guests Hungry ' tradition paints truly the ancient While " 1E)"t1"d IFQueen of SJieba, she was a lady t0tm who possessed charm and ' beauty MODERN SHEBA also IT in such supreme degree that every man who saw her, whether Queen Zaudita Solomon on his throne or some poor (Judith),' Empre of boatman of the Nile, went mad with Abyssinia and love and offered marriage, thrones, Ethopia, Who Claims even suicide, in return for her smiles. Direct Descent From l Today another handsome Empress who claims direct descent from Sheba the Queen of Sheba. finds herself less lucky. She has a throne and a fine young torgeous sit beside her on it, but the King is not her husband. He has an- other wife whom he has no intention of abandoning. And as for the Em- press, she has no husband at all. s This queen, who has a king but not a husband, is a Zudita (Judith) ruler of Abyssinia and Ethopia, a great realm in Eastern Central Africa, larger than Germany, France, Belgium and Hol- -' land put together. The king, by whose side she now sits, Is her cousin, Ras Tafari, a grandson of King Menelik II. For ten years this Ras Tafari had wielded great mili- tary and political power in Abyssinia as regent, and insisted finally that the actual throne should be his. Rather than face revolt, Empress Judith agreed to let him be elevated end share the throne with him. The result is that Abyssinia is the only country in the world today whe the emperor and Map of Abyssinia and Ethiopia empress are not at the same Showing Their Location in East Africa. time husband and wife. Here to Tradition Once Both of these According strange Ruled the of rulers, since they are cou- Queen Sheba. sins, claim descent equally southern Arabia could from King Solomon and she have come the of all the way on camel back, whereas if Queen Sheba. she had lived When Ras Talfari was in Ethiopia the natural mode of in crowned only a few voyage, even those ancient months the days, would have been up and across ago, following the Red Sea traditfonal titles, going by ship. back to the days of Solo- While all this is speculative, one mon, were conferred on also called on Mussolini, thing is definitely known of the an- him: wliom he greatlv admires, cient Sabeans. They were great car- King of Kings. and patched up an old bitter avan traders, and whether Sheba was Conquering Lion of Ju-da- quarrel between Italv and their queen or not, they did send their Abyssinia, which has lasted camel caravans in those days not only into mi m Elect of God. since 1896. As a matter of Palestine and northern Arabia, is a verv but even so far as India. Shadow of God Upon fact, Abyssinia Earth. powerful country, as the The new German theory of the ori- when of the of of Abyssmians proved gin Queen Sheba conforms Negus Abyssinia. they inflicted crushing de- with the Arabic tradition. In Arabic Emperor of Abyssinia. feat on an Italian expedi- legend they tell stories of her At many the coronation, tionary force, which tried to glory, and even believe that they know which was a &. ' invade and them. m the which was gorgeous I conquer ' jtt x i WWw ANCIENT lady's name, they say event attended by diplo- Old Menelik, of Abyssinia, W "Balkis." matic KING , SHEBA envoys from all the FrW If Julius The Arabs will therefore he t T pleased countries of white 11 H" T'ari. TafarifrDltrltneaimildW ) ,s. important Europe, JSll Kranberp's to learn that Dr. Carl Jungmann an elaborate manifesto was set- of delicate cast of his S - read, m features, ! W SS" Of agrees with their traditions. forth all the Abyssinia, im- - Painting Empress ting emperor's new titles Jim Hi and the saintlike aspect lg the Queen of Sheba Gifts of Judith, the modern "Queen of and It was his is also ffillSllllwj Bringing Sheba," powers. afterward pub- parted by beard, Gold and bplce to King Solomon will not be so pleased with these lished in the seventy-tw- o HI- Zaudita His When languages a lion in his way. in Biblical Times. doubts cast on her ancient and dialects which are lUi Empress, but Early lineage. spoken in his HypN he first became regent How strongly she and the Emperor realm. ' in 1916 a grandson of the Emperor Queen Judith, believe, and 'so it is the familiar Old Testament story1, in- Ras Tafari believe It with Wife. He' Ras immed- that; their rfafilit? ,. states, grandiloquent poeti- jPff B opposed his power. Tafari taught in many histories, that the cluding the famous Song of Solomon, is actually descended from the ancient cal Claims d exaggerations, that "on earth no HI iately went to war, and after a battle hieen of Slieba was a in which Solomon has the heroine and is M Descent girl Queen King Solomon indicated greater power is thinkable or feasible Jp; in which 16,000 men were killed the beauty that Ethiopia was her country, singing: by the fact that at the coronation not than of Menelik the Great was and that exercised by the Negus of grandson that after she had visited Kins; "I am black, but comely, O, ye only was the Emperor hailed as "Lion M ; 3& Solomon. and has been in Solomon son was Abyssinia," and that "through the taken prisoner, kept horn to her and daughters of Jerusalem, as the' tents of the Tribe of Juda," but two actual, close captivity to this day. that Solomon was the father of the of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon." live, chained lions, nervous and believed in tire to glaring It is Europe that child. According historic tradition However, with reference to the like huge, restless tame cats, crouched ,. .. Empress Judith agreed this son bore so remarkable a resem- Queen, a new alternative theory is now beside him on the throne. to half a throne blance to Solomon that when later in to accept advanced wit: that the Queen came Interest in the ethnological aspects without a husband be- life he visited Palestine he was rec- not from Ethiopia at all, hut from a of Ras Tafari, as a descendant of King h cause she was faced at the of the Holy different lost ognized gates City ancient kingdom on the Solomon, was whetted with an armed revolt and acclaimed as the son of the Arabian recently sharply ' - - ? Kinq. Peninsula, and that conse- by the in cable histo- - discovery, reported led, by the Regent and Bible students and' secular quently she was not d but would have dispatches, of the mummy of Solo- probably rreed Semitic, related to the great ethnologi- mon's favorite wife. It was shared a similar fate if cal exhumed - - - of which both the Hebrews . "i , owJ IB- J group in a burial vault in Jerusal- ' the Arabs a magniiicent and form part. em, where it had lain for 3,000 The of this years. leading exponents theory, A Cairo newspaper, Al Mokatam, is which would greatly annoy the Empress accredited with are the having instituted the Judith, German scientists and search which led to the sensational explorers who accompanied the Carl find. Jungmann Expedition into southern As it afterward turned Arabia. came back out, the They convinced Cairo had, that the province of Arabia now called paper innocently enough, Saba was the reprinted the story of the rich find original Kingdom of from a Palestine Sheba's Queen, that it a weekly, thinking it enjoyed high simply news and not it degree of civilization in Bibiical times, realizing that and had been intended as pure and simple that its inhabitants were the same fiction. racial stock as the Arabs and Hebrews. But, at that, it made good and in- The German has reading helped to reawaken expedition found in Solomon. di- which make terest Following is a inscriptions the theory of the plausible if not true. The gest original story: certainly The queen's burial chamber is said people of Saba used the primitive Semitic and to be more gorgeous than that of King script, worshiped among of was other things, the moon and the ser- Egypt. It built It will be by King Solomon, whose reign began pent. recalled that Moses some himself lifted a 897 years ago, for Moti Maris, up. serpent in the wi- his lderness, and Mount which Egyptian consort, who met her Sinai, from in he the Ten means death attempting to thwart a plot got Commandments, heV literally "The Mountain of the Moon." against royal husband. Strangest of all, in this A golden coffin, which was easily un- building up contained theory is the possible etymology of the earthed, the mummy of Moti word "Hallelujah," which occurs in Maris. It had been brought by Solo- mon from niany Hebrew psalms, songs of rejoic- Memphis to Jerusalem. The ing and hymns of praise. It has never body was wrapped in rich coverings ROYAL CEREMONY been explained satisfactorily. From embellished with precious stones. This Picture of the is A From Royal Cavalcade It Possible to Imagine the the inscriptions discovered by the Ger- parchment scroll, containing Gorgeous Coronation Ceremonies of Ras Tafari, at Addis Ababa, mans, however, it is learned that the Hebrew writing, said to be in King ( Capital of Abyssinia.
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