HuMAn EvEnTS M o RE P owERful C o NSERvAtivE voiCES Ann Coulter Newt Gingrich Michelle Malkin Erick Erickson Jason Mattera Pat Buchanan David Limbaugh Human Events, America’s first national conservative “Human Events has been spreading the revolutionary news weekly, has been the voice of the Right since of our crusade for as long as I can remember. I’ve been reading 1944. Our family of contributors gives our readers it for over 33 years, and I know it was influencing conservative the widest range of the country’s most influential thought long before I came along.” conservative voices, including Ann Coulter, Newt — Ronald Reagan Gingrich, Michelle Malkin, Managing Editor of “[ ] does 2 things really well. I think that RedState Erick Erickson, two-time presidential Human Events they expose the corruption and the reality, the truth, of candidate Pat Buchanan, and more. what’s going on in Washington, but they also provide the These are the powerful conservative voices most intellectual ballast for people like myself so that we can make trusted and best heard — on Main Street, on the cogent arguments that we need to make in order to put Pennsylvania Avenue, and in Congress. Informed, forward our positive alternative agenda.” persuasive, and credible, they create the ideal — Michele Bachmann advertising environment for your product or cause. ‘[Human Events] IS the conservative movement. When the other alleged conservative publications and spokesmen were Through print, email, e-newsletters, events, an online going soft, Human Events has never gone soft.” presence at and , HumanEvents.com RedState.com — Ann Coulter and our growing fan base on Facebook, we reach millions of the most engaged, dedicated conservatives “You can’t imagine the modern conservative movement throughout the country. without Human Events ... because Human Events represented an unvarnished, hard-hitting conservatism Learn more about how Human Events’ powerful that was prepared to tell the truth even if it made the voices can help you build a more powerful brand for establishment uncomfortable.” your product or cause. — Newt Gingrich “I’ve been reading Human Events since the ’60s. Human Events has been the steady, reliable voice of conservatism.” — Haley Barbour Contact your FrontGate Media Promotions Manager at 949 429 1000 MEET OuR AudIEnCE our Human Events family of readers and subscribers collectively represent a potential power base for your cause or product. Here’s a quick snapshot of our audience. DEMoGRAPHiCS DoNoRS 66% 70% 73% 58% 78% donate money to Age 55+ Male Married College candidates and causes Graduate they support 45% 38% 85% 40% Retired veteran Homeowner Earns $75K+ How woulD you per year BESt DESCRiBE youR PolitiCAl lEANiNGS? 82% PolitiCAl Hot ButtoNS Conservative or Republican Government Size of national Immigration Spending Government defense 72% 59% 57% 55% Second Energy/ Amendment wHAt SoCiAl oR PolitiCAl Cap and Rights iSSuES CoNCERN you MoSt? 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Among the exclusive features you’ll ‘Real Deal’ ® Page 8 Human Events ©2011 by Human Events Publishing, LLC The National Conservative Weekly® HumanEvents.com find only inHuman Events: volume 67, number 17 | the week of may 9, 2011 | established 1944 • washington, d.C. ALSO INSIDE l Capital Briefs — Award-winning Political Editor John Mud Libel Osama Gets Page 11 His Virgins Gizzi spells it out and brings the truth to light. Page 5 PROMISE KEPT Gingrich: l t he Chase — Reporter Tony Lee tracks the 2012 House GOP Repeals ObamaCare, Now on to the Senate 1,968 Reasons GOP Hopefuls Page 5 to Repeal Call Osama Page 18 bin Laden’s Killing A Republican presidential candidates and explains who’s 1911 CELEBRATING RONALD REAGAN’S CENTENNIAL 2011 Triumph For America Page 11 up, who’s down, and why. Human Events ® ©2011 by Human Events Publishing, LLC The National Conservative Weekly® HumanEvents.com VOLUME 67, NUMBER 2 | THE WEEK OF JANUARY 10, 2011 | ESTABLISHED 1944 • WASHINGTON, D.C. BUSHALSO INSIDE 2.0 Appreciating l Obama Finally Realizes How Bill Rusher’s RedState @ Human Events — Erick Erickson delivers Political Smarts Page 16 Right Bush Was See story on page 12 his solid Right analysis. Senator Roy Blunt: ‘Americans l Don’t Believe Human Events top 10 — One of our most popular Obama Has Been Successful’ Page 8 features, Top 10 tackles the week’s most interesting topics, such as “Top 10 Examples of Liberal Hate,” and Issa to Show “President Reagan’s Top 10 Achievements” How Regulations Kill Jobs Page 10 Put our flagship publication’s powerful voice — respected, GAME ON! Under new Speaker John Boehner, the GOP-led House will move quickly to repeal Obamacare and cut spending. See story on Page 3 Ann Coulter: trusted, and now covering our 13th Presidential Investigate This! Page 13 administration — to work for you. 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We’re the go-to source for exclusive stories and interviews with influential policy makers, and have fully integrated cutting-edge web tools such as live blogging and video. These features amplify the power of your message — and your brand. Banner advertising campaigns offer many unique advantages, including: l A cost effective way to reach a large audience of conservatives and influencers l Three banner positions strategically placed to capture readers’ attention and generate maximum click through rates l Customizable campaigns — options include rotating creative, geotargeting (especially ideal for political campaign and advocacy advertisers), roadblocks, and rich media serving wEB BANNER RAtE CARD iMPRESSioN QuANtity RANGE RAtE CARD CPM 250,000-500,000 $10 500,001-1,000,000 $8 1,000,001-1,500,000 $6 1,500,001-2,000,000 $4 H u MAN E v ENt S : MoRE P owERful C o NSERvAtivE voiCES Contact your FrontGate Media Promotions Manager at 949 429 1000 REdSTATE.COM BAnnER AdvERTISInG RedState Managing Editor Erick Erickson has been called a “key national player” (The Washington Post) who “taps into and influences the Republican base” London( Daily Telegraph). Erick’s reputation and influence as a premier political commentator has attracted conservative activists and policy makers in record numbers. RedState.com has been recognized as “the most widely read right of center blog on Capitol Hill,” “the most often cited in the media,” and “one of the most influential voices of the grassroots.” It’s the ideal platform for any conservative organization or campaign wanting to reach an engaged and devoted voting base. Banner advertising campaigns offer many unique advantages, including: l A cost effective way to reach a large audience of conservatives and influencers l Three banner positions strategically placed to capture readers’ attention and generate maximum click through rates l Customizable campaigns — options include rotating creative, geotargeting (especially ideal for political campaign and advocacy advertisers), roadblocks, and rich media serving wEB BANNER RAtE CARD iMPRESSioN QuANtity RANGE RAtE CARD CPM 250,000-500,000 $15 500,001-1,000,000 $12 1,000,001-1,500,000 $9 1,500,001-2,000,000 $6 H u MAN E v ENt S : MoRE P owERful C o NSERvAtivE voiCES Contact your FrontGate Media Promotions Manager at 949 429 1000 REdSTATE MORnInG BRIEFInG E-LETTER Exclusive to Human Events | Published: Daily (weekdays) The RedState Morning Briefing stays ahead of the SPONSOR competition by delivering RECOGNITION breaking news and top stories at 5 AM every weekday. It is put together by Erick Erickson, one of the most powerful voices in Erick Erickson conservative media. Our engaged audience includes grassroots activists, influential members of national and local media, and the most prominent decision makers on Capitol Hill, all of whom make it priority reading. RedState Morning Briefing is so invaluable SPONSOR because it reports on the stories the mainstream MIDDLE BANNER media ignores or twists to serve their agenda. Its unfiltered hard-hitting content led to its 300x250 banner size circulation skyrocketing from a few hundred to over 150,000 subscribers in less than 18 months.
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