E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 158 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 2012 No. 70 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was tion. Republicans and Democrats alike communities safe by prosecuting called to order by the Speaker pro tem- have supported the legislation in all criminals and protecting victims. pore (Mr. BARTON of Texas). subsequent reauthorizations because of The House bill would decentralize the f the recognition for the vital nature of Violence Against Women immigration the services that are provided and the adjudication process, bypassing exam- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO impact that it has not just on women, iners who are trained in domestic vio- TEMPORE but on the children in these families. lence and sexual assault, instead, man- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- That’s why it was reauthorized in 2000 dating additional interviews on bat- fore the House the following commu- and then again in 2005 under a Repub- tered immigrants. These are people nication from the Speaker: lican administration with President who usually have very limited options WASHINGTON, DC, Bush. to protect themselves. We should not May 16, 2012. In this Congress, that tradition of bi- complicate the lives of some of the I hereby appoint the Honorable JOE BAR- partisan support continues in the Sen- most vulnerable people in the United TON to act as Speaker pro tempore on this ate, which has approved a stronger States. These victims of violence—usu- day. version of the legislation developed in ally women in the most difficult of cir- JOHN A. BOEHNER, the Senate Judiciary Committee, co- cumstances—will be burdened, hin- Speaker of the House of Representatives. sponsored by both Chair LEAHY and dered, and discouraged from seeking f Ranking Member CRAPO. Sadly, it’s and getting the help they need. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE facing a decidedly different fate in the The House bill would represent the House. triumph of ideological partisan politics The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Once again, the Republican majority over solid legislation with an oppor- ant to the order of the House of Janu- is advancing legislation by one of their tunity for solid bipartisan support. It ary 17, 2012, the Chair will now recog- new Members that is designed not to should be firmly rejected. nize Members from lists submitted by bring people together to solve prob- Instead, the House should use this the majority and minority leaders for lems, but to create unnecessary divi- opportunity to build on a record of morning-hour debate. sions. Their bill would actually roll proven success, bipartisan cooperation, The Chair will alternate recognition back, for the first time, these estab- and a commitment to strengthening between the parties, with each party lished rights rather than increase the protection of society’s most vulner- limited to 1 hour and each Member them. The House legislation would fail able by using the Senate bill as a tem- other than the majority and minority to provide protections for lesbian, gay, plate. These victims and potential vic- leaders and the minority whip limited bisexual, and transsexual individuals. tims deserve no less. They, their fami- to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall It would fail Native American victims lies, and the communities they live in debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. who are assaulted on tribal lands by deserve no less. f nontribal predators. The bill would dis- Domestic violence is an assault on courage immigrants from reporting the entire community and should not VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN sexual assaults and other crimes by be tolerated. We should not retreat on The SPEAKER pro tempore. The placing unnecessary restrictions on the Violence Against Women Act, but Chair recognizes the gentleman from new visa programs and not increase the strengthen it by using the Senate bill Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- emergency visas for individuals who as a point of departure and reject the utes. immigrate to the United States on a House version. Mr. BLUMENAUER. The Violence marriage or fiancee visa and are sub- f Against Women Act has been one of the ject to an abusive relationship. great legislative successes of the last Not only does the House bill miss NATIONAL FOSTER CARE MONTH two decades. Since it was first signed these opportunities, but it would re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The into law by President Clinton, there is move the current confidentiality pro- Chair recognizes the gentleman from no question that it has helped millions tections for victims who still had im- Pennsylvania (Mr. MARINO) for 5 min- of women by funding a variety of com- migrant status. It would inexplicably utes. munity violence protection programs reduce violence reporting requirements Mr. MARINO. Mr. Speaker, as a fos- and a variety of victim assistance serv- on colleges and universities. These are ter parent, a father of two adopted ices from coast to coast while pro- all tools widely used and supported by children, and a cochairman of the bi- viding a legal framework for protec- law enforcement officials to help keep partisan Congressional Foster Youth b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2717 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:35 May 16, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16MY7.000 H16MYPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2718 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 16, 2012 Caucus, I rise today to recognize May of the Congressional Caucus on Foster more about those who have served in as National Foster Care Month. Youth and with Representative TOM battle and conflict not only at home, There are currently over 107,000 fos- MARINO, as well as over 90 of our col- but overseas. My office is open to any- ter youth eligible and waiting for adop- leagues in the House and the Senate, in one who would like to document their tion and more than 400,000 youth in the introducing a bipartisan, bicameral story and share their experiences with foster care system. In an effort to raise resolution in recognition of National the American public. It’s important awareness about the needs and the ex- Foster Care Month. I invite my col- that we preserve these records, Mr. perience of these youth, I am honored leagues to cosponsor the bipartisan res- Speaker, so that future generations to join my colleagues in a bipartisan olution as well as join the Congres- know the sacrifices that our men and manner to acknowledge the importance sional Caucus on Foster Youth. women in the military have made. I of this special month. f would encourage anyone from the 10th Through increased understanding and District in Illinois who has served to dedicated caregivers, we can and must THANKING OUR VETERANS call the Northbrook office at (847) 272– continue to make important advances The SPEAKER pro tempore. The 0404 and share your story so that we in providing more stable and caring en- Chair recognizes the gentleman from can preserve it for years and years to vironments for all foster youth. We Illinois (Mr. DOLD) for 5 minutes. come. must focus on learning from State and Mr. DOLD. This Memorial Day we I want to thank all those who have local child welfare providers, advo- will take time to remember those who served, those that are serving cur- cates, and foster children to better have given their lives to keep our Na- rently, and those that have given their know how we can help. The needs of tion safe and free. So many brave men lives to protect our country. This Me- these youth are urgent and real. And and women have given the ultimate morial Day I believe that we must while there are many alarming facts sacrifice to ensure that we can enjoy honor those who have fallen and never and figures that reflect the challenges the very freedoms and liberties that we forget the sacrifices that they have these children face, the resiliency of all enjoy today. I want to thank all of made to make sure that our country foster youth remains strong; and we those who are currently serving, those remains safe and free. must all continue to do our part. To- who have served, and their families for f gether, we can make National Foster putting our Nation first. America is a THE MODERN TAX SYSTEM: FAIR Care Month a success. stronger and better Nation because of TO THE AVERAGE AMERICAN? f your sacrifice and service. Recently, veterans from Illinois The SPEAKER pro tempore. The FOSTER CARE MONTH came to Washington, D.C., and it was Chair recognizes the gentleman from The SPEAKER pro tempore. The truly an honor and pleasure to meet Pennsylvania (Mr. CRITZ) for 5 min- utes. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from the Illinois Honor Flight at the World Mr. CRITZ. Mr. Speaker, in April, California (Ms. BASS) for 5 minutes. War II Memorial, not only to hear their stories, but to have an opportunity to the Johnstown-Somerset Central Labor Ms. BASS of California. Mr. Speaker, Council announced the winners of its talk with these true heroes and learn I rise today to recognize May as Na- annual scholarship essay contest. This more about their friends, those who tional Foster Care Month. The goal of year’s first-place winner, Lisa made it back and those who didn’t.
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