E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 2002 No. 58 House of Representatives The Reverend Samuel P. Warner, THE JOURNAL His courage is shown by his willing- Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- ness to change traditions when they Lumberton, North Carolina, offered the ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- become too routine and to challenge us following prayer: ceedings and announces to the House all to become and to do not that which You have entrusted to us, Almighty his approval thereof. is merely convenient or comfortable, God, a rich heritage from the past pur- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- but rather what God calls us to be- chased by the lives and sacrifices of nal stands approved. come. His taking stands for righteous- those who have gone before us and ness and truth in a world of corrupting f whose witness testifies to the cost of influences and compromising attitudes freedom and the price of peace. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE is his hallmark of courageous leader- And You have blessed, O Lord, the The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman ship. people of this Republic, from north and from North Carolina (Mr. MCINTYRE) His commitment is unfailing and un- south and east and west, each one rep- come forward and lead the House in the selfish. With compassion, patience, em- resented here, with a dream for today Pledge of Allegiance. pathy and understanding, Sam Warner and a vision for tomorrow: the vision of Mr. MCINTYRE led the Pledge of Al- has helped innumerable individuals re- a city set on a hill for all to see, and legiance as follows: build their lives, restore their con- the dream, the dream of a lamp shining I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the fidence and renew their hope. He works brightly in every home, fueled by the United States of America, and to the Repub- constantly for the betterment not only promise of ‘‘life, liberty, and the pur- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, of himself and his church, but also for suit of happiness.’’ indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. his community and his society as well. Yet binding the sacred story of our f A graduate of both Duke University and Union Theological Seminary in common past to the vision and hope of ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER a waiting future is the challenge and Virginia, Sam Warner is also a devoted opportunity of this one day, this one The SPEAKER. The gentleman from husband, and today we have with us his hour, this present moment in which we North Carolina (Mr. MCINTYRE) will be wife, Mary. He is also a devoted father, live. recognized for 1 minute. All other 1 and we have his children, Grace and minute speeches will be at the end of Jay, all of whom are with us in the gal- And so, Divine Master, help us; help the day. us all, and especially those who labor lery with my wife, Dee. in this Chamber, to use this day wisely. f It is with great honor that I recog- RECOGNITION OF AND TRIBUTE TO nize this man of God, Pastor Samuel P. Teach us, Good Lord, to listen more Warner of the First Presbyterian eagerly than to speak, to unite more THE REVEREND SAMUEL P. WARNER, PASTOR, FIRST PRES- Church of Lumberton, North Carolina, readily than to divide, to forgive more and his exemplary life, that you have quickly than to condemn. BYTERIAN CHURCH, LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA seen a part of today, his character, his And pardon, we pray, the short- courage and his commitment. comings of those borne by the selfish (Mr. MCINTYRE asked and was given f motives of the few, rather than the permission to address the House for 1 needs of the many. minute.) RECESS Yet most of all, O God, bestow upon Mr. MCINTYRE. Mr. Speaker, I rise The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the all in leadership and authority the wis- to recognize and pay tribute to the order of the House of Thursday, May 2, dom and courage today ‘‘to do justice, man who just delivered our invocation, 2002, the House will stand in recess sub- to love kindness, and to walk humbly Samuel P. Warner, my pastor and my ject to the call of the Chair to receive with You’’ so that when this day is friend, from Lumberton, North Caro- the former Members of Congress. done, the toil and labor of the men and lina. Accordingly (at 9 o’clock and 6 min- women in this House might be worthy Sam Warner is a man of character, utes a.m.), the House stood in recess of the people of our great land, of those courage and commitment. His char- subject to the call of the Chair. who dreamed and shaped her long ago, acter is that of unblemished integrity, f and of those who defend her now, ask- always holding fast to those truths of ing no honor or reward, save the love, loyalty, self-sacrifice and service RECEPTION OF FORMER MEMBERS knowledge that they do Thy Will. in both his personal and professional OF CONGRESS Amen. life. The Speaker of the House presided. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2237 . VerDate Apr 18 2002 08:16 May 10, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09MY7.000 pfrm15 PsN: H09PT1 H2238 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2002 The SPEAKER. On behalf of the Former Speaker Foley, as well as some Harold Volkmer (Missouri); House of Representatives, it gives me other former Members, is currently Charles W. Whalen, Jr. (Ohio); great pleasure to welcome to the working on a task force that CHRIS COX Harris Wofford (Pennsylvania); Chamber today the former Members of and I will chair dealing with the ques- Samuel H. Young (Illinois); Congress for their annual meeting. Of tion of what happens if the unthink- Roger G. Zion (Indiana); course, many of you are personal able should occur and that there would John Buchanan (Alabama); friends from both sides of the aisle, and be a disaster in which a large number Howard Pollock (Alaska); it is important that you are here to of Members of Congress would be killed Peter Hoagland (Nebraska); William Carney (New York); renew those friendships. all at one time and how would the gov- Kikidula Garza (Texas); As the report from your President ernment continue. We hope that never Robin Tallon (South Carolina); will indicate, you honor this House and happens, of course. But having the Glen Browder (Alabama); the Nation by continuing your efforts guidance of former Members, particu- Bob McEwen (Ohio); to export the concept of representative larly former Speakers, is very helpful Tony Roth (Wisconsin); democracy to countries all over the as we contemplate how the country Bob Garcia (New York); world and to college campuses and uni- would continue in the event that oc- Jay Johnson (Wisconsin); versities throughout this Nation. I en- curred. G.V. ‘‘Sonny’’ Montgomery (Mis- dorse those efforts and I ask for their Again, I want to greet all of you and sissippi); continuation. welcome you here. It is good to see so Bill Alexander (Arkansas). Later today we will honor the mem- many of you. I know you will have a Mr. LAROCCO. At this time the Chair ory of a past recipient of your Distin- great day here. All of the current Mem- recognizes the gentleman from Illinois, guished Service Award, the former bers value your help, value your knowl- the Honorable John Erlenborn, Presi- Chaplain Jim Ford, and at 2 p.m. a me- edge and your experience and guidance dent of our Association. morial service will be held in HC–5 to for us. Thank you very much. Mr. ERLENBORN. My thanks to our which you are all invited. Mr. LAROCCO. Are there other Mem- Speaker pro tem and all of you for I especially endorse your wise choice bers of the House leadership that wish being with us this morning. We are es- of former Speaker and Ambassador to be recognized? pecially grateful to the Speaker, DEN- Tom Foley as this year’s recipient of If not, the Clerk will now call the roll NIS HASTERT, for taking time from his the Distinguished Service Award. of former Members of Congress. busy schedule to greet us, and to MAR- Speaker Foley served this House with The Clerk called the roll of the TIN FROST for his warm welcome. grace and dignity, and I am honored to former Members of Congress, and the It is always a privilege to return to be here today to help recognize that following former Members answered to this institution, which we revere and service. their names: where we shared so many memorable At this time I would request my ROLLCALL OF FORMER MEMBERS OF CONGRESS experiences. Service in Congress is friend, the gentleman from Idaho, Mr. ATTENDING 32ND ANNUAL SPRING MEETING, both a joy and a heavy responsibility, LaRocco, the vice president of the MAY 9, 2002 and, whatever our party affiliation, we Former Members Association, to take THE UNITED STATES ASSOCIATION OF FORMER have great admiration for those who the chair.
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