yellow appearance. yellow Cover image: Nathan Pettigrew Nathan image: Cover are often infested with whale lice, giving them a white or or white a them giving lice, whale with infested often are individuals. Callosities are thickened patches of skin that that skin of patches thickened are Callosities individuals. spots (callosities) on their heads, in patterns unique to to unique patterns in heads, their on (callosities) spots water. the Photo: Kim Westerskov sea lion. Male New Zealand white large the b) and fin, dorsal a have not do they a) mouths agape, continuously filtering small prey from from prey small filtering continuously agape, mouths You can identify southern right whales in two main ways: ways: main two in whales right southern identify can You Skimming’ – right whales swim along with their huge huge their with along swim whales right – ’ • Skimming’ its pre-exploitation size. pre-exploitation its behind to be swallowed. swallowed. be to behind The New Zealand population is estimated at less than 12% of of 12% than less at estimated is population Zealand New The is then forced out through the baleen, leaving small prey prey small leaving baleen, the through out forced then is Islands. A few are also seen around mainland New Zealand. Zealand. New mainland around seen also are few A Islands. and food into their mouths and expanding throats. Water Water throats. expanding and mouths their into food and them move up to breeding grounds around the Subantarctic Subantarctic the around grounds breeding to up move them Gulping’ – some baleen whales gulp large volumes of water water of volumes large gulp whales baleen some – ‘ • Gulping’ waters north of Antarctica. In the winter and spring some of of some spring and winter the In Antarctica. of north waters feasting on copepods and krill (small crustaceans) in the the in crustaceans) (small krill and copepods on feasting main feeding strategies. feeding main Most southern right whales spend the summer months months summer the spend whales right southern Most small crustaceans and fish) from the water. There are two two are There water. the from fish) and crustaceans small whale uses these plates like a sieve to filter prey (usually (usually prey filter to sieve a like plates these uses whale Southern right whale/tohorā right Southern – the same substance your hair and nails are made of. The The of. made are nails and hair your substance same the – Primary Industries to manage these threats. threats. these manage to Industries Primary Catlins coasts, and on Stewart Island/Rakiura. Stewart on and coasts, Catlins at a time. a at in their upper jaws instead. These plates are made of keratin keratin of made are plates These instead. jaws upper their in since the 1970s. DOC is working with the Ministry for for Ministry the with working is DOC 1970s. the since islands. A few recently returned to breed on the Otago and and Otago the on breed to returned recently few A islands. 30 minutes long, and they sometimes sing them for hours hours for them sing sometimes they and long, minutes 30 Baleen whales don’t have teeth: they have plates of baleen baleen of plates have they teeth: have don’t whales Baleen dolphins remain, with a dramatically reduced population population reduced dramatically a with remain, dolphins mainland coast, they now breed primarily on the subantarctic subantarctic the on primarily breed now they coast, mainland songwriters of the ocean: their complex songs may be up to to up be may songs complex their ocean: the of songwriters Baleen whales Baleen Nationally Critical: scientists estimate fewer than 100 Māui Māui 100 than fewer estimate scientists Critical: Nationally one of the rarest sea lions in the world. Once common on the the on common Once world. the in lions sea rarest the of one (or near-tropical) waters. Male humpbacks are the singer- the are humpbacks Male waters. near-tropical) (or Nationally Endangered. The Māui dolphin status, however, is is however, status, dolphin Māui The Endangered. Nationally with an estimated population of less than 12,000 they are are they 12,000 than less of population estimated an with Antarctica and their winter breeding grounds in tropical tropical in grounds breeding winter their and Antarctica baleen whales and toothed whales. toothed and whales baleen now thought to be around 15,000 individuals and is listed as as listed is and individuals 15,000 around be to thought now New Zealand sea lions are only found in New Zealand – and and – Zealand New in found only are lions sea Zealand New annual migrations between summer feeding grounds near near grounds feeding summer between migrations annual Whales, dolphins and porpoises belong to two main groups: groups: main two to belong porpoises and dolphins Whales, about 30,000 in the 1970s, the Hector’s dolphin population is is population dolphin Hector’s the 1970s, the in 30,000 about Humpback whales journey past New Zealand during their their during Zealand New past journey whales Humpback New Zealand sea lion/whakahao sea Zealand New fishing, particularly set net fishing. From a population of of population a From fishing. net set particularly fishing, annual migrations. migrations. annual Humpback whale/paikea Humpback what it was before humans arrived. arrived. humans before was it what These dolphins are greatly threatened by the effects of of effects the by threatened greatly are dolphins These round; others pass through New Zealand waters during their their during waters Zealand New through pass others round; breed around our coast, the population is still a fraction of of fraction a still is population the coast, our around breed on the planet. planet. the on Bryde’s (pronounced ‘broodas’) whale, live in our waters year- waters our in live whale, ‘broodas’) (pronounced Bryde’s North Island. Island. North streets! Although increasing numbers of fur seals live and and live seals fur of numbers increasing Although streets! the 33 m Antarctic blue whale – the largest animal to ever live live ever to animal largest the – whale blue Antarctic 33 m the although several have restricted distributions. Some, like the the like Some, distributions. restricted have several although of the Hector’s dolphin, is only found off the west coast of the the of coast west the off found only is dolphin, Hector’s the of are sometimes found unexpectedly in backyards, drains and and drains backyards, in unexpectedly found sometimes are whale. They range in size from the 7 m pygmy right whale to to whale right pygmy m 7 the from size in range They whale. New Zealand waters. They are found all around New Zealand, Zealand, New around all found are They waters. Zealand New mostly around the South Island. Māui dolphin, a sub-species sub-species a dolphin, Māui Island. South the around mostly breeding colonies or at resting sites called ‘haul-outs’. They They ‘haul-outs’. called sites resting at or colonies breeding New Zealand waters are home to nine species of baleen baleen of species nine to home are waters Zealand New Seals, whales, dolphins and one species of porpoise occur in in occur porpoise of species one and dolphins whales, Seals, Hector’s dolphins spend their lives in shallow coastal waters, waters, coastal shallow in lives their spend dolphins Hector’s they spend much of their time on land at their rocky shore shore rocky their at land on time their of much spend they Hector’s and Māui dolphins live only in New Zealand. Zealand. New in only live dolphins Māui and Hector’s Marine mammal facts mammal Marine Although New Zealand fur seals are marine mammals, mammals, marine are seals fur Zealand New Although Hector’s and Māui dolphin/tūpoupou/popoto Māui and Hector’s New Zealand fur seal/kekeno fur Zealand New dolphins and New Zealand sea lions, are found nowhere else nowhere found are lions, sea Zealand New and dolphins in New Zealand waters. Zealand New in are occasional visitors. visitors. occasional are mammals. Between 150 and 200 orca are estimated to reside reside to estimated are orca 200 and 150 Between mammals. here. Some of our marine mammals, like Hector’s and Māui Māui and Hector’s like mammals, marine our of Some here. species, like the leopard seal and the subantarctic fur seal, seal, fur subantarctic the and seal leopard the like species, adept hunters, preying on fish, stingrays and other marine marine other and stingrays fish, on preying hunters, adept Zealand sea lion and the southern elephant seal. Other Other seal. elephant southern the and lion sea Zealand cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) have been reported reported been have porpoises) and dolphins (whales, cetaceans Orca are the largest members of the dolphin family. They are are They family. dolphin the of members largest the are Orca and on outlying islands: the New Zealand fur seal, the New New the seal, fur Zealand New the islands: outlying on and Orca (killer whale)/maki (killer Orca mammals living in our waters – almost half the world’s world’s the half almost – waters our in living mammals Three seal species breed around New Zealand’s coastline coastline Zealand’s New around breed species seal Three Seals the coast. the New Zealand is renowned for the many different marine marine different many the for renowned is Zealand New the world where sperm whales are routinely found so close to to close so found routinely are whales sperm where world the submarine canyons near Kaikoura. There is no other area in in area other no is There Kaikoura. near canyons submarine In New Zealand, sperm whales are most common around the the around common most are whales sperm Zealand, New In Orca.
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