VI'S CORNER: "SUGAR" By Vi Logan BEVERLY HILLS—EVerYone s aYs that habits, such as guarding mY posses - Advertise I'm VerY sWeet, so I guess that's WhY I sions, or cheWing other people's pos - 310.598.1424 EXTRA Was named Sugar! I'm a BoXer miX, sessions! I haVe no separation anXietY, and the name BoXer supposedlY came and I'm not a barker. I'm eVen house - from the breed standing on their hind broken. Bel Air, Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Laurel Canyon, Los Feliz, Malibu, Pacific Palisades, Melrose, Santa Monica, Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Westwood, West Hollywood & Hollywood Hills legs and 'boXing' With their front I Would loVe to haVe a Yard, so that VOL. VIII ISSUE 37, HOME DELIVERY $100 per year SEPTEMBER 06, 2009 paWs. HoWeVer, there's some debate I could run around and plaY fetch about that! Well, there's no debate With You. But, if I can get enough about BoXers being VerY smart and eXercise and loVe, an apartment Will being trained as police dogs, seeing be just fine. BoXers like to be clean, eYe dogs, therapY dogs, guard dogs, but that doesn't mean that We haVe to search and rescue dogs, and courier be bathed often, thank goodness! You dogs on the battlefields during WWI see, We tend to lick and groom our - and WWll. No, I haVen't been trained selVes, much like our other four to do anY of those things, so I'd just legged friends - cats! HUNDREDSOFJOBSLOST like to be part of a familY that Will Another thing about us is that We loVe me the WaY that I am - as We're don't like eXtreme Weather, and I'll FARMERS INSURANCE PLANS FOR LAYOFFS BY Staff great familY dogs and make Wonder - tell You WhY. Due to our short coat, ful companions. So, let me tell You a We can't tolerate eXtreme cold - and WOODLAND HILLS—The Farmers Farmers is one of the biggest insur - little bit about mYself. due to our 'pushed-in' nose, much Insurance Group (part of Zurich) ers in the countrY, and With the recent First of all I'm a male, I get along like Shih TZus and Pugs, We don't do eXplained on ThursdaY , September 3 acquisition, noW operates in 49 of 50 With other dogs, cats and children. at all Well in hot Weather. HoWeVer, that it Will make substantial laYoffs states. HoWeVer, I think that older children being a BoXer miX, mY nose is more Within the neXt 16 months. Senior Farmer's is doing its best to offer seV - Would be best, as I'm prettY big and 'miX' than BoXer! So - noW that You Vice President Mark TooheY of erance paY and emploYee assistance. It Wouldn't Want to accidentallY knock knoW something about BoXers, and them oVer When plaYing, as I do like something about me, and if You like - and Who knoWs What that Will lead at foafla.petfinder.com. Farmer's Insurance stated to CanYon is the hope of the companY that the to plaY and act sillY! We're also knoWn What You'Ve read, Won't You please to! If You'd like to check out some of NeWs the plans for job reorganiZation. emploYees Will receiVe neW jobs under as the cloWn dogs! I haVe no bad call to see me and take me for a Walk mY friends that are here With me, FRIENDS OF ANIMALS It has been noted that up to 1,200 jobs Farmer's insurance, TooheY added. both dogs and cats, check our Website 310-479-5089 maY be cut from 21st CenturY. Farmer’s Insurance is a large On JulY 1, Farmers Insurance proVider of Various tYpes of insurance, CompanY officiallY acquired 21st including auto insurance, life insur - CenturY in a merger Which Will lead to ance, home insurance and businesses a 16-month phase of cutting jobs, insurance. According to Farmers, the Which Will be affecting the Woodland merger Will add at least an additional Hills branch. 6.4 million neW customers. "The announcement Was made last Farmers is a subsidiarY of Zurich Personal Auto Group. According to the importantlY, insurance consumers Week that, initiallY, 56 emploYees Financial SerVices. statement from Farmers Insurance, across the United States.” Would be terminated," Vice President In a press release from Farmers, it the price tag of the neW Venture added Woudstra further added that the TooheY said. Additional reductions Will Was noted that the Farmers Insurance up to around $1.9 billion. “addition of 21st CenturY Will proVide be made graduallY. Group of Companies purchased the In the Farmers statement, Robert Farmers With a geographicallY broader NoW that Farmer's has acquired 21st. entiretY of the U.S. Personal Auto Woudstra, the CEO of Farmers Group and more diVerse market presence CenturY, the companY "needed to Group, preViouslY oWned bY AIG. 21st called the merger a “positiVe and his - across the countrY, including the east - REPORT ANIIMAL streamline jobs that Were redundan - CenturY Insurance happened to be toric milestone for Farmers, 21st ern seaboard - a keY target market for ABUSE cies," TooheY stated. under the umbrella of the AIG U.S. CenturY, Farmers agents, and, most future Farmers groWth.” (2113) 847--114117 THE ESSEX HOUSE RENEE ZELLWEGER IN AUTO ACCIDENT MAN SOUGHT FOR STEALING PAINTINGS LuXurY LiVing. BY Susie KopeckY BY Rosana Clarkson High Floor. BEVERLY HILLS—Renee ZellWeger Was SANTA MONICA—Police are continuing in Johann MertZ and William Malherbe, Worth Breathtaking in a car accident on MondaY, August 31. their cross-countrY search for a Treasure $40,000, Was missing from the shoWroom, VieWs of The accident Was classified as a "minor Coast art dealer Who is belieVed to haVe along With a $20,000 Lucien Frank painting stolen at least four eXpensiVe paintings from in 2006. TaYlor had been present at the Central Park from traffic collision" bY the BeVerlY Hills the Los Angeles Fine Art GallerY. gallerY during both thefts, according to EVERY WindoW! Police Department. ZellWeger and a sec - $3,000,000. On-Site The Los Angeles Police Department has police. ond driVer Were inVolVed in the collision acquired an arrest Warrant for 41-Year-old When detectiVes ended their inVestiga - Broker at around 11 a.m. The accident took (212) 484-5170 Vero Beach resident MattheW TaYlor. Police tion, TaYlor fled before police Were able to place along the 300 block of N. Canon said TaYlor stole at least four pieces of art - apprehend him; hoWeVer, he Was recentlY TAKE DriVe in BeVerlY Hills. Work from the gallerY. According to inVesti - spotted at the Village Spires condominium, CONTROL According to the BHPD, the second gators, TaYlor maY haVe stolen a GranVille Where his 22-Year-old girlfriend rented a RolloVer 401-K Self Directed driVer, in a sports utilitY Vehicle, "made Redmond painting When he Went to the $2,500 a month condo for themselVes and gallerY in October 2006. He allegedlY took TaYlor’s mother. Newsroom Staff Real Estate Secured an illegal u-turn on Canon DriVe," Which IRA ultimatelY led to the collision. the art piece from a storage room, borroW - Police later located TaYlor's girlfriend, Do It CorrectlY Renee ZellWeger Was in a minor car acci- ing a Vehicle and later selling it at an art Who alleged that TaYlor had giVen her his Call For Free ZellWeger's silVer Mercedes BenZ Was Beverly JoAnn Marion Susan dent on MondaY. shoW in Santa Monica. 2010 Mercedes and left on foot, but police Bridget James Mary-ann Susana Top 50 Q&A struck in the front as the actress Was 650.218.3223 driVing northbound on Canon DriVe. no police report Was recorded, no one William Karges, Who oWns tWo art gal - later discoVered the statement to be untrue. Candy John Nita Susie leries, had purchased the painting for According to restaurant Waiters, TaYlor Police noted that due to the nature of reported being injured and BHPD offi - Catherine Kimmi Patricia Tatiana Declaration of Principles $85,000 and sold it to a client for more than Was seen recentlY haVing dinner on the Darshan Kristin Phyllis Tobi WE PROMISE TO: the situation, "Ms. ZellWeger Was unable cers Were on scene onlY minutes after 1.) ProVide a communitY neWspaper that tells or poor) With the truth and a place to Voice the collision took place. $236,000. TaYlor told Karges he Was selling beach on August 30 and at the Village Deanna LaDale Rosana Todd all the neWs honestlY Without anY political their concerns. to aVoid colliding With the other Vehi - it for his mother, according to police. The Spires on August 29. Police are seeking agenda, slant or spin. 4.) Abstain from printing anYthing demean - Renee ZellWeger, 40, is knoWn for her Donna Leanne Rose Tommy cle." painting Wasn't discoVered missing until TaYlor on charges of grand theft and receiV - 2.) AlloW commentarY Writers the freedom to ing, calumniatorY or potentiallY harmful to roles in moVies such as "Bridget Jones's Dianique Lily Ruta Vi eXpress their opinions and VieWs Without anY liVing being. Both the Mercedes BenZ and the SUV after Karges sold it. ing stolen propertY. interruption, censorship or persuasion. 5.) Maintain the highest leVel of journalistic Glenn Lindsay Skye Warren "sustained moderate damage," though DiarY," "Miss Potter," "Me, MYself & In 2004, artWork that Was created bY Grady Margaret Smitha Winter 3.) ProVide members of the communitY (rich integritY. Irene" and "Chicago." PAGE TWO News CANYON NEWS 90210 SEPTEMBER 06, 2009 CANYON NEWS 90210 SEPTEMBER 06, 2009 Classifieds PAGE ELEVEN INVESTMENT ELECTRICAL - 407-F HOME IMPROVEMENT - 412 REAL ESTATE - 628 OPPORTUNITY - 626 PATRICK STUMP ARRESTED FOR DRIVING SANS LICENSE EL ELECTRIC Custom Painting Colors In Motion Minnesota Lakeshore and Wilderness Parcels Houston to San Antonio, TX -Interior/EXterior Custom Painting, - BY Rosana Clarkson NICE JEWISH BOY being liquidated bY priVate partY.
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