Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1957-01-11 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1957). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2007. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2007 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Xavier University Library • y JAN 111957 f ... XAVIER. UNIVERSITY NEWS _A. Weekly Newspaper By Students From Tlie Evanston, Do1vntown And Milford Campuses VOLUME XLI CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1957 NO. 11 Two Orchestras Sound Off , For Colorful Military Ball Anmwl Events Sclieduled For Next F1·iday With Clyde T1·C1sk ,4rul Don Lackey At Two Ballrooms Dy Wayrie Felar Come next Friday night, Xavier cadets will don their R.O.T.C. uniforms for a more pleasant event than Corps Day drill. The big event will be the 1957 Military Ball. The expected crowd of some 2,000 people will strain the ballroom capacity of the elegant Netherland-Hilton, which will throw open both the' Hall of Mirrqrs and the Pavillon Caprice The proper male attire, if not in for the Ball. There wm be tables uniform, is a tuxedo. As last year, in the balcony-room area be­ there will be a receiving line to tween, as well as in, the Pavil­ greet the cadets and their dates. lon Caprice. All the floor-space The customary ceremonies of of the Hall of Mirrors will be the Ball will all be held in the used for dancing, except the Hall of Mirrors. First on the space occupied by the VIP table. agenda will be the initiation of There will be two orchestras, new members info the Xavier those of Clyde Trask and Don Order of Military Merit. The new Lackey's. members will re<:eive a red four­ ,, ragere as a sign, of their mem­ t The colorful pomp and cere- . 1 many which have always been a bership. Second will be the pres­ traditional part of the Military entation by Lt. Col. Jesse H. Ball will not be lacking this year. Brown of the insignia of a Sec­ Xavier students are reminded ond Lieutenant to the seniors that the Ball is strictly formal. who will graduate in June and receive a commission. La8t year's Honorary Cadet l1idia' _Expert Colonel, Miss Dottie Lohr, will preside over the ceremonies until ' midnight, when Miss Mary Ann Speaks Monday Rawe will be installed as the On Monday, Jan. 14, at 1:30 Honorary Cadet Colonel of the p.m. in the Albert Cash Con­ XU Regiment for 1957. Always Recently the St. Francis Xavier Medal was presented to Gen. Carlos P. Romulo, Philippine milit:i1·y ference Room, Rev. Frank N. the high point <;>f the Ball, the leader and diplomat, at the Xavier, Alumni observance of Universal Communion Sunday. Pictured above installation this year has special Loesch, S.J., will speak on the historical significance. Miss Rawe are!John C. Kus~, president of the Xavier Alumni Association, Gen. Romulo, Lloy<l J. Byrne, chairman; topic, "The Future of Chris­ will be the first Honorary Cadet , and Very Rev. Paul L. ~-'Connor, S.J., university -president. -, tianity in India." E'r. Loesch is Colonel to wear the new green ~ ' · -··--·· -r -~ the former superior of the Patna uniform. She will also be deco­ rated with the insignia and four­ , Council Censors 'Baby Doll' Run, {e~~~t ~=~~~: ;:c:n~i~a. r~~~~~ed rageres of all the military clubs _ to this coun"try after 30 years of on campus. Miss Rawe is a sl<>n­ der bruI)ette of 19 summers who lives in Kennedy Heights. She is ' eek· s v· olll:nfee' r Bureau euppo'rt 1922,~:i:=~~~a~hes~~~feet;inofI~~~:s~~ after attending St. John's .::J presently taking psychology and S --·University i n Minnesota. In sociology at the Evening College. Student· Directory,' Soph Class Dance, Beer Mugs, 1931, Fr. 'Loesch was ordained. Invitations to the Military Ball From May, 1936, until October, are being mailed out io all mili­ Letter To Dean Part" OJ Crowded Council Agenda Moral Theologian 1944, he ·was superior of the tary students. Nothing further is Patna Mission. It was during By Bill Poole, News Managing Editor ~ required for · admission. Those On Natural Law this period that he was closely At this week's Student Council Meeting there were a ' ; not taking military science are associated with Bishop B. J. also wPlcome· to attend, and may number of new developments and one item of old business. Forum Tonight Sullivan, S.J., in the develop­ purchase tickets for $4. After the minutes were read, Ed Sajewski, pr~sident, reminded The Rev. John R. Connery, ment of many mission stations Council that no member may miss more than three straight S.J., professor of moral theology and schools. Several thriving meetings without excuse. Here are items on the agenda that schools, such as St. Xavier in ,Go.vernors' Board at West Baden Colll.'!ge, West Patna, and St. Xavier in Jaipur, were discussed: B · 1. The Student Directory will Volunteer Bureau and Xavier's aden Springs, Ind., Jesuit sem- were built and opened during 1I olds Elections go on sale In two weeks, after support of that organization. Bill inary, will ·~be a member of a his tenure. The election of five new delays due to difficulties in bav- Sena explained the activities of panel to discuss "The Impor­ He was also intimately associ­ members to the Board of Gov­ lng the typing completed. Finan- the Bureau. Student Council will tance of Confessions in Criminal ated with the movement for ernors of the Xavier University 1 fostering Indian vocations to the clally, the directory will break conduct a campaign to familiar- Investigati~ns" under sponsor­ Alumni Association for three­ priesthood and sisterhood in even. ize the student body with this ship of the Xavier University year terms was announced last . 2. Ed SaJ'ewski appointed an community service program. N t 1 L . S . t t 'ght t India . week. · • t' · t' · th aura aw ocie y om a Fr. Loesch reports that there investigating committee to look X avier 8 par icipa ion m e 1 8· 00 · ti Alb t D C h The new. members of the Board V ' t B , · t . p.m. m ie er . as are over 4,500 Indian priests, include Dr. J. Harry Dornheggen, into reasons why the Sophomore o.un· eerd d'tureau · sll pro3ec s is M emona. l C on f erence. R oom on Class Dance incurred a deficit. expl aine e i oria Y on page th and that two-thirds of the bish­ class of •31; William A. Geoghe­ t -Ed e campus. ops of India are. local sons of 3. In a resolution· adopted by wo. · Judge Halph B. Kohnen will gan, '46, Frank C. Glueck, '29, India. He also reports that the John "Jay" O'Hara, '47, and Council, the Dean of the College' chair the panel which will also various sisterhoods in the Mis­ Paul A. Selzer' '38. ·of Liberal Arts was. commended include: Watson Hover, Ham­ Senior ·Class Gift c. sion now all have a novitiate of They will take office when for thoughtful cµristmas vaca- Pl d S S r ilton County prosec1,1ting attor­ their own. tion scheduling that allowed stu- OOU ~Ug1it riey; Lt. Col.. Henry Sandman, the Board of Governors meets e ge During his association with the Friday, January 25, on the cam- dents time to work, for continu- on Monday, Jan. 14, at 7: 45 chief of detectives ·of the Cin- Mission, Fr. Loesch saw it pus. -' ing the pre-registration program, p.m., a meeting of the captains i;;innati police force; and Loyal develop from the status of an and for posting the exam sched- for the collection of pledges for S. Martin, attorney. infant mission to that of Indian ule far in advance of.exam week. the senior class gift will be held. Father Col)nery is the author vice-province of the Society of How 4. Frank _Garry, member of The conference room of Albers of numerous articles on moral About It? Jesus. \Vant to coach a teen-age bas­ Council in 1956, inquired of Coun- Hall will be the scene of the anfl dogmatic subjects. They have Fr. Loesch has also taken an cil when the members of his meeting. appeared in American Ecclesiast­ ketball · team or act as a club interest in Indian civic affairs. leader or game or craft Instruc­ class who were councilmen would As of: Jan. 1, a total of $863 ical Review, Marquette Law He represents both Bihar and tor? Are you interested In physi­ ·receive the traditional beer- was pledged by seniors, of which Revtew, Theological Studies, and Patna universities as adviser on cal or mental therapy? Would mugs. ("We're all over 21," he $257 has been collected. The Social Order. He holds. degrees buildings, is an adviser on the you like to devote a few hours pointed out.) · goal set at the beginning of the from Xavier, Loyola University, board of visitors, Patna Medical a week to such activities? 5. The showing of the motion year was $2500. and ·the Gregorian University, College Hospital, and is a mem­ picture · Baby· Doll in Cincinnati Rome.
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