QUESTIONS ON NOTICE 1544 COUNCIL Tuesday, 28 April 1992 Surf Life Saving Association (Victorian State Centre) 4348 As above Kennett River SLSC 4029 As above Warmambool SLSC 870 As above Waratah Beach SLSC 2000 As above LorneSLSC 2750 As above Port Campbell SLSC 1575 As above Portsea SLSC 990 As above Wye River SLSC 500 As above Seaspray SLSC 1292 11 June, 1991 As above South Melbourne Life Saving Club(LSC) 1000 23 April, 1991 As above Beaumaris LSC 3351 As above Aspendale LSC 483 As above Mornington LSC 700 As above Wonthaggi LSC 419 As above Parkdale LSC 297 11 June, 1991 As above Middle Park LSC 248 11 June, 1991 As above TRANSPORT ACCIDENT COMMISSION GRANTS TO ORGANISAnONS Organisation Name Amount Payment Purpose &: Principal (where available) $ Date of Grant 1989-90: Attorney-General's Department 920101 Various Facilitate courts' capacity to settle motor vehicle accidents damages claims and provide additional County Court judge Alfred Hospital Road Trauma Centre 4.127M Various Operational funding (Recurrent Expenditure) for Road Trauma Centre Alfred Hospital Road Trauma Centre 12.664M Various Construction and improvements (Capital Expenditure) for Road Trauma Centre Road Traffic AuthOrity 46400 3/8/89 Production of road safety videos Victorian Curriculum and 31667 Various Development and production of road safety Assessment Board educational material for secondary school (D. Rosenfeld) students Monash University Accident 181270 29/9/89 Funding for baseline research programs Research Centre 15/6/90 (Or P. Vulcan) Victoria Police 1.807M Various Accident prevention and road safety program (random breath test booze buses) Victoria Police 1.SS9M Various Accident prevention and road safety program (speed cameras) Royal Australian College of Surgeons 43900 23/2/90 Rehabilitation study - severe trauma management Quadcare 5000 10/8/89 Actuarial research into physical disability VicRoads 250000 3/9/90 Bicycle helmet mandation advertiSing and public education campaign 1990-91: Attorney-General's Department 254209 Various Facilitate courts' capacity to settle motor vehicle accidents damages claims and provide additional County Court judge Alfred Hospital Road Trauma Centre 6.114M Various Operational funding (Recurrent Expenditure) for Road Trauma Centre QUESTIONS ON NOTICE Tuesday, 28 April 1992 COUNCIL 1545 Alfred Hospital Road Trauma Centre 1.818M Various Construction and improvements (Capital Expenditure) for Road Trauma Centre Road Traffic Authority 15125 28/3/91 Production of road safety videos Victorian Curriculum and 48846 Various Development and production of road safety Assessment Board educational material for secondary school (D. Rosenfeld) students Monash University Accident 182000 23/11/90 Funding for baseline research programs Research Centre 7/6/91 (Or P. Vulcan) Monash University Accident 7500 7/6/91 Driving Simulator Equipment and Research Centre Preparation (Or P. Vulcan) Victoria Police 821454 Various Accident prevention and road safety program (random breath test booze buses) Victoria Police 3.626M Various Accident prevention and road safety program (speed cameras) Ministry of Transport 38750 7/2/91 Social Development Committee Inquiry into Motorcycle Safety Victorian Institute of 12991 24/5/91 Provision of blood alcohol data in relation Forensic Pathology to all road traffic fatalities in Victoria (Professor S. Cordner) VIC IMAGE - FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Question No. 1256 Hon. HADDON STOREY asked the Minister for Conservation and Environment, for the Minister for Food and Agriculture: (a) Has the Minister or the Minister's department made use of the services of VIC IMAGE at any time since 1 January 1990; if so, what services were performed by VIe IMAGE and did any part of the services include taking photographs of the Minister? (b) What was the cost of each service provided by VIC IMAGE and who met such cost? Hon. B. T. PULL EN (Minister for Conservation and Environment) - The answer supplied by the Minister for Food and Agriculture is: The format in which records are kept in the department make preparation of material to respond to the honourable member's question extremely time consuming. For example, the AGMEDIA Service makes extensive use of VIC IMAGE, and to trace the nature of each individual service as well as the cost and the source of funds would require manual checking of individual invoices and I am not prepared to devote scarce resources to this task. Considerable effort has already been spent on examining ways to provide the information requested, however no simple solution has been discovered. ENHANCED RESIGNATION PACKAGE - LABOUR Question No. 1285 Hon. G. B. ASHMAN asked the Minister for Consumer Affairs, for the Minister for Labour: In respect of each department, agency and authority within the Minister's administration: (a) How many people had accepted the Enhanced Resignation Package as at 30 August 1991? (b) What is the total value of those payments? QUESTIONS ON NOTICE 1546 COUNCIL Tuesday, 28 April 1992 (c) Did the Enhanced Resignation Package continue to be available after 30 August 1991? Hon. T. C. mEOPHANOUS (Minister for Consumer Affairs) - The answer supplied by the Minister for Labour is: I refer the honourable member to my response to question No. 1052 in the Legislative Assembly as follows: Expressions of interest in the Enhanced Resignation Package were sought from eligible staff. Lodgements of expressions of interest closed on 30 August 1991. A total of 205 officers expressed interest in the Enhanced Resignation Package. This includes staff from the Department of Labour, the Occupational Health and Safety Authority, the Construction Industry Long Service Leave Board, the WorkCare Appeals Board and the Industrial Relations Commission. No offers can be accepted after 29 November 1991. 1. Nil. 2. Nil. 3. No further expressions of interest will be sought. STAFF A TTRmON RATE - TRANSPORT Question No. 1317 Hon. G. B. ASHMAN asked the Minister for Consumer Affairs, for the Minister for Transport: In respect of each department, agency and authority within the Minister's administration, what was the staff attrition rate for each of the financial years 1981-82 to 1990-917 Hon. T. C. mEOPHANOUS (Minister for Consumer Affairs) - The answer supplied by the Minister for Transport is - For the purposes of the honourable member's question, data is provided on the staffing level as at the end of each financial year in order for the net variation in the level of staffing over the financial year to be identified. The data as at each 30 June from 1984 through to 1991 for the Ministry of Transport (which includes the Marine Board of Victoria since 1986-87), the Public Transport Corporation (PTC), Roads Corporation (VicRoads), Grain Elevators Board (GEB) and the Transport Accident Commission was provided in the Treasurer's answer to Question on Notice No. 1022 in the Legislative Assembly (page 1915 of Hansard No. 9,29 October, 1991). The data in respect of the transport agencies as at 30 June for the years from 1981 to 1984 are as follows: 1981 1982 1983 Ministry of Transport N/A· 45 73 GEB 718 721 422 PTC 26674 25505 25924 VicRoads N/A· 6074 6413 • Not available It should be noted that the figures do not include contract or temporary staff. FORMER MINISTERIAL ADVISER - MAJOR PROJECTS Question No. 1340 Hon. M. A. BIRRELL asked the Minister for Manufacturing and Industry Development, for the Minister for Major Projects: Since 1 January 1988, has any department'or agency for which the Minister is responsible appointed any person as - (i) a permanent or temporary public servant; or (ii) a consultant, who has previously worked as a Ministerial adviser to the Cain or Kirner governments; if so, who and when? The Hon. D. R. WHITE (Minister for Manufacturing and Industry Development) - The answer supplied by the Minister for Major Projects Is: I am advised by the Major Projects Unit that the information requested by the honourable member is information which, if it exists, would be held on individual personnel files on public servants; or, in the case of consultants, on the curriculum vitae documentation accompanying their submissions. There would be significant difficulty in accessing that information and, even if it were available, it would not be appropriate for me to provide it, without the express permission of any individuals concerned. If there is a specific issue which the honourable member would like examined, I would be prepared to examine it and respond further. QUESTIONS ON NOTICE Tuesday, 28 April 1992 COUNCIL 1547 STAFF - LABOUR Question No. 1407 Hon. G. P. CONNARD asked the Minister for Consumer Affairs, for the Minister for Labour: With regard to each member of the Minister's staff: (a) What are their names? (b) What salary is paid and from what source? (c) What is the tenure of the appointment, indicating whether he or she is a permanent public servant? (d) Does he or she have a written contract? Hon. T. C. THEOPHANOUS (Minister for Consumer Affairs) - The answer supplied by the Minister for Labour is: (a) To maintain the confidentiality of the Minister's staff personal affairs, their names are unable to be given without breaching that confidentiality. (b),(c) and (d) The table shows the staffing arrangements: PERSON SALARY SOURCE TENURE WRlTIEN $ OF FUNDING CONTRACT A 50440 + 15% OOLfunded S41A Public No allowance Service Act B 50440 + 15% OOLfunded S41A Public No allowance Service Act C 50440 + 15% OOLfunded S41A Public No allowance Service Act -0 50440 OOLfunded S40A Public No Service
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