SU M M E R 2 0 0 3 CRA NTO SJ O U R N A LN A SEA S O N OF CEL E B R AT I O N S Sixty Years of Jesuit Education at the University The 20th Annual World Premiere Composition The 20th Anniversary of the NCAA Division II National Championship CRA NTO SJ O U R N A LN INSIDE 4 SUMMER 2003 • VO LUME 23, NUMBER 3 On The Commons The Reverend Scott R. Pilarz Named EDI TO R the Twenty-fourth President of the University Valarie Clark Wolff DE S I G N E R S Francene Pisano Liples Lynn M. Sfanos CO N T R I BU T I N G ED I TO R S Sandra Skies Ludwig 12 Kevin Southard Robert P. Zelno ’66, G’77 A Season of Celebrations Stan M. Zygmunt, ’84, G’95 Celebrating 60 Years of Jesuit Education at the Uni ve r s i t y , the 20th CLA S S NOT E S ED I TO R World Prem i e r e Composition, the 20th Anniver s a r y of the NCAA Neil P. McLaughlin, S.J. Division II National Champions and Other Anniver s a r i e s PH OTO G R A PH Y Terry Connors PaulaLynn Connors-Fauls ’88 Peter Finger Bill Johnson Michael Touey 26 ALU M N I RE LAT I O N S VO LU N T E E R Sidney Lebowitz University Accomplishments PR E S I D E N T 1998 - 2003 Joseph M. McShane, S.J. VI C E PR E S I D E N T F O R IN S T I T U T I O N A L ADVA N C E M E N T Paul J. Strunk DI R E C TO R O F PU B L I C RE LAT I O N S A N D PU B L I C AT I O N S 28 Gerald C. Zaboski ’87, G’95 Athletics Six Members Inducted to Wall of Fam e The Scranton Jou rn a l is published by The Uni v ersity of Scranton for its alumni and friends. The editorial offices are in the Public Relations Office, O’Hara Hall, The Uni v ersity of Scranton, Scranton, PA 18510-4615. The telephone number 30 is (570) 941-7669. The Alumni The address for The Uni v ersity of Scranton Alumni Soc i e t y is Alumni Office, The Uni v ersity of Scranton, Scranton, PA Class Notes, Births, 18510-4624. The telephone numbers are (570) 941-7660 Marriages and Death Notices an d 1 - 8 0 0 - S C R A N TO ( N ) . E-mail address: [email protected] Web site: http://www.s c r a n t o n . e d u If this issue is addressed to a graduate who no longer maintains a residence at your home, please tear off the mailing label and mail it, with the corrected address, to the Alumni Office. The Uni v ersity of Scranton is a Catholic, Jesuit educational institution serving men and women, and it is committed to af f i r m a t i v e action to assure equal opportunity for all persons, reg a r dless of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, handicaps, sex or age. © 2003 The University of Scranton O N T H E COMMONS The Reverend Scott R. Pilarz, S.J., Ph.D., Named the Twenty-Fourth President of the University The Reverend Scott R. Pilarz, S.J., from Georgetown University and a mas- Ph.D., Interim University Chaplain and ter’s degree in philosophy from Fordham Assistant Professor of English at George- University, New York. He received mas- town University, has been named the ter’s degrees in divinity and theology from twenty-fourth President of The University the Weston School of Theology, Cam- of Scranton. Frank J. McDonnell, Esq., bridge, Mass. He went on to earn a Ph.D. Chairman of University’s Board of in English at the City University of New Trustees, introduced Fr. Pilarz at a news York, and his dissertation, Sacerdotal Self- conference held 23 April in the Executive Fashioning: The Construction of Priesthood Following the news conference, Most Center of Brennan Hall. in Early Modern Religious Poetry, won the Reverend James C. Timlin, D.D., Bishop Fr. Pilarz will assume his duties on 1997 CUNY Alumni Achievement Prize of Scranton, (right) welcomed President- 1 July. He will succeed the Rev. Joseph M. for Dissertation Excellence. elect Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J., Ph.D., and McShane, S.J., who will As he was completing his mother, Joan Pilarz, to the University. begin service as the 32nd “I am extremely his studies at Weston, Fr. President of Fordham Pil a r z served as a lecturer As University Chaplain, Fr. Pilarz University, New York City, happy to make this in the philosophy depart- serves as a member of the President’s Cab- on 1 July. place my home, ment of Sts. Peter & Pau l inet and is responsible for leading campus ministry efforts on Georgetown’s Main, “We were blessed to be and I count on your Sem i n a r y at the Uni ve r s i t y able to choose from of Ibadan, Nigeria. Wh i l e Medical and Law campuses. He works among a pool of highly help as we realize completing doctoral stud- with the President to promote George- qualified Jesuits, which is together The University ies, he was appointed to town’s Catholic and Jesuit character, spon- a testament to the strength the English faculty of St. sors inter-religious dialogue and coordi- and quality of the Univer- of Scranton’s Jos e p h ’s Uni v ersity in nates interfaith activities. sity,” said Mr. McDonnell. boundless potential 1994. In 1996, he joined He was recognized by the Georgetown Fr. Pilarz entered the as a great Catholic the Geo r g e t o wn faculty as Alumni Association in 2002 with the Society of Jesus in 1981 an Assistant Professor of William Gaston Award for Outstanding and was ordained a priest and Jesuit university.” English. In 2002, he was Service and was chosen by the graduating in 1992. He rec e i v ed his appointed interim Uni ve r - class of 1999 to receive the Edward B. ba c h e l o r ’s degree in Eng l i s h Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J., Ph.D. sity Chaplain. Bunn, S.J., Award for Faculty Excellence, an award that recognizes outstanding teaching and service. As a scholar, Fr. Pilarz has delivered numerous papers at scholarly conferences on various aspects of Medieval and Renaissance literature. He has also lec- tured and published on topics related to Jesuit education. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of The University of Scranton. He also serves on the boards of Georgetown Preparatory School and Camden Catholic High School in Cherry Hill, N.J., from which he graduated. He is the son of Joseph and Joan Pil a rz , Voorhees, N.J. For additional information, or to view a photo gallery from the news conference, visit Re v . Scott R. Pilarz, S.J., Ph.D., addressed the audience at a news conferen c e the Web site at www.s c r a n t o n . e d u / t r a n s i t i o n . announcing his appointment as President-elect of the University. 4 THE SCRANTON JOURNAL NEWS & EVENTS President Bush Speaks to the Nation from the University In an event that marked the first time a sitting President has visited The Univer- sity of Scranton, President George W. Bush outlined his solution to a “broken” medical liability system during a nation- wide address made from the University’s The University conferred 1,142 bachelor’s, master’s and associate’s degrees Byron Complex on 16 January. during its one hundred and third commencement ceremony on 25 May. The standing-room only crowd of about 1,200 people was joined by a local, Television Anchor Speaks As President and Chief Executive Offi- national and international audience who cer of AXA Financial, Inc., Mr. Condron followed the President’s visit via the more at Commencement heads up one of the world’s premier than 200 media representatives who were financial services organizations with its Christopher J. Mat t h e ws, host of holding companies including Equitable on hand to cover the event. MS N B C ’ s “Hard b a l l ” and NBC’s “Th e During his rem a r ks, President Bush pro- Life, Alliance Capital Management and Chris Mat t h ew s Sanford C. Bernstein. posed a $250,000 limit on non-economic Sho w,” and anchor damages awarded to patients in medical Mr. Condron has served as a Univer- of MSNBC’s elec- sity trustee for two terms and as Vice malpractice suits. He also proposed a cap tion coverage, gave on punitive awards in such cases. Chair of the Board of Trustees, and cur- the principal addres s rently chairs the President’s Business In the days and hours leading up to at the Uni ve r s i t y ’s the President’s noontime visit on 16 Janu- Council of the University. 2003 Commence- Sister Mary Rose McGeady, a member ary, University employees worked tirelessly ment ceremony for and willingly to prepare the campus and of the Daughters of Charity of St.
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