5 Camcorders TRV-818 TRV-58 TRV-68 TRV-88 Hi 8 Hi 8 Hi 8 Hi 8 20x optical 1/6” CCD Step up fea- Step up features zoom, 460x 270,000 pix- tures from from CCD digital zoom, els, 20x opti- CCD trv58 trv68 Sony Color cal 1/4” CCD 3” swivel viewfinder, zoom,460x 320,000 screen - Night shot 0 digital zoom, pixels, color lcd lux minimum 2-1/2” color steady shot display illumination, lcd screen, picture stabi- (123k Steady shot stabilization system, Night shot 0 lux minimum illumination, lization system, Pixels) Manual focus and exposure 17 hour battery life, Built-in video light, Manual focus and exposure, 16:9 ratio manual focus and exposure 16:9 ratio (SOTR818) Call (SOTRV58) Call (SOTRV68) Call (SOTRV88) Call TRV-98 Hi 8 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Hi 8 TR-818 TRV58 TRV68 TRV88 TRV98 Step up features from LENSES VCL0637H VCL0637H VCL0637H VCL0637H VCL0637H CCD trv88 Telephoto / Wide Angle VCL-R2037 VCL-R2037 VCL-R2037 VCL-R2037 VCL-R2037 W/3.5” Screen, BATTERIES * 550/750/960 550/750/960 550/750/960 550/750/960 550/750/960 Super AC/DC QUICK CHARGER ACVQ850D ACVQ850D ACVQ850D ACVQ850D ACVQ850D laser link PORTABLE CHARGER BCV615 BCV615 BCV615 BCV615 BCV615 wireless FILTER KIT UV/FLD/ND6 VDFK37 VDFK-37 VDFK-37 VDFK-37 VDFK-37 trans- mission CASE LCS-VA2 LCS-VA2 LCS-VA2 LCS-VA2 LCS-VA2 system CABLES VMC20FR VMC20FR VMC20FR VMC20FR VMC20FR (SOTRV98) Call IFT-R20A SUPER LASER LINK NO NO NO NO Yes DCR-TRV 130 DCR-TRV 230 DCR-TRV 330 DCR-TRV 530 Digital 8mm Digital 8mm Digital 8mm Digital 8mm 20x optical zoom,560x Same features Same features Same features as the DCR digital zoom, 2- as the DCR as the DCR TRV 330, 1/2” color LCD TRV130, TRV230, plus screen, 1394 I plus plus W/3.5”screen, link DV inter- Compact Digital still Usb terminal, face, Steady body, 25x camera Program edit, Shot stabiliza- optical mode uses Drop frame tion, 0 lux with zoom 700x memory time code, 7 super night shot digital zoom, sticks, Fader modes, Infra red system, Super laser link, Built Intelligent shoe, Analog input, 8 Picture effects, in light, Up to 12.5 hours battery rec time, 6 Digital effects, (SOTRV130) Call (SOTRV230) Call (SOTRV330) Call (SOTRV530) 649.95 DCR-TRV 730 DIGITAL 8 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Digital 8mm TRV130 TRV230 TRV330 TRV530 TRV730 TRV830 18x optical zoom, LENSES VCL-0637H VCL-0637H VCL-0637H VCL-0637H VCL-0637H VCL-0637H 500 digital VCL-R2037 VCL-R2037 VCL-R2037 VCL-R2037 VCL-R2037 VCL-R2037 zoom, 2.5” color LCD BATTERIES * NPF550/750/90 NPF550/750/90 NPFM50/70/91 NPFM50/70/91 NPFM50/70/91 NPFM50/70/91 screen, AC/DC QUICK CHARGER ** ACVQ850D ACVQ850D ACVQ850D ACVQ850D ACVQ850D ACVQ850D Step up fea- tures from the PORTABLE CHARGER BCV615 BCV615 BCVM50 BCVM50 BCVM50 BCVM50 DCR TRV530 VIDEO LIGHT/FLASH B.I. LIGHT HVL-FDH3 HVL-FDH3 HVL-FDH3 HVL-FDH3 HVL-FDH3 Mega pixel CCD imager, Mpeg movie, FILTER KIT UV/FLD/ND6 VDFK-37 VDFK-37 VDFK-37 VDFK-37 VDFK-37 VDFK-37 Progressive shutter system, CARRYING CASE LCS-VA2 LCS-VA2 LCS-VA2 LCS-VA2 LCS-VA2 LCS-VA2 (SOTRV730) Call MEMORY STICK NO NO Yes Yes Yes Yes M.S. CARD ADAPTER NO NO Yes Yes Yes Yes DCR-TRV 830 M.S. FLOPPY ADAPTER NO NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Digital 8mm IFT-R20A SUPER LASER LINK Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Step up features from the Camc. 2002 Video DCR TRV730 W/3.5” Screen, Portable dye sublimation * SONP-FM50=2 Hour SONP-FM70=5.5 Hour SONP-FM91=9 Hour SONP-F550=2 Hour SONP-F750=8 Hour SONP-F960=16 Hour color printer sup- plied, ** AC-VQ850D A QUICK CHARGE FULL HOUR OF RECORDING TIME IN JUST 20 MINUTES. (SOTRV830) Call *** NEEDS A STEP UP RING ADAPTER.......................................(FLU3037).......6.95 42 West 18th Street π New York, NY 10011 π 800/223-2500 π 212/741-0052 π Fax: 212/463-7223 www.adorama.com Inc. © 2002 Camcorders 6 DCR-TRV-17 DCR-TRV-30 DCR-PC9 Sony Digital Mini DV Digital Mini DV Digital Mini DV 10x Zeiss optical zoom 120x Step up Features from 500 lines of Resolution. Advanced Digital zoom, Super Steady DCR-TRV-17 HAD CCD 1 / 4” CCD with 680 K shot, Night shot, 2.5 “ LCD Pixels, 640 x 480 stills, 60 sec screen, 7 Mode program AE, Mega Pixel CCD 1/4”, MPEG Movie Mode Capture video Color view finder. Super laser 530 Lines of Resolution, and Audio directly to Memory Stick. link, intelligent accessory shoe, 1.3 MBS stills, Advanced 10X Optical/120 X Digital Zoom Zeiss DV in/out, Analog to Digital con- HAD™ CCD Technology, Lens, Touch Screen System on the version, Drop frame time code, 4 3X color Bandwidth, lower LCD, Super Night Shot 0 Lux, 2.5” Lcd Picture effects, 16x9 Wide screen, Built in Digital still Screen 211k Pixels, Color Viewfinder 180k Pixels, Progressive signal to noise ratio, Precision Color Shutter, 2x Playback Zoom Digital Program Editing, Super Camera, 4 M.B. Memory Stick supplied Viewfinder Steady Shot Analog Input, Accessory Shoe, 16:9 Mode, USB Interface, MGI Photo Suite, Video Wave, Spot Meter Exposure, (SOTRV17) Call (SOTRV30) Call (SODCRPC9) Call DCR-PC-110 DCR-TRV900 DCR-VX2000 Digital Mini DV Digital Mini DV Digital Mini DV Step up features 3 CCD, 3 1/2” LCD flip out 12x optical 48x digital Screen, 12 Optical 48x Zoom, 2.5”lcd screen, Build in Flash 520 Precision Color LINES, MEGA PIXEL Digital zoom, Color finder, Super Steady shot stabi- Viewfinder 180k Pixels, 1152 X 864 Still lizer, Progressive CCD, Active prism, Super Chroma & luminance Steady shot, 530 lines Zebra pattern, PCM digital horizontal resol, 3 mode key stereo Audio, laser link, AE, 6 plate iris, 2 mode neutral Complete digital still camera, 5 density Filter, 16 bit digital stereo mode program AE, Manuel expo- audio, DV in/out, Drop frame time code, 5 mode AV sure/focus, 6 Picture digital effects, op frame time code, I fader, Built in 20 segment assemble Editing, Comes with 4 link DV in/out, 16x9 recording, a/v digital Fader MB memory stick, USB card reader (SODCRPC110) Call (SOTRV900) Call (SODCRVX2000) Call DIGITAL MINI DV OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES DCR-PC9 DCR-PC110 DCR-TRV17 DCR-TRV30 DCR-TRV900 PD100A DCRVX2000 PD150 LENSES VCL0637H *** VCL0637H VCL0637H *** VCL0637H VCLR0752 VCLHG0758 Telephoto / Wide Angle VCL-R2037 VCL-R2037 VCL-R2037 VCL-R2037 VCLR2052 VCL1758 BATTERIES * NPFM50/7091 NPFM50/70/91 NPFM50/70/91 NPFM50/70/91 NPF550/750/960 NPF550/750/960 AC/DC QUICK ACVQ850D ** ACVQ850D ** ACVQ850D ** ACVQ850D ** ACVQ850D ** ACVQ850D ** CHARGER ADAPTER PORTABLE CHARGER BCVM50 BCVM50 BCVM50 BCVM50 BCV615 BCV615 VIDEO LIGHT / FLASH HVL20DM HVLS3D HVL20DM HVLFDH3 HVLS3D HVLS3D HVL20DM HVLFDH3 HVLS3D HVLFDH3 HVLS3D FILTER KIT UV/FLD/ND6 VDFK37 *** VDFK37 VDFK37 *** VDFK37 VDFK52 VDFK58 CARRYING CASES LCS PC1 LCS PC1 LCM TRVX LCM TRVX LCHTRV900 LCH VX2000 LCM PCY2 LCS VA2 LCS VA2 MEMORY STICK Yes Yes Yes Yes WITH MSACPC2 Yes PCMCIA ADAPTER CABLES Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes PROFESSIONAL CAMCORDERS DSR-PD150 DSR-250 3CCD DVCAM 380k Pixels, 12x 12x zoom /24/ 48x digital zoom, 3 CCD, optical, 20/48x digital zoom super Records 270 Minutes DV-180 Minutes steady Shot & auto focus, 530 lines DVCAM, Steady Shot, 2 LUX, Built in speak- of resolution, 2 LUX, still image mode, er, up to 988 Images on optional 64Mb Stick, Auto/manual exposure, Built in Speaker, still USB flash memory port, mode allows 988 images on a 64mb Directional shotgun mic, 1.5" B&W viewfind- Memory stick, USB port for PC, Analog er, I LINK, Video/Audio inputs input, I-Link, Digital Video Effects Fader, Variable shutter speeds, AE, s/w f/logo Flash, Sepia, (SODSRPD150) Call (SODSR250) Call DSR-300AL ENG KIT DSR-500WSL ENG KIT Three 1/2-inch "FIT like" Power HAD CCD deliv- 3 x 2/3"520,000 pixel 16:9 Switchable to 4:3 Power ers 800 lines of horizontal resolution, 62dB S/N HAD IT CCD, 700 lines of horizontal resolution, Ratio, sensitivity of F/11 at 2000 LUX and a Equivalent to 930 lines when converted to 4:3reso- reduced vertical smear ratio of -110dB. DVCAM lution, Built In Filters 3200K 5600K + 1/8 ND5600K Format uses 8-bit component digital recording 5600K + 1/64 ND, Sensitivity F11 @ 2000 LUX, with 5:1 compression and 4:1:1 color sampling. Minimum Illumination 0.5 Lux, VTR: Mini DV, DV ,or Video Camc. 2002 Video Four built-in filters records under virtually any DVCAM tapes can be used without an Adapter. lighting, 3200K/3000K, 5600K, 5600K+ 1/8 and Analog Video Output: Composite (BNC x 1)Y/C (Din 4 5600K+ 1/64. Two types of Zebra patterns, 3-mode pin S-Video x 1) Monitor Out Composite (BNC x 1), Digital matrix adjustment, the control provides Alternative chroma Video Output I LINK (6 pin IEEE1394 DV), Analog Input: saturation, hue parameters for STD H.Sat and FL lighting condi- Composite (BNC x 1 with optional DSBK501 Pool Feed Board) tions. Five files Factory preset also, the three User Files allow you to Audio Output: Earphone (Mini Plug), Audio Input: Ch 1/Ch 2 (XLR custom set camera parameters. A Jog dial Controls the viewfinder menu. Select the 3pin Female x 2), 12 pin Lens, Weight: Approx. 13.9 lbs. (With VF, Mic, Battery, and Lens) desired menu item, and set the value, one-fingered Jog Dial operation Supplied Accessories: Canon 18 x Zoom lens, 3 BPL-60, 1 BCL 50 ac charger, Tripod Supplied Accessories: Canon18x zoom lens, 2 Sony BPL-40 Batteries, & BCL-50 ac plate and soft case.
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