NEWS & VIEWS RESEARCH maintains a steady functionality despite the motifs. Such a hierarchy of motor controllers Unknown, 1400–038 Lisbon, Portugal. animal’s continuously increasing body size. has long been thought to be a key principle e-mails: adrien.jouary@neuro. Next, the researchers investigated underlying behaviour in most animals, includ- fchampalimaud.org; christian.machens@ the dynamics of radial-muscle contrac- ing humans6. However, recording the activity neuro.fchampalimaud.org tion and relaxation around tens of thou- of every muscle in a human is currently impos- 1. Reiter, S. et al. Nature 562, 361–366 (2018). sands of chromato phores. They discovered sible. The simple readout provided by the skin- 2. Mather, J. A. & Dickel, L. Curr. Opin. Behav. Sci. 16, co-variations in muscle movements at many display system of cuttlefish could well lead us 131–137 (2017). spatial scales, indicating that chromatophores to a greater understanding of motor control. ■ 3. Hanlon, R. T. & Messenger, J. B. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B are regulated by modules of motor neurons that 320, 437–487 (1988). 4. Messenger, J. B. Biol. Rev. 76, 473–528 (2001). function in synchrony, and that operate on skin Adrien Jouary and Christian K. Machens 5. Churchland, M. M. et al. Nature 487, 51–56 (2012). patches of different sizes. The smallest modules are in the Champalimaud Neuroscience 6. Lashley, K. S. in Cerebral Mechanisms in Behavior consisted of fewer than ten adjacent chromato- Programme, Champalimaud Centre for the (ed. Jefffries, L. A.) 112–136 (Wiley, 1951). phores of the same colour. By contrast, larger modules, when contracted in synchrony, dis- played more-complex shapes, such as rings, QUANTUM PHYSICS rectangles or disjointed structures resembling eye spots. These results pave the way to investi- gating how the geometry of these modules gives rise to the camouflage motifs seen in cuttlefish Exploring the Universe in their natural environment. Finally, the authors studied chromatophore responses to changes in the cephalopod’s visual with matter waves environment, for instance when an investiga- tor passed a hand above the animal, causing An exotic ultracold gas known as a Bose–Einstein condensate has been produced its skin pattern to change. They found that and studied in space. Such gases could be used to build quantum sensors that chromatophores display a highly coordi- probe the properties of the Universe with extreme precision. See Letter p.391 nated choreography over time — remini scent of the choreography of neuronal-popula- tion activity during movement5. Strikingly, LIANG LIU extreme astronomical objects known as chromato phores went through the same pulsars2. And in 2016, a laser interferometer sequence of contractions and relaxations each any great discoveries in modern was used to detect gravitational waves3. On time the test was repeated. This indicates a physics depend on the invention of page 391, Becker et al.4 demonstrate how remarkable level of fine control by motor neu- sensors based on new principles. For space-borne sensors based on an exotic state rons, and highlights the potential of cuttlefish Mexample, in 1887, an optical interferometer — of matter called a Bose–Einstein condensate studies to deepen our understanding of com- a sensor based on wave interference — was might provide the next big discovery. plex motor systems. used to disprove the existence of luminiferous A fundamental principle of quantum Reiter et al. have achieved a breakthrough aether, a universal medium through which physics is wave–particle duality, which that will allow researchers to study this motor light waves were thought to propagate1. In describes elementary particles in terms of system in much more detail than was previ- 1968, radio telescopes were used to discover quantum-mechanical waves (de Broglie ously possible. The next challenge will be to determine how cuttlefish change the 3D texture of their skin for camouflage on sand, a algae or corals. This process involves sets of Matter wave muscles called papillae that create bumps and lumps. To gain a complete understanding of the animal’s display system, chromatophores Cooling Cooling and papillae should be studied together. The authors’ advance also has implications Hot atom for visual perception and motor control more generally. For instance, we should now be able to gain a better understanding of texture per- b Laser ception in both cephalopods and their verte- beam brate predators, by investigating which visual features in the cuttlefish environment drive skin-pattern choices. Given that we can read the perceptual state of cuttlefish on their skin, Interference pattern it might also become easier to investigate the brain activity that translates visual perceptions into motor outputs. Furthermore, because cuttlefish coordinate Figure 1 | Production and application of a Bose–Einstein condensate. a, In quantum physics, matter millions of muscles simultaneously, they can behave like a wave that has a particular wavelength. For a cloud of hot atoms, these wavelengths are could provide insights into the principles so short that each atom can be regarded as an individual object. If the atoms are cooled, the wavelengths become longer. And if the atoms are cooled to a critical temperature, the wavelengths are large enough to under ly ing motor coordination. The authors’ cover the extent of the atomic cloud. Most of the atoms condense into a state known as a Bose–Einstein findings suggest a hierarchical organization of condensate (BEC), in which they can be regarded as a single matter wave (red). Becker et al.4 have motor-neuron modules, in which higher-level produced and analysed a BEC in space. b, BECs can be used in sensors known as atom interferometers, in modules control complex, global skin patterns which laser beams cause a matter wave to split into two and then recombine to generate an interference and lower-level modules control simple, local pattern that is sensitive to external perturbations. ©2018 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All ri ghts reserved. ©2018 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All ri ghts reserved.18 OCTOBER 2018 | VOL 562 | NATURE | 351 RESEARCH NEWS & VIEWS waves). The higher the velocity of a particle, condensation fraction. The authors should Becker and colleagues’ work paves the the shorter the wavelength of the de Broglie therefore try to improve the condensation way for quantum sensors in space that could wave. For a cloud of hot atoms, the de Broglie fraction for their space-borne BEC. be used to conduct experiments that are not wavelengths are so short that each atom can Becker et al. demonstrated transport of possible on Earth. Examples include detect- be considered as an individual object (Fig. 1a). the BEC away from the surface of the chip ing gravitational waves in a frequency range If these atoms are cooled, the de Broglie on which it was formed — a key step towards that is not usually accessible, sensing possible wavelengths become longer. And if the atoms realizing more-complex motion. Such motion, ultralight dark-matter particles and observing are cooled to a critical temperature (typi- combined with further manipulation, would subtle effects associated with Einstein’s general cally several hundred nanokelvin), the wave- enable the natural expansion of the BEC to be theory of relativity. Who knows what myster- lengths become large enough to cover the precisely controlled, maximizing the time that ies of the Universe could be revealed by space- whole atomic cloud. In this scenario, most the atomic cloud could be used in an interfer- borne quantum sensors. ■ of the atoms condense into a state in which ometer. The transport of the BEC from the chip they all behave in the same manner, and can caused complex oscillations in the shape of the Liang Liu is in the Key Laboratory of be regarded as a single matter wave. Such a atomic cloud. These oscillations reveal valu- Quantum Optics, Shanghai Institute of Optics state is known as a Bose–Einstein condensate able details about the hydrodynamic behaviour and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of (BEC). of the BEC, but their impact on interferometry Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China. Producing a BEC is not easy. Even though performance needs further investigation. e-mail: [email protected] the concept was proposed5,6 in 1924–1925, a On the ground, microgravity can be 7,8 1. Michelson, A. A. & Morley, E. W. Am. J. Sci. 34, BEC was not realized until 1995, after two achieved for only a few seconds. But in space, 333–345 (1887). types of cooling (laser and evaporative) had it can be supported for essentially an infinite 2. Hewish, A., Bell, S. J., Pilkington, J. D. H., Scott, P. F. been invented. Since then, the matter waves length of time, offering new opportunities for & Collins, R. A. Nature 217, 709–713 (1968). associated with BECs have been widely used studying cold-atom physics. For example, a 3. Abbott, B. P. et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 061102 (2016). in atom interferometry (Fig. 1b). Atom inter- BEC in microgravity could reach temperatures –12 4. Becker, D. et al. Nature 562, 391–395 (2018). ferometers use laser beams to split up matter as low as picokelvin (equal to 10 K) or even 5. Bose, S. N. Z. Phys. 26, 178–181 (1924). waves and then recombine them to produce femtokelvin (10–15 K) ranges, compared with 6. Einstein, A. Phys. Math. Klasse 1, 3–14 (1925). interference patterns. These patterns are sensi- nano kelvin on the ground. Gases at such low 7. Anderson, M. H., Ensher, J. R., Matthews, M. R., Wieman, C. E. & Cornell, E. A. Science 269, tive to vibrations, changes in temperature and temperatures are an ideal platform for probing 198–201 (1995). other disturbances. fundamental physics, and the authors’ space- 8. Davis, K.
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