Jewish Historical iation 11 essions Street • ,dence, RI 02906 --- ..• Support .Read By 1-· . Jewish < Agencies More Than < ( ' With Your 40,000 ~ Membership , People .; ' THE ONLY EN GLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHE AST MASS. VOLUME LXIX, NUMBER 12 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1982 30¢ PER COPY UN Laying Groundwork For Expulsion U.S. Shifting Its Priorities Of Israel From The World Body In Mideast To Palestinians ~ PALM BEACH, FL. -U.N. Ambassador South Africa, she pointed out, has been CAIRO - American str.ategic priorities really very dangerous to see the Middle .. Jeane Kirkpatrick last week accused the barred from the General Assembly since in the Middle East are shifting. East as an issue to build fame from." ..' United Nations of laying the groundwork 1974 but its right to membership has not The question of Palestinian self­ But Haig appears to· be going out of his ·for the expulsion of Israel from the world been challenged." government, originally played down by the way not to dramatize his visits here in the body and warned of " serious conse­ "Israel's right h<!S been challenged," Reagan administration in favor of a view past few weeks. quences" if any further steps are taken Ambassador Kirkpatrick said, "and the towa~d stopping Soviet encroachment, is " It is clear and more clear as a result of against Israel. groundwork has now been layed for con­ now at the forefront of American Middle our visit," Haig said as he left Tel Aviv Jan. Ambassador Kirkpatrick told a meeting sideration of a proposal for its suspension East diplomacy. 28, " that the topics associated with of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai or expulsion." Arab officials indicate they are pleased autonomy are extremely complex·and dif­ B'rith that last week's General Assembly Ambassador Kirkpatrick spoke at the with the shift, though they argue it still has ficult. There remain very important dif­ condemnation of Israel went "beyond opening dinner of AOL's National Ex­ not gone past recognizing that the Palesti­ ficulties in many areas, but there has been language used a\ any time in the past ecutive Committee meeting at the nian problem is complex and in need of progress in some fields." against a member state" - including Breakers liotel here. More than 500 people solving. On his arrival in Cairo the same day, South Africa. attended the dinner at which Mrs. Robert " There is much urgency in what Haig called his last visit only a "facl­ M. Cummings, a Palm Beach Community Secretary of State (Alexander) Haig is do­ finding survey." He added, "On this visit leader, received the agency's Dis- ' ing now," an Egyptian official involved in we will seek tQ narrow the gap on a number · U.S. _Policy tinguished Public Service Award and Irwin the sessions with Haig told the Monitor. of issues ... but without deadlines - ar­ S. Chanin, the New York architect and " He sees how complex the Middle East tificial or otherwise." Toward Israel builder, was the recipient of AOL's Haym is. I only hope he is not doing the same as There was scarcely a mention of Haig's Salomon Award. (former secretary of state) Henry favorite theme when he embarked on his In discussing recent U.N. actions against Kissinger, coming to the Middle East to try first Middle Eastern tour as secretary of Unchanged Israel, Ambassador Kirkpatrick sai~ that a to win the Nobel Prize or make money from state almost a year ago. At that time, Haig joint resolution has just been introduced in writing books about the problems. It is (Continued on page 11 l Reagan Assures Congress questioning further U.S. support Begin In Letter for the United Nations if actions are taken to bar democratic member states. WASHINGTON - President Reagan, in Ambassador Kirkpatrick said that the Miriam Chosen From National Listing a letter Wednesday to Premier Menachem United States contributes 25 percent of the Begin, sought to assure Israel that United Nations regular budget - more For Nursing Invitational Conference " American policy toward Israel has not than the combined contributions of all 86 25- and 26 conference in San-imtohio, Texas­ changed" and that the U.S. is determined countries, including the Soviet Union; The Miriam Hospital if one of only 30 - hospitals from throughout the country will be Dr. Herbert C. Lichtman, to maintain "Israel' s qualitative which voted to condemn Israel for its ex­ which has been selected to send represen­ Physician-in-Chief; Jeanette S. Matrone, technological edge" in the Middle East. tension of civil law to the Golan Heigh~. tatives to the National Commission on Nur­ R.N., Nurse-in-Chief; and Jerome R. "Israel remains America's friend and The U .N. envoy quoted Congressman sing Invitational Conference next month. Sapolsky, President. ally," Reagan said. He saii! that recent Thomas P. Lantos (D-CA), who introduced "We're very pleased to have been selec­ press reports arising from Defense the Congressional resolution, as saying Nominated by the Hospital Association of Rhode Island, The Miriam's selection ted by the National Commission on Nursing Secretary Caspar Weinberger's trip to'the "the Congress. and the American people to share our changes in concepts with other Middle East which indicated that the U.S. are sick and tired of financing the anUcs of was based on its "innovative approaches to nursing." In his recommendation, Wade C. institutions which have similarly in­ was shifting its military policy away from the Libyas and Cubas of this planet." novated in this dynamic ·and changing Israel and toward the Arab states were "in­ The United Nations, the Ambassador / Johnson, President of the Hospital Association, referred to the Association's field," Sapolsky said. "I'd like to pay correct and exaggerated." went on, is in " a profound and deepening tribute to Mrs. Matrone and her entire staff The " Dear Mena chem" -letter was crisis," adding: recent task force on the nursing shortage and noted, "The Miriam Hospital stood out for making it possible for this institution to released at the White House by David Ger­ " Nothing reveals the nature of this crisis be so honored," he added. gen, White House Communications Direc­ more clearly than the manner in which the as having made significant and apparently effective changes in the role of nursing and In discussing the purpose of the con­ tor, just 2½ hours before Moshe Arens, U.N. has dealt with the Arab-Israeli con­ ference, Mrs. Matrone explains; "The In­ Israel's new Ambassa<lor to the U.S. was to flict . ..the U .N. approach has nothing to its relationship to other elements of the in­ stitution, and we therefore believe that a vitational Conference is designed to try to present his credentials to Reagan. Gergen do with peace but is quite simply a con­ get workable solutions to nursing ' said the letter was being released before tinuation of the war against Israel by other team from that hospital could contribute to your program." problems. This involves not only the nurs­ the President sees a letter from Begin means." ' ing shortage, but problems of image, burn­ (Continued on page 10) (Continued'on page 11) Representing The Miriam at the March out, role confusion, and lacR of professional identity and of respect." For its JJresentation at the conference, The Miriam's te will focus on at least five areas whi relate to its nursing program. These include the following: 1) Primary nursing - This means of providing nursing care, which provides for 24-hour accountability and responsibility by one registered nurse for her /his primary patients, now is practiced on all The Miriam's mu:sing units. The Miriam is the only hospital in the state which ex­ clusively practices primary nursing. 2) Collaborative practice - One aspect of this practice, collaborative rounding, is being conducted on a trial basis on one nursing unit. This involves the primary nurse making rounds with the house staff and contributing to patient care plans. 3) Clinical levels of practice - The structure for this practice, which allows for a job promotion at a higher level of practice but with the nurse remaining at the bedside, is being developed at The Miriam this year. 4) Status of nurse-in-chief - As a clinical chief, the nurse-in-chief has equal authority with the Hospital's other chiefs, for example the physician-in-chief and surgeon-in-chief. 5) Decentralized decision-making - Nurses work with one of three area direc­ tors, each of whom has the rank of assis­ tant nurse-in-chief, on such matters as overtime, tuition reimbursement and con­ ference attendance. The primary nurse NURSES FROM THE Miriam Hotpltal and the Jewish Home for tbe Aged mark the beginning of their collaborative effort toward retains her decision-making on matters boll1tlc nurtlnl care for the elderly. relating to patient care. -:.. --- ---.....G..---·.,;,..._--~-- - -.,..-....:..,,,.-.., .' •' 2 -THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 1982 ·~. --- ----- Schrndler Assails Administration For Koch And UN Embroiled In Fight ~ ) 'Throwing Weapons' At Trouble Spots Over Isa[ah Wall Inscription i WASHINGTON - A leader of American has acquiesced in the balance of nuclear UNITED NATIONS. (JTA) - A United York, we would have to consider it very -." Reform Judaism last week assailed the terror. But as the nuclear race spirals up­ Nations spokesman said last week that a seriously." ·," ~eagap Administration's "obsession with ward ominously, as the Russians point S- statement made by a UN official criticizing Koch, responding to the criticism of the ..' force," which he said was "characterized 20's at Western Europe and as the U.S . Mayor Edward Koch for his proposal to UN official, said, "The UN should decide .
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