University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-26-1912 Santa Fe New Mexican, 12-26-1912 New Mexican Printing company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 12-26-1912." (1912). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news/3678 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 9 V? Yr V ANTA FE, IV V MEXICA VOL 49 SANTA FE, NEW MEXieO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1912. iJM.i'?f-Vci- NO. 271 WILSON HAD LA i gressive party, If they wish; there is I. ROOSEVELT tu be no amalgamation of the two MILLER INFORMS JURY GRIPPE DIDN'T IS parties by a return to the old party TOASTED CORN FLAKES no longer left standing. This ' was KNOW IT! made clear at the convention. There can he no doubt, from reports discus-Ee- Princeton, X. J., Dec. 2f.. More as THE PARTY'S at Chicago, that the democratic has iilto an and is A HOW DYNAMITERS RAN a precaution than as a. xensequence;; party upheaval WILL BE MADE TEST " divided into two camps, the progrcs-isiv- e of his illness, President-elec- t slight und the reactionary. The pro- Wilson decided to stay in his room to- IDOL gressives believe that their ranks day. He had his appointments trans- jv. ill be greatly swelled by new mem-- ; THEIR ORGANIZATION ferred from the. state house to his, hers from the democratic party if a CASE BY WICKERSHAM home here. ; vigorous progressive policy is not car- - : - $ The governor had been fighting; S3 SAYS M ried out by the party going in power what he had thought was a mere cold Ufc'M .WitlCll. but OTERO, BACK FROM CHICAGO GREAT CHARGES THAT WHILE M'NAMARA WAS AT HEAD OF CONSPIRACY, FRANK since Monday, he learned today SPEECHES. KELLOG'S COMPANY ALLEGED TO BE VIOLATING THE SHERMAN LAW BY from his physician, Dr. James PROGRESSIVE CONVENTION-N- RE- Discussing the speeches of interest COMPETITION M. RYAN WAS "DIRECTOR OF EXPLOSIONS" EXPLAINS WHY "CLANCY'S that he had met and conquer- lit aid at the Governor FIXING PRICES, PREVENTING AND CREATING MONOPOLY 3 " convention. ed a second attack of la grippe. TURN TO "FORMER REPUBLICAN Otero said: "Mr. Roosevelt aroused FOR JOBBERS AND RETAILERS WHO AGREE TO PRICES MIND WANDERED TO THE GOLDEN WEST. enthusiasm by his address delivered FEW LANDMARKS LEFT IN N. Y. PARTY. H with the old-tim- punch. '1 he mag- of New York, Dec. 26. Like so many netism tile man, the Roosevellian and prov- i old teeth New York is pulling out one personality through through, "Theodore Roosevelt is without ed once more that Mr. Roosevelt is ATTACHED FLAYS U. S. SENATOR b,v one most of the few old landmarks VAST IMPORTANCE IS the idol of the party the idol as in November. that are left among the newer build-- I doubt, progressive party's today So declared Miguel A. Oteio, Whether he will he the standard bear- ings. The of the old Grape-- I today." passing of New Mex- in 1!)lfi is not a TO THE SUIT BY UNCLE SAM DEFENDING MEN d for nine governor er matter for discus- FOR SUCH vine, a little gable-roofe- ale house years J ico now national committeeman of sion at this time it is too off." Sixth avenue and Eleventh street, and far jat the in this state. Governor Otero said the is announced for the New Year, to progressive party speeches give Oiero is hack from of to a modern structure for other Governor just by lleveridge, by Bird, Dec. 26. labor. of 'place where he attended lie con- Stubbs, William Allen Detroit, Mich., Dec. 20. The Kel- cified price. Indianapolis, Ind., District ganized It was a conspiracy Alex McClelland, a Scot Chicago Marsachusetls; purposes. Gif-ft.r- d It. ! Miller continued his! which John J. and James B. McNa- - vention of 1S00 progressive leaders White and Mr. Allen of Kansas; logg Toasted Corn Flake company is is pointed out that a notice sign-- Attorney today who has presided over its musty ale in the Ortie E. and Ed- from everywhere' in the union. Pinchot, Garfield and Miss Jane alleged to be violating the Sherman ed by the Kellogg Corn Flakes coin-- j closing argument "dynamite mara, McManigal, and mutton for is go-- i pie forty years, of Addams were features of the conven- law, in a in filed in is on a flap of the conspiracy" trial. Nearing the close ward Clarke, all confessed dyna- old two "It was a tremendous gathering petition equity, pany printed ing into retirement. The to be IT. in are of his argument, Miller charged that miters, were only a part. men who wish progressive principles tion long remembered. tp the S. district court here today by ton which the flakes packed, story frame house has many traditions - officials of men whom the to be advanced in the next NO ONE SAID: "POOR TAFT." order of Attorney General Wicker- stating that the package, and its con- "all of the the Internation- "These against and in its time it has been visited by further and Struc- asks to return ver- four continued the governor, "New Mexico aroused considerable sham to settle for all time the extent tents are sold conditionally with the al Association of Bridge prosecution you many persons. The last years," - distinguished which a manufacturer control re distinct that will tural Iron Workers on trial here dicts of guilty, were the men who al- ' "and the slogan of each and every interest," said the governor, "for the may understanding they mug of ale will be served across its be 10 cents entered into this nefarious lowed J. J. McNamara $1,000 a month one of these progressives was "victory new state has been 'much discussed in tail prices. not retailed at less than knowingly bar when the old year passes out. For at less than conspiracy." to carry on dynamiting and by which in DUO.' The party will go ahead with the east and middle west in recent The company and its ollicers, en-- j per package. selling the which was begun such a short months. The fact that New Mexico of that price the vendor is .warned by He continued: "Attended by riots, he w8 enabled to send his brother to fight gaged in the manufacture Kellogg's L time before the last election and which was lost to Taft the visitors are. with the notice that hMs liable to prosecu- assaults and even by to kill, Angeles at the behest of Tveitmoe XXXXXXXXXXX pleased toasted corn flakes, charged attempts NOTE OF THANKS. voice (it af the was no tion as an of - anii and with one eliowed such a big the polls. convention; there sym- at which the flakes are infringer patent rights this em- cncV there, Sani-Ij- fixing prices great conspiracy against ' N The Sisters of St. Vincent at and for Taft. over New The government insists that the who refused to the machine, kill 21 persons," Every representative during pathy expressed jsold to retailer and consumer, pre- ployers recognize taFium, and e Hospital Orphanage the convention seeintd determined to Mexico or any other of the forty-fiv- re-- j patented carton can afford no protec- - t1Attorney Miller. Clancy was : competition which would until it reached the nuir- up-- senting union, grew desire to express their cordial in to fix retail e once vice of union. He (luce the to the and creat-- j tion attempting rfacro ot t.nc! Anrroioa At iha president the V and thanks for the price public familiar-wit- preciation a prices because it is alleged: was McNa- was what was going on. V to ing monopoly by concentrating the head of the conspiracy many gifts and contributions - On 31, 1910, was an ex- entire interstate traffic in this commo- - The carton was not in fact patent- mara, but behind him was President August there IN the orphans and sisters sent in at and was dity in the hands of and re- - ed as all of ts material features had Frank M. Ryan, directing explosions plosion Seattle, Clancy , by the following friends of that jobbers - necn use letters from New York there. iX institution: tailers who abide by price agree- long in neiore uie patent by writing It was issued. The value of the carton and other cities. On the Pacific "CLEAN HOUSE." Most Rev. .1. B. Pitaval. nients exacted by the defendants. is the contents alone was Olaf "Clancy was in Boston with M. J. S Rev. Julius Derraches. alleged that the defendants have is negligible, being coast Tveitmoe and Eugene e j defend-us- when Los i invoked the laws the desired by the purchaser; the A. Clancy, directing the work of de- Young the Angeles explo- Rev. Emile Barrat. patent through in j ants sold the cartons and con-llak- and sion occurred. But he hurried back V Dr. J. H. Sloan. of a patented carton which the having struction from San Francisco, to to San j and as a "mere subter-- tents jobbers, have parted with all showing by their letters and move- Francisco after telegraphing N Dr. James A. Rolls. packed and device to the provi-- ! title to the commodities and have no ments that they had full knowledge that evidence should be destroyed, V Hon.
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