Weather , 3 mm imftfttmt n. May, fety fat the tow Ms^. CJeaV BED BAM 21,175 (••Iffe few 2J. Fair (omorrew and foaday. High tomorrow la the law Mi. Sec Wealber, Pafe 2. Dial SH I-0010 VOL.' 85. NO 133 rria«7. amst CUM 1*14 «t « 4 Bt n RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1962 7c PER COPY AUllil VUll O1UCM. Cubans toPresent Kennedy With Battle Flag By FRANCIS LEWINE "We will pay our debt by say that he hoped some day brigade, but "to express our rades were locked in Cuban PALM BEACH (AP) -Cuban freeing 'our country," said to visit a free Cuba." appreciation for his personal ef- ceils "naked, sleeping on floon, fighters who survived the Bay Manuel Artime, the political ' His eyes sparkling, the dark- fort which led to ... the sal- being the object of insults on of Pigs Invasion will give Presi-' leader of the invasion brigade. haired, youthful Artime spoke vation and freedom of the the part of Jptoial guards that dent Kennedy their combat Asked whether Kennedy had with emotion in Spanish — bis brigade. the Communists imposed on flag — "the greatest treasure given them any encouragement words translated by a U.S. Artime, who was among the us." . •• :•••.•: .-..'.• we possess" — when he re- toward this eventual goal of State Department interpreter. 1,113 prisoners liberated from "At that time, Artime re- views their brigade Saturday freeing Cuba, Artime said, "We He said the Cuban delegation Castro prisons on Christmas called, "a voice was heard, a in Miami's Orange Bowl. did not touch upon this specific came to see Kennedy, not only eve, told of Kennedy's role in powerful voice representing the Kennedy will fly to the foot- problem, but he (Kennedy) did to ask him to inspect their the days when he and his com- (See CUBANS, page 3) ball stadium in response to a personal invitation from Cuban freedom leaders who promised yesterday "we shall return" to liberate the island. • The Cubans plan to muster the 1,113 survivors of their brigade 2506, uniformed in kha- Cuba's Liberation ki trousers and shirts, for a brave military display by a sadly defeated unit. Brief Speech They exuberantly invited "all residents of Miami and the peo- ple of the United States to this Vowed by Invaders ceremony." The President will make a MIAMI, Fla. (AP)—Talk of an- brief speech. other possible thrust against Fidel The ceremony will be tele- Castro surged through the Cuban vised live by ABC. NBC will exile colony today even as freed relay its telecast for presenta- prisoners of the last attempt were tion at noon. A CBS spokes- reunited with newly arrived rela- man said no decision had been tives. reached on that network's cov- ACCUSED OP ARSON — Frederick Jemison, 21, of Mechanic St., Freehold, is shewn The relatives, numbering more erage plans.' in custody of state police after being charged with setting-two recent fires in the than 900, came aboard the Afri- After meeting for an hour can /Pilot, the vessel that took Freehold area. Jemison admitted to police that he «»t the fire at Koos' Brothers and 10 minutes with Kennedy food and medicine ransom sup- Furniture itore, Rt. 9, Freehold Township, Dec. 3, which caused damage of $250,- at his vacation headquarters plies to Castro for release of here yesterday, five Cuban 000. He also admitted to setting fire to a warehouse ef Silvert's Furniture Store, 1,113 captives taken is the April leaders held a dramatic press 1961, Bay of Pigs invasion. Freehold,.l«st March.' Shown wifh- jemison is Trooper Louis Taranto. conference in which they re- ported that the President told "We shall return," proclaimed them "he hoped some day to Manuel Artime, civilian leader of visit a free Cuba." the attack expedition, who along They said Kennedy praised with other invasion chiefs met Freehold Man Is Accused the heroic efforts the invaders with President Kennedy in Paint made in an attempt to free Beach yesterday. their homeland and "in de- Provide Meals fense of the democracies of the The Cuban Revolutionary Coun- Of Furniture Store Arson world." cil, which'dispatched the brigade HOWELL TOWNSHIP - State ture Store on Elm St., Freehold, Detective Smith" said Jemison Wearing somber black suits, to the Bay of Pigs, declared: 'white shirts and black ties, the police here yesterday arrested a March 26, which caused an esti- had been brought in for question- "An irrevocable resolution five Cubans said they feel they 31-year-old. Freehold man anmated d $21,000 worth of damage. ing yesterday afternoon and was unites all of them (the returned owe a debt to those who gave charged him with arson in con- Detective Smith said that Jem- given a-lie-detector test. prisoners) to return to Cuba with their lives in the U.S.-backed ison worked as an attendant at The detective said he admitted arms in hand to liberate the nection with the #50,000 fire that invasion of April 1961 which was the Sun Lock Sanitarium in Lake- setting the fires. country from degrading and destroyed the Koos Brothers Fur- crushed by Fidel Castro's gov- niture Store on Rt. 9 Dec. 3. wood and had been convicted on Jemison is in the county jail brutal vassalage to Soviet Rus- ernment forces at the Bay of IROUGHT ttlOM CUBA —Small chilA.n «r. held by Jhair mofh.rt and R.d Cro.s Frederick N. Jemison of 20 a charge of arson. and is being held without bail. Pigs. , sia." Mechanic St. was arraigned yes- The detective said the state Trooper Louis Taranto signed the Several hundred of the 463 wom- workers on the dock at Port Evtrglades, file., after the freighter African Pilot brought terday afternoon before Freehold police had bees working on the charge. • < en, 217 men and 242 children per- them from Cuba. • .•'"']]'' !*P Wirephoto) mitted to board the African Pilot Township Magistrate Isidore I. suspicious fire and had called Detective Smith said the troop- several area persons, for CouncilGets in Havana—at. the sacrifice 'of ZbUdn. A Jan. 7 preliminary ers also working on the.case questioning who had' records for were John' Lataweic and William losing all their belongings-were hearing date for Jemison was arson. ' • Kayes. quartered in a spacious Miami iet. building provided by the Cuban Oust > ' Weat Home Refugee Center. Tne center, op- KEANSBURG— Borough Verostoff, specwf borough^ hear-' ^'trooper• Detective George Shuffle in Shrewsbury erated by the U^. Department m fm Mr Smith said that Jemison admit Police Case Council at an adjourned meeting ing officer. ','••• . '•: partiality of the hearings. of Heilth. Education J-rtdWelfI ynJarday fired Benjamin Litwin. ted to them that he had set th» NEW SHREWSBURY —Mayor, «so provided in his dettora, Mr. Versoloft Otfidals Mid Mr. JUtwin rfc. elect John E. Lemon, Jr., said of New Brunswick, borough audi- ; furniture store fire in Freehold until they got settled. Others went rapped the patrolman's attorney omtnended Mr. Veroilcff -«* a test night that the Borough Coun- tor, by iM vote. Township. He quoted Jemison as nations to homes of friends or relatives. Benjamin Gruber, Highlands, for hearing officer because he did cil has received "a report" from Mayor Louis T. Collichio voted not fenow the parties Involved in •aylng he enjoyed seeing large Tire Cuban Families Commit- intimating that there was a re- Police Chief James Herring on against the move, charging that the pjtroterao'g cas». fires grow from small ones. State tee, which, through New York At lationship between the .hearing citizens' charges of police brutal- the action "had a strong odor of Police said Jemison told them torney James B. Donovan and officer and the borough auditor (See AUTHOR, Page 2) ity which were mads public last retribution'." '••'.' be had "found come paper blown y with U.S. government help, spon- against a snow fence in the back October. sored the return of the prisoners, He said Mr.-'Litwin has be- SHREWSBURY Borough Frederick C. Lewis1 in Septem Lemon said th come a "victim of his own hon- (of the furniture store). I put a Councilman reported another boatload of rel- Council accepted the resignations ber, Dr. Salm was unsuccessful members of council had not yet esty ;and integrity." match to the paper and it caught atives will come. State Sets Up Rules of seven borough officials last in bis first bid for. election in read the document, but that they Council then, by the same vote, on fast. I watched until it was night and confirmed the appoint- November. would discuss and take action o. },M0 More Cubans appointed Vincent J. Indelicate, going real good and then went it at the next regular meeting ol borne." ments of two of them to new Council accepted the resigna- "The next boat that takes sup- Jersey City, to the auditor post, posts. tion with thanks for Dr. Sahn's the body, Jan. 3. plies of medicines and foodstuffs effective Jan. 1. On Sewer Operation Detective Smith said that Jemi< The shuffle ' of personne service and confirmed Mayor Chief Herring, questioned by to Havana will return with 2000 Mr. Indelicate held the audito •on also admitted setting fire to p h lil i BIy's appointment. The ex-coun- phone last night, declined to dis-more Cubans," said a Families post', prior to Mayor Collichio'. RUMSON — The state Depart- Mayor Charles S. Callman said a warehouse at Sitvert'a Fund- marked the last.council meeting of this year and the last meeting cilman will take the' Planning cuss the contents of his report Committee official.
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