November 13, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9499 OFFICE OF THE CLERK, COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, Scanlon, be permitted to take the oath HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, BUREAU COMMISSIONS, ELECTIONS AND of office today. Washington, DC, November 9, 2018. LEGISLATION, Her certificate of election has not ar- Hon. PAUL D. RYAN, Harrisburg, PA, November 9, 2018. rived, but there is no contest and no The Speaker, House of Representatives, Hon. KAREN L. HAAS, Washington, DC. Clerk, House of Representatives, question has been raised with regard to DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I have the honor to Washington, DC. her election. transmit herewith a scanned copy of a letter DEAR MS. HAAS: This is to advise you that The SPEAKER. Is there objection to received from the Honorable Mary Fallin, the unofficial results of the Special Election the request of the gentleman from Governor of Oklahoma, indicating that the held on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, for Rep- Pennsylvania? Honorable Kevin Hern of the First Congres- resentative in Congress for the 7th Congres- There was no objection. sional District, is elected to fill the vacancy sional District of Pennsylvania, show that in the 115th Congress created by the resigna- Mary Gay Scanlon received 167,680 votes or f tion of the Honorable Jim Bridenstine on 52.02% of the total number of votes cast for SWEARING IN OF MEMBERS-ELECT April 23, 2018. that office. This certification has been submitted It would appear from these unofficial re- The SPEAKER. Will the Representa- under the laws of Oklahoma as stated in the sults that Mary Gay Scanlon was elected as tives-elect please present themselves in accompanying documents. Representative in Congress from the 7th the well. With best wishes, I am, Congress District of Pennsylvania. Sincerely, Mr. MORELLE of New York, Mr. To the best of our knowledge and belief at KAREN L. HAAS. HERN of Oklahoma, and Ms. SCANLON this time, there is no contest to this elec- of Pennsylvania appeared at the bar of tion. Furthermore, the possibility of a re- NOVEMBER 8, 2018. count is unlikely because the provisional the House and took the oath of office, Hon. KAREN L. HAAS, as follows: Clerk, House of Representatives, ballots and military and overseas absentee Washington, DC. ballots that are yet to be counted are not in Do you solemnly swear that you will sup- DEAR MS. HAAS: The provisions of 26 O.S. great enough number to potentially alter the port and defend the Constitution of the 12–101(B) (Oklahoma Statutes) require the outcome of this election. United States against all enemies, foreign election held November 6, 2018, for the seat As soon as the official results are certified and domestic; that you will bear true faith to which Kevin Hern was elected, to be treat- to this office by all counties involved, an of- and allegiance to the same; that you take ed as election, within the meaning of Okla- ficial Certificate of Election will be prepared this obligation freely, without any mental homa law, to fill the unexpired term of Jim for transmittal as required by law. reservation or purpose of evasion; and that Bridenstine who resigned on Monday, April Sincerely, you will well and faithfully discharge the du- 23, 2018. Accordingly, pursuant to that stat- JONATHAN MARKS, ties of the office on which you are about to ute, my appointment, as Governor of the Commissioner. enter, so help you God. State of Oklahoma, is the ministerial act in- f The SPEAKER. Congratulations. You cident to that election. are now Members of the 115th Congress. Sincerely, SWEARING IN OF THE HONORABLE MARY FALLIN, JOSEPH D. MORELLE, OF NEW f Governor. YORK, AS A MEMBER OF THE WELCOMING THE HONORABLE JO- HOUSE SEPH D. MORELLE TO THE ORDER OF APPOINTMENT HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TO SECRETARY OF STATE, OKLAHOMA STATE Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- CAPITAL, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA imous consent that the gentleman The SPEAKER. Without objection, Please file for record the following execu- from New York, the Honorable Joseph the gentleman from New York (Mr. tive order. By virtue of the authority vested D. Morelle, be permitted to take the ENGEL) is recognized for 1 minute. in me as Governor of the State of Oklahoma, oath of office today. There was no objection. I hereby appoint: Kevin Hern as United His certificate of election has not ar- Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, as co-dean States Representative, District 1 for the un- rived, but there is no contest and no expired term of Jim Bridenstine who re- of the New York delegation, along with signed on Monday, April 23, 2018 and, whose question has been raised with regard to my colleague Congresswoman LOWEY, term expired on January 3, 2019 as provided his election. the New York delegation is pleased to by 26 O.S., Section 12–101(B) The SPEAKER. Is there objection to welcome our newest colleague, Joe Signed this 8th day of November, 2018 the request of the gentleman from New Morelle, representing New York’s 25th By the Governor of the State of Oklahoma York? District in upstate New York. MARY FALLIN, Attest: There was no objection. Joe has been elected to the seat of JAMES A. WILLIAMSON, f our beloved and departed colleague Secretary of State. Louise Slaughter. Joe hails from SWEARING IN OF THE HONORABLE [State Seal Affixed] Irondequoit and, like myself, served in KEVIN HERN, OF OKLAHOMA, AS f the New York State Assembly. He was A MEMBER OF THE HOUSE COMMUNICATION FROM THE elected to that body in 1990 and became CLERK OF THE HOUSE Mr. LUCAS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- majority leader in 2013. imous consent that the gentleman He graduated from SUNY Geneseo The SPEAKER laid before the House from Oklahoma, the Honorable Kevin with a bachelor’s degree in political the following communication from the Hern, be permitted to take the oath of science and began his political career Clerk of the House of Representatives: office today. at age 28 as a Monroe County legis- OFFICE OF THE CLERK, His certificate of election has not ar- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, lator. Congressman Morelle and his Washington, DC, November 13, 2018. rived, but there is no contest and no wife, Mary Beth, are well known and Hon. PAUL D. RYAN, question has been raised with regard to well loved, and we are so happy to have The Speaker, House of Representatives, his election. Joe Morelle as one of our colleagues. Washington, DC. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Congratulations, Joe. DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I have the honor to the request of the gentleman from Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman transmit herewith a scanned copy of a letter Oklahoma? from New York (Mr. Morelle). received from Mr. Jonathan Marks, Commis- There was no objection. sioner, Bureau Commissions, Election and Mr. MORELLE. I thank the Speaker Legislation, Department of State, Common- f and his staff for the courtesies they wealth of Pennsylvania, indicating that, ac- have extended to me. cording to the preliminary results of the SWEARING IN OF THE HONORABLE Mr. Speaker, I want to thank, first of Special Election held November 6, 2018, the MARY GAY SCANLON, OF PENN- all, my wife, Mary Beth; my entire Honorable Mary Gay Scanlon was elected SYLVANIA, AS A MEMBER OF family; and many dear friends who Representative to Congress for the Seventh THE HOUSE have traveled to be with us today and Congressional District, Commonwealth of Mr. MICHAEL F. DOYLE of Pennsyl- those at home watching for their un- Pennsylvania. With best wishes, I am, vania. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous wavering love and support. I would also Sincerely, consent that the gentlewoman from like to thank my long-time friend, KAREN L. HAAS. Pennsylvania, the Honorable Mary Gay Congressman ELIOT ENGEL, for that VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:01 Nov 14, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13NO7.035 H13NOPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H9500 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 13, 2018 kind introduction and the warm wel- The most recent advice they gave me Mr. Speaker, I chose tonight to be come all my colleagues in the New was to keep this very brief, so brief I sworn in on our Constitution, a docu- York delegation have extended to me. will be. ment that begins with our uniquely I am humbled to take the oath of of- I have lived the American Dream, American creed, ‘‘We the people,’’ a fice. It is truly the honor of a lifetime growing up without running water to charge and a challenge to faithfully to serve New York’s 25th District as a now serving my great country and fel- represent the people of my district and Member of the House of Representa- low Oklahomans in Congress. the entire country, a charge I promise tives. Now, we as a body need to work to- to honor every day with all of my Indeed, I have very big shoes to fill. gether to make sure that that dream might. Congresswoman Slaughter was truly a can be achieved by so many genera- I am particularly honored to serve as remarkable individual who shattered tions to come. Let’s get to work. the advance guard not just for Mad- ceilings and blazed trails. More than f eleine Dean, Chrissy Houlahan, and that, she was a dear friend to me for WELCOMING THE HONORABLE Susan Wild, who will soon join me and over 30 years, and I will be forever MARY GAY SCANLON TO THE our brethren in the Pennsylvania dele- grateful for her guidance, devotion, and HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gation, but also as an advance guard friendship.
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