Australian Gowrnment "*'-,~~ --' Department of Social Services Income Support Recipients by State and Statistical Area Level 2 -As at 25 September 2020, Table 1: Income Support Recipients by State -As at 25 September 2020, State ABSTUDY (Living Age Pension Austudy carer Payment Di.sability JobSeeker Parenting Parenti ng Special Benefit Widow Youth Youth Allowance) Support Pension Payment Payment Payment Single Allowance Allowance Allowance Partnered (other) (student and apprentice) Australian Caoital Territorv 132 24,935 660 1,770 8,523 12,596 729 2,453 153 41 1,498 4,22( New South Wales 3,470 799,643 11,615 108,128 238,299 403,420 28,512 72,390 4,387 1,842 46,498 70,20~ Northern Territorv 462 10,217 219 1,803 8,121 22,096 2,523 3,815 31 19 3,495 Shi' Queensland 3,061 506,194 10,034 59,063 158,479 307,893 19,571 62,266 1,196 819 44,328 41,42 South Australia 766 217,785 3,777 22,902 65,829 106,433 7,030 17,649 704 288 12,178 19,02, Tasmania 288 72,352 995 9,231 27,198 33,054 2,378 6,622 52 95 4,880 4,322 Victoria 1,107 611,144 13,224 72,380 183,455 366,130 24,316 50,661 3,401 1,300 35,038 72,93! Western Australia 1,175 237,429 4,751 18,945 56,758 147,724 9,089 28,114 592 341 18,471 21,45E Unknown 2 87,522 23 243 6,171 512 23 24 7 8 30 141 Total 10,463 2,567,221 45,298 294,465 752,833 1,399,858 94,171 243,994 10,523 4,753 166,416 234,28~ Data Descriptions lndudes the following recipients: Recipients of ABSTUDY (Living Allowance), Austudy, Parenting Payment and Youth Allowance who are determined to be current (i,e, entitled to be paid) on the Centrelink payment system, Recipients of JobSeeker Payment, Special Benefit and Widow Allowance who are determined to be current (i,e, entitled to be paid) on the Centrelink payment system, and not in receipt of zero rate of payment, Recipients of Age Pension, carer Payment and Disability Support Pension who are determined to be current (Le, entitled to be paid) or suspended on the Centrelink payment system, Recipient counts for Age Pension and Carer Payment may not match published data due to different data extraction rules, Source: Services Australia administrative data, i:./Jt:~~, Aust r.1lian Gowrnmrnt ~}· · Department of Social ScrYiccs lnoom• Support Reclpi•nts by Stat• and Statistical Ana Lewi 2 • AJ at 25 S•pt•mber 2020. Table 2: Income Support Reclpl•nu by Statl•tlcal Ar.. Lewi 2 • AJ at 25 S.pt•mber 2020. Stat1,t1cal Ana Lewi 2 COd•/Name ABSTUDY (LMn1 Al• P•Mlon Austudy CarerP~nt Disability Job5eeker Parenting Parenting Sp•c:lal Benefit Widow Youth Youth Allowance) Support Pension Payment Payment Payment Slngl• Alowance Alowance Alowance Partnered (other) (student and a-nticel 11007 Braidwood I 512 <5 43 139 188 7 41 I I 21 9 11008 Karabar 5 735 7 61 "111 364 19 125 <5 0 63 28 11009 Queanbeyan 5 1,116 17 75 414 549 30 113 <5 <5 60 41 11010 Queanbeyan • East <5 309 9 21 13! 221 u 51 I I 15 11 11011 Queanbeyan Region <5 882 22 53 181 355 24 72 <5 <5 34 40 11012 Queanbeyan West • Jerrabomberra <5 563 9 44 151 227 8 61 I <5 34 21 11013 Bombala 0 367 <5 30 119 101 <5 21 0 0 11 <5 11014 Cooma <5 1058 I 64 338 384 21 93 <5 <5 58 28 11015 Cooma Re12.lon <5 417 <5 28 95 123 7 12 I 0 11 10 11016 Jlndabyne • Berrldale 0 526 14 27 105 387 15 28 I <5 51 21 11017 Batemans Bay <5 1,731 14 177 512 647 49 125 I 5 73 17 11018 Batemans Bay - South 9 1,862 6 163 417 539 39 132 I <5 88 19 11019 Bega - Tathra 14 1,368 17 111 441 431 33 127 I <5 77 36 11020 Bega-Eden Hinterland <5 1,274 16 130 462 581 43 79 I <5 76 28 11021 Broulee • Tomakin I 701 <5 33 123 161 I 21 I I 31 17 11022 Deua • Wadbllll2a 0 10 <5 I 7 <5 0 I I 0 I 0 11023 Eden 7 661 7 Iii 238 22< 15 41 I <5 31 6 11024 Eurobodalla Hinterland 5 475 7 57 182 246 12 42 0 0 26 15 11025 Merlmbula • Tura Beach <5 2,234 11 113 393 527 24 110 <5 <5 75 32 11026 Moruya • Tuross Head 5 1,731 7 157 533 501 29 94 <5 5 69 12 11027 Narootna • Bermagul <5 2,214 7 183 620 639 49 103 <5 <5 70 19 11028 Avoca Beach • Copacabana I 632 12 34 118 321 11 39 I I 41 47 11029 Box Head • MacMasters Beach <5 1,589 19 83 234 408 16 54 I <5 49 67 11030 Caloa - Kulnura <5 414 7 41 148 275 14 29 I I 11 17 11031 Erina - Green Point 5 2 786 22 118 444 536 19 84 0 <5 66 89 11032 Gosford • :-nofield 14 2398 53 189 964 1409 85 251 <5 <5 182 187 11033 Karlong 19 430 8 67 171 291 11 66 0 <5 60 43 11034 Klncumber • Picketts Valley <5 1,545 8 92 261 SO( I 74 <5 <5 33 34 11035 Narara <5 673 <5 77 231 333 14 72 I <5 48 42 11036 Niagara Park • Usarow <5 819 14 83 221 336 19 66 I <5 49 59 11037 Point Clare • Koolewong <5 925 7 53 194 309 11 49 <5 <5 28 41 11038 Saratoe:a • Oa-Astown <5 1 024 11 43 139 275 12 54 I <5 31 30 11039 Terrio-al • North Avoca <5 1521 21 82 234 557 21 81 I <5 71 114 11040 Umina • Booker e.av • Patonn 15 4 353 28 357 1 039 1 n4 81 351 <5 6 239 121 11041 Wamberal • Forresters Beach 6 1,103 13 65 141 356 19 52 0 <5 41 71 11042 Woy Woy • Blad<wall 9 2,664 26 279 823 1,062 42 213 <5 <5 139 69 11043 ~ming <5 1,854 23 136 429 695 25 158 <5 5 111 78 11044 Bateau Bay • Klllamey Vale 11 3,451 37 343 891 1,203 63 321 <5 <5 164 119 11045 Blue Haven • San Remo 14 1,184 15 261 570 86(] 43 309 0 <5 191 63 11046 Budoewol - Buff Point . Halekulanl 12 i-= 12 188 452 682 34 174 I I 10< 44 11047 Chlttawav Bav • Tumbl Umbi 8 1996 20 167 397 767 40 160 I <5 118 98 11048 Gorokan - Kanwal • Charmha:ven 22 3 639 29 509 1322 1699 94 458 I 5 274 119 11049 Jllllby • Yarramalong <5 232 <5 19 87 192 5 17 I <5 23 20 11050 Lake Munmorah • Mannerlng Parle 9 2,846 9 246 4li(J 618 30 155 I 5 85 56 11051 Ourlmbah • Fountaindale <5 422 <5 45 133 219 13 39 I I 23 51 11052 Summerland Point • Gwahdalan <5 1,040 <5 124 231 374 16 93 I <5 52 24 11053 The Entrance 8 2,802 28 290 905 1,404 51 237 <5 <5 195 82 11054 Toukley ‐ Norah Head <5 1,878 8 185 586 774 41 180 0 <5 80 46 11055 Tuggerah ‐ Kangy Angy <5 554 <5 54 144 292 12 70 <5 <5 47 32 11056 Warnervale ‐ Wadalba 10 1,905 24 249 531 817 52 290 0 <5 146 104 11057 Wyong 9 1,197 16 244 700 798 44 212 0 <5 127 58 11058 Bathurst 39 2,835 50 310 1,085 1,213 94 382 <5 <5 217 330 11059 Bathurst ‐ East 11 1,179 11 183 469 485 31 209 <5 <5 104 55 11060 Bathurst Region <5 685 7 69 181 205 8 42 0 <5 24 29 11061 Oberon <5 653 <5 58 178 207 13 60 0 <5 35 13 11062 Condobolin 17 813 <5 99 255 418 31 137 0 <5 75 20 11063 Cowra 5 1,653 5 189 581 627 39 204 <5 <5 91 33 11064 Cowra Region 0 912 <5 99 282 285 19 50 <5 <5 46 15 11065 Forbes 9 1,492 <5 123 394 487 26 189 0 0 73 26 11066 Grenfell 0 649 <5 77 193 173 12 31 0 <5 11 11 11067 Parkes (NSW) 13 1,467 <5 166 496 577 34 202 0 6 135 30 11068 Parkes Region 5 408 <5 58 163 227 13 45 0 0 36 12 11069 West Wyalong <5 738 0 72 189 204 15 72 0 <5 27 9 11070 Lithgow <5 2,232 15 269 793 858 45 197 <5 0 107 51 11071 Lithgow Region 5 1,161 <5 152 378 445 25 100 <5 <5 54 20 11072 Mudgee <5 1,484 13 137 442 600 32 200 0 <5 114 25 11073 Mudgee Region ‐ East <5 660 <5 106 231 232 18 47 <5 <5 30 7 11074 Mudgee Region ‐ West 7 1,328 7 159 425 517 35 102 0 <5 52 19 11075 Wollangambe ‐ Wollemi 0 <5 0000000000 11076 Blayney <5 880 <5 89 238 301 19 83 0 0 52 29 11077 Orange 19 2,754 22 249 1,188 1,122 69 371 5 <5 223 117 11078 Orange ‐ North 14 1,905 23 204 753 734 48 318 0 <5 152 158 11079 Orange Region <5 1,099 9 89 263 322 17 92 0 <5 41 49 11080 Grafton 18 3,336 24 480 1,323 1,445 113 385 <5 <5 328 67 11081 Grafton Region 11 2,447 15 447 1,052 1,307 66 182 <5 <5 170 47 11082 Maclean ‐ Yamba ‐ Iluka 5 3,950 11 399 896 1,183 60 197 <5 <5 170 47 11083 Bellingen <5 759 33 73 241 525 39 97 0 <5 57 38 11084 Coffs Harbour ‐ North 19 2,771 38 331 1,021 1,458 133 295 <5 <5 252 107 11085 Coffs Harbour ‐ South 16 1,854 24 176 664 941 101 169 5 6 150 122 11086 Coramba ‐ Nana Glen ‐ Bucca 5 394 6 57 115 291 19 48 0 0 40 22 11087 Dorrigo 0 557 <5 61 234 295 23 46 0 0 25 12 11088 Korora ‐ Emerald Beach 6 1,006 20 89 204 506 33 104 0 <5 67 40 11089 Sawtell ‐ Boambee 13 3,190 35 352 862 1,299 75 286 <5 <5 211 88 11090 Urunga <5 947 5 92 238 337 21 55 <5 <5 44 25 11091 Woolgoolga ‐ Arrawarra 8 2,073 24 218 520 996 64 182 0 <5 135 48 11092 Bourke ‐ Brewarrina 35 318 <5 79 220 443 11 168 0 0 77 8 11093 Cobar <5 416 0 36 158 194 6 77 <5 0 26 7 11094 Coonamble 12 408 <5 107 234 326 18 123 0 0 62 12 11095 Nyngan ‐ Warren <5 646 <5 53 157 315 18 102 0 0 46 16 11096 Walgett ‐ Lightning Ridge 24 913 <5 234 551 784 20 206 0 <5 122 5 11097 Broken Hill 18 2,967 15 361 1,208 1,326 66 393 0 <5 246 39 11098 Far West <5 228 0 47 164 200 6 61 0 0 33 <5 11099 Coonabarabran 11 1,357 <5 172 451 542 49 131 0 0 66 23 11100 Dubbo ‐ East 32 918 6 150 450 618 32 277 <5 0 129 61 11101 Dubbo ‐ South 24 2,137 11 198 759 921 50 347 <5 <5 176 58 11102 Dubbo ‐ West 27 976 <5 131 355 564 41 259 0 0 125 21 11103 Dubbo Region <5 508 <5 47 122 151 8 46 0 0 20 28 11104 Gilgandra 9 619 0 80 219 294 20 106 0 0 52 13 11105 Narromine 20 825 5 83 239 394 22 121 0 0 85 17 11106 Wellington 15 1,210 <5 193 467 673 41 207 0 <5 112 28 11107 Branxton ‐ Greta ‐ Pokolbin <5 911 9 107 277 461 25 154 <5 0 81 42 11108 Cessnock 20 3,117 24 609 1,443 1,703 91 548 <5 <5 278 74 11109 Cessnock Region 6 827 8 146 342 484 25 112 0 <5 49 34 11110 Dungog <5 1,168 12 146 387 432 27 83 <5 <5 65 46 11111 Kurri Kurri ‐ Abermain 21 2,363 12 505 1,157 1,422 91 470 <5 <5 254 91 11112 Singleton 10 1,415 7 193 563 769 32 232 <5 <5 143 40 11113 Singleton Region <5 353 <5 56 155 192 10 55 0 0 15 20 11114 Maitland 7 786 7 100 406 554 27 131 0 0 81 38 11115 Maitland ‐ East 20 3,622 36 404 1,275 1,429 80 387 6 6 279 153 11116 Maitland ‐ North <5 779 8 58 131 205 10 60 0 0 32 62 11117 Maitland ‐ West 11 2,622 28 427 1,118
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