January 8, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E33 day. They have lived in this country for dec- Republican proposals for unemployment ex- family bears this heartfelt loss, they can take ades, married U.S. citizens, and raised their tension fall far short. They are seeking only to solace in the respect and admiration Tim U.S.-citizen children. Laws that single these extend benefits a mere 13 weeks. It seems earned in public life, and the way in which he people out for no other reason than their sta- Republicans are more generous when it touched so many lives. I count myself among tus as immigrants violate their fundamental comes to tax breaks for their wealthy friends those helped by Tim. And while I will always right to fair treatment. than for those who can really use a helping be grateful for all Tim’s professional help, it is Yet, for too many years, Congress has wit- hand. our friendship I treasure most. He will be nessed a wave of anti-immigrant legislation, The argument that any extension of unem- deeply missed. playing on our worst fears and prejudices. ployment benefits is too costly is just plain I offer the condolences of the Congress to Since 1994, we have considered proposals to wrong. The Democratic proposal requires no his family. Local leaders honored his memory ban birthright citizenship, ban bilingual ballots, new spending. It simply requires drawing on by appointing his widow to serve out his term and slash family and employment based immi- the trust fund that these workers and busi- in office. We wish JoAnne well and know that gration, as well as to limit the number of nesses have paid into for exactly this kind of she, better than anyone else, will continue asylees and refugees. In 1996 we passed economic downturn. Tim’s work. laws denying legal residents the right to public As we reconvene the 108th Congress today, f benefits and denying immigrants a range of it will be up to the President and Congres- REINTRODUCTION OF due process and fairness protections. sional Republicans to extend unemployment LEGISLATION We continue to see the tragedy of Sep- benefits for millions of out-of-work Americans tember 11th used as an excuse for even more since the Republican party controls the House, assaults on the rights of immigrants. The Jus- Senate and the Presidency. I hope the Presi- HON. CLIFF STEARNS OF FLORIDA tice Department is now registering certain dent and his Republican friends in Congress IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES classes of immigrants and arresting them will finally put their money where their mouths when law abiding immigrants arrive to register. are and join Democrats to fully extend unem- Tuesday, January 7, 2003 The Department is holding deportation hear- ployment insurance for America’s families. Mr. STEARNS. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased ings in secret and detaining immigrants even I urge my colleagues to support the Demo- on this first day of the 108th Congress to intro- after they are ordered released. The Attorney cratic Emergency Unemployment Compensa- duce four pieces of legislation that I have General is reducing both the independence tion Act to achieve that goal. been pursuing over the years, and for which I and number of judges that handle the appeals f will continue to advocate these next two years. of immigration cases. We are fending off legis- First, together with the gentleman from Illi- lation almost daily intended to reduce if not IN REMEMBRANCE OF STATE REP- nois (Mr. CRANE), I introduced bill H.R. 804, a eliminate immigration to this country. RESENTATIVE TIMOTHY OSMOND bill to repeal the 2 percent excise tax on pri- Those who urge us to restrict the due proc- vate foundations. The United States is blessed ess rights of immigrants forget the reason HON. MARK STEVEN KIRK with a deep spirit of philanthropy. Charitable these rights were established in the first place. OF ILLINOIS organizations serve the interest of both the in- We grant due process rights to citizens and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dividual and the community. Private founda- non-citizens alike; not out of some soft-heart- tions in particular have made measurable dif- Tuesday, January 7, 2003 ed sentimentality, but because we believe that ferences in the lives of Americans, from ac- these rights form an important cornerstone to Mr. KIRK. Mr. Speaker, as Americans cele- cess to public libraries, developing the polio maintaining civilized society. brated a season of renewal and the coming of vaccine, and even leading in the creation of The ‘‘Restoration of Fairness in Immigration the new year, many from northern Illinois ob- the emergency number 911. Each and every Act of 2003’’ furthers this proud legacy by re- served the holidays with heavy hearts. In the American has experienced the benefits of the storing our nation’s long standing compassion days before Christmas, State Representative tireless efforts of these foundations. Under for individuals seeking to build a better life and Timothy Osmond was taken from his family, current law, not-for-profit private foundations reunite with their families. friends and constituents by a sudden heart at- generally must pay a 2 percent excise tax on The bill restores fairness to the immigration tack. their net investment income. This requirement process by making sure that each person has It is my honor to call Tim both a colleague was originally enacted in the Tax Reform Act a chance to have their case heard by a fair and a dear, dear friend. His advice was valu- of 1969 as a way to offset the cost of govern- and impartial decision maker. No one here is able to me and to his fellow members of the ment audits on these organizations. So some looking to give immigrants a free ride, just a Illinois General Assembly. Tim approached 34 years ago, we instituted a tax on these fair chance. public service with the same gentlemanly spirit foundations to cover the audit expense. How- Justice and fairness, as well as our own with which he built his insurance business in ever, when you look at the number of audits economic interests, demand no less. Antioch, Illinois. As a businessman, he built a that have been performed, particularly since f reputation as someone his customers could 1990, the IRS audits on private foundations SUPPORTING THE EMERGENCY UN- count on, someone who was a problem solver, has decreased from 1,200 to just 191. Yet the EMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION and someone you knew would always give excise collection during these 31 years has ACT you a straight answer. grown from roughly $200 million in 1990 to In 1989, Tim was elected an Antioch Town- $500 million in the year 1999. HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK ship Trustee, and went on to serve as Town- In addition, private foundations are bound ship Supervisor, before being elected to the Il- by a 5 percent distribution rule. Foundations OF CALIFORNIA linois House in 1999. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES must make annual qualifying distributions for In Springfield, Tim made friends quickly. charitable purposes equal to roughly 5 percent Tuesday, January 7, 2003 One thing I appreciated most about Tim was of their fair market value of the foundation’s Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I rise to support that he thoroughly researched legislation, net investment assets. The required 2 percent the Emergency Unemployment Compensation reading the full text of most bills. He was excise tax, which is payable to the IRS, actu- Act being introduced by Democrats today. down-to-earth, a sincere and genuine man. It ally counts as a credit to the 5 percent dis- Democrats have made it a top priority to was that demeanor that defined his approach tribution rule. help out-of-work Americans struggling to make as a legislator. He saw every constituent as a So in a nutshell, what we have here is a pri- ends meet in this tough economy. Given the neighbor, a customer and a friend, deserving vate foundation making a charitable grant to difficulty many are having finding work, ex- his every effort, every day. That is why many the Federal Government every year, and since tending unemployment benefits an additional constituents who never knew Tim personally 1969 the number of audits have gone down; 26 weeks in every State is a necessity. Our felt touched by his service to the people of Illi- yet the number of charitable foundations has Democratic bill does this while also retro- nois. gone up. actively extending unemployment benefits to Of course this loss is most deeply felt by the Mr. Speaker, I believe that Americans have the 800,000 Americans that exhausted their Osmond family. Tim’s wife, JoAnne, and their been more than charitable in giving the gov- benefits on December 28th. Democrats also children, Michael and Colleen, shared Tim ernment their hard-earned dollars. It is time provide an additional 7 weeks of benefits—on with the community. This is the often unseen that we begin the process of returning the top of the 26-week extension—in those States sacrifice of the spouses and children of those money to the people and the foundations to especially hard hit by unemployment. who serve in elective office. As the Osmond which it is intended. VerDate Dec 13 2002 02:52 Jan 09, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A07JA8.104 E08PT1 E34 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 8, 2003 President Bush is working to accomplish workers, cannot afford to purchase their own treatment options available to those who have that goal with his reduction in tax rates, allow- insurance.
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