THE INVERSE GALOIS PROBLEM OVER C(z) ARNO FEHM, DAN HARAN AND ELAD PARAN Abstract. We give a self-contained elementary solution for the inverse Galois problem over the field of rational functions over the complex numbers. 1. Introduction Since the 19th century one of the foundational open questions of Galois theory is the inverse Galois problem, which asks whether every finite group occurs as the Galois group of a Galois extension of the field Q of rational numbers. In 1892 Hilbert proved his cele- brated irreducibility theorem and deduced that the inverse Galois problem has a positive answer provided that every finite group occurs as the Galois group of a Galois extension of the field Q(z) of rational functions over Q. It was known already back then that the analogous problem for the field C(z) of rational functions over the complex numbers indeed has a positive answer: Every finite group occurs as the Galois group of a Galois extension of C(z). The aim of this work is to give a new and elementary proof of this result which uses only basic complex analysis and field theory. The value of such a proof becomes clear when compared to the previously known ones: 1.1. Classical proof using Riemann's existence theorem. The classical proof (likely the one known to Hilbert) uses the fact that the finite extensions of C(z) correspond to compact Riemann surfaces realized as branched covers of the Riemann sphere C^, which ^ in turn are described by the fundamental group π1(D) of domains D = C r fz1; : : : ; zdg, where z1; : : : ; zd are the branch points. This correspondence follows from Riemann's ex- istence theorem, which states that every compact Riemann surface admits holomorphic functions with prescribed values at finitely many points. This is a deep theorem proven using potential theory [Lam09, Ch. X] or the theory of Hilbert spaces and cohomology [Voe96, Ch. 6]. 1.2. Modern proofs via ultrametric analysis. Various \patching" approaches that appeared in recent years allow the study of the Galois theory of K(z) for fields K that are complete with respect to an ultrametric absolute value, like the field Qp of p-adic numbers. Such approaches can be used to give, somewhat artificially, a proof of the inverse Galois problem over C(z): For example, one could prove a strengthening of the inverse Galois problem (the so-called regular inverse Galois problem) over Qp(z) and then, via an embedding of Qp into C (which cannot be continuous but exists by the axiom of choice), deduce the inverse Galois problem over C(z), cf. [DD99, §1]. Alternatively, 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 11R32; Secondary: 12E30, 30H50. 1 one could prove the regular inverse Galois problem over C((t))(z), where C((t)) is the complete field of formal power series over C, and then \push down" this solution to C(z), cf. [DD99, §4.2]. Such a proof has the obvious disadvantage that it invokes constructions and methods from the non-archimedean world that are foreign to the object of study { the field of complex numbers { while at the same time completely ignoring the useful analytic struc- ture of C: Early patching approaches, such as Harbater's formal patching [Har87], as well as rigid patching [Ser92] [Liu95] build on the heavy machinery of formal schemes, respectively Tate's rigid geometry and formal / rigid GAGA theorems { cf. the sur- vey [Har03]. In more recent approaches, such as Haran-V¨olklein's algebraic patching [Jar10] and Harbater-Hartmann's field patching [HH10], which abstain from employing heavy geometric theories, one needs algebraic structure theorems for certain rings of non-archimedean holomorphic functions. 1.3. A direct proof. The new proof we propose follows the footsteps of the algebraic patching approach of [HV96], though here we work directly over the complex numbers with intrinsic rings of holomorphic functions on discs and annuli on the Riemann sphere. The heart of the proof is a matrix factorization result for our rings (Proposition 2.5), which is a variant of the classical Wiener-Hopf factorization theorem in harmonic analysis, cf. [BS06] or [GF74]. This factorization result allows us to realize groups inductively by \patching" two subgroups at a time (Proposition 3.5), where the \patches" correspond to two discs that intersect in an annulus. We note that while our approach is inspired by the mentioned lofty methods and ideas, the proof itself is self-contained and elementary, and invokes only undergraduate complex analysis, linear algebra, and field theory. On the other hand, the previously explained approaches, in particular the one using Riemann's existence theorem, allow to prove much stronger statements on the Galois theory of C(z) than just the inverse Galois problem, and we refer the interested reader to [Har03] and [Voe96] for more details. For results on the inverse Galois problem over other fields see for example [DD99], [Jar10]. 2. Rings of holomorphic functions Let ; 6= I ⊆ [0; 1] be an open interval, like (r1; r2), [0; r2), (r1; 1] with 0 < r1 < r2 < 1, and denote by ^ AI = fz 2 C j jzj 2 Ig the corresponding annulus around the origin (where C^ = C[f1g is the Riemann sphere). For a domain ; 6= D ⊆ C^ we denote by H(D) and M(D) the ring of holomorphic resp. meromorphic functions on D and let HI = H(AI ), MI = M(AI ). Recall that every f 2 HI has a unique Laurent series expansion 1 X k f(z) = fkz ; fk 2 C k=−∞ 2 which converges pointwise to f on AI . In particular, fk = 0 for k < 0 if 0 2 I, and fk = 0 for k > 0 if 1 2 I. We denote by WI the set of those such f for which the convergence is even normal on AI , i.e. WI = ff 2 HI j jjfjjI < 1g; where 1 1 X k X k jjfjjI = sup jfkz j = jfkj sup jzj : z2A z2A k=−∞ I k=−∞ I Lemma 2.1. (WI ; jj:jjI ) is a Banach algebra. Proof. For f; g 2 WI , obviously jjf + gjjI ≤ jjfjjI + jjgjjI . Also, ! X X n X X k l jjfgjjI = sup fkgl z ≤ jfkjjglj sup jzj sup jzj = jjfjjI · jjgjjI ; z2A z2A z2A n I k+l=n n k+l=n I I 1 so WI is a C-algebra and jj:jjI is a norm on WI . If (fn)n=1 is a Cauchy sequence in WI , −n then, replacing it with a suitable subsequence, we can assume that jjfn+1 − fnjjI < 2 P k for all n, hence, writing fn = k fn;kz , we have X X k X −n −N jfn+1;k − fn;kj sup jzj < 2 = 2 z2A n>N k I n>N 1 for all N. In particular, (fn;k)n=1 a Cauchy sequence in C, for every k, hence it converges. P k Let gk = limn!1 fn;k. Then g = k gkz satisfies X X k −N+1 jjg − fN jjI = fn+1;k − fn;k sup jzj < 2 ! 0: z2A k n≥N I From this we see that fN ! g uniformly on AI , hence g 2 HI , and that jjgjjI < 1, hence g 2 WI . Thus, WI is complete. Lemma 2.2. WI is an integral domain. Proof. We have WI ⊆ HI , and HI is an integral domain since a non-zero holomorphic function on AI has only isolated zeros, and so the product of two such functions is again non-zero. From now on we always view WI as a Banach algebra equipped with the norm jj:jjI and identify its quotient field Quot(WI ) with a subfield of MI . Lemma 2.3. Let 0 < r1 < r2 < 1. −1 (a) The ring of Laurent polynomials C[z; z ] is dense in W(r1;r2). (b) The Banach algebras W[0;r2) and W(r1;1] are Banach subalgebras of W(r1;r2). (c) There is a continuous additive homomorphism ': W(r ;r ) 7! W[0;r ) with 'jW = 1 2 2 [0;r2) idW , ker(') ⊆ W(r ;1] and jj'(f)jj[0;r ) ≤ jjfjj(r ;r ) for all f 2 W(r ;r ). [0;r2) 1 2 1 2 1 2 (d) Quot(W[0;r2)) \ Quot(W(r1;1]) = C(z). (e) H[0;r2) ⊆ W[0;r1). 3 P k PN k −1 Proof. (a): If f = k fkz 2 W(r1;r2), then gN := k=−N fkz 2 C[z; z ] converges to f in W(r1;r2) as N ! 1. (b): This is clear from the definition of the norms jj:jj[0;r2), jj:jj(r1;1], jj:jj(r1;r2), since 8 k k <r2 = supz2A jzj , for k ≥ 0 sup jzjk = [0;r2) : z2A k k (r1;r2) :r1 = supz2A jzj , for k ≤ 0 (r1;1] P k P1 k (c): For f = k fkz 2 W(r1;r2) let '(f) := k=0 fkz 2 W[0;r2). Clearly, ' is an additive homomorphism with 'jW = idW and ker(') ⊆ W(r ;1]. By (b), [0;r2) [0;r2) 1 jj'(f)jj[0;r2) = jj'(f)jj(r1;r2) ≤ jjfjj(r1;r2) for all f 2 W(r1;r2). In particular, ' is continuous. (d): It follows from Liouville's theorem that ^ Quot(W[0;r2)) \ Quot(W(r1;1]) ⊆ M[0;r2) \M(r1;1] = M(C) = C(z): P1 k (e): For f = k=0 fkz 2 H[0;r2) the convergence is absolute on A[0;r2), in particular at P1 k r1 2 A[0;r2), hence jjfjj[0;r1) = k=0 jfkjr1 < 1.
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