Draft Initial Environmental Examination December 2015 IND: Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program Tranche 1 - Byadgi Town Sewerage Subproject (Package 01BDG01) Volume 1 - Report Prepared by Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation, Government of Karnataka for the Asian Development Bank. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 20 August 2015) Currency unit – Equivalent to Rs1.00 = $ 0.02 $1.00 = Rs 65.00 ABBREVIATIONS AC Asbestos Cement ADB Asian Development Bank APMC Agricultural Produce Market Committee ASI Archaeological Survey of India BOD Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand CBO Community Based Organizations CSS Construction Supervision Specialist CFE Consent for Establishment CFO Consent for Operation CGWB Central Ground Water Board CMC City Municipal Council C City Corporation CPHEEO Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization CPCB Central Pollution Control Board CRO Complaint Receiving Officer dB Decibels DC Design Consultant DI Ductile Iron DPD Deputy Project Director DPR Detailed Project Report E East EA Executing Agency EHS Environmental, Health and Safety EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMP Environmental Management Plan ERP Emergency Response Plan GoI Government of India GoK Government of Karnataka GO Government Order GRC Grievance Redress Committee GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism HDPE High Density Poly Ethylene HSC House Service Connection H&S Health and Safety IA Implementing Agency IEE Initial Environmental Examination IFC International Finance Corporation INRM Indian Residential Mission ii IWRM Integrated Water Resource Management KIADB Karnataka Industrial Area Development Board KIUWMIP Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program KSPCB Karnataka State Pollution Control Board KUIDFC Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development & Finance Corporation MFF Multitranche Financing facility MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forest MS Mild Steel MSL Mean Sea Level N North NGO Non-Government Organisation NOx Nitrogen Oxide OH & S Occupation Health and Safety O&M Operations & Maintenance PIU Program Implementation Unit PMDCSC Project Management Design and Construction Supervision Consultant PMU Program Management Unit PPE Personal Protection Equipment PUC Pollution Under Control PWD Public Works Department R&R Resettlement and Rehabilitation RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete RE Resident Engineer REA Rapid Environmental Assessment RoW Right of Way RP Resettlement Plan RPMU Regional Programme Management Unit RSPM Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter SBR Sequencing Batch Reactors SC Steering Committee SEIAA State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority SOP Standard Operating Procedures SPM Suspended Particulate Matter SPS Safeguard Policy Statement STP Sewage Treatment plant TMC Town Municipal Council ToR Terms of Reference ULB Urban Local Body USD US Dollars UWSS Urban Water Supply & Sanitation WWTP Waste Water Treatment Plant iii WEIGHTS AND MEASURES oC degree centigrade dia diameter kg kilo gram Kl kilolitre km kilometre kmph kilometre per hour ha hectares ham hectares meters l/hd/d liters per head per day lpcd liters per capita per day lps liters per second m meter m3 Cubic meter mg milli gram mm milli meter m2/day meter square per day M million mbgl meters below ground level mcm million cubic meters mg/l milligram per liter MLD million liters per day m meter mm millimetre NOTE{S} In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, ADB does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 4 A. Introduction to KIUWMIP 4 B. Background of IEE 4 C. Scope of IEE 5 D. Report Structure 5 II. ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATORY COMPLIANCE ............................................................. 5 A. National and State Regulations 5 B. ADB Policy 8 III. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT COMPONENTS ........................................................... 9 A. Need for Infrastructure Improvement in Byadgi 10 B. Description of the Subproject 11 IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT ...........................................................................19 A. Physical Conditions 19 B. Biological Conditions 21 C. Socio-economic Conditions 21 D. History, Culture and Tourism 23 V. SCREENING OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES ........................................................................................................................23 A. Location Impacts 24 B. Design Impacts 24 C. Construction Impacts 30 D. Operational & Maintenance Impacts 40 VI. PUBLIC CONSULTATION & INFORMATION DISCLOSURE .............................................43 A. Project Stakeholders 43 B. Consultation & Disclosure Till Date 44 C. Future Consultation & Disclosure 44 VII. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM ..............................................................................45 A. Grievance Redress Process 45 B. GRC / SC composition and selection of members 46 VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ........................................................47 A. Environmental Management Plan 47 B. Institutional Arrangements 83 C. Training Needs 88 D. Monitoring and Reporting 90 E. EMP Implementation Cost 90 IX. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................................93 A. Recommendation 93 X. CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................95 v LIST OF TABLE Table 1: Applicable Environmental Regulations .................................................................................... 5 Table 2: Specifications of Major Components of STP ........................................................................ 12 Table 3: Proposed Components ............................................................................................................ 13 Table 4: Climate Data of the Byadgi...................................................................................................... 19 Table 5: Groundwater Development in Byadgi Taluk ......................................................................... 20 Table 6: Population Growth of Byadgi Town ........................................................................................ 22 Table 7: Dried Sludge for Use as Soil Conditioner ............................................................................. 27 Table 8: Construction Activities for the Subproject ............................................................................. 30 Table 9: Environmental Management Plan for Anticipated Impacts – Sewer Network– Pre- Construction .............................................................................................................................................. 49 Table 10: Environmental Management Plan for Anticipated Impacts – Sewer Network– Construction .............................................................................................................................................. 51 Table 11: Environmental Management Plan for Anticipated Impacts – Sewer Network– Operation ................................................................................................................................................... 63 Table 12: Environmental Management Plan for Anticipated Impacts – STP -Pre-Construction .. 64 Table 13: Environmental Management Plan for Anticipated Impacts – STP - Construction ........ 67 Table 14: Environmental Management Plan for Anticipated Impacts – STP -Operation .............. 75 Table 15: Environmental Management Plan for Anticipated Impacts – Septic Tank - Pre- Construction .............................................................................................................................................. 76 Table 16: Environmental Management Plan for Anticipated Impacts – Septic Tank – Construction .............................................................................................................................................. 76 Table 17:Environmental Management Plan for Anticipated Impacts – Septic Tank - Operation . 81 Table 18: Institutional Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................... 84 Table 19: Outline of Capacity Building Program on EMP Implementation ...................................... 88 Table 20: Environmental Monitoring Cost ............................................................................................ 91 Table 21: Cost Estimates to Implement the EMP – Sewerage Network ......................................... 92 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Location map of Byadgi ............................................................................................................ 9 Figure 2: The Comprehensive Plan of Sewerage System in Byadgi City ....................................... 14 Figure 3: Location of the Sub Project Components ............................................................................ 15 Figure 4: Plant lay out
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