20 - MANCHESTER HERALD Tuesday. Feh, 7, 1989 /-TC I HOMES I HOMES r q INDUSTRIAL Autom otive FOR SALE FOR SALE |3 /1 PROPERTY Quick start benefits Manchester basketball... page 16 DELIG H TFU L Slde-bv- MANCHESTER. New list­ MANCHESTER. 3400 and % Spccioli$fe>D#tt! 2400 square toot Indus­ {CARS slde two famllv. Newer ing. Unique L shaped FOR SALE vinyl sidino. new wall dormered cape offer­ trial space. Loading I to wall on owners side. ing 3 large bedrooms, ........ .................................... dock, parking, Wood­ Two full baths on land Industrial Park. 1985 CHRYSLER New IV2 baths, fireplaced Excellent con­ ■ ■ owners side with walk CLEANING CARPENTRY/ ROOFING/ HEATING/ Principals Only. 643- Yorker. living room and pri­ dition. 35,000 miles. up attic and walk out vate terraced back­ SERVICES I2 2 J REMODELING SIDING | S ! J PLUMBING 2121._______________ _ basement that would Loaded. $8,500. Call yard. Hardwood floors Placing an ad In Classified 643-2 624, leave make an attractive rec throughout. Diane f F T A Is easy. Just call 643-2711. message. __________ room. Has a deep lot, Johnson $134,900. Sen­ CLEANING We'll help you with the double garage and am­ try Real Estate, 643- S«rvlclno th« Monch«»ttr Wll- Mott roof* cm b* r*p*lr*d, Air Conditioning FOR Sale. 1974 Jeep J4000 llmontic or*o. Hon*s( ond rtItO' In pi*c* of totit r*rooflng *xp*n**l Boilers, pumps, hot water wording ot your od. pick-up, power steer­ ple parking. Re/Max 4060.D BUILDERS Complote r*rooflng of *11 typ*i. east of the river, 647- bi« coupl* lo clton vour homt. tanks, new and ing, power brakes, au­ BOLTON. Come view this offict or window*. 9 vtors ox- FREB ESTIMATES replacements. {MISCELLANEOUS 1419. □_________________ porlonco end roforencti. Coll tomatic transmission, , Inviting Raised Ranch 646-2787 Manchester Roofing FREE ESTIMATES Meyers 4 way plow. SPARKLING, nine room with beautiful views. Lourit for 0 fro* ottimot*. I FOR RENT • Planning Design Service 645-8830 643-9649/228-9616 $2000 or best otter. expanded Cape. Tow Affords great livability 742-0267 • Custom Homes danrhpBtpr HpralJi MANCHESTER. Two car 871-0014.______________ full baths, fireplace, with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 • Additions garage, $125. One car natural woodwork baths, family room • Decks MISCELLANEOUS FOR Sale. 1987 Suzuki LT garage, $75. Call 649- 500 Quad Racer. Never throughout. Six panel with wet bar and more. BOOKKEEPING/ • Recreation Rooms I SERVICES doors In newly finished Immaculate condition. INCOME TAX • Sunrooms FLOORING 8855._________________ raced. Very low hours. upstairs. Large rooms, $205,000. Flano Realty, • Kitchen & Bath Remodeling $2500, firm. 871-0014. • Window Replacement *»*— *****— »»***—6e****eee GSL Building Mainte­ 4 bedrooms, plus a 646-5200. □____________ Complete accounting services FOR Sale. 1986 Suzuki • Roofing nance Co. Commercl- Merchandise W ednesday, Feb. 8, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 Cents famllv room and also a Including A/R. A/P. P/R. Q/L. MIKE GIACALONE Quad Sport 230.$1200or BOLTON. Move In tor the • Siding al/ResIdentlal building heated sun room. Ex­ PAL Statement and Quarterly best otter. 871-0014. tra storageavallablein Spring! Mearly com­ • Concrete Work UNOLEUM SERVICE repairs and home Im­ tax returns. Can design 1980 PONTIAC Sunbird. the two car garage. pleted 2800 square foot • Framing Crew Available Fully Insured provements. Interior contemporary In area additional applications Quality Workmanship and exterior painting, Automatic, power Re/Max east of the steering, power river, 647-1419.□______ of fine homes. Seven tailored for your business FARRAND REMODElTnG Free Estimates light carpentry. Com­ {CLOTHING large rooms of quality needs. Cali 644-6191. Room additions, decks, roof­ plete janitorial ser­ brakes, air condi- LYDALL WOODS. Man­ workmanship. Three ing, siding, windows and gutt­ 643-5439 vice. Experienced, rel­ GENUINE Sheepskin tloner, Am/Fm chester. Beautiful bedrooms, 2'/j baths ers. All types of remodeling and iable, free estimates. coat. Man's, size 42. cassette stereo. High "Paul Revere" Cape. Including whirlpool. 1988 INCOME TAXES repairs. Cell Bob Farrand, Jr. 643-0304. Nearly new! $125. 649- mileage, needs some Two bedrooms, I'/i $688 million in new taxes proposed work. $500 or best otter. Tile and hardwood Consultation / Preparation Bus. 647-8509 Looking for something SNOW REMOVAL. 3642. bafhs, one car garage, throughout. $327,900. 647-9004, after 6pm. Individuals / special? Why not run a Resldentlol- first floor laundry, Flano Realty, 646-5200. Res. 645-6849 1974 AMC JAVELIN. 98% large eat-ln kitchen Sole Proprietors "Wanted to Buy" ad In Commerclal. Drive­ O’Neill told reporters shortly per year, he said. $100 to $250. Those changes, a permanent education excel­ year. ways, starting at $15. restored. Rebuilt 304 By Judd Everhart and living room/dining SOUTH End Colonial. Classified. The cost Is FURNITURE The Associated Press before his annual budget address O’Neill also proposed extend­ which he proposed as a three- lence fund. He also proposed He also proposed new initia­ Let ut remodel your kitchen or small ... the response big. Call Bob, 872-8841. modified engine and area with atrium doors Pristine seven room Dan Mosler 649-3329 transmission. Hurst to the General Assembly. "I have ing the sales tax to certain year experiment while state putting existing taxes into the tives to beef up the criminal to patio. Low condo Circa 1896 home. Spa­ bath from floor to calling. We 643-2711. FOR Sale. Two Colonial offer eablnete, vanities, coun- DISTRIBUTION shifter. $600. 289-4174. services and businesses not now officials study federal tax fund, which would total $1,223 justice system and to improve fee. $16/month. cious parlor and foyer. sofa and chair. Excel­ HARTFORD - Gov. William made some very tough decisions tertope whatever your needs LABELS 1985 SUBARU, three door A. O’Neill unveiled his 1989-90 in reaching this proposal today. taxed, such as auto repairs, legal changes, would raise $70 million, billion, almost 20 percent of the services for children. $146,000. D.W. Fish 365 foot deep lot. $170's CARPENTRY/ are. Cell RALPH NADEAU it lent condition. One Realty, 643-1591.0 Blanchard 8, Rossetto REMODELING Tired of minuatty addressing plaid, one print. $200 hatchback. Front budget today, calling for $688 “ The budget is sound. I believe services and accounting services. he said. entire state budget, next year. His $6.2 million anti-crime MANCHESTER. Re­ Realtors," We're Sel- 643-6004 distribution mail — we can tor set. 649-2316, after wheel drive. Rusty million in new taxes dedicated to Connecticut, which has achieved He estimated that would raise $64 The Pemocratic governor also O’Neill also asked for a 10 package would add eight Super­ __ling Houses" 646-2482.n KKebss A Bath Bsslga Csatar ELECTRICAL automate this process providing 5pm._________________ Jones, Blaupunkt called for changes in the way the ior Court judges, 12 state’s duced! Owners anx­ auBlity service for a reasonable education, including a 7.5 percent so much over the past several million. percent increase in the state’s ious. Functional 3 VERNON. Custom built 9 RENOVATIONS CASTRO Convertible Am / Fm cassette stereo capital gains tax is collected — attorneys, 12 investigators and ELECTRICAL & price. Call 644-6101. with four speakers. Ex­ sales tax on electric, gas, tele­ years, can afford and support this Both sales tax extensions would transortation fund, to $630 mil­ bedroom Spilt level. room Colonial, 4 bed­ PLUS Sofa. Eight foot long, plan.” take effect April 1 to help wipe out eliminating the 60 percent deduc­ lion. He said he would pay for that more than 100 court officials and MFIVI Construction opens to double bed. cellent condition. phone, water and cable television Two baths, formal din­ rooms, pegged floor SECURITY WORK TREE SERVICE' The governor said his proposal the current year's estimated tion and taxing 100 percent of by moving up to July the effective support staff. To pay for it, he ing, fireplaced living family room, large din­ Complete Home Kitchen, baths, attics, Fire, Burglar and $250. 647-9028, 37.000 miles. $2975. 871- bills. room. HomeIncludesa ing room, first floor Maintenance basement additions, Bucket, truck & chipper. Slump evenings. 1002. The governor’s proposed to slap the state sales tax on deficit of $170 million and help capital gains based on a sliding date of a three-cent increase in proposed higher fees and fines in Freeze Alarms. removal. Free cstimatss. separate entry In-law billiard room, 2'/2 garages, decks, texture FREE ESTIMATES budget totals $6,945 billion, an utility bills would raise an esti­ O’Neill balance his proposed scale beginning with those with a the state's gas tax. the court system. Repair / Renew Special consideration for suite with kitchen, bath baths, 2 fireplaces, Ceilings, Walls. Painting, ceilings. Call raTV/STEREO/ increase of 8.9 percent over the mated $340 million. budget for the fiscal year begin­ minimum annual income of O’Neill’s biggest suggested de­ In addition, he proposed a screened porch and 561-2020 elderly and handicapped. and living room. Papering, Carpentry Li2J appliances C L Y b i E 1988-89 budget of $6,375 billion. For an average residential ning July 1. $54,000. That proposal would partmental increase is in the $1,975 million Child Welfare Re­ much more. Imme­ 232-6832 • 561-4423 $165,900. D.W. Fish Intund • Sdnior DI$eouni SPRAY THAT Stain away. CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. O’Neill said he cut $400 million customer of Northeast Utilities, He also proposed a 10 percent raise about $214 million, O’Neill Correction Department, which form initiative, calling for fam ily Realty, 643-1591.0 diate occupancy. Ask­ 647-7553 Ballpoint Ink stains on ELECTRIC stove.
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