UNIVERSITYOFOKLAHOMAINAREZZO INTERNSHIPDIRECTORY FINDTHERIGHTINTERNSHIPFORYOU INTRODUCTION FOR FURTHER The OU in Arezzo Student Internship Program provides you INFORMATION with a unique opportunity to enhance your cultural immersion, CONTACT THE OUA learn about your professional field in Italy and develop your STUDENT SERVICES ability to apply your academic knowledge in a “real world” COORDINATOR setting. LUCIO BIANCHI SERENI THINGSTOCONSIDER You will need to: Choose between an IAS or DEPARTMENTAL internship Consult with your ADVISOR about credit requirements Maintain a 12 credit minimum at OUA Spend approx. 10 hours a week at the host site Attend the in-class internship sessions PRACTICALITIES EMAIL [email protected] Arezzo is a small, medieval town whose industrial district is outside the main center, so to reach your internship site you OFFICE PHONE +39 0575 1970 209 may have to use the local bus service. Transport costs are CEL PHONE covered by the host organization. Check out the location of the +39 339 239 6125 host organization at the bottom of each page. HOWTOUSETHISDIRECTORY Browse this directory to find internships available in Arezzo with schools, universities, non-profit groups, private organizations, and corporations. Placements are listed by category and include basic information about the Host Organization, the Intern Profile and the Expected Intern Duties. U N I V E R S I T Y O F O K L A H O M A I N A R E Z Z O I N T E R N S H I P D I R E C T O R Y T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S E D U C A T I O N 1-10 O pportunities are available with high schools, junior schools, language schools, universities and youth centers. M U S E U M S A N D T H E A R T S 11-15 E x p l o r e t h e se o p p o r t u n i t ie s i n s o m e of Arezzo's most fascinating museums. C H A R I T I E S A N D N O N P R O F I T 16-21 W o rk for a good cause: sustainable development, human rights, social work and immigration. T H E F A S H I O N I N D U S T R Y 22-27 O p enings available with boutique fashion stores, Made in Italy retail and fashion media. S C I E N C E A N D T E C H N O L O G Y I N D U S T R I E S 28-39 I ndustry experience in off-grid energy solutions, civil engineering, information technology and software development. F O O D A N D B E V E R A G E 40-43 G ain experience in food handling, food production, customer service and marketing. P U B L I C A D M I N I S T R A T I O N 44-46 G et a placement at the Arezzo Town Council, opportunities in In t ernational Relations, EU projects, planning and tourism. T H E L E G A L P R O F E S S I O N S 47-49 See how lawyers work and interact in a busy legal practice: financial and commercial law, contracting and consulting. I N T E R N S H I P L I S T I N G S Education 1 OU IN AREZZO (OUA) I T A L I A N S T U D Y C E N T E R H O S T P R O F I L E OUA has a busy marketing and media office run by the Center Coordinator. It manages communication about university initiatives both in Italian and English, using a variety of tools and platforms. I N T E R N P R O F I L E Solid knowledge-base in working with social media outlets Creative and proactive R O O N E Y F A M I L Y C E N T E R E X P E C T E D I N T E R N D U T I E S Manage the OU in Arezzo social media outlets Produce publications on-site Partecipate in publications by writing first- drafts of stories to be used by the College of International Studies. Other duties as assigned W E B S I T E http://www.ou.edu/cis/education_abroad/programs/ou- in-arezzo L O C A T I O N Via San Domenico 78, Arezzo 2 BIBLIOTECA CITTA' DI AREZZO A R E Z Z O L I B R A R Y H O S T P R O F I L E The collection of the Arezzo City Library includes many antique books and rare volumes from the Middle Ages and is considered one of the most important collections in Tuscany. It also has a lively children's section and a large reading room. It is located in one of the most beautiful historic buildings in the old town center, I N T E R N P R O F I L E B I B L I O T E C A C I T T Á D I A R E Z Z O Good organizational skills, An interest for archives & collections Enjoy working with children E X P E C T E D I N T E R N D U T I E S Assist in the back office with activities such as organizing, inventory and filing Help with logistics for events and cultural activities Provide tours and book readings in English for children W E B S I T E http://www.bibliotecarezzo.it L O C A T I O N Via dei Pileati, 8, Arezzo Approx. 6-minute walk from Rooney Family Center 3 AREZZO FACTORY Y O U T H C E N T E R H O S T P R O F I L E Arezzo Factory Youth Center is a social and recreational center that supports opportunities for youth to develop their physical, social, emotional, and cognitive abilities. It offers educational activities such as music, dance, theatre, workshops and art exhibitions. It also offers informal opportunities activities such as game playing, socializing, club meetings, and outdoor play A R E Z Z O F A C T O R Y I N T E R N P R O F I L E Proactive, imaginative, friendly, patient and communicative E X P E C T E D I N T E R N D U T I E S Create events for the youth center Promote activities for young people Help set up courses (languages, theater, music, etc.) W E B S I T E http://www.arezzofactory.org/ L O C A T I O N Via Masaccio, 6 Approx. 20-minute walk from Rooney Family Center 4 ISIS BUONARROTI FOSSOMBRONI B U S I N E S S , T E C H N O L O G Y A N D C O N S T R U C T I O N H I G H S C H O O L H O S T P R O F I L E The ISIS Buonarruoti Fossombroni is a High School that specializes in Business, Tourism, Marketing, Technology and Construction. I N T E R N P R O F I L E Interest in teaching and education Good organizational skills Enjoy working with young people Excellent communication skills I . S . B U O N A R R O T I E F O S S O M B R O N I E X P E C T E D I N T E R N D U T I E S Act as a teaching assistant and assist faculty Assist with Speaking/Listening practice to prepare students for Cambridge certification standards (B1/B2 level of the Common European Framework) Offer practical examples of flipped classrooms and debate teaching strategies Carry out CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) practices W E B S I T E https://www.buonarroti-fossombroni.it L O C A T I O N Via XXV Aprile, 86 OR Piazza della Badia Approx. 25-minute or 10-minute walk from Rooney Family Center, depending on the site. 5 LICEO SCIENTIFICO REDI S C I E N C E S A N D L A N G U A G E S H I G H S C H O O L H O S T P R O F I L E The Liceo Scientifico is a high school that specializes in science subjects and languages . Students often take part in exchanges in European countries. I N T E R N P R O F I L E L I C E O R E D I Able to work well in a team Able to create and propose interesting content for classes. E X P E C T E D I N T E R N D U T I E S Support teachers and their interactions in English Interact with Italian students Plan activities in collaboration with Italian teachers Propose innovative projects and activities for students. W E B S I T E http://www.liceorediarezzo.it/ L O C A T I O N Via Leone Leoni Approx. 6-minute walk from Rooney family center 6 ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO MARGARITONE J U N I O R H I G H S C H O O L H O S T P R O F I L E Junior High school for 11 - 14 year olds.
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